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A Collection of Lovecraft H.P. Lovecraft

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A Collection of Lovecraft· Table of Contents A Collection of Lovecraft.....1 - [PDF Document] (3)

A Collection of LovecraftH.P. Lovecraft

A Collection of Lovecraft· Table of Contents A Collection of Lovecraft.....1 - [PDF Document] (4)

A Collection of Lovecraft· Table of Contents A Collection of Lovecraft.....1 - [PDF Document] (5)

Table of ContentsA Collection of Lovecraft..........................................................................................................................................1

H.P. Lovecraft................................................................................................................................................2The Alchemist................................................................................................................................................3The Beast in the Cave....................................................................................................................................7Memory........................................................................................................................................................10The Picture in the House..............................................................................................................................11The Picture in the House..............................................................................................................................15Beyond the Wall of Sleep............................................................................................................................19Dagon...........................................................................................................................................................24The White Ship............................................................................................................................................27The Statement of Randolph Carter...............................................................................................................30The Doom That Came to Sarnath................................................................................................................33Poetry and the Gods.....................................................................................................................................36Nyarlathotep.................................................................................................................................................40The Cats of Ulthar........................................................................................................................................42Polaris...........................................................................................................................................................44The Street.....................................................................................................................................................46

Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family.......................................................................................49I....................................................................................................................................................................50II...................................................................................................................................................................52Ex Oblivione................................................................................................................................................55The Crawling Chaos.....................................................................................................................................56The Terrible Old Man..................................................................................................................................60The Tree.......................................................................................................................................................62The Nameless City.......................................................................................................................................64Herbert West: Reanimator...........................................................................................................................70II. The Plague−Daemon...............................................................................................................................73III. Six Shots by Moonlight..........................................................................................................................76Chapter IV The Scream of the Dead............................................................................................................79VI. The Tomb−Legions................................................................................................................................84The Tomb.....................................................................................................................................................87The Music OF Erich Zann...........................................................................................................................92Celephais......................................................................................................................................................96

A Collection of Lovecraft


A Collection of Lovecraft· Table of Contents A Collection of Lovecraft.....1 - [PDF Document] (6)

A Collection of Lovecraft

A Collection of Lovecraft 1

A Collection of Lovecraft· Table of Contents A Collection of Lovecraft.....1 - [PDF Document] (7)

H.P. Lovecraft

This page copyright © 2003 Blackmask Online. http://www.blackmask.com

The Alchemist• The Beast in the Cave• Memory• The Picture in the House• Beyond the Wall of Sleep• Dagon• The White Ship• The Statement of Randolph Carter• The Doom That Came to Sarnath• Poetry and the Gods• Nyarlathotep• The Cats of Ulthar• Polaris• The Street• Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family•

I• II• Ex Oblivione• The Crawling Chaos• The Terrible Old Man• The Tree• The Nameless City• Herbert West: Reanimator• II. The Plague−Daemon• III. Six Shots by Moonlight• Chapter IV The Scream of the Dead• VI. The Tomb−Legions• The Tomb• The Music OF Erich Zann• Celephais•

Etext from Arthur's Classic Novels

A Collection of Lovecraft

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The Alchemist

High up, crowning the grassy summit of a swelling mount whose sides are wooded near the base with thegnarled trees of the primeval forest stands the old chateau of my ancestors. For centuries its lofty battlements havefrowned down upon the wild and rugged countryside about, serving as a home and stronghold for the proud housewhose honored line is older even than the moss−grown castle walls. These ancient turrets, stained by the stormsof generations and crumbling under the slow yet mighty pressure of time, formed in the ages of feudalism one ofthe most dreaded and formidable fortresses in all France. From its machicolated parapets and mountedbattlements Barons, Counts, and even Kings had been defied, yet never had its spacious halls resounded to thefootsteps of the invader. But since those glorious years, all is changed. A poverty but little above the level of dire want, together with apride of name that forbids its alleviation by the pursuits of commercial life, have prevented the scions of our linefrom maintaining their estates in pristine splendour; and the falling stones of the walls, the overgrown vegetationin the parks, the dry and dusty moat, the ill−paved courtyards, and toppling towers without, as well as the saggingfloors, the worm−eaten wainscots, and the faded tapestries within, all tell a gloomy tale of fallen grandeur. As theages passed, first one, then another of the four great turrets were left to ruin, until at last but a single tower housedthe sadly reduced descendants of the once mighty lords of the estate. It was in one of the vast and gloomy chambers of this remaining tower that I, Antoine, last of the unhappy andaccursed Counts de C−, first saw the light of day, ninety long years ago. Within these walls and amongst the darkand shadowy forests, the wild ravines and grottos of the hillside below, were spent the first years of my troubledlife. My parents I never knew. My father had been killed at the age of thirty−two, a month before I was born, bythe fall of a stone somehow dislodged from one of the deserted parapets of the castle. And my mother having diedat my birth, my care and education devolved solely upon one remaining servitor, an old and trusted man ofconsiderable intelligence, whose name I remember as Pierre. I was an only child and the lack of companionshipwhich this fact entailed upon me was augmented by the strange care exercised by my aged guardian, in excludingme from the society of the peasant children whose abodes were scattered here and there upon the plains thatsurround the base of the hill. At that time, Pierre said that this restriction was imposed upon me because my noblebirth placed me above association with such plebeian company. Now I know tht its real object was to keep frommy ears the idle tales of the dread curse upon our line that were nightly told and magnified by the simple tenantryas they conversed in hushed accents in the glow of their cottage hearths. Thus isolated, and thrown upon my own resources, I spent the hours of my childhood in poring over theancient tomes that filled the shadow−haunted library of the chateau, and in roaming without aim or purposethrough the perpetual dust of the spectral wood that clothes the side of the hill near its foot. It was perhaps aneffect of such surroundings that my mind early acquired a shade of melancholy. Those studies and pursuits whichpartake of the dark and occult in nature most strongly claimed my attention. Of my own race I was permitted to learn singularly little, yet what small knowledge of it I was able to gainseemed to depress me much. Perhaps it was at first only the manifest reluctance of my old preceptor to discusswith me my paternal ancestry that gave rise to the terror which I ever felt at the mention of my great house, yet asI grew out of childhood, I was able. to piece together disconnected fragments of discourse, let slip from theunwilling tongue which had begun to falter in approaching senility, that had a sort of relation to a certaincirc*mstance which I had always deemed strange, but which now became dimly terrible. The circ*mstance towhich I allude is the early age at which all the Counts of my line had met their end. Whilst I had hithertoconsidered this but a natural attribute of a family of short−lived men, I afterward pondered long upon thesepremature deaths, and began to connect them with the wanderings of the old man, who often spoke of a cursewhich for centuries had prevented the lives of the holders of my title from much exceeding the span of thirty−twoyears. Upon my twenty−first birthday, the aged Pierre gave to me a family document which he said had for manygenerations been handed down from father to son, and continued by each possessor. Its contents were of the moststartling nature, and its perusal confirmed the gravest of my apprehensions. At this time, my belief in thesupernatural was firm and deep−seated, else I should have dismissed with scorn the incredible narrative unfolded

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before my eyes. The paper carried me back to the days of the thirteenth century, when the old castle in which I sat had been afeared and impregnable fortress. It told of a certain ancient man who had once dwelled on our estates, a person ofno small accomplishments, though little above the rank of peasant, by name, Michel, usually designated by thesurname of Mauvais, the Evil, on account of his sinister reputation. He had studied beyond the custom of his kind,seeking such things as the Philosopher's Stone or the Elixir of Eternal Life, and was reputed wise in the terriblesecrets of Black Magic and Alchemy. Michel Mauvais had one son, named Charles, a youth as proficient ashimself in the hidden arts, who had therefore been called Le Sorcier, or the Wizard. This pair, shunned by allhonest folk, were suspected of the most hideous practices. Old Michel was said to have burnt his wife alive as asacrifice to the Devil, and the unaccountable disappearance of many small peasant children was laid at thedreaded door of these two. Yet through the dark natures of the father and son ran one redeeming ray of humanity;the evil old man loved his offspring with fierce intensity, whilst the youth had for his parent a more than filialaffection. One night the castle on the hill was thrown into the wildest confusion by the vanishment of young Godfrey,son to Henri, the Count. A searching party, headed by the frantic father, invaded the cottage of the sorcerers andthere came upon old Michel Mauvais, busy over a huge and violently boiling cauldron. Without certain cause, inthe ungoverned madness of fury and despair, the Count laid hands on the aged wizard, and ere he released hismurderous hold, his victim was no more. Meanwhile, joyful servants were proclaiming the finding of youngGodfrey in a distant and unused chamber of the great edifice, telling too late that poor Michel had been killed invain. As the Count and his associates turned away from the lowly abode of the alchemist, the form of Charles LeSorcier appeared through the trees. The excited chatter of the menials standing about told him what had occurred,yet he seemed at first unmoved at his father's fate. Then, slowly advancing to meet the Count, he pronounced indull yet terrible accents the curse that ever afterward haunted the house of C−. 'May ne'er a noble of they murd'rous lineSurvive to reach a greater age than thine!' spake he, when, suddenly leaping backwards into the black woods, he drew from his tunic a phial ofcolourless liquid which he threw into the face of his father's slayer as he disappeared behind the inky curtain ofthe night. The Count died without utterance, and was buried the next day, but little more than two and thirty yearsfrom the hour of his birth. No trace of the assassin could be found, though relentless bands of peasants scoured theneighboring woods and the meadowland around the hill. Thus time and the want of a reminder dulled the memory of the curse in the minds of the late Count's family,so that when Godfrey, innocent cause of the whole tragedy and now bearing the title, was killed by an arrowwhilst hunting at the age of thirty−two, there were no thoughts save those of grief at his demise. But when, yearsafterward, the next young Count, Robert by name, was found dead in a nearby field of no apparent cause, thepeasants told in whispers that their seigneur had but lately passed his thirty−second birthday when surprised byearly death. Louis, son to Robert, was found drowned in the moat at the same fateful age, and thus down throughthe centuries ran the ominous chronicle: Henris, Roberts, Antoines, and Armands snatched from happy andvirtuous lives when little below the age of their unfortunate ancestor at his murder. That I had left at most but eleven years of further existence was made certain to me by the words which I hadread. My life, previously held at small value, now became dearer to me each day, as I delved deeper and deeperinto the mysteries of the hidden world of black magic. Isolated as I was, modern science had produced noimpression upon me, and I laboured as in the Middle Ages, as wrapt as had been old Michel and young Charlesthemselves in the acquisition of demonological and alchemical learning. Yet read as I might, in no manner could Iaccount for the strange curse upon my line. In unusually rational moments I would even go so far as to seek anatural explanation, attributing the early deaths of my ancestors to the sinister Charles Le Sorcier and his heirs;yet, having found upon careful inquiry that there were no known descendants of the alchemist, I would fall backto occult studies, and once more endeavor to find a spell, that would release my house from its terrible burden.Upon one thing I was absolutely resolved. I should never wed, for, since no other branch of my family was inexistence, I might thus end the curse with myself. As I drew near the age of thirty, old Pierre was called to the land beyond. Alone I buried him beneath thestones of the courtyard about which he had loved to wander in life. Thus was I left to ponder on myself as the

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only human creature within the great fortress, and in my utter solitude my mind began to cease its vain protestagainst the impending doom, to become almost reconciled to the fate which so many of my ancestors had met.Much of my time was now occupied in the exploration of the ruined and abandoned halls and towers of the oldchateau, which in youth fear had caused me to shun, and some of which old Pierre had once told me had not beentrodden by human foot for over four centuries. Strange and awesome were many of the objects I encountered.Furniture, covered by the dust of ages and crumbling with the rot of long dampness, met my eyes. Cobwebs in aprofusion never before seen by me were spun everywhere, and huge bats flapped their bony and uncanny wingson all sides of the otherwise untenanted gloom. Of my exact age, even down to days and hours, I kept a most careful record, for each movement of thependulum of the massive clock in the library told off so much of my doomed existence. At length I approachedthat time which I had so long viewed with apprehension. Since most of my ancestors had been seized some littlewhile before they reached the exact age of Count Henri at his end, I was every moment on the watch for thecoming of the unknown death. In what strange form the curse should overtake me, I knew not; but I was resolvedat least that it should not find me a cowardly or a passive victim. With new vigour I applied myself to myexamination of the old chateau and its contents. It was upon one of the longest of all my excursions of discovery in the deserted portion of the castle, less thana week before that fatal hour which I felt must mark the utmost limit of my stay on earth, beyond which I couldhave not even the slightest hope of continuing to draw breath. that I came upon the culminating event of mywhole life. I had spent the better part of the morning in climbing up and down half ruined staircases in one of themost dilapidated of the ancient turrets. As the afternoon progressed, I sought the lower levels, descending intowhat appeared to be either a mediaeval place of confinement, or a more recently excavated storehouse forgunpowder. As I slowly traversed the nitre−encrusted passageway at the foot of the last staircase, the pavingbecame very damp, and soon I saw by the light of my flickering torch that a blank, water−stained wall impededmy journey. Turning to retrace my steps, my eye fell upon a small trapdoor with a ring, which lay directly beneathmy foot. Pausing, I succeeded with difficulty in raising it, whereupon there was revealed a black aperture,exhaling noxious fumes which caused my torch to sputter, and disclosing in the unsteady glare the top of a flightof stone steps. As soon as the torch which I lowered into the repellent depths burned freely and steadily, I commenced mydescent. The steps were many, and led to a narrow stone−flagged passage which I knew must be far underground.This passage proved of great length, and terminated in a massive oaken door, dripping with the moisture of theplace, and stoutly resisting all my attempts to open it. Ceasing after a time my efforts in this direction, I hadproceeded back some distance toward the steps when there suddenly fell to my experience one of the mostprofound and maddening shocks capable of reception by the human mind. Without warning, I heard the heavydoor behind me creak slowly open upon its rusted hinges. My immediate sensations were incapable of analysis.To be confronted in a place as thoroughly deserted as I had deemed the old castle with evidence of the presence ofman or spirit produced in my brain a horror of the most acute description. When at last I turned and faced the seatof the sound, my eyes must have started from their orbits at the sight that they beheld. There in the ancient Gothic doorway stood a human figure. It was that of a man clad in a skull−cap and longmediaeval tunic of dark colour. His long hair and flowing beard were of a terrible and intense black hue, and ofincredible profusion. His forehead, high beyond the usual dimensions; his cheeks, deep−sunken and heavily linedwith wrinkles; and his hands, long, claw−like, and gnarled, were of such a deadly marble−like whiteness as I havenever elsewhere seen in man. His figure, lean to the proportions of a skeleton, was strangely bent and almost lostwithin the voluminous folds of his peculiar garment. But strangest of all were his eyes, twin caves of abysmalblackness, profound in expression of understanding, yet inhuman in degree of wickedness. These were now fixedupon me, piercing my soul with their hatred, and rooting me to the spot whereon I stood. At last the figure spoke in a rumbling voice that chilled me through with its dull hollowness and latentmalevolence. The language in which the discourse was clothed was that debased form of Latin in use amongst themore learned men of the Middle Ages, and made familiar to me by my prolonged researches into the works of theold alchemists and demonologists. The apparition spoke of the curse which had hovered over my house, told meof my coming end, dwelt on the wrong perpetrated by my ancestor against old Michel Mauvais, and gloated overthe revenge of Charles Le Sorcier. He told how young Charles has escaped into the night, returning in after years

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to kill Godfrey the heir with an arrow just as he approached the age which had been his father's at hisassassination; how he had secretly returned to the estate and established himself, unknown, in the even thendeserted subterranean chamber whose doorway now framed the hideous narrator, how he had seized Robert, sonof Godfrey, in a field, forced poison down his throat, and left him to die at the age of thirty−two, thus maintaingthe foul provisions of his vengeful curse. At this point I was left to imagine the solution of the greatest mystery ofall, how the curse had been fulfilled since that time when Charles Le Sorcier must in the course of nature havedied, for the man digressed into an account of the deep alchemical studies of the two wizards, father and son,speaking most particularly of the researches of Charles Le Sorcier concerning the elixir which should grant to himwho partook of it eternal life and youth. His enthusiasm had seemed for the moment to remove from his terrible eyes the black malevolence that hadfirst so haunted me, but suddenly the fiendish glare returned and, with a shocking sound like the hissing of aserpent, the stranger raised a glass phial with the evident intent of ending my life as had Charles Le Sorcier, sixhundred years before, ended that of my ancestor. Prompted by some preserving instinct of self−defense, I brokethrough the spell that had hitherto held me immovable, and flung my now dying torch at the creature whomenaced my existence. I heard the phial break harmlessly against the stones of the passage as the tunic of thestrange man caught fire and lit the horrid scene with a ghastly radiance. The shriek of fright and impotent maliceemitted by the would−be assassin proved too much for my already shaken nerves, and I fell prone upon the slimyfloor in a total faint. When at last my senses returned, all was frightfully dark, and my mind, remembering what had occurred,shrank from the idea of beholding any more; yet curiosity over−mastered all. Who, I asked myself, was this manof evil, and how came he within the castle walls? Why should he seek to avenge the death of Michel Mauvais, andhow bad the curse been carried on through all the long centuries since the time of Charles Le Sorcier? The dreadof years was lifted from my shoulder, for I knew that he whom I had felled was the source of all my danger fromthe curse; and now that I was free, I burned with the desire to learn more of the sinister thing which had hauntedmy line for centuries, and made of my own youth one long−continued nightmare. Determined upon furtherexploration, I felt in my pockets for flint and steel, and lit the unused torch which I had with me. First of all, new light revealed the distorted and blackened form of the mysterious stranger. The hideous eyeswere now closed. Disliking the sight, I turned away and entered the chamber beyond the Gothic door. Here Ifound what seemed much like an alchemist's laboratory. In one corner was an immense pile of shining yellowmetal that sparkled gorgeously in the light of the torch. It may have been gold, but I did not pause to examine it,for I was strangely affected by that which I had undergone. At the farther end of the apartment was an openingleading out into one of the many wild ravines of the dark hillside forest. Filled with wonder, yet now realizinghow the man had obtained access to the chauteau, I proceeded to return. I had intended to pass by the remains ofthe stranger with averted face but, as I approached the body, I seemed to hear emanating from it a faint sound,. asthough life were not yet wholly extinct. Aghast, I turned to examine the charred and shrivelled figure on the floor. Then all at once the horrible eyes, blacker even than the seared face in which they were set, opened wide withan expression which I was unable to interpret. The cracked lips tried to frame words which I could not wellunderstand. Once I caught the name of Charles Le Sorcier, and again I fancied that the words 'years' and 'curse'issued from the twisted mouth. Still I was at a loss to gather the purport of his disconnnected speech. At myevident ignorance of his meaning, the pitchy eyes once more flashed malevolently at me, until, helpless as I sawmy opponent to be, I trembled as I watched him. Suddenly the wretch, animated with his last burst of strength, raised his piteous head from the damp andsunken pavement. Then, as I remained, paralyzed with fear, he found his voice and in his dying breath screamedforth those words which have ever afterward haunted my days and nights. 'Fool!' he shrieked, 'Can you not guessmy secret? Have you no brain whereby you may recognize the will which has through six long centuries fulfilledthe dreadful curse upon the house? Have I not told you of the great elixir of eternal life? Know you not how thesecret of Alchemy was solved? I tell you, it is I! I! I! that have lived for six hundred years to maintain myrevenge, for I am Charles Le Sorcier!'

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The Beast in the Cave

April 21, 1905

The horrible conclusion which had been gradually obtruding itself upon my confused and reluctant mind wasnow an awful certainty. I was lost, completely, hopelessly lost in the vast and labyrinthine recess of the MammothCave. Turn as I might, In no direction could my straining vision seize on any object capable of serving as aguidepost to set me on the outward path. That nevermore should I behold the blessed light of day, or scan thepleasant bills and dales of the beautiful world outside, my reason could no longer entertain the slightest unbelief.Hope had departed. Yet, indoctrinated as I was by a life of philosophical study, I derived no small measure ofsatisfaction from my unimpassioned demeanour; for although I had frequently read of the wild frenzies into whichwere thrown the victims of similar situation, I experienced none of these, but stood quiet as soon as I clearlyrealised the loss of my bearings. Nor did the thought that I had probably wandered beyond the utmost limits of an ordinary search cause me toabandon my composure even for a moment. If I must die, I reflected, then was this terrible yet majestic cavern aswelcome a sepulchre as that which any churchyard might afford, a conception which carried with it more oftranquillity than of despair. Starving would prove my ultimate fate; of this I was certain. Some, I knew, had gone mad undercirc*mstances such as these, but I felt that this end would not be mine. My disaster was the result of no fault savemy own, since unknown to the guide I had separated myself from the regular party of sightseers; and, wanderingfor over an hour in forbidden avenues of the cave, had found myself unable to retrace the devious windings whichI had pursued since forsaking my companions. Already my torch had begun to expire; soon I would be enveloped by the total and almost palpable blacknessof the bowels of the earth. As I stood in the waning, unsteady light, I idly wondered over the exact circ*mstancesof my coming end. I remembered the accounts which I had heard of the colony of consumptives, who, taking theirresidence in this gigantic grotto to find health from the apparently salubrious air of the underground world, withits steady, uniform temperature, pure air, and peaceful quiet, had found, instead, death in strange and ghastlyform. I had seen the sad remains of their ill−made cottages as I passed them by with the party, and had wonderedwhat unnatural influence a long sojourn in this immense and silent cavern would exert upon one as healthy andvigorous as I. Now, I grimly told myself, my opportunity for settling this point had arrived, provided that want offood should not bring me too speedy a departure from this life. As the last fitful rays of my torch faded into obscurity, I resolved to leave no stone unturned, no possiblemeans of escape neglected; so, summoning all the powers possessed by my lungs, I set up a series of loudshoutings, in the vain hope of attracting the attention of the guide by my clamour. Yet, as I called, I believed inmy heart that my cries were to no purpose, and that my voice, magnified and reflected by the numberless rampartsof the black maze about me, fell upon no ears save my own. All at once, however, my attention was fixed with a start as I fancied that I heard the sound of softapproaching steps on the rocky floor of the cavern. Was my deliverance about to be accomplished so soon? Had, then, all my horrible apprehensions been fornaught, and was the guide, having marked my unwarranted absence from the party, following my course andseeking me out in this limestone labyrinth? Whilst these joyful queries arose in my brain, I was on the point ofrenewing my cries, in order that my discovery might come the sooner, when in an instant my delight was turnedto horror as I listened; for my ever acute ear, now sharpened in even greater degree by the complete silence of thecave, bore to my benumbed understanding the unexpected and dreadful knowledge that these footfalls were notlike those of any mortal man. In the unearthly stillness of this subterranean region, the tread of the booted guidewould have sounded like a series of sharp and incisive blows. These impacts were soft, and stealthy, as of thepaws of some feline. Besides, when I listened carefully, I seemed to trace the falls of four instead of two feet. I was now convinced that I had by my own cries aroused and attracted some wild beast, perhaps a mountain

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lion which had accidentally strayed within the cave. Perhaps, I considered, the Almighty had chosen for me aswifter and more merciful death than that of hunger; yet the instinct of self−preservation, never wholly dormant,was stirred in my breast, and though escape from the on−coming peril might but spare me for a sterner and morelingering end, I determined nevertheless to part with my life at as high a price as I could command. Strange as itmay seem, my mind conceived of no intent on the part of the visitor save that of hostility. Accordingly, I becamevery quiet, In the hope that the unknown beast would, In the absence of a guiding sound, lose its direction as hadI, and thus pass me by. But this hope was not destined for realisation, for the strange footfalls steadily advanced,the animal evidently having obtained my scent, which in an atmosphere so absolutely free from all distractinginfluences as is that of the cave, could doubtless be followed at great distance. Seeing therefore that I must be armed for defense against an uncanny and unseen attack in the dark, I gropedabout me the largest of the fragments of rock which were strewn upon all parts of the floor of the cavern In thevicinity, and grasping one in each hand for immediate use, awaited with resignation the inevitable result.Meanwhile the hideous pattering of the paws drew near. Certainly, the conduct of the creature was exceedinglystrange. Most of the time, the tread seemed to be that of a quadruped, walking with a singular lack of unisonbetwixt hind and fore feet, yet at brief and infrequent intervals I fancied that but two feet were engaged in theprocess of locomotion. I wondered what species of animal was to confront me; it must, I thought, be someunfortunate beast who had paid for its curiosity to investigate one of the entrances of the fearful grotto with alife−long confinement in its interminable recesses. It doubtless obtained as food the eyeless fish, bats and rats ofthe cave, as well as some of the ordinary fish that are wafted in at every freshet of Green River, whichcommunicates in some occult manner with the waters of the cave. I occupied my terrible vigil with grotesqueconjectures of what alteration cave life might have wrought In the physical structure of the beast, rememberingthe awful appearances ascribed by local tradition to the consumptives who had died after long residence in thecave. Then I remembered with a start that, even should I succeed in felling my antagonist, I should never beholdits form, as my torch had long since been extinct, and I was entirely unprovided with matches. The tension on mybrain now became frightful. My disordered fancy conjured up hideous and fearsome shapes from the sinisterdarkness that surrounded me, and that actually seemed to press upon my body. Nearer, nearer, the dreadfulfootfalls approached. It seemed that I must give vent to a piercing scream, yet had I been sufficiently irresolute toattempt such a thing, my voice could scarce have responded. I was petrified, rooted to the spot. I doubted if myright arm would allow me to hurl its missile at the oncoming thing when the crucial moment should arrive. Nowthe steady pat, pat, of the steps was close at hand; now very close. I could hear the laboured breathing of theanimal, and terror−struck as I was, I realised that it must have come from a considerable distance, and wascorrespondingly fatigued. Suddenly the spell broke. My right hand, guided by my ever trustworthy sense ofhearing, threw with full force the sharp−angled bit of limestone which it contained, toward that point in thedarkness from which emanated the breathing and pattering, and, wonderful to relate, it nearly reached its goal, forI heard the thing jump landing at a distance away, where it seemed to pause. Having readjusted my aim, I discharged my second missile, this time moat effectively, for with a flood of joyI listened as the creature fell in what sounded like a complete collapse and evidently remained prone andunmoving. Almost overpowered by the great relief which rushed over me, I reeled back against the wall. Thebreathing continued, in heavy, gasping inhalation. and expirations, whence I realised that I had no more thanwounded the creature. And now all desire to examine the thing ceased. At last something allied to groundless,superstitious fear had entered my brain, and I did not approach the body, nor did I continue to cast stones at it inorder to complete the extinction of its life. Instead, I ran at full speed in what was, as nearly as I could estimate inmy frenzied condition, the direction from which I had come. Suddenly I heard a sound or rather, a regularsuccession of sounds. In another Instant they had resolved themselves into a series of sharp, metallic clicks. Thistime there was no doubt. It was the guide. And then I shouted, yelled, screamed, even shrieked with joy as Ibeheld in the vaulted arches above the faint and glimmering effulgence which I knew to be the reflected light ofan approaching torch. I ran to meet the flare, and before I could completely understand what had occurred, waslying upon the ground at the feet of the guide, embracing his boots and gibbering. despite my boasted reserve, in amost meaningless and idiotic manner, pouring out my terrible story, and at the same time overwhelming myauditor with protestations of gratitude. At length, I awoke to something like my normal consciousness. The guidehad noted my absence upon the arrival of the party at the entrance of the cave, and had, from his own intuitive

