25 Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay (2024)

25 Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay – Recount text adalah salah satu materi yang akan di dapat siswa kelas 8 pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

Recount text adalah jenis teks yang bertujuan menceritakan kembali suatu peristiwa atau pengalaman yang terjadi di masa lampau. Biasanya teks disusun secara kronologis, dimulai dari peristiwa awal hingga akhir.

Sebagai bahan belajar tentang materi tersebut, Mamikos menyiapkan beberapa contoh soal recount text yang bisa kamu kerjakan di artikel ini.

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya

Daftar Isi

  • Kumpulan Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya
  • Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya – Pilihan Ganda 1
  • Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya – Pilihan Ganda 2
  • Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya – Pilihan Ganda 3
  • Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya – Essay
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Daftar Isi

  • Kumpulan Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya
  • Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya – Pilihan Ganda 1
  • Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya – Pilihan Ganda 2
  • Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya – Pilihan Ganda 3
  • Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya – Essay
  • Penutup

Di bawah ini sudah tersedia 25 contoh soal recount text kelas 8 dan jawabannya. Sebanyak 15 soal berupa pilihan ganda dan 10 soal lainnya berbentuk essay singkat.

Baca Juga :

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Obligation dan Jawabannya, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay

Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya – Pilihan Ganda 1

Read the following text for question no 1 – 5.

Last Saturday, my family and I went to the local zoo. It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for a trip to see some animals. We arrived at the zoo early in the morning and bought our tickets. As we entered, we were greeted by the sounds of birds chirping and monkeys swinging from tree to tree.

We started our tour by visiting the big cats section. We saw lions, tigers, and cheetahs lazing around in the sun. Next, we went to the primate enclosure where we watched playful chimpanzees and wise-looking orangutans.

After that, we headed to the reptile house. Inside, we saw snakes, lizards, and even a giant crocodile. It was fascinating to see these creatures up close.

As lunchtime approached, we found a picnic spot near the elephant enclosure. We enjoyed our lunch while watching the elephants splashing around in the water.

After lunch, we visited the aviary where we saw colorful parrots and majestic eagles. Lastly, we stopped by the souvenir shop to buy some gifts to remember our fun day at the zoo.

It was a tiring but exciting day. I can’t wait to go back and visit the zoo again soon!

1. When did the writer visit the zoo?

A. Last Sunday

B. Last Saturday

C. Last Monday

D. Last Friday

Jawaban: B. Last Saturday

2. What was the weather like on the day of the visit?

A. Rainy

B. Sunny

C. Cloudy

D. Snowy

Jawaban: B. Sunny

3. What did the writer see at the big cats section?

A. Elephants

B. Monkeys

C. Lions, tigers, and cheetahs

D. Crocodiles

Jawaban: C. Lions, tigers, and cheetahs

4. Where did the family have lunch?

A. Inside the reptile house

B. Near the primate enclosure

C. Near the elephant enclosure

D. Near the aviary

Jawaban: C. Near the elephant enclosure

5. What did the writer do after visiting the aviary?

A. Went home

B. Bought souvenirs

C. Had lunch

D. Went to the reptile house

Jawaban: B. Bought souvenirs

Baca Juga :

15 Contoh Soal Procedure Text beserta Jawabannya, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay

Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya – Pilihan Ganda 2

Read the following text for question no 6 – 10.

Yesterday, my friends and I went to the water park to beat the summer heat. It was a scorching hot day, and we couldn’t wait to cool off in the water. As soon as we arrived, we changed into our swimsuits and headed straight for the slides.

We started with the tallest slide in the park, the “Thunderbolt.” It was thrilling to slide down from such a height and feel the rush of wind against our faces. Next, we tried the “Twister” slide, which spun us around before plunging into the pool below.

After a few rounds of sliding, we decided to relax in the lazy river. We grabbed inflatable tubes and floated along the gentle current, soaking in the sun and enjoying each other’s company.

As lunchtime approached, we grabbed some burgers and fries from the snack bar and found a shady spot to eat. After lunch, we went back to the slides for more excitement.

As the sun began to set, we reluctantly left the water park, tired but happy from a day filled with fun and laughter.