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sense of direction, proceeded to make a thorough canvass of by−passages just ahead of where he had last spokento me, locating my whereabouts after a quest of about four hours. By the time he had related this to me, I, emboldened by his torch and his company, began to reflect upon thestrange beast which I had wounded but a short distance back in the darkness, and suggested that we ascertain, bythe flashlight's aid, what manner of creature was my victim. Accordingly I retraced my steps, this time with acourage born of companionship, to the scene of my terrible experience. Soon we descried a white object upon thefloor, an object whiter even than the gleaming limestone itself. Cautiously advancing, we gave vent to asimultaneous ejacul*tion of wonderment, for of all the unnatural monsters either of us had in our lifetimes beheld,this was in surpassing degree the strangest. It appeared to be an anthropoid ape of large proportions, escaped,perhaps, from some itinerant menagerie. Its hair was snow−white, a thing due no doubt to the bleaching action ofa long existence within the inky confines of the cave, but it was also surprisingly thin, being indeed largely absentsave on the head, where it was of such length and abundance that it fell over the shoulders in considerableprofusion. The face was turned away from us, as the creature lay almost directly upon it. The inclination of thelimbs was very singular, explaining, however, the alternation in their use which I bad before noted, whereby thebeast used sometimes all four, and on other occasions but two for its progress. From the tips of the fingers or toes,long rat−like claws extended. The hands or feet were not prehensile, a fact that I ascribed to that long residence inthe cave which, as I before mentioned, seemed evident from the all−pervading and almost unearthly whiteness socharacteristic of the whole anatomy. No tail seemed to be present. The respiration had now grown very feeble, and the guide had drawn his pistol with the evident intent ofdespatching the creature, when a sudden sound emitted by the latter caused the weapon to fall unused. The soundwas of a nature difficult to describe. It was not like the normal note of any known species of simian, and I wonderif this unnatural quality were not the result of a long continued and complete silence, broken by the sensationsproduced by the advent of the light, a thing which the beast could not have seen since its first entrance into thecave. The sound, which I might feebly attempt to classify as a kind of deep−tone chattering, was faintlycontinued. All at once a fleeting spasm of energy seemed to pass through the frame of the beast. The paws went througha convulsive motion, and the limbs contracted. With a jerk, the white body rolled over so that its face was turnedin our direction. For a moment I was so struck with horror at the eyes thus revealed that I noted nothing else. Theywere black, those eyes, deep jetty black, in hideous contrast to the snow−white hair and flesh. Like those of othercave denizens, they were deeply sunken in their orbits, and were entirely destitute of iris. As I looked moreclosely, I saw that they were set in a face less prognathous than that of the average ape, and infinitely less hairy.The nose was quite distinct. As we gazed upon the uncanny sight presented to our vision, the thick lips opened,and several sounds issued from them, after which the thing relaxed in death. The guide clutched my coatsleeve and trembled so violently that the light shook fitfully, casting weird movingshadows on the walls. I made no motion, but stood rigidly still, my horrified eyes fixed upon the floor ahead. The fear left, and wonder, awe, compassion, and reverence succeeded in its place, for the sounds uttered bythe stricken figure that lay stretched out on the limestone had told us the awesome truth. The creature I had killed,the strange beast of the unfathomed cave, was, or had at one time been a MAN!!!

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In the valley of Nis the accursed waning moon shines thinly, tearing a path for its light with feeble hornsthrough the lethal foliage of a great upas−tree. And within the depths of the valley, where the light reaches not,move forms not meant to be beheld. Rank is the herbage on each slope, where evil vines and creeping plantscrawl amidst the stones of ruined palaces, twining tightly about broken columns and strange monoliths, andheaving up marble pavements laid by forgotten hands. And in trees that grow gigantic in crumbling courtyardsleap little apes, while in and out of deep treasure−vaults writhe poison serpents and scaly things without a name.Vast are the stones which sleep beneath coverlets of dank moss, and mighty were the walls from which they fell.For all time did their builders erect them, and in sooth they yet serve nobly, for beneath them the grey toad makeshis habitation. At the very bottom of the valley lies the river Than, whose waters are slimy and filled with weeds. Fromhidden springs it rises, and to subterranean grottoes it flows, so that the Daemon of the Valley knows not why itswaters are red, nor whither they are bound. The Genie that haunts the moonbeams spake to the Daemon of the Valley, saying, “I am old, and forget much.Tell me the deeds and aspect and name of them who built these things of Stone.” And the Daemon replied, “I amMemory, and am wise in lore of the past, but I too am old. These beings were like the waters of the river Than,not to be understood. Their deeds I recall not, for they were but of the moment. Their aspect I recall dimly, it waslike to that of the little apes in the trees. Their name I recall clearly, for it rhymed with that of the river. Thesebeings of yesterday were called Man.” So the Genie flew back to the thin horned moon, and the Daemon looked intently at a little ape in a tree thatgrew in a crumbling courtyard.

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The Picture in the House

Written 12 December 1920?

Published July 1919 in The National Amateur, Vol. 41, No. 6, p. 246−49. Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places. For them are the catacombs of Ptolemais, and the carvenmausolea of the nightmare countries. They climb to the moonlit towers of ruined Rhine castles, and falter downblack cobwebbed steps beneath the scattered stones of forgotten cities in Asia. The haunted wood and the desolatemountain are their shrines, and they linger around the sinister monoliths on uninhabited islands. But the trueepicure in the terrible, to whom a new thrill of unutterable ghastliness is the chief end and justification ofexistence, esteems most of all the ancient, lonely farmhouses of backwoods New England; for there the darkelements of strength, solitude, grotesqueness and ignorance combine to form the perfection of the hideous. Most horrible of all sights are the little unpainted wooden houses remote from travelled ways, usually squattedupon some damp grassy slope or leaning against some gigantic outcropping of rock. Two hundred years and morethey have leaned or squatted there, while the vines have crawled and the trees have swelled and spread. They arealmost hidden now in lawless luxuriances of green and guardian shrouds of shadow; but the small−panedwindows still stare shockingly, as if blinking through a lethal stupor which wards off madness by dulling thememory of unutterable things. In such houses have dwelt generations of strange people, whose like the world has never seen. Seized with agloomy and fanatical belief which exiled them from their kind, their ancestors sought the wilderness for freedom.There the scions of a conquering race indeed flourished free from the restrictions of their fellows, but cowered inan appalling slavery to the dismal phantasms of their own minds. Divorced from the enlightenment of civilization,the strength of these Puritans turned into singular channels; and in their isolation, morbid self−repression, andstruggle for life with relentless Nature, there came to them dark furtive traits from the prehistoric depths of theircold Northern heritage. By necessity practical and by philosophy stern, these folks were not beautiful in their sins.Erring as all mortals must, they were forced by their rigid code to seek concealment above all else; so that theycame to use less and less taste in what they concealed. Only the silent, sleepy, staring houses in the backwoodscan tell all that has lain hidden since the early days, and they are not communicative, being loath to shake off thedrowsiness which helps them forget. Sometimes one feels that it would be merciful to tear down these houses, forthey must often dream. It was to a time−battered edifice of this description that I was driven one afternoon in November, 1896, by arain of such chilling copiousness that any shelter was preferable to exposure. I had been travelling for some timeamongst the people of the Miskatonic Valley in quest of certain genealogical data; and from the remote, devious,and problematical nature of my course, had deemed it convenient to employ a bicycle despite the lateness of theseason. Now I found myself upon an apparently abandoned road which I had chosen as the shortest cut toArkham, overtaken by the storm at a point far from any town, and confronted with no refuge save the antique andrepellent wooden building which blinked with bleared windows from between two huge leafless elms near thefoot of a rocky hill. Distant though it is from the remnant of a road, this house none the less impressed meunfavorably the very moment I espied it. Honest, wholesome structures do not stare at travellers so slyly andhauntingly, and in my genealogical researches I had encountered legends of a century before which biased meagainst places of this kind. Yet the force of the elements was such as to overcome my scruples, and I did nothesitate to wheel my machine up the weedy rise to the closed door which seemed at once so suggestive andsecretive. I had somehow taken it for granted that the house was abandoned, yet as I approached it I was not so sure, forthough the walks were indeed overgrown with weeds, they seemed to retain their nature a little tco well to arguecomplete desertion. Therefore instead of trying the dcor I knocked, feeling as I did so a trepidation I couldscarcely explain. As I waited on the rough, mossy rock which served as a dcor−step, I glanced at the neighboringwindows and the panes of the transom above me, and noticed that although old, rattling, and almost opaque with

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dirt, they were not broken. The building, then, must still be inhabited, despite its isolation and general neglect.However, my rapping evoked no response, so after repeating the summons I tried the rusty latch and found thedoor unfastened. Inside was a little vestibule with walls from which the plaster was falling, and through thedoorway came a faint but peculiarly hateful odor. I entered, carrying my bicycle, and closed the door behind me.Ahead rose a narrow staircase, flanked by a small door probably leading to the cellar, while to the left and rightwere closed doors leading to rooms on the ground floor. Leaning my cycle against the wall I opened the door at the left, and crossed into a small low−ceiled chamberbut dimly lighted by its two dusty windows and furnished in the barest and most primitive possible way. Itappeared to be a kind of sitting−room, for it had a table and several chairs, and an immense fireplace above whichticked an antique clock on a mantel. Books and papers were very few, and in the prevailing gloom I could notreadily discern the titles. What interested me was the uniform air of archaism as displayed in every visible detail.Most of the houses in this region I had found rich in relics of the past, but here the antiquity was curiouslycomplete; for in all the room I could not discover a single article of definitely post−revolutionary date. Had thefurnishings been less humble, the place would have been a collector's paradise. As I surveyed this quaint apartment, I felt an increase in that aversion first excited by the bleak exterior of thehouse. Just what it was that I feared or loathed, I could by no means define; but something in the wholeatmosphere seemed redolent of unhallowed age, of unpleasant crudeness, and of secrets which should beforgotten. I felt disinclined to sit down, and wandered about examining the various articles which I had noticed.The first object of my curiosity was a book of medium size lying upon the table and presenting such anantediluvian aspect that I marvelled at beholding it outside a museum or library. It was bound in leather withmetal fittings, and was in an excellent state of preservation; being altogether an unusual sort of volume toencounter in an abode so lowly. When I opened it to the title page my wonder grew even greater, for it proved tobe nothing less rare than Pigafetta's account of the Congo region, written in Latin from the notes of the sailorLopex and printed at Frankfurt in 1598. I had often heard of this work, with its curious illustrations by thebrothers De Bry, hence for a moment forgot my uneasiness in my desire to turn the pages before me. Theengravings were indeed interesting, drawn wholly from imagination and careless descriptions, and representednegroes with white skins and Caucasian features; nor would I soon have closed the book had not an exceedinglytrivial circ*mstance upset my tired nerves and revived my sensation of disquiet. What annoyed me was merely thepersistent way in which the volume tended to fall open of itself at Plate XII, which represented in gruesome detaila butcher's shop of the cannibal Anziques. I experienced some shame at my susceptibility to so slight a thing, butthe drawing nevertheless disturbed me, especially in connection with some adjacent passages descriptive ofAnzique gastronomy. I had turned to a neighboring shelf and was examining its meagre literary contents — an eighteenth centuryBible, a “Pilgrim's Progress” of like period, illustrated with grotesque woodcuts and printed by thealmanack−maker Isaiah Thomas, the rotting bulk of Cotton Mather's “Magnalia Christi Americana,” and a fewother books of evidently equal age — when my attention was aroused by the unmistakable sound of walking inthe room overhead. At first astonished and startled, considering the lack of response to my recent knocking at thedoor, I immediately afterward concluded that the walker had just awakened from a sound sleep, and listened withless surprise as the footsteps sounded on the creaking stairs. The tread was heavy, yet seemed to contain a curiousquality of cautiousness; a quality which I disliked the more because the tread was heavy. When I had entered theroom I had shut the door behind me. Now, after a moment of silence during which the walker may have beeninspecting my bicycle in the hall, I heard a fumbling at the latch and saw the paneled portal swing open again. In the doorway stood a person of such singular appearance that I should have exclaimed aloud but for therestraints of good breeding. Old, white−bearded, and ragged, my host possessed a countenance and physiquewhich inspired equal wonder and respect. His height could not have been less than six feet, and despite a generalair of age and poverty he was stout and powerful in proportion. His face, almost hidden by a long beard whichgrew high on the cheeks, seemed abnormally ruddy and less wrinkled than one might expect; while over a highforehead fell a shock of white hair little thinned by the years. His blue eyes, though a trifle bloodshot, seemedinexplicably keen and burning. But for his horrible unkemptness the man would have been asdistinguished−looking as he was impressive. This unkemptness, however, made him offensive despite his faceand figure. Of what his clothing consisted I could hardly tell, for it seemed to me no more than a mass of tatters

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surmounting a pair of high, heavy boots; and his lack of cleanliness surpassed description. The appearance of this man, and the instinctive fear he inspired, prepared me for something like enmity; sothat I almost shuddered through surprise and a sense of uncanny incongruity when he motioned me to a chair andaddressed me in a thin, weak voice full of fawning respect and ingratiating hospitality. His speech was verycurious, an extreme form of Yankee dialect I had thought long extinct; and I studied it closely as he sat downopposite me for conversation. “Ketched in the rain, be ye?” he greeted. “Glad ye was nigh the haouse en' hed the sense ta come right in. Icalc'late I was alseep, else I'd a heerd ye−I ain't as young as I uster be, an' I need a paowerful sight o' napsnaowadays. Trav'lin fur? I hain't seed many folks 'long this rud sence they tuk off the Arkham stage.” I replied that I was going to Arkham, and apologized for my rude entry into his domicile, whereupon hecontinued. “Glad ta see ye, young Sir — new faces is scurce arount here, an' I hain't got much ta cheer me up these days.Guess yew hail from Bosting, don't ye? I never ben thar, but I kin tell a taown man when I see 'im — we hed onefer deestrick schoolmaster in 'eighty−four, but he quit suddent an' no one never heerd on 'im sence — ” here theold man lapsed into a kind of chuckle, and made no explanation when I questioned him. He seemed to be in anaboundingly good humor, yet to possess those eccentricities which one might guess from his grooming. For sometime he rambled on with an almost feverish geniality, when it struck me to ask him how he came by so rare abook as Pigafetta's “Regnum Congo.” The effect of this volume had not left me, and I felt a certain hesitancy inspeaking of it, but curiosity overmastered all the vague fears which had steadily accumulated since my firstglimpse of the house. To my relief, the question did not seem an awkward one, for the old man answered freelyand volubly. “Oh, that Afriky book? Cap'n Ebenezer Holt traded me thet in 'sixty−eight — him as was kilt in the war.”Something about the name of Ebenezer Holt caused me to look up sharply. I had encountered it in mygenealogical work, but not in any record since the Revolution. I wondered if my host could help me in the task atwhich I was laboring, and resolved to ask him about it later on. He continued. “Ebenezer was on a Salem merchantman for years, an' picked up a sight o' queer stuff in every port. He gotthis in London, I guess — he uster like ter buy things at the shops. I was up ta his haouse onct, on the hill, tradin'hosses, when I see this book. I relished the picters, so he give it in on a swap. 'Tis a queer book — here, leave megit on my spectacles−” The old man fumbled among his rags, producing a pair of dirty and amazingly antiqueglasses with small octagonal lenses and steel bows. Donning these, he reached for the volume on the table andturned the pages lovingly. “Ebenezer cud read a leetle o' this−'tis Latin — but I can't. I had two er three schoolmasters read me a bit, andPasson Clark, him they say got draownded in the pond — kin yew make anything outen it?” I told him that Icould, and translated for his benefit a paragraph near the beginning. If I erred, he was not scholar enough tocorrect me; for he seemed childishly pleased at my English version. His proximity was becoming ratherobnoxious, yet I saw no way to escape without offending him. I was amused at the childish fondness of thisignorant old man for the pictures in a book he could not read, and wondered how much better he could read thefew books in English which adorned the room. This revelation of simplicity removed much of the ill−definedapprehension I had felt, and I smiled as my host rambled on: “Queer haow picters kin set a body thinkin'. Take this un here near the front. Hey yew ever seed trees likethet, with big leaves a floppin' over an' daown? And them men — them can't be nigg*rs — they dew beat all.Kinder like Injuns, I guess, even ef they be in Afriky. Some o' these here critters looks like monkeys, or halfmonkeys an' half men, but I never heerd o' nothin' like this un.” Here he pointed to a fabulous creature of theartist, which one might describe as a sort of dragon with the head of an alligator. “But naow I'll show ye the best un — over here nigh the middle — “The old man's speech grew a trifle thickerand his eyes assumed a brighter glow; but his fumbling hands, though seemingly clumsier than before, wereentirely adequate to their mission. The book fell open, almost of its own accord and as if from frequentconsultation at this place, to the repellent twelfth plate showing a butcher's shop amongst the Anzique cannibals.My sense of restlessness returned, though I did not exhibit it. The especially bizarre thing was that the artist hadmade his Africans look like white men — the limbs and quarters hanging about the walls of the shop wereghastly, while the butcher with his axe was hideously incongruous. But my host seemed to relish the view as

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much as I disliked it. “What d'ye think o' this — ain't never see the like hereabouts, eh? When I see this I telled Eb Holt, 'That'ssuthin' ta stir ye up an' make yer blood tickle.' When I read in Scripter about slayin' — like them Midianites wasslew — I kinder think things, but I ain't got no picter of it. Here a body kin see all they is to it — I s'pose 'tissinful, but ain't we all born an' livin' in sin? — Thet feller bein' chopped up gives me a tickle every time I look at'im — I hey ta keep lookin' at 'im — see whar the butcher cut off his feet? Thar's his head on thet bench, with onearm side of it, an' t'other arm's on the other side o' the meat block.” As the man mumbled on in his shocking ecstasy the expression on his hairy, spectacled face becameindescribable, but his voice sank rather than mounted. My own sensations can scarcely be recorded. All the terrorI had dimly felt before rushed upon me actively and vividly, and I knew that I loathed the ancient and abhorrentcreature so near me with an infinite intensity. His madness, or at least his partial perversion, seemed beyonddispute. He was almost whispering now, with a huskiness more terrible than a scream, and I trembled as Ilistened. “As I says, 'tis queer haow picters sets ye thinkin'. D'ye know, young Sir, I'm right sot on this un here. Arter Igot the book off Eb I uster look at it a lot, especial when I'd heerd Passon Clark rant o' Sundays in his big wig.Onct I tried suthin' funny — here, young Sir, don't git skeert — all I done was ter look at the picter afore I kilt thesheep for market — killin' sheep was kinder more fun arter lookin' at it — ” The tone of the old man now sankvery low, sometimes becoming so faint that his words were hardly audible. I listened to the rain, and to therattling of the bleared, small−paned windows, and marked a rumbling of approaching thunder quite unusual forthe season. Once a terrific flash and peal shook the frail house to its foundations, but the whisperer seemed not tonotice it. “Killin' sheep was kinder more fun — but d'ye know, 'twan't quite satisfyin'. Queer haow a cravin' gits a holton ye — As ye love the Almighty, young man, don't tell nobody, but I swar ter Gawd thet picter begun to makeme hungry fer victuals I couldn't raise nor buy — here, set still, what's ailin' ye? — I didn't do nothin', only Iwondered haow 'twud be ef I did — They say meat makes blood an' flesh, an' gives ye new life, so I wondered ef'twudn't make a man live longer an' longer ef 'twas more the same — ” But the whisperer never continued. Theinterruption was not produced by my fright, nor by the rapidly increasing storm amidst whose fury I was presentlyto open my eyes on a smoky solitude of blackened ruins. It was produced by a very simple though somewhatunusual happening. The open book lay flat between us, with the picture staring repulsively upward. As the old man whispered thewords “more the same" a tiny splattering impact was heard, and something showed on the yellowed paper of theupturned volume. I thought of the rain and of a leaky roof, but rain is not red. On the butcher's shop of theAnzique cannibals a small red spattering glistened picturesquely, lending vividness to the horror of the engraving.The old man saw it, and stopped whispering even before my expression of horror made it necessary; saw it andglanced quickly toward the floor of the room he had left an hour before. I followed his glance, and beheld justabove us on the loose plaster of the ancient ceiling a large irregular spot of wet crimson which seemed to spreadeven as I viewed it. I did not shriek or move, but merely shut my eyes. A moment later came the titanicthunderbolt of thunderbolts; blasting that accursed house of unutterable secrets and bringing the oblivion whichalone saved my mind.

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The Picture in the House

Written 12 December 1920?

Published July 1919 in The National Amateur, Vol. 41, No. 6, p. 246−49. Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places. For them are the catacombs of Ptolemais, and the carvenmausolea of the nightmare countries. They climb to the moonlit towers of ruined Rhine castles, and falter downblack cobwebbed steps beneath the scattered stones of forgotten cities in Asia. The haunted wood and the desolatemountain are their shrines, and they linger around the sinister monoliths on uninhabited islands. But the trueepicure in the terrible, to whom a new thrill of unutterable ghastliness is the chief end and justification ofexistence, esteems most of all the ancient, lonely farmhouses of backwoods New England; for there the darkelements of strength, solitude, grotesqueness and ignorance combine to form the perfection of the hideous. Most horrible of all sights are the little unpainted wooden houses remote from travelled ways, usually squattedupon some damp grassy slope or leaning against some gigantic outcropping of rock. Two hundred years and morethey have leaned or squatted there, while the vines have crawled and the trees have swelled and spread. They arealmost hidden now in lawless luxuriances of green and guardian shrouds of shadow; but the small−panedwindows still stare shockingly, as if blinking through a lethal stupor which wards off madness by dulling thememory of unutterable things. In such houses have dwelt generations of strange people, whose like the world has never seen. Seized with agloomy and fanatical belief which exiled them from their kind, their ancestors sought the wilderness for freedom.There the scions of a conquering race indeed flourished free from the restrictions of their fellows, but cowered inan appalling slavery to the dismal phantasms of their own minds. Divorced from the enlightenment of civilization,the strength of these Puritans turned into singular channels; and in their isolation, morbid self−repression, andstruggle for life with relentless Nature, there came to them dark furtive traits from the prehistoric depths of theircold Northern heritage. By necessity practical and by philosophy stern, these folks were not beautiful in their sins.Erring as all mortals must, they were forced by their rigid code to seek concealment above all else; so that theycame to use less and less taste in what they concealed. Only the silent, sleepy, staring houses in the backwoodscan tell all that has lain hidden since the early days, and they are not communicative, being loath to shake off thedrowsiness which helps them forget. Sometimes one feels that it would be merciful to tear down these houses, forthey must often dream. It was to a time−battered edifice of this description that I was driven one afternoon in November, 1896, by arain of such chilling copiousness that any shelter was preferable to exposure. I had been travelling for some timeamongst the people of the Miskatonic Valley in quest of certain genealogical data; and from the remote, devious,and problematical nature of my course, had deemed it convenient to employ a bicycle despite the lateness of theseason. Now I found myself upon an apparently abandoned road which I had chosen as the shortest cut toArkham, overtaken by the storm at a point far from any town, and confronted with no refuge save the antique andrepellent wooden building which blinked with bleared windows from between two huge leafless elms near thefoot of a rocky hill. Distant though it is from the remnant of a road, this house none the less impressed meunfavorably the very moment I espied it. Honest, wholesome structures do not stare at travellers so slyly andhauntingly, and in my genealogical researches I had encountered legends of a century before which biased meagainst places of this kind. Yet the force of the elements was such as to overcome my scruples, and I did nothesitate to wheel my machine up the weedy rise to the closed door which seemed at once so suggestive andsecretive. I had somehow taken it for granted that the house was abandoned, yet as I approached it I was not so sure, forthough the walks were indeed overgrown with weeds, they seemed to retain their nature a little tco well to arguecomplete desertion. Therefore instead of trying the dcor I knocked, feeling as I did so a trepidation I couldscarcely explain. As I waited on the rough, mossy rock which served as a dcor−step, I glanced at the neighboringwindows and the panes of the transom above me, and noticed that although old, rattling, and almost opaque with

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dirt, they were not broken. The building, then, must still be inhabited, despite its isolation and general neglect.However, my rapping evoked no response, so after repeating the summons I tried the rusty latch and found thedoor unfastened. Inside was a little vestibule with walls from which the plaster was falling, and through thedoorway came a faint but peculiarly hateful odor. I entered, carrying my bicycle, and closed the door behind me.Ahead rose a narrow staircase, flanked by a small door probably leading to the cellar, while to the left and rightwere closed doors leading to rooms on the ground floor. Leaning my cycle against the wall I opened the door at the left, and crossed into a small low−ceiled chamberbut dimly lighted by its two dusty windows and furnished in the barest and most primitive possible way. Itappeared to be a kind of sitting−room, for it had a table and several chairs, and an immense fireplace above whichticked an antique clock on a mantel. Books and papers were very few, and in the prevailing gloom I could notreadily discern the titles. What interested me was the uniform air of archaism as displayed in every visible detail.Most of the houses in this region I had found rich in relics of the past, but here the antiquity was curiouslycomplete; for in all the room I could not discover a single article of definitely post−revolutionary date. Had thefurnishings been less humble, the place would have been a collector's paradise. As I surveyed this quaint apartment, I felt an increase in that aversion first excited by the bleak exterior of thehouse. Just what it was that I feared or loathed, I could by no means define; but something in the wholeatmosphere seemed redolent of unhallowed age, of unpleasant crudeness, and of secrets which should beforgotten. I felt disinclined to sit down, and wandered about examining the various articles which I had noticed.The first object of my curiosity was a book of medium size lying upon the table and presenting such anantediluvian aspect that I marvelled at beholding it outside a museum or library. It was bound in leather withmetal fittings, and was in an excellent state of preservation; being altogether an unusual sort of volume toencounter in an abode so lowly. When I opened it to the title page my wonder grew even greater, for it proved tobe nothing less rare than Pigafetta's account of the Congo region, written in Latin from the notes of the sailorLopex and printed at Frankfurt in 1598. I had often heard of this work, with its curious illustrations by thebrothers De Bry, hence for a moment forgot my uneasiness in my desire to turn the pages before me. Theengravings were indeed interesting, drawn wholly from imagination and careless descriptions, and representednegroes with white skins and Caucasian features; nor would I soon have closed the book had not an exceedinglytrivial circ*mstance upset my tired nerves and revived my sensation of disquiet. What annoyed me was merely thepersistent way in which the volume tended to fall open of itself at Plate XII, which represented in gruesome detaila butcher's shop of the cannibal Anziques. I experienced some shame at my susceptibility to so slight a thing, butthe drawing nevertheless disturbed me, especially in connection with some adjacent passages descriptive ofAnzique gastronomy. I had turned to a neighboring shelf and was examining its meagre literary contents — an eighteenth centuryBible, a “Pilgrim's Progress” of like period, illustrated with grotesque woodcuts and printed by thealmanack−maker Isaiah Thomas, the rotting bulk of Cotton Mather's “Magnalia Christi Americana,” and a fewother books of evidently equal age — when my attention was aroused by the unmistakable sound of walking inthe room overhead. At first astonished and startled, considering the lack of response to my recent knocking at thedoor, I immediately afterward concluded that the walker had just awakened from a sound sleep, and listened withless surprise as the footsteps sounded on the creaking stairs. The tread was heavy, yet seemed to contain a curiousquality of cautiousness; a quality which I disliked the more because the tread was heavy. When I had entered theroom I had shut the door behind me. Now, after a moment of silence during which the walker may have beeninspecting my bicycle in the hall, I heard a fumbling at the latch and saw the paneled portal swing open again. In the doorway stood a person of such singular appearance that I should have exclaimed aloud but for therestraints of good breeding. Old, white−bearded, and ragged, my host possessed a countenance and physiquewhich inspired equal wonder and respect. His height could not have been less than six feet, and despite a generalair of age and poverty he was stout and powerful in proportion. His face, almost hidden by a long beard whichgrew high on the cheeks, seemed abnormally ruddy and less wrinkled than one might expect; while over a highforehead fell a shock of white hair little thinned by the years. His blue eyes, though a trifle bloodshot, seemedinexplicably keen and burning. But for his horrible unkemptness the man would have been asdistinguished−looking as he was impressive. This unkemptness, however, made him offensive despite his faceand figure. Of what his clothing consisted I could hardly tell, for it seemed to me no more than a mass of tatters

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surmounting a pair of high, heavy boots; and his lack of cleanliness surpassed description. The appearance of this man, and the instinctive fear he inspired, prepared me for something like enmity; sothat I almost shuddered through surprise and a sense of uncanny incongruity when he motioned me to a chair andaddressed me in a thin, weak voice full of fawning respect and ingratiating hospitality. His speech was verycurious, an extreme form of Yankee dialect I had thought long extinct; and I studied it closely as he sat downopposite me for conversation. “Ketched in the rain, be ye?” he greeted. “Glad ye was nigh the haouse en' hed the sense ta come right in. Icalc'late I was alseep, else I'd a heerd ye−I ain't as young as I uster be, an' I need a paowerful sight o' napsnaowadays. Trav'lin fur? I hain't seed many folks 'long this rud sence they tuk off the Arkham stage.” I replied that I was going to Arkham, and apologized for my rude entry into his domicile, whereupon hecontinued. “Glad ta see ye, young Sir — new faces is scurce arount here, an' I hain't got much ta cheer me up these days.Guess yew hail from Bosting, don't ye? I never ben thar, but I kin tell a taown man when I see 'im — we hed onefer deestrick schoolmaster in 'eighty−four, but he quit suddent an' no one never heerd on 'im sence — ” here theold man lapsed into a kind of chuckle, and made no explanation when I questioned him. He seemed to be in anaboundingly good humor, yet to possess those eccentricities which one might guess from his grooming. For sometime he rambled on with an almost feverish geniality, when it struck me to ask him how he came by so rare abook as Pigafetta's “Regnum Congo.” The effect of this volume had not left me, and I felt a certain hesitancy inspeaking of it, but curiosity overmastered all the vague fears which had steadily accumulated since my firstglimpse of the house. To my relief, the question did not seem an awkward one, for the old man answered freelyand volubly. “Oh, that Afriky book? Cap'n Ebenezer Holt traded me thet in 'sixty−eight — him as was kilt in the war.”Something about the name of Ebenezer Holt caused me to look up sharply. I had encountered it in mygenealogical work, but not in any record since the Revolution. I wondered if my host could help me in the task atwhich I was laboring, and resolved to ask him about it later on. He continued. “Ebenezer was on a Salem merchantman for years, an' picked up a sight o' queer stuff in every port. He gotthis in London, I guess — he uster like ter buy things at the shops. I was up ta his haouse onct, on the hill, tradin'hosses, when I see this book. I relished the picters, so he give it in on a swap. 'Tis a queer book — here, leave megit on my spectacles−” The old man fumbled among his rags, producing a pair of dirty and amazingly antiqueglasses with small octagonal lenses and steel bows. Donning these, he reached for the volume on the table andturned the pages lovingly. “Ebenezer cud read a leetle o' this−'tis Latin — but I can't. I had two er three schoolmasters read me a bit, andPasson Clark, him they say got draownded in the pond — kin yew make anything outen it?” I told him that Icould, and translated for his benefit a paragraph near the beginning. If I erred, he was not scholar enough tocorrect me; for he seemed childishly pleased at my English version. His proximity was becoming ratherobnoxious, yet I saw no way to escape without offending him. I was amused at the childish fondness of thisignorant old man for the pictures in a book he could not read, and wondered how much better he could read thefew books in English which adorned the room. This revelation of simplicity removed much of the ill−definedapprehension I had felt, and I smiled as my host rambled on: “Queer haow picters kin set a body thinkin'. Take this un here near the front. Hey yew ever seed trees likethet, with big leaves a floppin' over an' daown? And them men — them can't be nigg*rs — they dew beat all.Kinder like Injuns, I guess, even ef they be in Afriky. Some o' these here critters looks like monkeys, or halfmonkeys an' half men, but I never heerd o' nothin' like this un.” Here he pointed to a fabulous creature of theartist, which one might describe as a sort of dragon with the head of an alligator. “But naow I'll show ye the best un — over here nigh the middle — “The old man's speech grew a trifle thickerand his eyes assumed a brighter glow; but his fumbling hands, though seemingly clumsier than before, wereentirely adequate to their mission. The book fell open, almost of its own accord and as if from frequentconsultation at this place, to the repellent twelfth plate showing a butcher's shop amongst the Anzique cannibals.My sense of restlessness returned, though I did not exhibit it. The especially bizarre thing was that the artist hadmade his Africans look like white men — the limbs and quarters hanging about the walls of the shop wereghastly, while the butcher with his axe was hideously incongruous. But my host seemed to relish the view as

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much as I disliked it. “What d'ye think o' this — ain't never see the like hereabouts, eh? When I see this I telled Eb Holt, 'That'ssuthin' ta stir ye up an' make yer blood tickle.' When I read in Scripter about slayin' — like them Midianites wasslew — I kinder think things, but I ain't got no picter of it. Here a body kin see all they is to it — I s'pose 'tissinful, but ain't we all born an' livin' in sin? — Thet feller bein' chopped up gives me a tickle every time I look at'im — I hey ta keep lookin' at 'im — see whar the butcher cut off his feet? Thar's his head on thet bench, with onearm side of it, an' t'other arm's on the other side o' the meat block.” As the man mumbled on in his shocking ecstasy the expression on his hairy, spectacled face becameindescribable, but his voice sank rather than mounted. My own sensations can scarcely be recorded. All the terrorI had dimly felt before rushed upon me actively and vividly, and I knew that I loathed the ancient and abhorrentcreature so near me with an infinite intensity. His madness, or at least his partial perversion, seemed beyonddispute. He was almost whispering now, with a huskiness more terrible than a scream, and I trembled as Ilistened. “As I says, 'tis queer haow picters sets ye thinkin'. D'ye know, young Sir, I'm right sot on this un here. Arter Igot the book off Eb I uster look at it a lot, especial when I'd heerd Passon Clark rant o' Sundays in his big wig.Onct I tried suthin' funny — here, young Sir, don't git skeert — all I done was ter look at the picter afore I kilt thesheep for market — killin' sheep was kinder more fun arter lookin' at it — ” The tone of the old man now sankvery low, sometimes becoming so faint that his words were hardly audible. I listened to the rain, and to therattling of the bleared, small−paned windows, and marked a rumbling of approaching thunder quite unusual forthe season. Once a terrific flash and peal shook the frail house to its foundations, but the whisperer seemed not tonotice it. “Killin' sheep was kinder more fun — but d'ye know, 'twan't quite satisfyin'. Queer haow a cravin' gits a holton ye — As ye love the Almighty, young man, don't tell nobody, but I swar ter Gawd thet picter begun to makeme hungry fer victuals I couldn't raise nor buy — here, set still, what's ailin' ye? — I didn't do nothin', only Iwondered haow 'twud be ef I did — They say meat makes blood an' flesh, an' gives ye new life, so I wondered ef'twudn't make a man live longer an' longer ef 'twas more the same — ” But the whisperer never continued. Theinterruption was not produced by my fright, nor by the rapidly increasing storm amidst whose fury I was presentlyto open my eyes on a smoky solitude of blackened ruins. It was produced by a very simple though somewhatunusual happening. The open book lay flat between us, with the picture staring repulsively upward. As the old man whispered thewords “more the same" a tiny splattering impact was heard, and something showed on the yellowed paper of theupturned volume. I thought of the rain and of a leaky roof, but rain is not red. On the butcher's shop of theAnzique cannibals a small red spattering glistened picturesquely, lending vividness to the horror of the engraving.The old man saw it, and stopped whispering even before my expression of horror made it necessary; saw it andglanced quickly toward the floor of the room he had left an hour before. I followed his glance, and beheld justabove us on the loose plaster of the ancient ceiling a large irregular spot of wet crimson which seemed to spreadeven as I viewed it. I did not shriek or move, but merely shut my eyes. A moment later came the titanicthunderbolt of thunderbolts; blasting that accursed house of unutterable secrets and bringing the oblivion whichalone saved my mind.

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Beyond the Wall of Sleep

Written 1919

Published October 1919 in Pine Cones, Vol. 1, No. 6, p. 2−10 I have often wondered if the majority of mankind ever pause to reflect upon the occasionally titanicsignificance of dreams, and of the obscure world to which they belong. Whilst the greater number of ournocturnal visions are perhaps no more than faint and fantastic reflections of our waking experiences — Freud tothe contrary with his puerile symbolism — there are still a certain remainder whose immundane and etherealcharacter permit of no ordinary interpretation, and whose vaguely exciting and disquieting effect suggestspossible minute glimpses into a sphere of mental existence no less important than physical life, yet separated fromthat life by an all but impassable barrier. From my experience I cannot doubt but that man, when lost to terrestrialconsciousness, is indeed sojourning in another and uncorporeal life of far different nature from the life we know,and of which only the slightest and most indistinct memories linger after waking. From those blurred andfragmentary memories we may infer much, yet prove little. We may guess that in dreams life, matter, and vitality,as the earth knows such things, are not necessarily constant; and that time and space do not exist as our wakingselves comprehend them. Sometimes I believe that this less material life is our truer life, and that our vainpresence on the terraqueous globe is itself the secondary or merely virtual phenomenon. It was from a youthful revery filled with speculations of this sort that I arose one afternoon in the winter of1900−01, when to the state psychopathic institution in which I served as an intern was brought the man whosecase has ever since haunted me so unceasingly. His name, as given on the records, was Joe Slater, or Slaader, andhis appearance was that of the typical denizen of the Catskill Mountain region; one of those strange, repellentscions of a primitive Colonial peasant stock whose isolation for nearly three centuries in the hilly fastnesses of alittle−traveled countryside has caused them to sink to a kind of barbaric degeneracy, rather than advance withtheir more fortunately placed brethren of the thickly settled districts. Among these odd folk, who correspondexactly to the decadent element of “white trash” in the South, law and morals are non−existent; and their generalmental status is probably below that of any other section of native American people. Joe Slater, who came to the institution in the vigilant custody of four state policemen, and who was describedas a highly dangerous character, certainly presented no evidence of his perilous disposition when I first beheldhim. Though well above the middle stature, and of somewhat brawny frame, he was given an absurd appearanceof harmless stupidity by the pale, sleepy blueness of his small watery eyes, the scantiness of his neglected andnever−shaven growth of yellow beard, and the listless drooping of his heavy nether lip. His age was unknown,since among his kind neither family records nor permanent family ties exist; but from the baldness of his head infront, and from the decayed condition of his teeth, the head surgeon wrote him down as a man of about forty. From the medical and court documents we learned all that could be gathered of his case: this man, avagabond, hunter and trapper, had always been strange in the eyes of his primitive associates. He had habituallyslept at night beyond the ordinary time, and upon waking would often talk of unknown things in a manner sobizarre as to inspire fear even in the hearts of an unimaginative populace. Not that his form of language was at allunusual, for he never spoke save in the debased patois of his environment; but the tone and tenor of his utteranceswere of such mysterious wildness, that none might listen without apprehension. He himself was generally asterrified and baffled as his auditors, and within an hour after awakening would forget all that he had said, or atleast all that had caused him to say what he did; relapsing into a bovine, hall−amiable normality like that of theother hilldwellers. As Slater grew older, it appeared, his matutinal aberrations had gradually increased in frequency and violence;till about a month before his arrival at the institution had occurred the shocking tragedy which caused his arrest bythe authorities. One day near noon, after a profound sleep begun in a whiskey debauch at about five of theprevious afternoon, the man had roused himself most suddenly, with ululations so horrible and unearthly that theybrought several neighbors to his cabin — a filthy sty where he dwelt with a family as indescribable as himself.

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Rushing out into the snow, he had flung his arms aloft and commenced a series of leaps directly upward in the air;the while shouting his determination to reach some “big, big cabin with brightness in the roof and walls and floorand the loud queer music far away.” As two men of moderate size sought to restrain him, he had struggled withmaniacal force and fury, screaming of his desire and need to find and kill a certain “thing that shines and shakesand laughs.” At length, after temporarily felling one of his detainers with a sudden blow, he had flung himselfupon the other in a demoniac ecstasy of blood−thirstiness, shrieking fiendishly that he would “jump high in the airand burn his way through anything that stopped him.” Family and neighbors had now fled in a panic, and when the more courageous of them returned, Slater wasgone, leaving behind an unrecognizable pulp−like thing that had been a living man but an hour before. None ofthe mountaineers had dared to pursue him, and it is likely that they would have welcomed his death from the cold;but when several mornings later they heard his screams from a distant ravine they realized that he had somehowmanaged to survive, and that his removal in one way or another would be necessary. Then had followed an armedsearching−party, whose purpose (whatever it may have been originally) became that of a sheriff's posse after oneof the seldom popular state troopers had by accident observed, then questioned, and finally joined the seekers. On the third day Slater was found unconscious in the hollow of a tree, and taken to the nearest jail, wherealienists from Albany examined him as soon as his senses returned. To them he told a simple story. He had, hesaid, gone to sleep one afternoon about sundown after drinking much liquor. He had awakened to find himselfstanding bloody−handed in the snow before his cabin, the mangled corpse of his neighbor Peter Slader at his feet.Horrified, he had taken to the woods in a vague effort to escape from the scene of what must have been his crime.Beyond these things he seemed to know nothing, nor could the expert questioning of his interrogators bring out asingle additional fact. That night Slater slept quietly, and the next morning he awakened with no singular feature save a certainalteration of expression. Doctor Barnard, who had been watching the patient, thought he noticed in the pale blueeyes a certain gleam of peculiar quality, and in the flaccid lips an all but imperceptible tightening, as if ofintelligent determination. But when questioned, Slater relapsed into the habitual vacancy of the mountaineer, andonly reiterated what he had said on the preceding day. On the third morning occurred the first of the man's mental attacks. After some show of uneasiness in sleep,he burst forth into a frenzy so powerful that the combined efforts of four men were needed to bind him in astraightjacket. The alienists listened with keen attention to his words, since their curiosity had been aroused to ahigh pitch by the suggestive yet mostly conflicting and incoherent stories of his family and neighbors. Slaterraved for upward of fifteen minutes, babbling in his backwoods dialect of green edifices of light, oceans of space,strange music, and shadowy mountains and valleys. But most of all did he dwell upon some mysterious blazingentity that shook and laughed and mocked at him. This vast, vague personality seemed to have done him a terriblewrong, and to kill it in triumphant revenge was his paramount desire. In order to reach it, he said, he would soarthrough abysses of emptiness, burning every obstacle that stood in his way. Thus ran his discourse, until with thegreatest suddenness he ceased. The fire of madness died from his eyes, and in dull wonder he looked at hisquestioners and asked why he was bound. Dr. Barnard unbuckled the leather harness and did not restore it tillnight, when he succeeded in persuading Slater to don it of his own volition, for his own good. The man had nowadmitted that he sometimes talked queerly, though he knew not why. Within a week two more attacks appeared, but from them the doctors learned little. On the source of Slater'svisions they speculated at length, for since he could neither read nor write, and had apparently never heard alegend or fairy−tale, his gorgeous imagery was quite inexplicable. That it could not come from any known mythor romance was made especially clear by the fact that the unfortunate lunatic expressed himself only in his ownsimple manner. He raved of things he did not understand and could not interpret; things which he claimed to haveexperienced, but which he could not have learned through any normal or connected narration. The alienists soonagreed that abnormal dreams were the foundation of the trouble; dreams whose vividness could for a timecompletely dominate the waking mind of this basically inferior man. With due formality Slater was tried formurder, acquitted on the ground of insanity, and committed to the institution wherein I held so humble a post. I have said that I am a constant speculator concerning dream−life, and from this you may judge of theeagerness with which I applied myself to the study of the new patient as soon as I had fully ascertained the factsof his case. He seemed to sense a certain friendliness in me, born no doubt of the interest I could not conceal, and

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the gentle manner in which I questioned him. Not that he ever recognized me during his attacks, when I hungbreathlessly upon his chaotic but cosmic word−pictures; but he knew me in his quiet hours, when he would sit byhis barred window weaving baskets of straw and willow, and perhaps pining for the mountain freedom he couldnever again enjoy. His family never called to see him; probably it had found another temporary head, after themanner of decadent mountain folk. By degrees I commenced to feel an overwhelming wonder at the mad and fantastic conceptions of Joe Slater.The man himself was pitiably inferior in mentality and language alike; but his glowing, titanic visions, thoughdescribed in a barbarous disjointed jargon, were assuredly things which only a superior or even exceptional braincould conceive How, I often asked myself, could the stolid imagination of a Catskill degenerate conjure up sightswhose very possession argued a lurking spark of genius? How could any backwoods dullard have gained so muchas an idea of those glittering realms of supernal radiance and space about which Slater ranted in his furiousdelirium? More and more I inclined to the belief that in the pitiful personality who cringed before me lay thedisordered nucleus of something beyond my comprehension; something infinitely beyond the comprehension ofmy more experienced but less imaginative medical and scientific colleagues. And yet I could extract nothing definite from the man. The sum of all my investigation was, that in a kind ofsemi−corporeal dream−life Slater wandered or floated through resplendent and prodigious valleys, meadows,gardens, cities, and palaces of light, in a region unbounded and unknown to man; that there he was no peasant ordegenerate, but a creature of importance and vivid life, moving proudly and dominantly, and checked only by acertain deadly enemy, who seemed to be a being of visible yet ethereal structure, and who did not appear to be ofhuman shape, since Slater never referred to it as a man, or as aught save a thing. This thing had done Slater somehideous but unnamed wrong, which the maniac (if maniac he were) yearned to avenge. From the manner in which Slater alluded to their dealings, I judged that he and the luminous thing had met onequal terms; that in his dream existence the man was himself a luminous thing of the same race as his enemy. Thisimpression was sustained by his frequent references to flying through space and burning all that impeded hisprogress. Yet these conceptions were formulated in rustic words wholly inadequate to convey them, acirc*mstance which drove me to the conclusion that if a dream world indeed existed, oral language was not itsmedium for the transmission of thought. Could it be that the dream soul inhabiting this inferior body wasdesperately struggling to speak things which the simple and halting tongue of dullness could not utter? Could it bethat I was face to face with intellectual emanations which would explain the mystery if I could but learn todiscover and read them? I did not tell the older physicians of these things, for middle age is skeptical, cynical, anddisinclined to accept new ideas. Besides, the head of the institution had but lately warned me in his paternal waythat I was overworking; that my mind needed a rest. It had long been my belief that human thought consists basically of atomic or molecular motion, convertibleinto ether waves or radi ant energy like heat, light and electricity. This belief had early led me to contemplate thepossibility of telepathy or mental communication by means of suitable apparatus, and I had in my college daysprepared a set of transmitting and receiving instruments somewhat similar to the cumbrous devices employed inwireless telegraphy at that crude, pre−radio period. These I had tested with a fellow−student, but achieving noresult, had soon packed them away with other scientific odds and ends for possible future use. Now, in my intense desire to probe into the dream−life of Joe Slater, I sought these instruments again, andspent several days in repairing them for action. When they were complete once more I missed no opportunity fortheir trial. At each outburst of Slater's violence, I would fit the transmitter to his forehead and the receiver to myown, constantly making delicate adjustments for various hypothetical wave−lengths of intellectual energy. I hadbut little notion of how the thought−impressions would, if successfully conveyed, arouse an intelligent response inmy brain, but I felt certain that I could detect and interpret them. Accordingly I continued my experiments, thoughinforming no one of their nature. It was on the twenty−first of February, 1901, that the thing occurred. As I look back across the years I realizehow unreal it seems, and sometimes wonder if old Doctor Fenton was not right when he charged it all to myexcited imagination. I recall that he listened with great kindness and patience when I told him, but afterward gaveme a nerve−powder and arranged for the half−year's vacation on which I departed the next week. That fateful night I was wildly agitated and perturbed, for despite the excellent care he had received, JoeSlater was unmistakably dying. Perhaps it was his mountain freedom that he missed, or perhaps the turmoil in his

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brain had grown too acute for his rather sluggish physique; but at all events the flame of vitality flickered low inthe decadent body. He was drowsy near the end, and as darkness fell he dropped off into a troubled sleep. I did not strap on the straightjacket as was customary when he slept, since I saw that he was too feeble to bedangerous, even if he woke in mental disorder once more before passing away. But I did place upon his head andmine the two ends of my cosmic “radio,” hoping against hope for a first and last message from the dream world inthe brief time remaining. In the cell with us was one nurse, a mediocre fellow who did not understand the purposeof the apparatus, or think to inquire into my course. As the hours wore on I saw his head droop awkwardly insleep, but I did not disturb him. I myself, lulled by the rhythmical breathing of the healthy and the dying man,must have nodded a little later. The sound of weird lyric melody was what aroused me. Chords, vibrations, and harmonic ecstasies echoedpassionately on every hand, while on my ravished sight burst the stupendous spectacle ultimate beauty. Walls,columns, and architraves of living fire blazed effulgently around the spot where I seemed to float in air, extendingupward to an infinitely high vaulted dome of indescribable splendor. Blending with this display of palatialmagnificence, or rather, supplanting it at times in kaleidoscopic rotation, were glimpses of wide plains andgraceful valleys, high mountains and inviting grottoes, covered with every lovely attribute of scenery which mydelighted eyes could conceive of, yet formed wholly of some glowing, ethereal plastic entity, which inconsistency partook as much of spirit as of matter. As I gazed, I perceived that my own brain held the key to theseenchanting metamorphoses; for each vista which appeared to me was the one my changing mind most wished tobehold. Amidst this elysian realm I dwelt not as a stranger, for each sight and sound was familiar to me; just as ithad been for uncounted eons of eternity before, and would be for like eternities to come. Then the resplendent aura of my brother of light drew near and held colloquy with me, soul to soul, with silentand perfect interchange of thought. The hour was one of approaching triumph, for was not my fellow−beingescaping at last from a degrading periodic bondage; escaping forever, and preparing to follow the accursedoppressor even unto the uttermost fields of ether, that upon it might be wrought a flaming cosmic vengeancewhich would shake the spheres? We floated thus for a little time, when I perceived a slight blurring and fading ofthe objects around us, as though some force were recalling me to earth — where I least wished to go. The formnear me seemed to feel a change also, for it gradually brought its discourse toward a conclusion, and itselfprepared to quit the scene, fading from my sight at a rate somewhat less rapid than that of the other objects. A fewmore thoughts were exchanged, and I knew that the luminous one and I were being recalled to bondage, thoughfor my brother of light it would be the last time. The sorry planet shell being well−nigh spent, in less than an hourmy fellow would be free to pursue the oppressor along the Milky Way and past the hither stars to the veryconfines of infinity. A well−defined shock separates my final impression of the fading scene of light from my sudden andsomewhat shamefaced awakening and straightening up in my chair as I saw the dying figure on the couch movehesitantly. Joe Slater was indeed awaking, though probably for the last time. As I looked more closely, I saw thatin the sallow cheeks shone spots of color which had never before been present. The lips, too, seemed unusual,being tightly compressed, as if by the force of a stronger character than had been Slater's. The whole face finallybegan to grow tense, and the head turned restlessly with closed eyes. I did not rouse the sleeping nurse, but readjusted the slightly disarranged headband of my telepathic “radio,”intent to catch any parting message the dreamer might have to deliver. All at once the head turned sharply in mydirection and the eyes fell open, causing me to stare in blank amazement at what I beheld. The man who had beenJoe Slater, the Catskill decadent, was gazing at me with a pair of luminous, expanding eyes whose blue seemedsubtly to have deepened. Neither mania nor degeneracy was 'visible in that gaze, and I felt beyond a doubt that Iwas viewing a face behind which lay an active mind of high order. At this juncture my brain became aware of a steady external influence operating upon it. I closed my eyes toconcentrate my thoughts more profoundly and was rewarded by the positive knowledge that my long−soughtmental message had come at last. Each transmitted idea formed rapidly in my mind, and though no actuallanguage was employed, my habitual association of conception and expression was so great that I seemed to bereceiving the message in ordinary English. “Joe Slater is dead,” came the soul−petrifying voice of an agency from beyond the wall of sleep. My openedeyes sought the couch of pain in curious horror, but the blue eyes were still calmly gazing, and the countenance