6. Where did the writer go yesterday?

A. The beach

B. The water park

C. The amusem*nt park

D. The zoo

Jawaban: B. The water park

7. What was the weather like on the day of the visit?

A. Rainy

B. Cloudy

C. Scorching hot

D. Snowy

Jawaban: C. Scorching hot

8. Which slide did the writer find thrilling because of its height?

A. Twister

B. Thunderbolt

C. Lazy River

D. Splash Zone

Jawaban: B. Thunderbolt

9. What did the writer do after relaxing in the lazy river?

A. Ate lunch

B. Went home

C. Went back to the slides

D. Bought souvenirs

Jawaban: A. Ate lunch

10. How did the writer feel at the end of the day?

A. Tired but happy

B. Bored

C. Excited

D. Disappointed

Jawaban: A. Tired but happy

Baca Juga :

Contoh Soal Agreement and Disagreement dan Jawaban, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay

Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya – Pilihan Ganda 3

Read the following text for question no 11 – 15.

I had the opportunity to attend the BTOB concert with my friends last weekend. We were all excited to see our favorite K-pop group perform live on stage. The concert venue was packed with enthusiastic fans, and the atmosphere was electric.

As soon as the concert started, BTOB came out on stage, and the crowd went wild. They opened with one of their hit songs, and everyone sang along at the top of their lungs. The energy in the room was incredible.

Throughout the concert, BTOB performed a mix of upbeat dance tracks and heartfelt ballads. They showcased their amazing vocals and impressive dance moves, captivating the audience with every song.

During the encore, BTOB interacted with the fans, taking selfies and sharing heartfelt messages of gratitude. It was clear how much they appreciated their fans’ support.

As the concert came to an end, everyone was buzzing with excitement. We left the venue feeling exhilarated and grateful for the unforgettable experience.

11. What event did the writer attend last weekend?

A. A movie marathon

B. A K-pop concert

C. A sports event

D. A cooking class

Jawaban: B. A K-pop concert

12. How would you describe the atmosphere at the concert?

A. Boring

B. Electric

C. Quiet

D. Stressful

Jawaban: B. Electric

13. What did BTOB do during the encore?

A. Left the stage

B. Took selfies with fans

C. Ignored the fans

D. Started a new song

Jawaban: B. Took selfies with fans

14. How did the writer feel after the concert?

A. Bored

B. Excited and grateful

C. Sleepy

D. Angry

Jawaban: B. Excited and grateful

15. What did BTOB showcase during the concert?

A. Impressive cooking skills

B. Amazing vocals and dance moves

C. Stand-up comedy routines

D. Magic tricks

Jawaban: B. Amazing vocals and dance moves

Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya – Essay

Read the following text and complete the following sentences with the correct answers.

Yesterday, my family and I went to the amusem*nt park. It was a sunny day, perfect for outdoor activities. As soon as we arrived, we headed straight for the roller coaster. It was ___________ (1) thrilling to ride on it.

After the roller coaster, we went to the Ferris wheel. From the top, we could see the entire park below us. It was ___________ (2) to see everything from up there.

Next, we tried the bumper cars. We bumped into each other and laughed so hard. It was ___________ (3) experience.

As lunchtime approached, we stopped by a food stall and bought some burgers and fries. They were ___________ (4).

After lunch, we went to the water ride. We got soaked but had so much fun. It was ___________ (5).

Read the following text and complete the following sentences with the correct answers.

During my recent trip to Bali, I encountered several unexpected problems. First, when I arrived at the airport, I realized that I had forgotten to bring my ___________ (6), which caused a lot of inconvenience.

As I boarded the plane, I discovered that my assigned seat was next to a crying baby. It was ___________ (7) flight experience I’ve ever had.

Upon reaching my hotel, I found out that my reservation had been ___________ (8). I had to spend hours arguing with the staff to get a room.

The next day, I decided to explore the city using public transportation. However, I got lost and ended up in a ___________ (9) neighborhood.

To make matters worse, I got food poisoning from a street vendor and spent the rest of the trip ___________ (10).


1. incredibly

2. amazing

3. a memorable

4. delicious

5. refreshing

6. passport

7. the most uncomfortable

8. canceled

9. sketchy

10. feeling sick

Baca Juga :

30 Contoh Soal Short Message Kelas 8 beserta Jawabannya, PG dan Essay


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25 Contoh Soal Recount Text Kelas 8 dan Jawabannya, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.