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was still intelligently animated. “He is better dead, for he was unfit to bear the active intellect of cosmic entity.His gross body could not undergo the needed adjustments between ethereal life and planet life. He was too muchan animal, too little a man; yet it is through his deficiency that you have come to discover me, for the cosmic andplanet souls rightly should never meet. He has been in my torment and diurnal prison for forty−two of yourterrestrial years. “I am an entity like that which you yourself become in the freedom of dreamless sleep. I am your brother oflight, and have floated with you in the effulgent valleys. It is not permitted me to tell your waking earth−self ofyour real self, but we are all roamers of vast spaces and travelers in many ages. Next year I may be dwelling in theEgypt which you call ancient, or in the cruel empire of Tsan Chan which is to come three thousand years hence.You and I have drifted to the worlds that reel about the red Arcturus, and dwelt in the bodies of theinsect−philosophers that crawl proudly over the fourth moon of Jupiter. How little does the earth self know lifeand its extent! How little, indeed, ought it to know for its own tranquility! “Of the oppressor I cannot speak. You on earth have unwittingly felt its distant presence — you who withoutknowing idly gave the blinking beacon the name of Algol, the Demon−Star It is to meet and conquer theoppressor that I have vainly striven for eons, held back by bodily encumbrances. Tonight I go as a Nemesisbearing just and blazingly cataclysmic vengeance. Watch me in the sky close by the Demon−Star. “I cannot speak longer, for the body of Joe Slater grows cold and rigid, and the coarse brains are ceasing tovibrate as I wish. You have been my only friend on this planet — the only soul to sense and seek for me withinthe repellent form which lies on this couch. We shall meet again — perhaps in the shining mists of Orion's Sword,perhaps on a bleak plateau in prehistoric Asia, perhaps in unremembered dreams tonight, perhaps in some otherform an eon hence, when the solar system shall have been swept away.” At this point the thought−waves abruptly ceased, the pale eyes of the dreamer — or can I say dead man? —commenced to glaze fishily. In a half−stupor I crossed over to the couch and felt of his wrist, but found it cold,stiff, and pulseless. The sallow cheeks paled again, and the thick lips fell open, disclosing the repulsively rottenfangs of the degenerate Joe Slater. I shivered, pulled a blanket over the hideous face, and awakened the nurse.Then I left the cell and went silently to my room. I had an instant and unaccountable craving for a sleep whosedreams I should not remember. The climax? What plain tale of science can boast of such a rhetorical effect? I have merely set down certainthings appealing to me as facts, allowing you to construe them as you will. As I have already admitted, mysuperior, old Doctor Fenton, denies the reality of everything I have related. He vows that I was broken down withnervous strain, and badly in need of a long vacation on full pay which he so generously gave me. He assures meon his professional honor that Joe Slater was but a low−grade paranoiac, whose fantastic notions must have comefrom the crude hereditary folk−tales which circulated in even the most decadent of communities. All this he tellsme — yet I cannot forget what I saw in the sky on the night after Slater died. Lest you think me a biased witness,another pen must add this final testimony, which may perhaps supply the climax you expect. I will quote thefollowing account of the star Nova Persei verbatim from the pages of that eminent astronomical authority,Professor Garrett P. Serviss: “On February 22, 1901, a marvelous new star was discovered by Doctor Anderson of Edinburgh, not very farfrom Algol. No star had been visible at that point before. Within twenty−four hours the stranger had become sobright that it outshone Capella. In a week or two it had visibly faded, and in the course of a few months it washardly discernible with the naked eye.”

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Written Jul 1917

Published November 1919 in The Vagrant, No. 11, 23−29. I am writing this under an appreciable mental strain, since by tonight I shall be no more. Penniless, and at theend of my supply of the drug which alone, makes life endurable, I can bear the torture no longer; and shall castmyself from this garret window into the squalid street below. Do not think from my slavery to morphine that I ama weakling or a degenerate. When you have read these hastily scrawled pages you may guess, though never fullyrealise, why it is that I must have forgetfulness or death. It was in one of the most open and least frequented parts of the broad Pacific that the packet of which I wassupercargo fell a victim to the German sea−raider. The great war was then at its very beginning, and the oceanforces of the Hun had not completely sunk to their later degradation; so that our vessel was made a legitimateprize, whilst we of her crew were treated with all the fairness and consideration due us as naval prisoners. Soliberal, indeed, was the discipline of our captors, that five days after we were taken I managed to escape alone in asmall boat with water and provisions for a good length of time. When I finally found myself adrift and free, I had but little idea of my surroundings. Never a competentnavigator, I could only guess vaguely by the sun and stars that I was somewhat south of the equator. Of thelongitude I knew nothing, and no island or coastline was in sight. The weather kept fair, and for uncounted days Idrifted aimlessly beneath the scorching sun; waiting either for some passing ship, or to be cast on the shores ofsome habitable land. But neither ship nor land appeared, and I began to despair in my solitude upon the heavingvastness of unbroken blue. The change happened whilst I slept. Its details I shall never know; for my slumber, though troubled anddream−infested, was continuous. When at last I awakened, it was to discover myself half sucked into a slimyexpanse of hellish black mire which extended about me in monotonous undulations as far as I could see, and inwhich my boat lay grounded some distance away. Though one might well imagine that my first sensation would be of wonder at so prodigious and unexpected atransformation of scenery, I was in reality more horrified than astonished; for there was in the air and in therotting soil a sinister quality which chilled me to the very core. The region was putrid with the carcasses ofdecaying fish, and of other less describable things which I saw protruding from the nasty mud of the unendingplain. Perhaps I should not hope to convey in mere words the unutterable hideousness that can dwell in absolutesilence and barren immensity. There was nothing within hearing, and nothing in sight save a vast reach of blackslime; yet the very completeness of the stillness and the hom*ogeneity of the landscape oppressed me with anauseating fear. The sun was blazing down from a sky which seemed to me almost black in its cloudless cruelty; as thoughreflecting the inky marsh beneath my feet. As I crawled into the stranded boat I realised that only one theorycould explain my position. Through some unprecedented volcanic upheaval, a portion of the ocean floor musthave been thrown to the surface, exposing regions which for innumerable millions of years had lain hidden underunfathomable watery depths. So great was the extent of the new land which had risen beneath me, that I could notdetect the faintest noise of the surging ocean, strain my ears as I might. Nor were there any sea−fowl to prey uponthe dead things. For several hours I sat thinking or brooding in the boat, which lay upon its side and afforded a slight shade asthe sun moved across the heavens. As the day progressed, the ground lost some of its stickiness, and seemedlikely to dry sufficiently for travelling purposes in a short time. That night I slept but little, and the next day Imade for myself a pack containing food and water, preparatory to an overland journey in search of the vanishedsea and possible rescue. On the third morning I found the soil dry enough to walk upon with ease. The odour of the fish wasmaddening; but I was too much concerned with graver things to mind so slight an evil, and set out boldly for an

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unknown goal. All day I forged steadily westward, guided by a far−away hummock which rose higher than anyother elevation on the rolling desert. That night I encamped, and on the following day still travelled toward thehummock, though that object seemed scarcely nearer than when I had first espied it. By the fourth evening Iattained the base of the mound, which turned out to be much higher than it had appeared from a distance, anintervening valley setting it out in sharper relief from the general surface. Too weary to ascend, I slept in theshadow of the hill. I know not why my dreams were so wild that night; but ere the waning and fantastically gibbous moon hadrisen far above the eastern plain, I was awake in a cold perspiration, determined to sleep no more. Such visions asI had experienced were too much for me to endure again. And in the glow of the moon I saw how unwise I hadbeen to travel by day. Without the glare of the parching sun, my journey would have cost me less energy; indeed,I now felt quite able to perform the ascent which had deterred me at sunset. Picking up my pack, I started for thecrest of the eminence. I have said that the unbroken monotony of the rolling plain was a source of vague horror to me; but I think myhorror was greater when I gained the summit of the mound and looked down the other side into an immeasurablepit or canyon, whose black recesses the moon had not yet soared high enough to illumine. I felt myself on theedge of the world, peering over the rim into a fathomless chaos of eternal night. Through my terror ran curiousreminiscences of Paradise Lost, and Satan's hideous climb through the unfashioned realms of darkness. As the moon climbed higher in the sky, I began to see that the slopes of the valley were not quite soperpendicular as I had imagined. Ledges and outcroppings of rock afforded fairly easy footholds for a descent,whilst after a drop of a few hundred feet, the declivity became very gradual. Urged on by an impulse which Icannot definitely analyse, I scrambled with difficulty down the rocks and stood on the gentler slope beneath,gazing into the Stygian deeps where no light had yet penetrated. All at once my attention was captured by a vast and singular object on the opposite slope, which rose steeplyabout a hundred yards ahead of me; an object that gleamed whitely in the newly bestowed rays of the ascendingmoon. That it was merely a gigantic piece of stone, I soon assured myself; but I was conscious of a distinctimpression that its contour and position were not altogether the work of Nature. A closer scrutiny filled me withsensations I cannot express; for despite its enormous magnitude, and its position in an abyss which had yawned atthe bottom of the sea since the world was young, I perceived beyond a doubt that the strange object was awell−shaped monolith whose massive bulk had known the workmanship and perhaps the worship of living andthinking creatures. Dazed and frightened, yet not without a certain thrill of the scientist's or archaeologist's delight, I examinedmy surroundings more closely. The moon, now near the zenith, shone weirdly and vividly above the toweringsteeps that hemmed in the chasm, and revealed the fact that a far−flung body of water flowed at the bottom,winding out of sight in both directions, and almost lapping my feet as I stood on the slope. Across the chasm, thewavelets washed the base of the Cyclopean monolith, on whose surface I could now trace both inscriptions andcrude sculptures. The writing was in a system of hieroglyphics unknown to me, and unlike anything I had everseen in books, consisting for the most part of conventionalised aquatic symbols such as fishes, eels, octopi,crustaceans, molluscs, whales and the like. Several characters obviously represented marine things which areunknown to the modern world, but whose decomposing forms I had observed on the ocean−risen plain. It was the pictorial carving, however, that did most to hold me spellbound. Plainly visible across theintervening water on account of their enormous size was an array of bas−reliefs whose subjects would haveexcited the envy of a Dore. I think that these things were supposed to depict men — at least, a certain sort of men;though the creatures were shown disporting like fishes in the waters of some marine grotto, or paying homage atsome monolithic shrine which appeared to be under the waves as well. Of their faces and forms I dare not speakin detail, for the mere remembrance makes me grow faint. Grotesque beyond the imagination of a Poe or aBulwer, they were damnably human in general outline despite webbed hands and feet, shockingly wide andflabby lips, glassy, bulging eyes, and other features less pleasant to recall. Curiously enough, they seemed to havebeen chiselled badly out of proportion with their scenic background; for one of the creatures was shown in the actof killing a whale represented as but little larger than himself. I remarked, as I say, their grotesqueness and strangesize; but in a moment decided that they were merely the imaginary gods of some primitive fishing or seafaringtribe; some tribe whose last descendant had perished eras before the first ancestor of the Piltdown or Neanderthal

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Man was born. Awestruck at this unexpected glimpse into a past beyond the conception of the most daringanthropologist, I stood musing whilst the moon cast queer reflections on the silent channel before me. Then suddenly I saw it. With only a slight churning to mark its rise to the surface, the thing slid into viewabove the dark waters. Vast, Polyphemus−like, and loathsome, it darted like a stupendous monster of nightmaresto the monolith, about which it flung its gigantic scaly arms, the while it bowed its hideous head and gave vent tocertain measured sounds. I think I went mad then. Of my frantic ascent of the slope and cliff, and of my delirious journey back to the stranded boat, I rememberlittle. I believe I sang a great deal, and laughed oddly when I was unable to sing. I have indistinct recollections ofa great storm some time after I reached the boat; at any rate, I knew that I heard peals of thunder and other toneswhich Nature utters only in her wildest moods. When I came out of the shadows I was in a San Francisco hospital; brought thither by the captain of theAmerican ship which had picked up my boat in mid−ocean. In my delirium I had said much, but found that mywords had been given scant attention. Of any land upheaval in the Pacific, my rescuers knew nothing; nor did Ideem it necessary to insist upon a thing which I knew they could not believe. Once I sought out a celebratedethnologist, and amused him with peculiar questions regarding the ancient Philistine legend of Dagon, theFish−God; but soon perceiving that he was hopelessly conventional, I did not press my inquiries. It is at night, especially when the moon is gibbous and waning, that I see the thing. I tried morphine; but thedrug has given only transient surcease, and has drawn me into its clutches as a hopeless slave. So now I am to endit all, having written a full account for the information or the contemptuous amusem*nt of my fellow−men. OftenI ask myself if it could not all have been a pure phantasm — a mere freak of fever as I lay sun−stricken and ravingin the open boat after my escape from the German man−of−war. This I ask myself, but ever does there comebefore me a hideously vivid vision in reply. I cannot think of the deep sea without shuddering at the namelessthings that may at this very moment be crawling and floundering on its slimy bed, worshipping their ancient stoneidols and carving their own detestable likenesses on submarine obelisks of water−soaked granite. I dream of a daywhen they may rise above the billows to drag down in their reeking talons the remnants of puny, war−exhaustedmankind — of a day when the land shall sink, and the dark ocean floor shall ascend amidst universalpandemonium. The end is near. I hear a noise at the door, as of some immense slippery body lumbering against it. It shall notfind me. God, that hand! The window! The window!

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The White Ship

Written November 1919

Published November 1919 in The United Amateur, Vol. 19, No. 2, p. 30−33. I am Basil Elton, keeper of the North Point light that my father and grandfather kept before me. Far from theshore stands the gray lighthouse, above sunken slimy rocks that are seen when the tide is low, but unseen whenthe tide is high. Past that beacon for a century have swept the majestic barques of the seven seas. In the days ofmy grandfather there were many; in the days of my father not so many; and now there are so few that I sometimesfeel strangely alone, as though I were the last man on our planet. From far shores came those white−sailed argosies of old; from far Eastern shores where warm suns shine andsweet odors linger about strange gardens and gay temples. The old captains of the sea came often to mygrandfather and told him of these things which in turn he told to my father, and my father told to me in the longautumn evenings when the wind howled eerily from the East. And I have read more of these things, and of manythings besides, in the books men gave me when I was young and filled with wonder. But more wonderful than the lore of old men and the lore of books is the secret lore of ocean. Blue, green,gray, white or black; smooth, ruffled, or mountainous; that ocean is not silent. All my days have I watched it andlistened to it, and I know it well. At first it told to me only the plain little tales of calm beaches and near ports, butwith the years it grew more friendly and spoke of other things; of things more strange and more distant in spaceand time. Sometimes at twilight the gray vapors of the horizon have parted to grant me glimpses of the waysbeyond; and sometimes at night the deep waters of the sea have grown clear and phosphorescent, to grant meglimpses of the ways beneath. And these glimpses have been as often of the ways that were and the ways thatmight be, as of the ways that are; for ocean is more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with the memoriesand the dreams of Time. Out of the South it was that the White Ship used to come when the moon was full and high in the heavens.Out of the South it would glide very smoothly and silently over the sea. And whether the sea was rough or calm,and whether the wind was friendly or adverse, it would always glide smoothly and silently, its sails distant and itslong strange tiers of oars moving rhythmically. One night I espied upon the deck a man, bearded and robed, andhe seemed to beckon me to embark for far unknown shores. Many times afterward I saw him under the full moon,and never did he beckon me. Very brightly did the moon shine on the night I answered the call, and I walked out over the waters to theWhite Ship on a bridge of moonbeams. The man who had beckoned now spoke a welcome to me in a softlanguage I seemed to know well, and the hours were filled with soft songs of the oarsmen as we glided away intoa mysterious South, golden with the glow of that full, mellow moon. And when the day dawned, rosy and effulgent, I beheld the green shore of far lands, bright and beautiful, andto me unknown. Up from the sea rose lordly terraces of verdure, tree−studded, and shewing here and there thegleaming white roofs and colonnades of strange temples. As we drew nearer the green shore the bearded man toldme of that land, the land of Zar, where dwell all the dreams and thoughts of beauty that come to men once andthen are forgotten. And when I looked upon the terraces again I saw that what he said was true, for among thesights before me were many things I had once seen through the mists beyond the horizon and in thephosphorescent depths of ocean. There too were forms and fantasies more splendid than any I had ever known;the visions of young poets who died in want before the world could learn of what they had seen and dreamed. Butwe did not set foot upon the sloping meadows of Zar, for it is told that he who treads them may nevermore returnto his native shore. As the White Ship sailed silently away from the templed terraces of Zar, we beheld on the distant horizonahead the spires of a mighty city; and the bearded man said to me, “This is Thalarion, the City of a ThousandWonders, wherein reside all those mysteries that man has striven in vain to fathom.” And I looked again, at closerrange, and saw that the city was greater than any city I had known or dreamed of before. Into the sky the spires of

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its temples reached, so that no man might behold their peaks; and far back beyond the horizon stretched the grim,gray walls, over which one might spy only a few roofs, weird and ominous, yet adorned with rich friezes andalluring sculptures. I yearned mightily to enter this fascinating yet repellent city, and besought the bearded man toland me at the stone pier by the huge carven gate Akariel; but he gently denied my wish, saying, “Into Thalarion,the City of a Thousand Wonders, many have passed but none returned. Therein walk only daemons and madthings that are no longer men, and the streets are white with the unburied bones of those who have looked uponthe eidolon Lathi, that reigns over the city.” So the White Ship sailed on past the walls of Thalarion, and followedfor many days a southward−flying bird, whose glossy plumage matched the sky out of which it had appeared. Then came we to a pleasant coast gay with blossoms of every hue, where as far inland as we could see baskedlovely groves and radiant arbors beneath a meridian sun. From bowers beyond our view came bursts of song andsnatches of lyric harmony, interspersed with faint laughter so delicious that I urged the rowers onward in myeagerness to reach the scene. And the bearded man spoke no word, but watched me as we approached thelily−lined shore. Suddenly a wind blowing from over the flowery meadows and leafy woods brought a scent atwhich I trembled. The wind grew stronger, and the air was filled with the lethal, charnel odor of plague−strickentowns and uncovered cemeteries. And as we sailed madly away from that damnable coast the bearded man spokeat last, saying, “This is Xura, the Land of Pleasures Unattained.” So once more the White Ship followed the bird of heaven, over warm blessed seas fanned by caressing,aromatic breezes. Day after day and night after night did we sail, and when the moon was full we would listen tosoft songs of the oarsmen, sweet as on that distant night when we sailed away from my far native land. And it wasby moonlight that we anchored at last in the harbor of Sona−Nyl, which is guarded by twin headlands of crystalthat rise from the sea and meet in a resplendent arch. This is the Land of Fancy, and we walked to the verdantshore upon a golden bridge of moonbeams. In the Land of Sona−Nyl there is neither time nor space, neither suffering nor death; and there I dwelt formany aeons. Green are the groves and pastures, bright and fragrant the flowers, blue and musical the streams,clear and cool the fountains, and stately and gorgeous the temples, castles, and cities of Sona−Nyl. Of that landthere is no bound, for beyond each vista of beauty rises another more beautiful. Over the countryside and amidstthe splendor of cities can move at will the happy folk, of whom all are gifted with unmarred grace and unalloyedhappiness. For the aeons that I dwelt there I wandered blissfully through gardens where quaint pagodas peep frompleasing clumps of bushes, and where the white walks are bordered with delicate blossoms. I climbed gentle hillsfrom whose summits I could see entrancing panoramas of loveliness, with steepled towns nestling in verdantvalleys, and with the golden domes of gigantic cities glittering on the infinitely distant horizon. And I viewed bymoonlight the sparkling sea, the crystal headlands, and the placid harbor wherein lay anchored the White Ship. It was against the full moon one night in the immemorial year of Tharp that I saw outlined the beckoning formof the celestial bird, and felt the first stirrings of unrest. Then I spoke with the bearded man, and told him of mynew yearnings to depart for remote Cathuria, which no man hath seen, but which all believe to lie beyond thebasalt pillars of the West. It is the Land of Hope, and in it shine the perfect ideals of all that we know elsewhere;or at least so men relate. But the bearded man said to me, “Beware of those perilous seas wherein men sayCathuria lies. In Sona−Nyl there is no pain or death, but who can tell what lies beyond the basalt pillars of theWest?” Natheless at the next full moon I boarded the White Ship, and with the reluctant bearded man left thehappy harbor for untraveled seas. And the bird of heaven flew before, and led us toward the basalt pillars of the West, but this time the oarsmensang no soft songs under the full moon. In my mind I would often picture the unknown Land of Cathuria with itssplendid groves and palaces, and would wonder what new delights there awaited me. “Cathuria,” I would say tomyself, “is the abode of gods and the land of unnumbered cities of gold. Its forests are of aloe and sandalwood,even as the fragrant groves of Camorin, and among the trees flutter gay birds sweet with song. On the green andflowery mountains of Cathuria stand temples of pink marble, rich with carven and painted glories, and having intheir courtyards cool fountains of silver, where purr with ravishing music the scented waters that come from thegrotto−born river Narg. And the cities of Cathuria are cinctured with golden walls, and their pavements also are ofgold. In the gardens of these cities are strange orchids, and perfumed lakes whose beds are of coral and amber. Atnight the streets and the gardens are lit with gay lanthorns fashioned from the three−colored shell of the tortoise,and here resound the soft notes of the singer and the lutanist. And the houses of the cities of Cathuria are all

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palaces, each built over a fragrant canal bearing the waters of the sacred Narg. Of marble and porphyry are thehouses, and roofed with glittering gold that reflects the rays of the sun and enhances the splendor of the cities asblissful gods view them from the distant peaks. Fairest of all is the palace of the great monarch Dorieb, whomsome say to be a demi−god and others a god. High is the palace of Dorieb, and many are the turrets of marbleupon its walls. In its wide halls many multitudes assemble, and here hang the trophies of the ages. And the roof isof pure gold, set upon tall pillars of ruby and azure, and having such carven figures of gods and heroes that hewho looks up to those heights seems to gaze upon the living Olympus. And the floor of the palace is of glass,under which flow the cunningly lighted waters of the Narg, gay with gaudy fish not known beyond the bounds oflovely Cathuria.” Thus would I speak to myself of Cathuria, but ever would the bearded man warn me to turn back to the happyshore of Sona−Nyl; for Sona−Nyl is known of men, while none hath ever beheld Cathuria. And on the thirty−first day that we followed the bird, we beheld the basalt pillars of the West. Shrouded inmist they were, so that no man might peer beyond them or see their summits — which indeed some say reacheven to the heavens. And the bearded man again implored me to turn back, but I heeded him not; for from themists beyond the basalt pillars I fancied there came the notes of singers and lutanists; sweeter than the sweetestsongs of Sona−Nyl, and sounding mine own praises; the praises of me, who had voyaged far from the full moonand dwelt in the Land of Fancy. So to the sound of melody the White Ship sailed into the mist betwixt the basaltpillars of the West. And when the music ceased and the mist lifted, we beheld not the Land of Cathuria, but aswift−rushing resistless sea, over which our helpless barque was borne toward some unknown goal. Soon to ourears came the distant thunder of falling waters, and to our eyes appeared on the far horizon ahead the titanic sprayof a monstrous cataract, wherein the oceans of the world drop down to abysmal nothingness. Then did the beardedman say to me, with tears on his cheek, “We have rejected the beautiful Land of Sona−Nyl, which we may neverbehold again. The gods are greater than men, and they have conquered.” And I closed my eyes before the crashthat I knew would come, shutting out the sight of the celestial bird which flapped its mocking blue wings over thebrink of the torrent. Out of that crash came darkness, and I heard the shrieking of men and of things which were not men. From theEast tempestuous winds arose, and chilled me as I crouched on the slab of damp stone which had risen beneathmy feet. Then as I heard another crash I opened my eyes and beheld myself upon the platform of that lighthousewhence I had sailed so many aeons ago. In the darkness below there loomed the vast blurred outlines of a vesselbreaking up on the cruel rocks, and as I glanced out over the waste I saw that the light had failed for the first timesince my grandfather had assumed its care. And in the later watches of the night, when I went within the tower, I saw on the wall a calendar which stillremained as when I had left it at the hour I sailed away. With the dawn I descended the tower and looked forwreckage upon the rocks, but what I found was only this: a strange dead bird whose hue was as of the azure sky,and a single shattered spar, of a whiteness greater than that of the wave−tips or of the mountain snow. And thereafter the ocean told me its secrets no more; and though many times since has the moon shone fulland high in the heavens, the White Ship from the South came never again.

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The Statement of Randolph Carter


Again I say, I do not know what has become of Harley Warren, though I think—almost hope—that he is inpeaceful oblivion, if there be anywhere so blessed a thing. It is true that I have for five years been his closestfriend, and a partial sharer of his terrible researches into the unknown. I will not deny, though my memory isuncertain and indistinct, that this witness of yours may have seen us together as he says, on the Gainsville pike,walking toward Big Cypress Swamp, at half past 11 on that awful night. That we bore electric lanterns, spades,and a curious coil of wire with attached instruments, I will even affirm; for these things all played a part in thesingle hideous scene which remains burned into my shaken recollection. But of what followed, and of the reason Iwas found alone and dazed on the edge of the swamp next morning, I must insist that I know nothing save what Ihave told you over and over again. You say to me that there is nothing in the swamp or near it which could formthe setting of that frightful episode. I reply that I knew nothing beyond what I saw. Vision or nightmare it mayhave been—vision or nightmare I fervently hope it was—yet it is all that my mind retains of what took place inthose shocking hours after we left the sight of men. And why Harley Warren did not return, he or his shade—orsome nameless thing I cannot describe— alone can tell. As I have said before, the weird studies of Harley Warren were well known to me, and to some extent sharedby me. Of his vast collection of strange, rare books on forbidden subjects I have read all that are written in thelanguages of which I am master; but these are few as compared with those in languages I cannot understand.Most, I believe, are in Arabic; and the fiend−inspired book which brought on the end—the book which he carriedin his pocket out of the world—was written in characters whose like I never saw elsewhere. Warren would nevertell me just what was in that book. As to the nature of our studies—must I say again that I no longer retain fullcomprehension? It seems to me rather merciful that I do not, for they were terrible studies, which I pursued morethrough reluctant fascination than through actual inclination. Warren always dominated me, and sometimes Ifeared him. I remember how I shuddered at his facial expression on the night before the awful happening, whenhe talked so incessantly of his theory, why certain corpses never decay, but rest firm and fat in their tombs for athousand years. But I do not fear him now, for I suspect that he has known horrors beyond my ken. Now I fear forhim. Once more I say that I have no clear idea of our object on that night. Certainly, it had much to do withsomething in the book which Warren carried with him—that ancient book in undecipherable characters which hadcome to him from India a month before—but I swear I do not know what it was that we expected to find. Yourwitness says he saw us at half past 11 on the Gainsville pike, headed for Big Cypress Swamp. This is probablytrue, but I have no distinct memory of it. The picture seared into my soul is of one scene only, and the hour musthave been long after midnight; for a waning crescent moon was high in the vaporous heavens. The place was an ancient cemetery; so ancient that I trembled at the manifold signs of immemorial years. Itwas in a deep, damp hollow, overgrown with rank grass, moss, and curious creeping weeds, and filled with avague stench which my idle fancy associated absurdly with rotting stone. On every hand were the signs of neglectand decrepitude, and I seemed haunted by the notion that Warren and I were the first living creatures to invade alethal silence of centuries. Over the valley's rim a wan, waning crescent moon peered through the noisome vaporsthat seemed to emanate from unheard of catacombs, and by its feeble, wavering beams I could distinguish arepellent array of antique slabs, urns, cenotaphs, and mausoleum facades; all crumbling, moss−grown, andmoisture−stained, and partly concealed by the gross luxuriance of the unhealthy vegetation. My first vivid impression of my own presence in this terrible necropolis concerns the act of pausing withWarren before a certain half− obliterated sepulcher and of throwing down some burdens which we seemed tohave been carrying. I now observed that I had with me an electric lantern and two spades, whilst my companionwas supplied with a similar lantern and a portable telephone outfit. No word was uttered, for the spot and the taskseemed known to us; and without delay we seized our spades and commenced to clear away the grass, weeds, and

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drifted earth from the flat, archaic mortuary. After uncovering the entire surface, which consisted of threeimmense granite slabs, we stepped back some distance to survey the charnel scene; and Warren appeared to makesome mental calculations. Then he returned to the sepulcher, and using his spade as a lever, sought to pry up theslab lying nearest to a stony ruin which may have been a monument in its day. He did not succeed, and motionedto me to come to his assistance. Finally our combined strength loosened the stone, which we raised and tipped toone side. The removal of the slab revealed a black aperture, from which rushed an effluence of miasmal gases sonauseous that we started back in horror. After an interval, however, we approached the pit again, and found theexhalations less unbearable. Our lanterns disclosed the top of a flight of stone steps, dripping with some detestableichor of the inner earth, and bordered by moist walls encrusted with niter. And now for the first time my memoryrecords verbal discourse, Warren addressing me at length in his mellow tenor voice; a voice singularlyunperturbed by our awesome surroundings. “I'm sorry to have to ask you to stay on the surface,” he said, “but it would be a crime to let anyone with yourfrail nerves go down there. You can't imagine, even from what you have read and from what I've told you, thethings I shall have to see and do. It's fiendish work, Carter, and I doubt if any man without ironclad sensibilitiescould ever see it through and come up alive and sane. I don't wish to offend you, and Heaven knows I'd be gladenough to have you with me; but the responsibility is in a certain sense mine, and I couldn't drag a bundle ofnerves like you down to probable death or madness. I tell you, you can't imagine what the thing is really like! ButI promise to keep you informed over the telephone of every move—you see I've enough wire here to reach to thecenter of the earth and back!” I can still hear, in memory, those coolly spoken words; and I can still remember my remonstrances. I seemeddesperately anxious to accompany my friend into those sepulchral depths, yet he proved inflexibly obdurate. Atone time he threatened to abandon the expedition if I remained insistent; a threat which proved effective, since healone held the key to the thing. All this I can still remember, though I no longer know what manner of thing wesought. After he had obtained my reluctant acquiescence in his design, Warren picked up the reel of wire andadjusted the instruments. At his nod I took one of the latter and seated myself upon an aged, discolored gravestoneclose by the newly uncovered aperture. Then he shook my hand, shouldered the coil of wire, and disappearedwithin that indescribable ossuary. For a minute I kept sight of the glow of his lantern, and heard the rustle of the wire as he laid it down afterhim; but the glow soon disappeared abruptly, as if a turn in the stone staircase had been encountered, and thesound died away almost as quickly. I was alone, yet bound to the unknown depths by those magic strands whoseinsulated surface lay green beneath the struggling beams of that waning crescent moon. I constantly consulted my watch by the light of my electric lantern, and listened with feverish anxiety at thereceiver of the telephone; but for more than a quarter of an hour heard nothing. Then a faint clicking came fromthe instrument, and I called down to my friend in a tense voice. Apprehensive as I was, I was neverthelessunprepared for the words which came up from that uncanny vault in accents more alarmed and quivering than anyI had heard before from Harley Warren. He who had so calmly left me a little while previously, now called frombelow in a shaky whisper more portentous than the loudest shriek: “God! If you could see what I am seeing!” I could not answer. Speechless, I could only wait. Then came the frenzied tones again: “Carter, it's terrible—monstrous—unbelievable!” This time my voice did not fail me, and I poured into the transmitter a flood of excited questions. Terrified, Icontinued to repeat, “Warren, what is it? What is it?” Once more came the voice of my friend, still hoarse with fear, and now apparently tinged with despair: “I can't tell you, Carter! It's too utterly beyond thought—I dare not tell you—no man could know it andlive—Great God! I never dreamed of this!” Stillness again, save for my now incoherent torrent of shuddering inquiry. Then the voice of Warren in a pitchof wilder consternation: “Carter! for the love of God, put back the slab and get out of this if you can! Quick!—leave everything elseand make for the outside—it's your only chance! Do as I say, and don't ask me to explain!” I heard, yet was able only to repeat my frantic questions. Around me were the tombs and the darkness and the

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shadows; below me, some peril beyond the radius of the human imagination. But my friend was in greater dangerthan I, and through my fear I felt a vague resentment that he should deem me capable of deserting him under suchcirc*mstances. More clicking, and after a pause a piteous cry from Warren: “Beat it! For God's sake, put back the slab and beat it, Carter!” Something in the boyish slang of my evidently stricken companion unleashed my faculties. I formed andshouted a resolution, “Warren, brace up! I'm coming down!” But at this offer the tone of my auditor changed to ascream of utter despair: “Don't! You can't understand! It's too late—and my own fault. Put back the slab and run—there's nothing elseyou or anyone can do now!” The tone changed again, this time acquiring a softer quality, as of hopeless resignation. Yet it remained tensethrough anxiety for me. “Quick—before it's too late!” I tried not to heed him; tried to break through the paralysis which held me, and to fulfil my vow to rush downto his aid. But his next whisper found me still held inert in the chains of stark horror. “Carter—hurry! It's no use—you must go—better one than two—the slab—” A pause, more clicking, then the faint voice of Warren: “Nearly over now—don't make it harder—cover up those damned steps and run for your life—you're losingtime—so long, Carter—won't see you again.” Here Warren's whisper swelled into a cry; a cry that gradually rose to a shriek fraught with all the horror of theages— “Curse these hellish things—legions—My God! Beat it! Beat it! BEAT IT!” After that was silence. I know not how many interminable eons I sat stupefied; whispering, muttering, calling,screaming into that telephone. Over and over again through those eons I whispered and muttered, called, shouted,and screamed, “Warren! Warren! Answer me—are you there?” And then there came to me the crowning horror of all—the unbelievable, unthinkable, almost unmentionablething. I have said that eons seemed to elapse after Warren shrieked forth his last despairing warning, and that onlymy own cries now broke the hideous silence. But after a while there was a further clicking in the receiver, and Istrained my ears to listen. Again I called down, “Warren, are you there?” and in answer heard the thing which hasbrought this cloud over my mind. I do not try, gentlemen, to account for that thing—that voice—nor can I ventureto describe it in detail, since the first words took away my consciousness and created a mental blank whichreaches to the time of my awakening in the hospital. Shall I say that the voice was deep; hollow; gelatinous;remote; unearthly; inhuman; disembodied? What shall I say? It was the end of my experience, and is the end ofmy story. I heard it, and knew no more—heard it as I sat petrified in that unknown cemetery in the hollow, amidstthe crumbling stones and the falling tombs, the rank vegetation and the miasmal vapors— heard it well up fromthe innermost depths of that damnable open sepulcher as I watched amorphous, necrophagous shadows dancebeneath an accursed waning moon. And this is what it said: “You fool, Warren is DEAD!”

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The Doom That Came to Sarnath

Written 3 Dec 1919

Published June 1920 in The Scot, No. 44, p. 90−8. There is in the land of Mnar a vast still lake that is fed by no stream, and out of which no stream flows. Tenthousand years ago there stood by its shore the mighty city of Sarnath, but Sarnath stands there no more. It is told that in the immemorial years when the world was young, before ever the men of Sarnath came to theland of Mnar, another city stood beside the lake; the gray stone city of Ib, which was old as the lake itseli, andpeopled with beings not pleasing to behold. Very odd and ugly were these beings, as indeed are most beings of aworld yet inchoate and rudely fashioned. It is written on the brick cylinders of Kadatheron that the beings of lbwere in hue as green as the lake and the mists that rise above it; that they had bulging eyes, pouting, flabby lips,and curious ears, and were without voice. It is also written that they descended one night from the moon in a mist;they and the vast still lake and gray stone city lb. However this may be, it is certain that they worshipped asea−green stone idol chiseled in the likeness of Bokrug, the great water−lizard; before which they danced horriblywhen the moon was gibbous. And it is written in the papyrus of Ilarnek, that they one day discovered fire, andthereafter kindled flames on many ceremonial occasions. But not much is written of these beings, because theylived in very ancient times, and man is young, and knows but little of the very ancient living things. After many eons men came to the land of Mnar, dark shepherd folk with their fleecy flocks, who built Thraa,Ilarnek, and Kadatheron on the winding river Ai. And certain tribes, more hardy than the rest, pushed on to theborder of the lake and built Sarnath at a spot where precious metals were found in the earth. Not far from the gray city of lb did the wandering tribes lay the first stones of Sarnath, and at the beings of lbthey marveled greatly. But with their marveling was mixed hate, for they thought it not meet that beings of suchaspect should walk about the world of men at dusk. Nor did they like the strange sculptures upon the graymonoliths of Ib, for why those sculptures lingered so late in the world, even until the coming men, none can tell;unless it was because the land of Mnar is very still, and remote from most other lands, both of waking and ofdream. As the men of Sarnath beheld more of the beings of lb their hate grew, and it was not less because they foundthe beings weak, and soft as jelly to the touch of stones and arrows. So one day the young warriors, the slingersand the spearmen and the bowmen, marched against lb and slew all the inhabitants thereof, pushing the queerbodies into the lake with long spears, because they did not wish to touch them. And because they did not like thegray sculptured monoliths of lb they cast these also into the lake; wondering from the greatness of the labor however the stones were brought from afar, as they must have been, since there is naught like them in the land ofMnar or in the lands adjacent. Thus of the very ancient city of lb was nothing spared, save the sea−green stone idol chiseled in the likenessof Bokrug, the water−lizard. This the young warriors took back with them as a symbol of conquest over the oldgods and beings of Th, and as a sign of leadership in Mnar. But on the night after it was set up in the temple, aterrible thing must have happened, for weird lights were seen over the lake, and in the morning the people foundthe idol gone and the high−priest Taran−Ish lying dead, as from some fear unspeakable. And before he died,Taran−Ish had scrawled upon the altar of chrysolite with coarse shaky strokes the sign of DOOM. After Taran−Ish there were many high−priests in Sarnath but never was the sea−green stone idol found. Andmany centuries came and went, wherein Sarnath prospered exceedingly, so that only priests and old womenremembered what Taran−Ish had scrawled upon the altar of chrysolite. Betwixt Sarnath and the city of flarnekarose a caravan route, and the precious metals from the earth were exchanged for other metals and rare cloths andjewels and books and tools for artificers and all things of luxury that are known to the people who dwell along thewinding river Ai and beyond. So Sarnath waxed mighty and learned and beautiful, and sent forth conqueringarmies to subdue the neighboring cities; and in time there sate upon a throne in Sarnath the kings of all the land ofMnar and of many lands adjacent.

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The wonder of the world and the pride of all mankind was Sarnath the magnificent. Of polisheddesert−quarried marble were its walls, in height three hundred cubits and in breadth seventy−five, so that chariotsmight pass each other as men drove them along the top. For full five hundred stadia did they run, being open onlyon the side toward the lake where a green stone sea−wall kept back the waves that rose oddly once a year at thefestival of the 'destroying of lb. In Sarnath were fifty streets from the lake to the gates of the caravans, and fiftymore intersecting them. With onyx were they paved, save those whereon the horses and camels and elephantstrod, which were paved with granite. And the gates of Sarnath were as many as the landward ends of the streets,each of bronze, and flanked by the figures of lions and elephants carven from some stone no longer known amongmen. The houses of Sarnath were of glazed brick and chalcedony, each having its walled garden and crystallakelet. With strange art were they builded, for no other city had houses like them; and travelers from Thraa andIlarnek and Kadatheron marveled at the shining domes wherewith they were surmounted. But more marvelous still were the palaces and the temples, and the gardens made by Zokkar the olden king.There were many palaces, the last of which were mightier than any in Thraa or Ilarnek or Kadatheron. So highwere they that one within might sometimes fancy himself beneath only the sky; yet when lighted with torches diptin the oil of Dother their walls showed vast paintings of kings and armies, of a splendor at once inspiring andstupefying to the beholder. Many were the pillars of the palaces, all of tinted marble, and carven into designs ofsurpassing beauty. And in most of the palaces the floors were mosaics of beryl and lapis lazuli and sardonyx andcarbuncle and other choice materials, so disposed that the beholder might fancy himself walking over beds of therarest flowers. And there were likewise fountains, which cast scented waters about in pleasing jets arranged withcunning art. Outshining all others was the palace of the kings of Mnar and of the lands adjacent. On a pair ofgolden crouching lions rested the throne, many steps above the gleaming floor. And it was wrought of one pieceof ivory, though no man lives who knows whence so vast a piece could have come. In that palace there were alsomany galleries, and many amphitheaters where lions and men and elephants battled at the pleasure of the kings.Sometimes the amphitheaters were flooded with water conveyed from the lake in mighty aqueducts, and thenwere enacted stirring sea−fights, or combats betwixt swimmers and deadly marine things. Lofty and amazing were the seventeen tower−like temples of Sarnath, fashioned of a bright multi−coloredstone not known elsewhere. A full thousand cubits high stood the greatest among them, wherein the high−priestsdwelt with a magnificence scarce less than that of the kings. On the ground were halls as vast and splendid asthose of the palaces; where gathered throngs in worship of Zo−Kalar and Tamash and Lobon, the chief gods ofSarnath, whose incense−enveloped shrines were as the thrones of monarchs. Not like the eikons of other godswere those of Zo−Kalar and Tamash and Lobon. For so close to life were they that one might swear the gracefulbearded gods themselves sate on the ivory thrones. And up unending steps of zircon was the tower−chamber,wherefrom the high−priests looked out over the city and the plains and the lake by day; and at the cryptic moonand significant stars and planets, and their reflections in the lake, at night. Here was done the very secret andancient rite in detestation of Bokrug, the water−lizard, and here rested the altar of chrysolite which bore theDoom−scrawl of Taran−Ish. Wonderful likewise were the gardens made by Zokkar the olden king. In the center of Sarnath they lay,covering a great space and encircled by a high wall. And they were surmounted by a mighty dome of glass,through which shone the sun and moon and planets when it was clear, and from which were hung fulgent imagesof the sun and moon and stars and planets when it was not clear. In summer the gardens were cooled with freshodorous breezes skilfully wafted by fans, and in winter they were heated with concealed fires, so that in thosegardens it was always spring. There ran little streams over bright pebbles, dividing meads of green and gardens ofmany hues, and spanned by a multitude of bridges. Many were the waterfalls in their courses, and many were thehued lakelets into which they expanded. Over the streams and lakelets rode white swans, whilst the music of rarebirds chimed in with the melody of the waters. In ordered terraces rose the green banks, adorned here and therewith bowers of vines and sweet blossoms, and seats and benches of marble and porphyry. And there were manysmall shrines and temples where one might rest or pray to small gods. Each year there was celebrated in Sarnath the feast of the destroying of lb, at which time wine, song, dancing,and merriment of every kind abounded. Great honors were then paid to the shades of those who had annihilatedthe odd ancient beings, and the memory of those beings and of their elder gods was derided by dancers andlutanists crowned with roses from the gardens of Zokkar. And the kings would look out over the lake and curse

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the bones of the dead that lay beneath it. At first the high−priests liked not these festivals, for there had descended amongst them queer tales of how thesea−green eikon had vanished, and how Taran−Ish had died from fear and left a warning. And they said that fromtheir high tower they sometimes saw lights beneath the waters of the lake. But as many years passed withoutcalamity even the priests laughed and cursed and joined in the orgies of the feasters. Indeed, had they notthemselves, in their high tower, often performed the very ancient and secret rite in detestation of Bokrug, thewater−lizard? And a thousand years of riches and delight passed over Sarnath, wonder of the world. Gorgeous beyond thought was the feast of the thousandth year of the destroying of lb. For a decade had itbeen talked of in the land of Mnar, and as it drew nigh there came to Sarnath on horses and camels and elephantsmen from Thraa, llarnek, and Kadetheron, and all the cities of Mnar and the lands beyond. Before the marblewalls on the appointed night were pitched the pavilions of princes and the tents of travelers. Within hisbanquet−hall reclined Nargis−Hei, the king, drunken with ancient wine from the vaults of conquered Pnoth, andsurrounded by feasting nobles and hurrying slaves. There were eaten many strange delicacies at that feast;peaco*cks from the distant hills of linplan, heels of camels from the Bnazic desert, nuts and spices from Sydathriangroves, and pearls from wave−washed Mtal dissolved in the vinegar of Thraa. Of sauces there were an untoldnumber, prepared by the subtlest cooks in all Mnar, and suited to the palate of every feaster. But most prized of allthe viands were the great fishes from the lake, each of vast size, and served upon golden platters set with rubiesand diamonds. Whilst the king and his nobles feasted within the palace, and viewed the crowning dish as it awaited them ongolden platters, others feasted elsewhere. In the tower of the great temple the priests held revels, and in pavilionswithout the walls the princes of neighboring lands made merry. And it was the high−priest Gnai−Kah who firstsaw the shadows that descended from the gibbous moon into the lake, and the damnable green mists that arosefrom the lake to meet the moon and to shroud in a sinister haze the towers and the domes of fated Sarnath.Thereafter those in the towers and without the walls beheld strange lights on the water, and saw that the gray rockAkurion, which was wont to rear high above it near the shore, was almost submerged. And fear grew vaguely yetswiftly, so that the princes of Ilarnek and of far Rokol took down and folded their tents and pavilions anddeparted, though they scarce knew the reason for their departing. Then, close to the hour of midnight, all the bronze gates of Sarnath burst open and emptied forth a frenziedthrong that blackened the plain, so that all the visiting princes and travelers fled away in fright. For on the faces ofthis throng was writ a madness born of horror unendurable, and on their tongues were words so terrible that nohearer paused for proof. Men whose eyes were wild with fear shrieked aloud of the sight within the king'sbanquet−hall, where through the windows were seen no longer the forms of Nargis−Hei and his nobles and slaves,but a horde of indescribable green voiceless things with bulging eyes, pouting, flabby lips, and curious ears;things which danced horribly, bearing in their paws golden platters set with rubies and diamonds and containinguncouth flames. And the princes and travelers, as they fled from the doomed city of Sarnath on horses and camelsand elephants, looked again upon the mist−begetting lake and saw the gray rock Akurion was quite submerged.Through all the land of Mnar and the land adjacent spread the tales of those who had fled from Sarnath, andcaravans sought that accursed city and its precious metals no more. It was long ere any travelers went thither, andeven then only the brave and adventurous young men of yellow hair and blue eyes, who are no kin to the men ofMnar. These men indeed went to the lake to view Sarnath; but though they found the vast still lake itself, and thegray rock Akurion which rears high above it near the shore, they beheld not the wonder of the world and pride ofall mankind. Where once had risen walls of three hundred cubits and towers yet higher, now stretched only themarshy shore, and where once had dwelt fifty million of men now crawled the detestable water−lizard. Not eventhe mines of precious metal remained. DOOM had come to Sarnath. But half buried in the rushes was spied a curious green idol; an exceedingly ancient idol chiseled in thelikeness of Bokrug, the great water−lizard. That idol, enshrined in the high temple at llarnek, was subsequentlyworshipped beneath the gibbous moon throughout the land of Mnar.

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Poetry and the Gods

by H.P. Lovecraft and Anna Helen CroftsWritten 1920

Published September 1920 in The United Amateur, Vol. 20, No. 1, p. 1−4. A damp gloomy evening in April it was, just after the close of the Great War, when Marcia found herselfalone with strange thoughts and wishes, unheard−of yearnings which floated out of the spacioustwentieth−century drawing room, up the deeps of the air, and eastward to olive groves in distant Arcady whichshe had seen only in her dreams. She had entered the room in abstraction, turned off the glaring chandeliers, andnow reclined on a soft divan by a solitary lamp which shed over the reading table a green glow as soothing asmoonlight when it issued through the foliage about an antique shrine. Attired simply, in a low−cut black evening dress, she appeared outwardly a typical product of moderncivilization; but tonight she felt the immeasurable gulf that separated her soul from all her prosaic surroundings.Was it because of the strange home in which she lived, that abode of coldness where relations were alwaysstrained and the inmates scarcely more than strangers? Was it that, or was it some greater and less explicablemisplacement in time and space, whereby she had been born too late, too early, or too far away from the haunts ofher spirit ever to harmonize with the unbeautiful things of contemporary reality? To dispel the mood which wasengulfing her more and more deeply each moment, she took a magazine from the table and searched for somehealing bit of poetry. Poetry had always relieved her troubled mind better than anything else, though many thingsin the poetry she had seen detracted from the influence. Over parts of even the sublimest verses hung a chill vaporof sterile ugliness and restraint, like dust on a window−pane through which one views a magnificent sunset. Listlessly turning the magazine's pages, as if searching for an elusive treasure, she suddenly came uponsomething which dispelled her languor. An observer could have read her thoughts and told that she haddiscovered some image or dream which brought her nearer to her unattained goal than any image or dream shehad seen before. It was only a bit of vers libre, that pitiful compromise of the poet who overleaps prose yet fallsshort of the divine melody of numbers; but it had in it all the unstudied music of a bard who lives and feels, whogropes ecstatically for unveiled beauty. Devoid of regularity, it yet had the harmony of winged, spontaneouswords, a harmony missing from the formal, convention−bound verse she had known. As she read on, hersurroundings gradually faded, and soon there lay about her only the mists of dream, the purple, star−strewn mistsbeyond time, where only Gods and dreamers walk. Moon over Japan,White butterfly moon!Where the heavy−lidded Buddhas dreamTo the sound of the cuckoo's call...The white wings of moon butterfliesFlicker down the streets of the city,Blushing into silence the useless wicks of sound−lanterns in the hands of girls

Moon over the tropics,A white−curved budOpening its petals slowly in the warmth of heaven...

The air is full of odoursAnd languorous warm sounds...A flute drones its insect music to the nightBelow the curving moon−petal of the heavens.

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Moon over China, Weary moon on the river of the sky,The stir of light in the willows is like the flashing of a thousand silver minnowsThrough dark shoals;The tiles on graves and rotting temples flash like ripples,The sky is flecked with clouds like the scales of a dragon. Amid the mists of dream the reader cried to the rhythmical stars, of her delight at the coming of a new age ofsong, a rebirth of Pan. Half closing her eyes, she repeated words whose melody lay hidden like crystals at thebottom of a stream before dawn, hidden but to gleam effulgently at the birth of day. Moon over Japan,White butterfly moon!

Moon over the tropics,A white curved budOpening its petals slowly in the warmth of heaven.The air is full of odoursAnd languorous warm sounds...

Moon over China,Weary moon on the river of the sky... Out of the mists gleamed godlike the torm ot a youth, in winged helmet and sandals, caduceus−bearing, and ofa beauty like to nothing on earth. Before the face of the sleeper he thrice waved the rod which Apollo had givenhim in trade for the nine−corded shell of melody, and upon her brow he placed a wreath of myrtle and roses.Then, adoring, Hermes spoke: “0 Nymph more fair than the golden−haired sisters of Cyene or the sky−inhabiting Atlantides, beloved ofAphrodite and blessed of Pallas, thou hast indeed discovered the secret of the Gods, which lieth in beauty andsong. 0 Prophetess more lovely than the Sybil of Cumae when Apollo first knew her, thou has truly spoken of thenew age, for even now on Maenalus, Pan sighs and stretches in his sleep, wishful to wake and behold about himthe little rose−crowned fauns and the antique Satyrs. In thy yearning hast thou divined what no mortal, savingonly a few whom the world rejects, remembereth: that the Gods were never dead, but only sleeping the sleep anddreaming the dreams of Gods in lotos−filled Hesperian gardens beyond the golden sunset. And now draweth nighthe time of their awakening, when coldness and ugliness shall perish, and Zeus sit once more on Olympus.Already the sea about Paphos trembleth into a foam which only ancient skies have looked on before, and at nighton Helicon the shepherds hear strange murmurings and half−remembered notes. Woods and fields are tremulousat twilight with the shimmering of white saltant forms, and immemorial Ocean yields up curious sights beneaththin moons. The Gods are patient, and have slept long, but neither man nor giant shall defy the Gods forever. InTartarus the Titans writhe and beneath the fiery Aetna groan the children of Uranus and Gaea. The day nowdawns when man must answer for centuries of denial, but in sleeping the Gods have grown kind and will not hurlhim to the gulf made for deniers of Gods. Instead will their vengeance smite the darkness, fallacy and uglinesswhich have turned the mind of man; and under the sway of bearded Saturnus shall mortals, once more sacrificingunto him, dwell in beauty and delight. This night shalt thou know the favour of the Gods, and behold on Parnassusthose dreams which the Gods have through ages sent to earth to show that they are not dead. For poets are thedreams of Gods, and in each and every age someone hath sung unknowingly the message and the promise fromthe lotosgardens beyond the sunset.” Then in his arms Hermes bore the dreaming maiden through the skies. Gentle breezes from the tower ofAiolas wafted them high above warm, scented seas, till suddenly they came upon Zeus, holding court upondouble−headed Parnassus, his golden throne flanked by Apollo and the Muses on the right hand, and byivy−wreathed Dionysus and pleasure−flushed Bacchae on the left hand. So much of splendour Marcia had neverseen before, either awake or in dreams, but its radiance did her no injury, as would have the radiance of loftyOlympus; for in this lesser court the Father of Gods had tempered his glories for the sight of mortals. Before thelaurel−draped mouth of the Corycian cave sat in a row six noble forms with the aspect of mortals, but thecountenances of Gods. These the dreamer recognized from images of them which she had beheld, and she knew

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that they were none else than the divine Maeonides, the avernian Dante, the more than mortal Shakespeare, thechaos−exploring Milton, the cosmic Goethe and the musalan Keats. These were those messengers whom the Godshad sent to tell men that Pan had passed not away, but only slept; for it is in poetry that Gods speak to men. Thenspake the Thunderer: “0 Daughter—for, being one of my endless line, thou art indeed my daughter—behold upon ivory thrones ofhonour the august messengers Gods have sent down that in the words and writing of men there may be still sometraces of divine beauty. Other bards have men justly crowned with enduring laurels, but these hath Apollocrowned, and these have I set in places apart, as mortals who have spoken the language of the Gods. Long havewe dreamed in lotosgardens beyond the West, and spoken only through our dreams; but the time approaches whenour voices shall not be silent. It is a time of awakening and change. Once more hath Phaeton ridden low, searingthe fields and drying the streams. In Gaul lone nymphs with disordered hair weep beside fountains that are nomore, and pine over rivers turned red with the blood of mortals. Ares and his train have gone forth with themadness of Gods and have returned Deimos and Phobos glutted with unnatural delight. Tellus moons with grief,and the faces of men are as the faces of Erinyes, even as when Astraea fled to the skies, and the waves of ourbidding encompassed all the land saving this high peak alone. Amidst this chaos, prepared to herald his comingyet to conceal his arrival, even now toileth our latest born messenger, in whose dreams are all the images whichother messengers have dreamed before him. He it is that we have chosen to blend into one glorious whole all thebeauty that the world hath known before, and to write words wherein shall echo all the wisdom and the lovelinessof the past. He it is who shall proclaim our return and sing of the days to come when Fauns and Dryads shallhaunt their accustomed groves in beauty. Guided was our choice by those who now sit before the Corycian grottoon thrones of ivory, and in whose songs thou shalt hear notes of sublimity by which years hence thou shalt knowthe greater messenger when he cometh. Attend their voices as one by one they sing to thee here. Each note shallthou hear again in the poetry which is to come, the poetry which shall bring peace and pleasure to thy soul, thoughsearch for it through bleak years thou must. Attend with diligence, for each chord that vibrates away into hidingshall appear again to thee after thou hast returned to earth, as Alpheus, sinking his waters into the soul of Hellas,appears as the crystal arethusa in remote Sicilia.” Then arose Homeros, the ancient among bards, who took his lyre and chanted his hymn to Aphrodite. Noword of Greek did Marcia know, yet did the message not fall vainly upon her ears, for in the cryptic rhythm wasthat which spake to all mortals and Gods, and needed no interpreter. So too the songs of Dante and Goethe, whose unknown words dave the ether with melodies easy to ready andadore. But at last remembered accents resounded before the listener. It was the Swan of Avon, once a God amongmen, and still a God among Gods: Write, write, that from the bloody course of war,My dearest master, your dear son, may hie;Bless him at home in peace, whilst I from far,His name with zealous fervour sanctify. Accents still more familiar arose as Milton, blind no more, declaimed immortal harmony: Or let thy lamp at midnight hourBe seen in some high lonely tower,Where I might oft outwatch the BearWith thrice−great Hermes, or unsphereThe spirit of Plato, to unfoldWhat worlds or what vast regions holdThe immortal mind, that hath forsookHer mansion in this fleshy nook. * * * * * Sometime let gorgeous tragedyIn sceptered pall come sweeping by,Presenting Thebes, or Pelop's line,Or the tale of Troy divine. Last of all came the young voice of Keats, closest of all the messengers to the beauteous faun−folk:

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Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheardAre sweeter, therefore, yet sweep pipes, play on... * * * * * When old age shall this generation waste,Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woeThan ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say'st“Beauty is truth — truth beauty” — that is allYe know on earth, and all ye need to know. As the singer ceased, there came a sound in the wind blowing from far Egypt, where at night Aurora mournsby the Nile for her slain Memnon. To the feet of the Thunderer flew the rosy−fingered Goddess and, kneeling,cried, “Master, it is time I unlocked the Gates of the East.” And Phoebus, handing his lyre to Calliope, his brideamong the Muses, prepared to depart for the jewelled and column−raised Palace of the Sun, where fretted thesteeds already harnessed to the golden car of Day. So Zeus descended from his caryen throne and placed his handupon the head of Marcia, saying: “Daughter, the dawn is nigh, and it is well that thou shouldst return before the awakening of mortals to thyhome. Weep not at the bleakness of thy life, for the shadow of false faiths will soon be gone and the Gods shallonce more walk among men. Search thou unceasingly for our messenger, for in him wilt thou find peace andcomfort. By his word shall thy steps be guided to happiness, and in his dreams of beauty shall thy spirit find thatwhich it craveth.” As Zeus ceased, the young Hermes gently seized the maiden and bore her up toward the fadingstars, up and westward over unseen seas. * * * Many years have passed since Marcia dreamt of the Gods and of their Parnassus conclave. Tonight she sits inthe same spacious drawing−room, but she is not alone. Gone is the old spirit of unrest, for beside her is one whosename is luminous with celebrity: the young poet of poets at whose feet sits all the world. He is reading from amanuscript words which none has ever heard before, but which when heard will bring to men the dreams and thefancies they lost so many centuries ago, when Pan lay down to doze in Arcady, and the great Gods withdrew tosleep in lotos−gardens beyond the lands of the Hesperides. In the subtle cadences and hidden melodies of the bardthe spirit of the maiden had found rest at last, for there echo the divinest notes of Thracian Orpheus, notes thatmoved the very rocks and trees by Hebrus' banks. The singer ceases, and with eagerness asks a verdict, yet whatcan Marcia say but that the strain is “fit for the Gods”? And as she speaks there comes again a vision of Parnassus and the far−off sound of a mighty voice saying,“By his word shall thy steps be guided to happiness, and in his dreams of beauty shall thy spirit find all that itcraveth.”

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Written early Dec 1920

Published November 1920 in The United Amateur, Vol. 20, No. 2, p. 19−21. Nyarlathotep... the crawling chaos... I am the last... I will tell the audient void... I do not recall distinctly when it began, but it was months ago. The general tension was horrible. To a seasonof political and social upheaval was added a strange and brooding apprehension of hideous physical danger; adanger widespread and all−embracing, such a danger as may be imagined only in the most terrible phantasms ofthe night. I recall that the people went about with pale and worried faces, and whispered warnings and prophecieswhich no one dared consciously repeat or acknowledge to himself that he had heard. A sense of monstrous guiltwas upon the land, and out of the abysses between the stars swept chill currents that made men shiver in dark andlonely places. There was a demoniac alteration in the sequence of the seasons—the autumn heat lingeredfearsomely, and everyone felt that the world and perhaps the universe had passed from the control of known godsor forces to that of gods or forces which were unknown. And it was then that Nyarlathotep came out of Egypt. Who he was, none could tell, but he was of the oldnative blood and looked like a Pharaoh. The fellahin knelt when they saw him, yet could not say why. He said hehad risen up out of the blackness of twenty−seven centuries, and that he had heard messages from places not onthis planet. Into the lands of civilisation came Nyarlathotep, swarthy, slender, and sinister, always buying strangeinstruments of glass and metal and combining them into instruments yet stranger. He spoke much of thesciences—of electricity and psychology—and gave exhibitions of power which sent his spectators awayspeechless, yet which swelled his fame to exceeding magnitude. Men advised one another to see Nyarlathotep,and shuddered. And where Nyarlathotep went, rest vanished, for the small hours were rent with the screams ofnightmare. Never before had the screams of nightmare been such a public problem; now the wise men almostwished they could forbid sleep in the small hours, that the shrieks of cities might less horribly disturb the pale,pitying moon as it glimmered on green waters gliding under bridges, and old steeples crumbling against a sicklysky. I remember when Nyarlathotep came to my city—the great, the old, the terrible city of unnumbered crimes.My friend had told me of him, and of the impelling fascination and allurement of his revelations, and I burnedwith eagerness to explore his uttermost mysteries. My friend said they were horrible and impressive beyond mymost fevered imaginings; and what was thrown on a screen in the darkened room prophesied things none butNyarlathotep dared prophesy, and in the sputter of his sparks there was taken from men that which had never beentaken before yet which shewed only in the eyes. And I heard it hinted abroad that those who knew Nyarlathoteplooked on sights which others saw not. It was in the hot autumn that I went through the night with the restless crowds to see Nyarlathotep; throughthe stifling night and up the endless stairs into the choking room. And shadowed on a screen, I saw hooded formsamidst ruins, and yellow evil faces peering from behind fallen monuments. And I saw the world battling againstblackness; against the waves of destruction from ultimate space; whirling, churning, struggling around thedimming, cooling sun. Then the sparks played amazingly around the heads of the spectators, and hair stood up onend whilst shadows more grotesque than I can tell came out and squatted on the heads. And when I, who wascolder and more scientific than the rest, mumbled a trembling protest about “imposture" and “static electricity,”Nyarlathotep drove us all out, down the dizzy stairs into the damp, hot, deserted midnight streets. I screamedaloud that I was not afraid; that I never could be afraid; and others screamed with me for solace. We swore to oneanother that the city was exactly the same, and still alive; and when the electric lights began to fade we cursed thecompany over and over again, and laughed at the queer faces we made. I believe we felt something coming down from the greenish moon, for when we began to depend on its lightwe drifted into curious involuntary marching formations and seemed to know our destinations though we darednot think of them. Once we looked at the pavement and found the blocks loose and displaced by grass, with scarce

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a line of rusted metal to shew where the tramways had run. And again we saw a tram−car, lone, windowless,dilapidated, and almost on its side. When we gazed around the horizon, we could not find the third tower by theriver, and noticed that the silhouette of the second tower was ragged at the top. Then we split up into narrowcolumns, each of which seemed drawn in a different direction. One disappeared in a narrow alley to the left,leaving only the echo of a shocking moan. Another filed down a weed−choked subway entrance, howling with alaughter that was mad. My own column was sucked toward the open country, and presently I felt a chill whichwas not of the hot autumn; for as we stalked out on the dark moor, we beheld around us the hellish moon−glitterof evil snows. Trackless, inexplicable snows, swept asunder in one direction only, where lay a gulf all the blackerfor its glittering walls. The column seemed very thin indeed as it plodded dreamily into the gulf. I lingeredbehind, for the black rift in the green−litten snow was frightful, and I thought I had heard the reverberations of adisquieting wail as my companions vanished; but my power to linger was slight. As if beckoned by those who hadgone before, I half−floated between the titanic snowdrifts, quivering and afraid, into the sightless vortex of theunimaginable. Screamingly sentient, dumbly delirious, only the gods that were can tell. A sickened, sensitive shadowwrithing in hands that are not hands, and whirled blindly past ghastly midnights of rotting creation, corpses ofdead worlds with sores that were cities, charnel winds that brush the pallid stars and make them flicker low.Beyond the worlds vague ghosts of monstrous things; half−seen columns of unsanctifled temples that rest onnameless rocks beneath space and reach up to dizzy vacua above the spheres of light and darkness. And throughthis revolting graveyard of the universe the muffled, maddening beating of drums, and thin, monotonous whine ofblasphemous flutes from inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond Time; the detestable pounding and pipingwhereunto dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic, tenebrous ultimate gods—the blind, voiceless,mindless gargoyles whose soul is Nyarlathotep.

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The Cats of Ulthar

Written 15 Jun 1920

Published November 1920 in The Tryout, Vol. 6, No. 11, p. 3−9. It is said that in Ulthar, which lies beyond the river Skai, no man may kill a cat; and this I can verily believe asI gaze upon him who sitteth purring before the fire. For the cat is cryptic, and close to strange things which mencannot see. He is the soul of antique Aegyptus, and bearer of tales from forgotten cities in Meroe and Ophir. He isthe kin of the jungle's lords, and heir to the secrets of hoary and sinister Africa. The Sphinx is his cousin, and hespeaks her language; but he is more ancient than the Sphinx, and remembers that which she hath forgotten. In Ulthar, before ever the burgesses forbade the killing of cats, there dwelt an old cotter and his wife whodelighted to trap and slay the cats of their neighbors. Why they did this I know not; save that many hate the voiceof the cat in the night, and take it ill that cats should run stealthily about yards and gardens at twilight. Butwhatever the reason, this old man and woman took pleasure in trapping and slaying every cat which came near totheir hovel; and from some of the sounds heard after dark, many villagers fancied that the manner of slaying wasexceedingly peculiar. But the villagers did not discuss such things with the old man and his wife; because of thehabitual expression on the withered faces of the two, and because their cottage was so small and so darkly hiddenunder spreading oaks at the back of a neglected yard. In truth, much as the owners of cats hated these odd folk,they feared them more; and instead of berating them as brutal assassins, merely took care that no cherished pet ormouser should stray toward the remote hovel under the dark trees. When through some unavoidable oversight acat was missed, and sounds heard after dark, the loser would lament impotently; or console himself by thankingFate that it was not one of his children who had thus vanished. For the people of Ulthar were simple, and knewnot whence it is all cats first came. One day a caravan of strange wanderers from the South entered the narrow cobbled streets of Ulthar. Darkwanderers they were, and unlike the other roving folk who passed through the village twice every year. In themarket−place they told fortunes for silver, and bought gay beads from the merchants. What was the land of thesewanderers none could tell; but it was seen that they were given to strange prayers, and that they had painted on thesides of their wagons strange figures with human bodies and the heads of cats, hawks, rams and lions. And theleader of the caravan wore a headdress with two horns and a curious disk betwixt the horns. There was in this singular caravan a little boy with no father or mother, but only a tiny black kitten to cherish.The plague had not been kind to him, yet had left him this small furry thing to mitigate his sorrow; and when oneis very young, one can find great relief in the lively antics of a black kitten. So the boy whom the dark peoplecalled Menes smiled more often than he wept as he sat playing with his graceful kitten on the steps of an oddlypainted wagon. On the third morning of the wanderers' stay in Ulthar, Menes could not find his kitten; and as he sobbed aloudin the market−place certain villagers told him of the old man and his wife, and of sounds heard in the night. Andwhen he heard these things his sobbing gave place to meditation, and finally to prayer. He stretched out his armstoward the sun and prayed in a tongue no villager could understand; though indeed the villagers did not try veryhard to understand, since their attention was mostly taken up by the sky and the odd shapes the clouds wereassuming. It was very peculiar, but as the little boy uttered his petition there seemed to form overhead theshadowy, nebulous figures of exotic things; of hybrid creatures crowned with horn−flanked disks. Nature is full ofsuch illusions to impress the imaginative. That night the wanderers left Ulthar, and were never seen again. And the householders were troubled whenthey noticed that in all the village there was not a cat to be found. From each hearth the familiar cat had vanished;cats large and small, black, grey, striped, yellow and white. Old Kranon, the burgomaster, swore that the dark folkhad taken the cats away in revenge for the killing of Menes' kitten; and cursed the caravan and the little boy. ButNith, the lean notary, declared that the old cotter and his wife were more likely persons to suspect; for their hatredof cats was notorious and increasingly bold. Still, no one durst complain to the sinister couple; even when little

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Atal, the innkeeper's son, vowed that he had at twilight seen all the cats of Ulthar in that accursed yard under thetrees, pacing very slowly and solemnly in a circle around the cottage, two abreast, as if in performance of someunheard−of rite of beasts. The villagers did not know how much to believe from so small a boy; and though theyfeared that the evil pair had charmed the cats to their death, they preferred not to chide the old cotter till they methim outside his dark and repellent yard. So Ulthar went to sleep in vain anger; and when the people awakened at dawn—behold! every cat was back athis accustomed hearth! Large and small, black, grey, striped, yellow and white, none was missing. Very sleek andfat did the cats appear, and sonorous with purring content. The citizens talked with one another of the affair, andmarveled not a little. Old Kranon again insisted that it was the dark folk who had taken them, since cats did notreturn alive from the cottage of the ancient man .and his wife. But all agreed on one thing: that the refusal of allthe cats to eat their portions of meat or drink their saucers of milk was exceedingly curious. And for two wholedays the sleek, lazy cats of Ulthar would touch no food, but only doze by the fire or in the sun. It was fully a week before the villagers noticed that no lights were appearing at dusk in the windows of thecottage under the trees. Then the lean Nith remarked that no one had seen the old man or his wife since the nightthe cats were away. In another week the burgomaster decided to overcome his fears and call at the strangely silentdwelling as a matter of duty, though in so doing he was careful to take with him Shang the blacksmith and Thulthe cutter of stone as witnesses. And when they had broken down the frail door they found only this: two cleanlypicked human skeletons on the earthen floor, and a number of singular beetles crawling in the shadowy corners. There was subsequently much talk among the burgesses of Ulthar. Zath, the coroner, disputed at length withNith, the lean notary; and Kranon and Shang and Thul were overwhelmed with questions. Even little Atal, theinnkeeper's son, was closely questioned and given a sweetmeat as reward. They talked of the old cotter and hiswife, of the caravan of dark wanderers, of small Menes and his black kitten, of the prayer of Menes and of the skyduring that prayer, of the doings of the cats on the night the caravan left, and of what was later found in thecottage under the dark trees in the repellent yard. And in the end the burgesses passed that remarkable law which is told of by traders in Hatheg and discussedby travelers in Nir; namely, that in Ulthar no man may kill a cat.

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Into the North Window of my chamber glows the Pole Star with uncanny light. All through the long hellishhours of blackness it shines there. And in the autumn of the year, when the winds from the north curse and whine,and the red−leaved trees of the swamp mutter things to one another in the small hours of the morning under thehorned waning moon, I sit by the casem*nt and watch that star. Down from the heights reels the glitteringCassiopeia as the hours wear on, while Charles' Wain lumbers up from behind the vapour−soaked swamp treesthat sway in the night wind. Just before dawn Arcturus winks ruddily from above the cemetary on the low hillock,and Coma Berenices shimmers weirdly afar off in the mysterious east; but still the Pole Star leers down from thesame place in the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey somestrange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey. Sometimes, when it is cloudy, Ican sleep. Well do I remember the night of the great Aurora, when over the swamp played the shocking corruscations ofthe daemon light. After the beam came clouds, and then I slept. And it was under a horned waning moon that I saw the city for the first time. Still and somnolent did it lie, ona strange plateau in a hollow between strange peaks. Of ghastly marble were its walls and its towers, its columns,domes, and pavements. In the marble streets were marble pillars, the upper parts of which were carven into theimages of grave bearded men. The air was warm and stirred not. And overhead, scarce ten degrees from thezenith, glowed that watching Pole Star. Long did I gaze on the city, but the day came not. When the redAldebaran, which blinked low in the sky but never set, had crawled a quarter of the way around the horizon, I sawlight and motion in the houses and the streets. Forms strangely robed, but at once noble and familiar, walkedabroad and under the horned waning moon men talked wisdom in a tongue which I understood, though it wasunlike any language which I had ever known. And when the red Aldebaran had crawled more than half−wayaround the horizon, there were again darkness and silence. When I awaked, I was not as I had been. Upon my memory was graven the vision of the city, and within mysoul had arisen another and vaguer recollection, of whose nature I was not then certain. Thereafter, on the cloudynights when I could not sleep, I saw the city often; sometimes under the hot, yellow rays of a sun which did notset, but which wheeled low in the horizon. And on the clear nights the Pole Star leered as never before. Gradually I came to wonder what might be my place in that city on the strange plateau betwixt strange peaks.At first content to view the scene as an all−observant uncorporeal presence, I now desired to define my relation toit, and to speak my mind amongst the grave men who conversed each day in the public squares. I said to myself,“This is no dream, for by what means can I prove the greater reality of that other life in the house of stone andbrick south of the sinister swamp and the cemetery on the low hillock, where the Pole Star peeps into my northwindow each night?” One night as I listened to the discourses in the large square containing many statues, I felt a change; andperceived that I had at last a bodily form. Nor was I a stranger in the streets of Olathoe, which lies on the plateauof Sarkia, betwixt the peaks of Noton and Kadiphonek. It was my friend Alos who spoke, and his speech was onethat pleased my soul, for it was the speech of a true man and patriot. That night had the news come of Daikos' fall,and of the advance of the Inutos; squat, hellish yellow fiends who five years ago had appeared out of the unknownwest to ravage the confines of our kingdom, and to besiege many of our towns. Having taken the fortified placesat the foot of the mountains, their way now lay open to the plateau, unless every citizen could resist with thestrength of ten men. For the squat creatures were mighty in the arts of war, and knew not the scruples of honourwhich held back our tall, grey−eyed men of Lomar from ruthless conquest. Alos, my friend, was commander of all the forces on the plateau, and in him lay the last hope of our country.On this occasion he spoke of the perils to be faced and exhorted the men of Olathoe, bravest of the Lomarians, tosustain the traditions of their ancestors, who when forced to move southward from Zobna before the advance of

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the great ice sheet (even as our descendents must some day flee from the land of Lomar) valiently andvictoriously swept aside the hairly, long−armed, cannibal Gnophkehs that stood in their way. To me Alos deniedthe warriors part, for I was feeble and given to strange faintings when subjected to stress and hardships. But myeyes were the keenest in the city, despite the long hours I gave each day to the study of the Pnakotic manuscriptsand the wisdom of the Zobnarian Fathers; so my friend, desiring not to doom me to inaction, rewarded me withthat duty which was second to nothing in importance. To the watchtower of Thapnen he sent me, there to serve asthe eyes of our army. Should the Inutos attempt to gain the citadel by the narrow pass behind the peak Noton andthereby surprise the garrison, I was to give the signal of fire which would warn the waiting soldiers and save thetown from immediate disaster. Alone I mounted the tower, for every man of stout body was needed in the passes below. My brain was soredazed with excitement and fatigue, for I had not slept in many days; yet was my purpose firm, for I loved mynative land of Lomar, and the marble city Olathoe that lies betwixt the peaks Noton and Kadiphonek. But as I stood in the tower's topmost chamber, I beheld the horned waning moon, red and sinister, quiveringthrough the vapours that hovered over the distant valley of Banof. And through an opening in the roof glitteredthe pale Pole Star, fluttering as if alive, and leering like a fiend and tempter. Methought its spirit whispered evilcounsel, soothing me to traitorous somnolence with a damnable rhythmical promise which it repeated over andover: Slumber, watcher, till the spheres,Six and twenty thousand yearsHave revolv'd, and I returnTo the spot where now I burn.Other stars anon shall riseTo the axis of the skies;Stars that soothe and stars that blessWith a sweet forgetfulness:Only when my round is o'erShall the past disturb thy door. Vainly did I struggle with my drowsiness, seeking to connect these strange words with some lore of the skieswhich I had learnt from the Pnakotic manuscripts. My head, heavy and reeling, drooped to my breast, and whennext I looked up it was in a dream, with the Pole Star grinning at me through a window from over the horrible andswaying trees of a dream swamp. And I am still dreaming. In my shame and despair I sometimes scream frantically, begging the dream−creatures around me to wakenme ere the Inutos steal up the pass behind the peak Noton and take the citadel by surprise; but these creatures aredaemons, for they laugh at me and tell me I am not dreaming. They mock me whilst I sleep, and whilst the squatyellow foe may be creeping silently upon us. I have failed in my duties and betrayed the marble city of Olathoe; Ihave proven false to Alos, my friend and commander. But still these shadows of my dreams deride me. They saythere is no land of Lomar, save in my nocturnal imaginings; that in these realms where the Pole Star shines high,and red Aldebaran crawls low around the horizon, there has been naught save ice and snow for thousands of yearsof years, and never a man save squat, yellow creatures, blighted by the cold, called “Esquimaux.” And as I writhe in my guilty agony, frantic to save the city whose peril every moment grows, and vainlystriving to shake off this unnatural dream of a house of stone and brick south of a sinister swamp and a cemeteryon a low hillock, the Pole Star, evil and monstrous, leers down from the black vault, winking hideously like aninsane watching eye which strives to convey some message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message toconvey.

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The Street

Written 1920?

Published December 1920 in The Wolverine, No. 8, p. 2−12. There be those who say that things and places have souls, and there be those who say they have not; I dare notsay, myself, but I will tell of the Street. Men of strength and honour fashioned that Street: good valiant men of our blood who had come from theBlessed Isles across the sea. At first it was but a path trodden by bearers of water from the woodland spring to thecluster of houses by the beach. Then, as more men came to the growing cluster of houses and looked about forplaces to dwell, they built cabins along the north side, cabins of stout oaken logs with masonry on the side towardthe forest, for many Indians lurked there with fire−arrows. And in a few years more, men built cabins on the southside of the Street. Up and down the Street walked grave men in conical hats, who most of the time carried muskets or fowlingpieces. And there were also their bonneted wives and sober children. In the evening these men with their wivesand children would sit about gigantic hearths and read and speak. Very simple were the things of which they readand spoke, yet things which gave them courage and goodness and helped them by day to subdue the forest and tillthe fields. And the children would listen and learn of the laws and deeds of old, and of that dear England whichthey had never seen or could not remember. There was war, and thereafter no more Indians troubled the Street. The men, busy with labour, waxedprosperous and as happy as they knew how to be. And the children grew up comfortable, and more families camefrom the Mother Land to dwell on the Street. And the children's children, and the newcomers' children, grew up.The town was now a city, and one by one the cabins gave place to houses—simple, beautiful houses of brick andwood, with stone steps and iron railings and fanlights over the doors. No flimsy creations were these houses, forthey were made to serve many a generation. Within there were carven mantels and graceful stairs, and sensible,pleasing furniture, china, and silver, brought from the Mother Land. So the Street drank in the dreams of a young people and rejoiced as its dwellers became more graceful andhappy. Where once had been only strength and honour, taste and learning now abode as well. Books and paintingsand music came to the houses, and the young men went to the university which rose above the plain to the north.In the place of conical hats and small−swords, of lace and snowy periwigs, there were cobblestones over whichclattered many a blooded horse and rumbled many a gilded coach; and brick sidewalks with horse blocks andhitching−posts. There were in that Street many trees: elms and oaks and maples of dignity; so that in the summer, the scenewas all soft verdure and twittering bird−song. And behind the houses were walled rose−gardens with hedgedpaths and sundials, where at evening the moon and stars would shine bewitchingly while fragrant blossomsglistened with dew. So the Street dreamed on, past wars, calamities, and change. Once, most of the young men went away, andsome never came back. That was when they furled the old flag and put up a new banner of stripes and stars. Butthough men talked of great changes, the Street felt them not, for its folk were still the same, speaking of the oldfamiliar things in the old familiar accounts. And the trees still sheltered singing birds, and at evening the moonand stars looked down upon dewy blossoms in the walled rose−gardens. In time there were no more swords, three−cornered hats, or periwigs in the Street. How strange seemed theinhabitants with their walking−sticks, tall beavers, and cropped heads! New sounds came from the distance—firststrange puffings and shrieks from the river a mile away, and then, many years later, strange puffings and shrieksand rumblings from other directions. The air was not quite so pure as before, but the spirit of the place had notchanged. The blood and soul of their ancestors had fashioned the Street. Nor did the spirit change when they toreopen the earth to lay down strange pipes, or when they set up tall posts bearing weird wires. There was so muchancient lore in that Street, that the past could not easily be forgotten.

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Then came days of evil, when many who had known the Street of old knew it no more, and many knew it whohad not known it before, and went away, for their accents were coarse and strident, and their mien and facesunpleasing. Their thoughts, too, fought with the wise, just spirit of the Street, so that the Street pined silently as itshouses fell into decay, and its trees died one by one, and its rose−gardens grew rank with weeds and waste. But itfelt a stir of pride one day when again marched forth young men, some of whom never came back. These youngmen were clad in blue. With the years, worse fortune came to the Street. Its trees were all gone now, and its rose−gardens weredisplaced by the backs of cheap, ugly new buildings on parallel streets. Yet the houses remained, despite theravages of the years and the storms and worms, for they had been made to serve many a generation. New kinds offaces appeared in the Street, swarthy, sinister faces with furtive eyes and odd features, whose owners .spokeunfamiliar words and placed signs in known and unknown characters upon most of the musty houses. Push−cartscrowded the gutters. A sordid, undefinable stench settled over the place, and the ancient spirit slept. Great excitement once came to the Street. War and revolution were raging across the seas; a dynasty hadcollapsed, and its degenerate subjects were flocking with dubious intent to the Western Land. Many of these tooklodgings in the battered houses that had once known the songs of birds and the scent of roses. Then the WesternLand itself awoke and joined the Mother Land in her titanic struggle for civilization. Over the cities once morefloated the old flag, companioned by the new flag, and by a plainer, yet glorious tricolour. But not many flagsfloated over the Street, for therein brooded only fear and hatred and ignorance. Again young men went forth, butnot quite as did the young men of those other days. Something was lacking. And the sons of those young men ofother days, who did indeed go forth in olive−drab with the true spirit of their ancestors, went from distant placesand knew not the Street and its ancient spirit. Over the seas there was a great victory, and in triumph most of the young men returned. Those who hadlacked something lacked it no longer, yet did fear and hatred and ignorance still brood over the Street; for manyhad stayed behind, and many strangers had come from distance places to the ancient houses. And the young menwho had returned dwelt there no longer. Swarthy and sinister were most of the strangers, yet among them onemight find a few faces like those who fashioned the Street and moulded its spirit. Like and yet unlike, for therewas in the eyes of all a weird, unhealthy glitter as of greed, ambition, vindictiveness, or misguided zeal. Unrestand treason were abroad amongst an evil few who plotted to strike the Western Land its death blow, that theymight mount to power over its ruins, even as assassins had mounted in that unhappy, frozen land from whencemost of them had come. And the heart of that plotting was in the Street, whose crumbling houses teemed withalien makers of discord and echoed with the plans and speeches of those who yearned for the appointed day ofblood, flame and crime. Of the various odd assemblages in the Street, the Law said much but could prove little. With great diligencedid men of hidden badges linger and listen about such places as Petrovitch's Bakery, the squalid Rifkin School ofModern Economics, the Circle Social Club, and the Liberty Cafe. There congregated sinister men in greatnumbers, yet always was their speech guarded or in a foreign tongue. And still the old houses stood, with theirforgotten lore of nobler, departed centuries; of sturdy Colonial tenants and dewy rose−gardens in the moonlight.Sometimes a lone poet or traveler would come to view them, and would try to picture them in their vanishedglory; yet of such travelers and poets there were not many. The rumour now spread widely that these houses contained the leaders of a vast band of terrorists, who on adesignated day were to launch an orgy of slaughter for the extermination of America and of all the fine oldtraditions which the Street had loved. Handbills and papers fluttered about filthy gutters; handbills and papersprinted in many tongues and in many characters, yet all bearing messages of crime and rebellion. In these writingsthe people were urged to tear down the laws and virtues that our fathers had exalted, to stamp out the soul of theold America—the soul that was bequeathed through a thousand and a half years of Anglo−Saxon freedom, justice,and moderation. It was said that the swart men who dwelt in the Street and congregated in its rotting edifices werethe brains of a hideous revolution, that at their word of command many millions of brainless, besotted beastswould stretch forth their noisome talons from the slums of a thousand cities, burning, slaying, and destroying tillthe land of our fathers should be no more. All this was said and repeated, and many looked forward in dread to thefourth day of July, about which the strange writings hinted much; yet could nothing be found to place the guilt.None could tell just whose arrest might cut off the damnable plotting at its source. Many times came bands of

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blue−coated police to search the shaky houses, though at last they ceased to come; for they too had grown tired oflaw and order, and had abandoned all the city to its fate. Then men in olive−drab came, bearing muskets, till itseemed as if in its sad sleep the Street must have some haunting dreams of those other days, when musketbearingmen in conical hats walked along it from the woodland spring to the cluster of houses by the beach. Yet could noact be performed to check the impending cataclysm, for the swart, sinister men were old in cunning. So the Street slept uneasily on, till one night there gathered in Petrovitch's Bakery, and the Rifkin School ofModern Economics, and the Circle Social Club, and Liberty Cafe, and in other places as well, vast hordes of menwhose eyes were big with horrible triumph and expectation. Over hidden wires strange messages traveled, andmuch was said of still stranger messages yet to travel; but most of this was not guessed till afterward, when theWestern Land was safe from the peril. The men in olive−drab could not tell what was happening, or what theyought to do; for the swart, sinister men were skilled in subtlety and concealment. And yet the men in olive−drab will always remember that night, and will speak of the Street as they tell of itto their grandchildren; for many of them were sent there toward morning on a mission unlike that which they hadexpected. It was known that this nest of anarchy was old, and that the houses were tottering from the ravages ofthe years and the storms and worms; yet was the happening of that summer night a surprise because of its veryqueer uniformity. It was, indeed, an exceedingly singular happening, though after all, a simple one. For withoutwarning, in one of the small hours beyond midnight, all the ravages of the years and the storms and the wormscame to a tremendous climax; and after the crash there was nothing left standing in the Street save two ancientchimneys and part of a stout brick wall. Nor did anything that had been alive come alive from the ruins. A poetand a traveler, who came with the mighty crowd that sought the scene, tell odd stories. The poet says that allthrough the hours before dawn he beheld sordid ruins indistinctly in the glare of the arc−lights; that there loomedabove the wreckage another picture wherein he could describe moonlight and fair houses and elms and oaks andmaples of dignity. And the traveler declares that instead of the place's wonted stench there lingered a delicatefragrance as of roses in full bloom. But are not the dreams of poets and the tales of travelers notoriously false? There be those who say that things and places have souls, and there be those who say they have not; I dare notsay, myself, but I have told you of the Street.

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Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family

Written 1920 Published March 1921 in The Wolverine, No. 9, p. 3−11.

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Life is a hideous thing, and from the background behind what we know of it peer daemoniacal hints of truthwhich make it sometimes a thousandfold more hideous. Science, already oppressive with its shocking revelations,will perhaps be the ultimate exterminator of our human species—if separate species we be—for its reserve ofunguessed horrors could never be borne by mortal brains if loosed upon the world. If we knew what we are, weshould do as Sir Arthur Jermyn did; and Arthur Jermyn soaked himself in oil and set fire to his clothing one night.No one placed the charred fragments in an urn or set a memorial to him who had been; for certain papers and acertain boxed object were found which made men wish to forget. Some who knew him do not admit that he everexisted. Arthur Jermyn went out on the moor and burned himself after seeing the boxed object which had come fromAfrica. It was this object, and not his peculiar personal appearance, which made him end his life. Many wouldhave disliked to live if possessed of the peculiar features of Arthur Jermyn, but he had been a poet and scholar andhad not minded. Learning was in his blood, for his great−grandfather, Sir Robert Jermyn, Bt., had been ananthropologist of note, whilst his great−great−great−grandfather, Sir Wade Jermyn, was one of the earliestexplorers of the Congo region, and had written eruditely of its tribes, animals, and supposed antiquities. Indeed,old Sir Wade had possessed an intellectual zeal amounting almost to a mania; his bizarre conjectures on aprehistoric white Congolese civilisation earning him much ridicule when his book, Observation on the SeveralParts of Africa, was published. In 1765 this fearless explorer had been placed in a madhouse at Huntingdon. Madness was in all the Jermyns, and people were glad there were not many of them. The line put forth nobranches, and Arthur was the last of it. If he had not been, one can not say what he would have done when theobject came. The Jermyns never seemed to look quite right—something was amiss, though Arthur was the worst,and the old family portraits in Jermyn House showed fine faces enough before Sir Wade's time. Certainly, themadness began with Sir Wade, whose wild stories of Africa were at once the delight and terror of his few friends.It showed in his collection of trophies and specimens, which were not such as a normal man would accumulateand preserve, and appeared strikingly in the Oriental seclusion in which he kept his wife. The latter, he had said,was the daughter of a Portuguese trader whom he had met in Africa; and did not like English ways. She, with aninfant son born in Africa, had accompanied him back from the second and longest of his trips, and had gone withhim on the third and last, never returning. No one had ever seen her closely, not even the servants; for herdisposition had been violent and singular. During her brief stay at Jermyn House she occupied a remote wing, andwas waited on by her husband alone. Sir Wade was, indeed, most peculiar in his solicitude for his family; forwhen he returned to Africa he would permit no one to care for his young son save a loathsome black woman fromGuinea. Upon coming back, after the death of Lady Jermyn, he himself assumed complete care of the boy. But it was the talk of Sir Wade, especially when in his cups, which chiefly led his friends to deem him mad. Ina rational age like the eighteenth century it was unwise for a man of learning to talk about wild sights and strangescenes under a Congo moon; of the gigantic walls and pillars of a forgotten city, crumbling and vine−grown, andof damp, silent, stone steps leading interminably down into the darkness of abysmal treasure−vaults andinconceivable catacombs. Especially was it unwise to rave of the living things that might haunt such a place; ofcreatures half of the jungle and half of the impiously aged city—fabulous creatures which even a Pliny mightdescribe with scepticism; things that might have sprung up after the great apes had overrun the dying city with thewalls and the pillars, the vaults and the weird carvings. Yet after he came home for the last time Sir Wade wouldspeak of such matters with a shudderingly uncanny zest, mostly after his third glass at the Knight's Head; boastingof what he had found in the jungle and of how he had dwelt among terrible ruins known only to him. And finallyhe had spoken of the living things in such a manner that he was taken to the madhouse. He had shown little regretwhen shut into the barred room at Huntingdon, for his mind moved curiously. Ever since his son had commencedto grow out of infancy, he had liked his home less and less, till at last he had seemed to dread it. The Knight'sHead had been his headquarters, and when he was confined he expressed some vague gratitude as if forprotection. Three years later he died. Wade Jermyn's son Philip was a highly peculiar person. Despite a strong physical resemblance to his father,

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his appearance and conduct were in many particulars so coarse that he was universally shunned. Though he didnot inherit the madness which was feared by some, he was densely stupid and given to brief periods ofuncontrollable violence. In frame he was small, but intensely powerful, and was of incredible agility. Twelveyears after succeeding to his title he married the daughter of his gamekeeper, a person said to be of gypsyextraction, but before his son was born joined the navy as a common sailor, completing the general disgust whichhis habits and misalliance had begun. After the close of the American war he was heard of as sailor on amerchantman in the African trade, having a kind of reputation for feats of strength and climbing, but finallydisappearing one night as his ship lay off the Congo coast. In the son of Sir Philip Jermyn the now accepted family peculiarity took a strange and fatal turn. Tall andfairly handsome, with a sort of weird Eastern grace despite certain slight oddities of proportion, Robert Jermynbegan life as a scholar and investigator. It was he who first studied scientifically the vast collection of relics whichhis mad grandfather had brought from Africa, and who made the family name as celebrated in ethnology as inexploration. In 1815 Sir Robert married a daughter of the seventh Viscount Brightholme and was subsequentlyblessed with three children, the eldest and youngest of whom were never publicly seen on account of deformitiesin mind and body. Saddened by these family misfortunes, the scientist sought relief in work, and made two longexpeditions in the interior of Africa. In 1849 his second son, Nevil, a singularly repellent person who seemed tocombine the surliness of Philip Jermyn with the hauteur of the Brightholmes, ran away with a vulgar dancer, butwas pardoned upon his return in the following year. He came back to Jermyn House a widower with an infant son,Alfred, who was one day to be the father of Arthur Jermyn. Friends said that it was this series of griefs which unhinged the mind of Sir Robert Jermyn, yet it was probablymerely a bit of African folklore which caused the disaster. The elderly scholar had been collecting legends of theOnga tribes near the field of his grandfather's and his own explorations, hoping in some way to account for SirWade's wild tales of a lost city peopled by strange hybrid creatures. A certain consistency in the strange papers ofhis ancestor suggested that the madman's imagination might have been stimulated by native myths. On October19, 1852, the explorer Samuel Seaton called at Jermyn House with a manuscript of notes collected among theOngas, believing that certain legends of a gray city of white apes ruled by a white god might prove valuable to theethnologist. In his conversation he probably supplied many additional details; the nature of which will never beknown, since a hideous series of tragedies suddenly burst into being. When Sir Robert Jermyn emerged from hislibrary he left behind the strangled corpse of the explorer, and before he could be restrained, had put an end to allthree of his children; the two who were never seen, and the son who had run away. Nevil Jermyn died in thesuccessful defence of his own two−year−old son, who had apparently been included in the old man's madlymurderous scheme. Sir Robert himself, after repeated attempts at suicide and a stubborn refusal to utter anarticulate sound, died of apoplexy in the second year of his confinement. Sir Alfred Jermyn was a baronet before his fourth birthday, but his tastes never matched his title. At twenty hehad joined a band of music−hall performers, and at thirty−six had deserted his wife and child to travel with anitinerant American circus. His end was very revolting. Among the animals in the exhibition with which hetravelled was a huge bull gorilla of lighter colour than the average; a surprisingly tractable beast of muchpopularity with the performers. With this gorilla Alfred Jermyn was singularly fascinated, and on many occasionsthe two would eye each other for long periods through the intervening bars. Eventually Jermyn asked andobtained permission to train the animal,, astonishing audiences and fellow performers alike with his success. Onemorning in Chicago, as the gorilla and Alfred Jermyn were rehearsing an exceedingly clever boxing match, theformer delivered a blow of more than the usual force, hurting both the body and the dignity of the amateur trainer.Of what followed, members of “The Greatest Show On Earth” do not like to speak. They did not expect to hearSir Alfred Jermyn emit a shrill, inhuman scream, or to see him seize his clumsy antagonist with both hands, dash*t to the floor of the cage, and bite fiendishly at its hairy throat. The gorilla was off its guard, but not for long, andbefore anything could be done by the regular trainer, the body which had belonged to a baronet was pastrecognition.

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Arthur Jermyn was the son of Sir Alfred Jermyn and a music−hall singer of unknown origin. When thehusband and father deserted his family, the mother took the child to Jermyn House; where there was none left toobject to her presence. She was not without notions of what a nobleman's dignity should be, and saw to it that herson received the best education which limited money could provide. The family resources were now sadlyslender, and Jermyn House had fallen into woeful disrepair, but young Arthur loved the old edifice and all itscontents. He was not like any other Jermyn who had ever lived, for he was a poet and' a dreamer. Some of theneighbouring families who had heard tales of old Sir Wade Jermyn's unseen Portuguese wife declared that herLatin blood must be showing itself; but most persons merely sneered at his sensitiveness to beauty, attributing itto his music−hall mother, who was socially unrecognised. The poetic delicacy of Arthur Jermyn was the moreremarkable because of his uncouth personal appearance. Most of the Jermyns had possessed a subtly odd andrepellent cast, but Arthur's case was very striking. It is hard to say just what he resembled, but his expression, hisfacial angle, and the length of his arms gave a thrill of repulsion to those who met him for the first time. It was the mind and character of Arthur Jermyn which atoned for his aspect. Gifted and learned, he tookhighest honours at Oxford and seemed likely to redeem the intellectual fame of his family. Though of poeticrather than scientific temperament, he planned to continue the work of his forefathers in African ethnology andantiquities, utilising the truly wonderful though strange collection of Sir Wade. With his fanciful mind he thoughtoften of the prehistoric civilisation in which the mad explorer had so implicitly believed, and would weave taleafter tale about the silent jungle city mentioned in the latter's wilder notes and paragraphs. For the nebulousutterances concerning a nameless, unsuspected race of jungle hybrids he had a peculiar feeling of mingled terrorand attraction, speculating on the possible basis of such a fancy, and seeking to obtain light among the morerecent data gleaned by his great−grandfather and Samuel Seaton amongst the Ongas. In 1911, after the death of his mother, Sir Arthur Jermyn determined to pursue his investigations to the utmostextent. Selling a portion of his estate to obtain the requisite money, he outfitted an expedition and sailed for theCongo. Arranging with the Belgian authorities for a party of guides, he spent a year in the Onga and Kahncountry, finding data beyond the highest of his expectations. Among the Kaliris was an aged chief called Mwanu,who possessed not only a highly retentive memory, but a singular degree of intelligence and interest in oldlegends. This ancient confirmed every tale which Jermyn had heard, adding his own account of the stone city andthe white apes as it had been told to him. According to Mwanu, the gray city and the hybrid creatures were no more, having been annihilated by thewarlike N'bangus many years ago. This tribe, after destroying most of the edifices and killing the live beings, hadcarried off the stuffed goddess which had been the object of their quest; the white ape−goddess which the strangebeings worshipped, and which was held by Congo tradition to be the form of one who had reigned as a princessamong these beings. Just what the white apelike creatures could have been, Mwanu had no idea, but he thoughtthey were the builders of the ruined city. Jermyn could form no conjecture, but by close questioning obtained avery picturesque legend of the s.tuffed goddess. The ape−princess, it was said, became the consort of a great white god who had come out of the West. For along time they had reigned over the city together, but when they had a son, all three went away. Later the god andprincess had returned, and upon the death of the princess her divine husband had mummified the body andenshrined it in a vast house of stone, where it was worshipped. Then he departed alone. The legend here seemedto present three variants. According to one story, nothing further happened save that the stuffed goddess became asymbol of supremacy for whatever tribe might possess it. It was for this reason that the N'bangus carried it off. Asecond story told of a god's return and death at the feet of his enshrined wife. A third told of the return of the son,grown to manhood—or apehood or godhood, as the case might be—yet unconscious of his identity. Surely theimaginative blacks had made the most of whatever events might lie behind the extravagant legendry. Of the reality of the jungle city described by old Sir Wade, Arthur Jermyn had no further doubt; and washardly astonished when early in 1912 he came upon what was left of it. Its size must have been exaggerated, yetthe stones lying about proved that it was no mere Negro village. Unfortunately no carvings could be found, and

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the small size of the expedition prevented operations toward clearing the one visible passageway that seemed tolead down into the system of vaults which Sir Wade had mentioned. The white apes and the stuffed goddess werediscussed with all the native chiefs of the region, but it remained for a European to improve on the data offered byold Mwanu. M. Verhaeren, Belgian agent at a trading−post on the Congo, believed that he could not only locate but obtain the stuffed goddess, of which he had vaguely heard;since the once mighty N'bangus were now the submissive servants of King Albert's government, and with butlittle persuasion could be induced to part with the gruesome deity they had carried off. When Jermyn sailed forEngland, therefore, it was with the exultant probability that he would within a few months receive a pricelessethnological relic confirming the wildest of his great−great−great−grandfather's narratives—that is, the wildestwhich he had ever heard. Countrymen near Jermyn House had perhaps heard wilder tales handed down fromancestors who had listened to Sir Wade around the tables of the Knight's Head. Arthur Jermyn waited very patiently for the expected box from M. Verhaeren, meanwhile studying withincreased diligence the manuscripts left by his mad ancestor. He began to feel closely akin to Sir Wade, and toseek relics of the latter's personal life in England as well as of his African exploits. Oral accounts of themysterious and secluded wife had been numerous, but no tangible relic of her stay at Jermyn House remained.Jermyn wondered what circ*mstance had prompted or permitted such an effacement, and decided that thehusband's insanity was the prime cause. His great−great−great−grandmother, he recalled, was said to have beenthe daughter of a Portuguese trader in Africa. No doubt her practical heritage and superficial knowledge of theDark Continent had caused her to flout Sir Wade's tales of the interior, a thing which such a man would not belikely to forgive. She had died in Africa, perhaps dragged thither by a husband determined to prove what he hadtold. But as Jermyn indulged in these reflections he could not but smile at their futility, a century and a half afterthe death of both his strange progenitors. In June, 1913, a letter arrived from M. Verhaeren, telling of the finding of the stuffed goddess. It was, theBelgian averred, a most extraordinary object; an object quite beyond the power of a layman to classify. Whether itwas human or simian only a scientist could determine, and the process of determination would be greatlyhampered by its imperfect condition. Time and the Congo climate are not kind to mummies; especially when theirpreparation is as amateurish as seemed to be the case here. Around the creature's neck had been found a goldenchain bearing an empty locket on which were armorial designs; no doubt some hapless traveller's keepsake, takenby the N'bangus and hung upon the goddess as a charm. In commenting on the contour of the mummy's face, M.Verhaeren suggested a whimsical comparison; or rather, expressed a humorous wonder just how it would strikehis corespondent, but was too much interested scientifically to waste many words in levity. The stuffed. goddess,he wrote, would arrive duly packed about a month after receipt of the letter. The boxed object was delivered at Jermyn House on the afternoon of August 3, 1913, being conveyedimmediately to the large chamber which housed the collection of African specimens as arranged by Sir Robertand Arthur. What ensued can best be gathered from the tales of servants and from things and papers laterexamined. Of the various tales, that of aged Soames, the family butler, is most ample and coherent. According tothis trustworthy man, Sir Arthur Jermyn dismissed everyone from the room before opening the box, though theinstant sound of hammer and chisel showed that he did not delay the operation. Nothing was heard for some time;just how long Soames cannot exactly estimate, but it was certainly less than a quarter of an hour later that thehorrible scream, undoubtedly in Jermyn's voice, was heard. Immediately afterward Jermyn emerged from theroom, rushing frantically toward the front of the house as if pursued by some hideous enemy. The expression onhis face, a face ghastly enough in repose, was beyond description. When near the front door he seemed to think ofsomething, and turned back in his flight, finally disappearing down the stairs to the cellar. The servants wereutterly dumbfounded, and watched at the head of the stairs, but their master did not return. A smell of oil was allthat came up from the regions below. After dark a rattling was heard at the door leading from the cellar into thecourtyard; and a stable−boy saw Arthur Jermyn, glistening from head to foot with oil and redolent of that fluid,steal furtively out and vanish on the black moor surrounding the house. Then, in an exaltation of supreme horror,everyone saw the end. A spark appeared on the moor, a flame arose, and a pillar of human fire reached to theheavens. The house of Jermyn no longer existed. The reason why Arthur Jermyn's charred fragments were not collected and buried lies in what was foundafterward, principally the thing in the box. The stuffed goddess was a nauseous sight, withered and eaten away,

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but it was clearly a mummified white ape of some unknown species, less hairy than any recorded variety, andinfinitely nearer mankind—quite shockingly so. Detailed description would be rather unpleasant, but two salientparticulars must be told, for they fit in revoltingly with certain notes of Sir Wade Jermyn's African expeditionsand with the Congolese legends of the white god and the ape−princess. The two particulars in question are these:the arms on the golden locket about the creature's neck were the Jermyn arms, and the jocose suggestion of M.Verhaeren about certain resemblance as connected with the shrivelled face applied with vivid, ghastly, andunnatural horror to none other than the sensitive Arthur Jermyn, great−great−great−grandson of Sir Wade Jermynand an unknown wife. Members of the Royal Anthropological Institute burned the thing and threw the locket intoa well, and some of them do not admit that Arthur Jermyn ever existed.

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Ex Oblivione


When the last days were upon me, and the ugly trifles of existence began to drive me to madness like thesmall drops of water that torturers let fall ceaselessly upon one spot of their victims body, I loved the irradiaterefuge of sleep. In my dreams I found a little of the beauty I had vainly sought in life, and wandered through oldgardens and enchanted woods. Once when the wind was soft and scented I heard the south calling, and sailed endlessly and languorouslyunder strange stars. Once when the gentle rain fell I glided in a barge down a sunless stream under the earth till I reached anotherworld of purple twilight, iridescent arbours, and undying roses. And once I walked through a golden valley that led to shadowy groves and ruins, and ended in a mighty wallgreen with antique vines, and pierced by a little gate of bronze. Many times I walked through that valley, and longer and longer would I pause in the spectral half−light wherethe giant trees squirmed and twisted grotesquely, and the grey ground stretched damply from trunk to trunk, sometimes disclosing the mould−stained stones of buried temples. And alway the goal of my fancies was the mightyvine−grown wall with the little gate of bronze therein. After a while, as the days of waking became less and less bearable from their greyness and sameness, I wouldoften drift in opiate peace through the valley and the shadowy groves, and wonder how I might seize them for myeternal dwelling−place, so that I need no more crawl back to a dull world stript of interest and new colours. Andas I looked upon the little gate in the mighty wall, I felt that beyond it lay a dream−country from which, once itwas entered, there would be no return. So each night in sleep I strove to find the hidden latch of the gate in the ivied antique wall, though it wasexceedingly well hidden. And I would tell myself that the realm beyond the wall was not more lasting merely, butmore lovely and radiant as well. Then one night in the dream−city of Zakarion I found a yellowed papyrus filled with the thoughts ofdream−sages who dwelt of old in that city, and who were too wise ever to be born in the waking world. Thereinwere written many things concerning the world of dream, and among them was lore of a golden valley and asacred grove with temples, and a high wall pierced by a little bronze gate. When I saw this lore, I knew that ittouched on the scenes I had haunted, and I therefore read long in the yellowed papyrus. Some of the dream−sages wrote gorgeously of the wonders beyond the irrepassable gate, but others told ofhorror and disappointment. I knew not which to believe, yet longed more and more to cross for ever into theunknown land; for doubt and secrecy are the lure of lures, and no new horror can be more terrible than the dailytorture of the commonplace. So when I learned of the drug which would unlock the gate and drive me through, Iresolved to take it when next I awaked. Last night I swallowed the drug and floated dreamily into the golden valley and the shadowy groves; andwhen I came this time to the antique wall, I saw that the small gate of bronze was ajar. From beyond came a glowthat weirdly lit the giant twisted trees and the tops of the buried temples, and I drifted on songfully, expectant ofthe glories of the land from whence I should never return. But as the gate swung wider and the sorcery of the drug and the dream pushed me through, I knew that allsights and glories were at an end; for in that new realm was neither land nor sea, but only the white void ofunpeopled and illimitable space. So, happier than I had ever dared hope to be, I dissolved again into that nativeinfinity of crystal oblivion from which the daemon Life had called me for one brief and desolate hour.

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The Crawling Chaos

by H.P. Lovecraft and Elizabeth BerkeleyWritten 1920/21

Published April 1921 in The United Co−operative,Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 1−6. Of the pleasures and pains of opium much has been written. The ecstasies and horrors of De Quincey and theparadis artificiels of Baudelaire are preserved and interpreted with an art which makes them immortal, and theworld knows well the beauty, the terror and the mystery of those obscure realms into which the inspired dreameris transported. But much as has been told, no man has yet dared intimate the nature of the phantasms thusunfolded to the mind, or hint at the direction of the unheard−of roads along whose ornate and exotic course thepartaker of the drug is so irresistibly borne. De Quincey was drawn back into Asia, that teeming land of nebulousshadows whose hideous antiquity is so impressive that “the vast age of the race and name overpowers the sense ofyouth in the individual,” but farther than that he dared not go. Those who have gone farther seldom returned, andeven when they have, they have been either silent or quite mad. I took opium but once — in the year of theplague, when doctors sought to deaden the agonies they could not cure. There was an overdose — my physicianwas worn out with horror and exertion — and I travelled very far indeed. In the end I returned and lived, but mynights are filled with strange memories, nor have I ever permitted a doctor to give me opium again. The pain and pounding in my head had been quite unendurable when the drug was administered, Of the futureI had no heed; to escape, whether by cure, unconsciousness, or death, was all that concerned me. I was partlydelirious, so that it is hard to place the exact moment of transition, but I think the effect must have begun shortlybefore the pounding ceased to be painful. As I have said, there was an overdose; so my reactions were probablyfar from normal. The sensation of falling, curiously dissociated from the idea of gravity or direction, wasparamount; though there was subsidiary impression of unseen throngs in incalculable profusion, throngs ofinfinitely di−verse nature, but all more or less related to me. Sometimes it seemed less as though I were falling,than as though the universe or the ages were falling past me. Suddenly my pain ceased, and I began to associatethe pounding with an external rather than internal force. The falling had ceased also, giving place to a sensation ofuneasy, temporary rest; and when I listened closely, I fancied the pounding was that of the vast, inscrutable sea asits sinister, colossal breakers lacerated some desolate shore after a storm of titanic magnitude. Then I opened myeyes. For a moment my surroundings seemed confused, like a projected image hopelessly out of focus, butgradually I realised my solitary presence in a strange and beautiful room lighted by many windows. Of the exactnature of the apartment I could form no idea, for my thoughts were still far from settled, but I noticedvan−coloured rugs and draperies, elaborately fashioned tables, chairs, ottomans, and divans, and delicate vasesand ornaments which conveyed a suggestion of the exotic without being actually alien. These things I noticed, yetthey were not long uppermost in my mind. Slowly but inexorably crawling upon my consciousness and risingabove every other impression, came a dizzying fear of the unknown; a fear all the greater because I could notanalyse it, and seeming to concern a stealthily approaching menace; not death, but some nameless, unheard−ofthing inexpressibly more ghastly and abhorrent. Presently I realised that the direct symbol and excitant of my fear was the hideous pounding whose incessantreverberations throbbed maddeningly against my exhausted brain. It seemed to come from a point outside andbelow the edifice in which I stood, and to associate itself with the most terrifying mental images. I felt that somehorrible scene or object lurked beyond the silk−hung walls, and shrank from glancing through the arched, latticedwindows that opened so bewilderingly on every hand. Perceiving shutters attached to these windows, I closedthem all, averting my eyes from the exterior as I did so. Then, employing a flint and steel which I found on one ofthe small tables, I lit the many candles reposing about the walls in arabesque sconces. The added sense of securitybrought by closed shutters and artificial light calmed my nerves to some degree, but I could not shut out the

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monotonous pounding. Now that I was calmer, the sound became as fascinating as it was fearful, and I felt acontradictory desire to seek out its source despite my still powerful shrinking. Opening a portiere at the side of theroom nearest the pounding, I beheld a small and richly draped corridor ending in a cavern door and large orielwindow. To this window I was irresistibly drawn, though my ill−defined apprehensions seemed almost equallybent on holding me back. As I approached it I could see a chaotic whirl of waters in the distance. Then, as Iattained it and glanced out on all sides, the stupendous picture of my surroundings burst upon me with full anddevastating force. I beheld such a sight as I had never beheld before, and which no living person can have seen save in thedelirium of fever or the inferno of opium. The building stood on a narrow point of land — or what was now anarrow point of land — fully three hundred feet above what must lately have been a seething vortex of madwaters. On either side of the house there fell a newly washed−out precipice of red earth, whilst ahead of me thehideous waves were still rolling in frightfully, eating away the land with ghastly monotony and deliberation. Out amile or more there rose and fell menacing breakers at least fifty feet in height, and on the far horizon ghoulishblack clouds of grotesque contour were resting and brooding like unwholesome vultures. The waves were darkand purplish, almost black, and clutched at the yielding red mud of the bank as if with uncouth, greedy hands. Icould not but feel that some noxious marine mind had declared a war of extermination upon all the solid ground,perhaps abetted by the angry sky. Recovering at length from the stupor into which this unnatural spectacle had thrown me, I realized that myactual physical danger was acute. Even whilst I gazed, the bank had lost many feet, and it could not be longbefore the house would fall undermined into the awful pit of lashing waves. Accordingly I hastened to theopposite side of the edifice, and finding a door, emerged at once, locking it after me with a curious key which hadhung inside. I now beheld more of the strange region about me, and marked a singular division which seemed toexist in the hostile ocean and firmament. On each side of the jutting promontory different conditions held sway.At my left as I faced inland was a gently heaving sea with great green waves rolling peacefully in under a brightlyshining sun. Something about that sun's nature and position made me shudder, but I could not then tell, and cannottell now, what it was. At my right also was the sea, but it was blue, calm, and only gently undulating, while thesky above it was darker and the washed−out bank more nearly white than reddish. I now turned my attention to the land, and found occasion for fresh surprise; for the vegetation resemblednothing I had ever seen or read about. It was apparently tropical or at least sub−tropical — a conclusion borne outby the intense heat of the air. Sometimes I thought I could trace strange analogies with the flora of my native land,fancying that the well−known plants and shrubs might assume such forms under a radical change of climate; butthe gigantic and omnipresent palm trees were plainly foreign. The house I had just left was very small — hardlymore than a cottage — but its material was evidently marble, and its architecture was weird and composite,involving a quaint fusion of Western and Eastern forms. At the corners were Corinthian columns, but the red tileroof was like that of a Chinese pagoda. From the door inland there stretched a path of singularly white sand, aboutfour feet wide, and lined on either side with stately palms and unidentifiable flowering shrubs and plants. It laytoward the side of the promontory where the sea was blue and the bank rather whitish. Down this path I feltimpelled to flee, as if pursued by some malignant spirit from the pounding ocean. At first it was slightly uphill,then I reached a gentle crest. Behind me I saw the scene I had left; the entire point with the cottage and the blackwater, with the green sea on one side and the blue sea on the other, and a curse unnamed and unnamable loweringover all. I never saw it again, and often wonder.... After this last look I strode ahead and surveyed the inlandpanorama before me. The path, as I have intimated, ran along the right−hand shore as one went inland. Ahead and to the left I nowviewed a magnificent valley comprising thousands of acres, and covered with a swaying growth of tropical grasshigher than my head. Almost at the limit of vision was a colossal palm tree which seemed to fascinate and beckonme. By this time wonder and' escape from the imperilled peninsula had largely dissipated my fear, but as I pausedand sank fatigued to the path, idiy digging with my hands into the warm, whitish−golden sand, a new and acutesense of danger seized me. Some terror in the swishing tall grass seemed added to that of the diabolicallypounding sea, and I started up crying aloud and disjointedly, “Tiger? Tiger? Is it Tiger? Beast? Beast? Is it a Beastthat I am afraid of?” My mind wandered back to an ancient and classical story of tigers which I had read; I stroveto recall the author, but had difficulty. Then in the midst of my fear I remembered that the tale was by Rudyard

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Kipling; nor did the grotesqueness of deeming him an ancient author occur to me; I wished for the volumecontaining this story, and had almost started back toward the doomed cottage to procure it when my better senseand the lure of the palm prevented me. Whether or not I could have resisted the backward beckoning without the counter−fascination of the vast palmtree, I do not know. This attraction was now dominant, and I left the path and crawled on hands and knees downthe valley's slope despite my fear of the grass and of the serpents it might contain. I resolved to fight for life andreason as long as possible against all menaces of sea or land, though I sometimes feared defeat as the maddeningswish of the uncanny grasses joined the still audible and irritating pounding of the distant breakers. I wouldfrequently pause and put my hands to my ears for relief, but could never quite shut out the detestable sound. Itwas, as it seemed to me, only after ages that I finally dragged myself to the beckoning palm tree and lay quietbeneath its protecting shade. There now ensued a series of incidents which transported me to the opposite extremes of ecstasy and horror;incidents which I tremble to recall and dare not seek to interpret. No sooner had I crawled beneath theoverhanging foliage of the palm, than there dropped from its branches a young child of such beauty as I neverbeheld before. Though ragged and dusty, this being bore the features of a faun or demigod, and seemed almost todiffuse a radiance in the dense shadow of the tree. It smiled and extended its hand, but before I could arise andspeak I heard in the upper air the exquisite melody of singing; notes high and low blent with a sublime andethereal harmoniousness. The sun had by this time sunk below the horizon, and in the twilight I saw an aureole oflambent light encircled the child's head. Then in a tone of silver it addressed me: “It is the end. They have comedown through the gloaming from the stars. Now all is over, and beyond the Arinurian streams we shall dwellblissfully in Teloe.” As the child spoke, I beheld a soft radiance through the leaves of the palm tree, and rising,greeted a pair whom I knew to be the chief singers among those I had heard. A god and goddess they must havebeen, for such beauty is not mortal; and they took my hands, saying, “Come, child, you have heard the voices, andall is well. In Teloe beyond the Milky Way and the Arinurian streams are cities all of amber and chalcedony. Andupon their domes of many facets glisten the images of strange and beautiful stars. Under the ivory bridges ofTeloe flow rivers of liquid gold bearing pleasure−barges bound for blossomy Cytharion of the Seven Suns. And inTeloe and Cytharion abide only youth, beauty, and pleasure, nor are any sounds heard, save of laughter, song, andthe lute. Only the gods dwell in Teloe of the golden rivers, but among them shalt thou dwell.” As I listened, enchanted, I suddenly became aware of a change in my surroundings. The palm tree, so latelyovershadowing my exhausted form, was now some distance to my left and considerably below me. I wasobviously floating in the atmosphere; companioned not only by the strange child and the radiant pair, but by aconstantly increasing throng of half−luminous, vine−crowned youths and maidens with wind−blown hair andjoyful countenance. We slowly ascended together, as if borne on a fragrant breeze which blew not from the earthbut from the golden nebulae, and the child whispered in my ear that I must look always upward to the pathways oflight, and never backward to the sphere I had just left. The youths and maidens now chanted mellifluouschoriambics to the accompaniment of lutes, and I felt enveloped in a peace and happiness more profound than anyI had in life imagined, when the intrusion of a single sound altered my destiny and shattered my soul. Through theravishing strains of the singers and the lutanists, as if in mocking, daemoniac concord, throbbed from gulfs belowthe damnable, the detestable pounding of that hideous ocean. As those black breakers beat their message into myears I forgot the words of the child and looked back, down upon the doomed scene from which I thought I hadescaped. Down through the aether I saw the accursed earth slowly turning, ever turning, with angry and tempestuousseas gnawing at wild desolate shores and dashing foam against the tottering towers of deserted cities. And under aghastly moon there gleamed sights I can never describe, sights I can never forget; deserts of corpselike clay andjungles of ruin and decadence where once stretched the populous plains and villages of my native land, andmaelstroms of frothing ocean where once rose the mighty temples of my forefathers. Mound the northern polesteamed a morass of noisome growths and miasmal vapours, hissing before the onslaught of the ever−mountingwaves that curled and fretted from the shuddering deep. Then a rending report dave the night, and athwart thedesert of deserts appeared a smoking rift. Still the black ocean foamed and gnawed, eating away the desert oneither side as the rift in the center widened and widened. There was now no land left but the desert, and still the fuming ocean ate and ate. All at once I thought even

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the pounding sea seemed afraid of something, afraid of dark gods of the inner earth that are greater than the evilgod of waters, but even if it was it could not turn back; and the desert had suffered too much from those nightmarewaves to help them now. So the ocean ate the last of the land and poured into the smoking gulf, thereby giving upall it had ever conquered. From the new−flooded lands it flowed again, uncovering death and decay; and from itsancient and immemorial bed it trickled loathsomely, uncovering nighted secrets of the years when Time wasyoung and the gods unborn. Above the waves rose weedy remembered spires. The moon laid pale lilies of light ondead London, and Paris stood up from its damp grave to be sanctified with star−dust. Then rose spires andmonoliths that were weedy but not remembered; terrible spires and monoliths of lands that men never knew werelands. There was not any pounding now, but only the unearthly roaring and hissing of waters tumbling into the rift.The smoke of that rift had changed to steam, and almost hid the world as it grew denser and denser. It seared myface and hands, and when I looked to see how it affected my companions I found they had all disappeared. Thenvery suddenly it ended, and I knew no more till I awaked upon a bed of convalescence. As the cloud of steamfrom the Plutonic gulf finally concealed the entire surface from my sight, all the firmament shrieked at a suddenagony of mad reverberations which shook the trembling aether. In one delirious flash and burst it happened; oneblinding, deafening holocaust of fire, smoke, and thunder that dissolved the wan moon as it sped outward to thevoid. And when the smoke cleared away, and I sought to look upon the earth, I beheld against the background ofcold, humorous stars only the dying sun and the pale mournful planets searching for their sister.

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The Terrible Old Man

Written 28 Jan 1920

Published July 1921 in The Tryout,Vol. 7, No. 4, p. 10−14. It was the design of Angelo Ricci and Joe Czanek and Manuel Silva to call on the Terrible Old Man. This oldman dwells all alone in a very ancient house on Water Street near the sea, and is reputed to be both exceedinglyrich and exceedingly feeble; which forms a situation very attractive to men of the profession of Messrs. Ricci,Czanek, and Silva, for that profession was nothing less dignified than robbery. The inhabitants of Kingsport say and think many things about the Terrible Old Man which generally keep himsafe from the attention of gentlemen like Mr. Ricci and his colleagues, despite the almost certain fact that he hidesa fortune of indefinite magnitude somewhere about his musty and venerable abode. He is, in truth, a very strangeperson, believed to have been a captain of East India clipper ships in his day; so old that no one can rememberwhen he was young, and so taciturn that few know his real name. Among the gnarled trees in the front yard of hisaged and neglected place he maintains a strange collection of large stones, oddly grouped and painted so that theyresemble the idols in some obscure Eastern temple. This collection frightens away most of the small boys wholove to taunt the Terrible Old Man about his long white hair and beard, or to break the small−paned windows ofhis dwelling with wicked missiles; but there are other things which frighten the older and more curious folk whosometimes steal up to the house to peer in through the dusty panes. These folk say that on a table in a bare roomon the ground floor are many peculiar bottles, in each a small piece of lead suspended pendulum−wise from astring. And they say that the Terrible Old Man talks to these bottles, addressing them by such names as Jack,Scar−Face, Long Tom, Spanish Joe, Peters, and Mate Ellis, and that whenever he speaks to a bottle the little leadpendulum within makes certain definite vibrations as if in answer. Those who have watched the tall, lean, Terrible Old Man in these peculiar conversations, do not watch himagain. But Angelo Ricci and Joe Czanek and Manuel Silva were not of Kingsport blood; they were of that newand heterogeneous alien stock which lies outside the charmed circle of New England life and traditions, and theysaw in the Terrible Old Man merely a tottering, almost helpless grey−beard, who could not walk without the aidof his knotted cane, and whose thin, weak hands shook pitifully. They were really quite sorry in their way for thelonely, unpopular old fellow, whom everybody shunned, and at whom all the dogs barked singularly. But businessis business, and to a robber whose soul is in his profession, there is a lure and a challenge about a very old andvery feeble man who has no account at the bank, and who pays for his few necessities at the village store withSpanish gold and silver minted two centuries ago. Messrs. Ricci, Czanek, and Silva selected the night of April 11th for their call. Mr. Ricci and Mr. Silva wereto interview the poor old gentleman, whilst Mr. Czanek waited for them and their presumable metallic burdenwith a covered motor−car in Ship Street, by the gate in the tall rear wall of their host's grounds. Desire to avoidneedless explanations in case of unexpected police intrusions prompted these plans for a quiet and unostentatiousdeparture. As prearranged, the three adventurers started out separately in order to prevent any evil−minded suspicionsafterward. Messrs. Ricci and Silva met in Water Street by the old man's front gate, and although they did not likethe way the moon shone down upon the painted stones through the budding branches of the gnarled trees, theyhad more important things to think about than mere idle superstition. They feared it might be unpleasant workmaking the Terrible Old Man loquacious concerning his hoarded gold and silver, for aged sea−captains arenotably stubborn and perverse. Still, he was very old and very feeble, and there were two visitors. Messrs. Ricciand Silva were experienced in the art of making unwilling persons voluble, and the screams of a weak andexceptionally venerable man can be easily muffled. So they moved up to the one lighted window and heard theTerrible Old Man talking childishly to his bottles with pendulums. Then they donned masks and knocked politelyat the weather−stained oaken door.

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Waiting seemed very long to Mr. Czanek as he fidgeted restlessly in the covered motor−car by the TerribleOld Man's back gate in Ship Street. He was more than ordinarily tender−hearted, and he did not like the hideousscreams he had heard in the ancient house just after the hour appointed for the deed. Had he not told hiscolleagues to be as gentle as possible with the pathetic old sea−captain? Very nervously he watched that narrowoaken gate in the high and ivy−clad stone wall. Frequently he consulted his watch, and wondered at the delay.Had the old man died before revealing where his treasure was hidden, and had a thorough search becomenecessary? Mr. Czanek did not like to wait so long in the dark in such a place. Then he sensed a soft tread ortapping on the walk inside the gate, heard a gentle fumbling at the rusty latch, and saw the narrow, heavy doorswing inward. And in the pallid glow of the single dim street−lamp he strained his eyes to see what his colleagueshad brought out of that sinister house which loomed so close behind. But when he looked, he did not see what hehad expected; for his colleagues were not there at all, but only the Terrible Old Man leaning quietly on his knottedcane and smiling hideously. Mr. Czanek had never before noticed the colour of that man's eyes; now he saw thatthey were yellow. Little things make considerable excitement in little towns, which is the reason that Kingsport people talked allthat spring and summer about the three unidentifiable bodies, horribly slashed as with many cutlasses, andhorribly mangled as by the tread of many cruel boot−heels, which the tide washed in. And some people evenspoke of things as trivial as the deserted motor−car found in Ship Street, or certain especially inhuman cries,probably of a stray animal or migratory bird, heard in the night by wakeful citizens. But in this idle village gossipthe Terrible Old Man took no interest at all. He was by nature reserved, and when one is aged and feeble, one'sreserve is doubly strong. Besides, so ancient a sea−captain must have witnessed scores of things much morestirring in the far−off days of his unremembered youth.

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The Tree


On a verdant slope of Mount Maenalus, in Arcadia, there stands an olive grove about the ruins of a villa.Close by is a tomb, once beautiful with the sublimest sculptures, but now fallen into as great decay as the house.At one end of that tomb, its curious roots displacing the time−stained blocks of Panhellic marble, grows anunnaturally large olive tree of oddly repellent shape; so like to some grotesque man, or death−distorted body of aman, that the country folk fear to pass it at night when the moon shines faintly through the crooked boughs.Mount Maenalus is a chosen haunt of dreaded Pan, whose queer companions are many, and simple swains believethat the tree must have some hideous kinship to these weird Panisci; but an old bee−keeper who lives in theneighboring cottage told me a different story. Many years ago, when the hillside villa was new and resplendent, there dwelt within it the two sculptors Kalosand Musides. From Lydia to Neapolis the beauty of their work was praised, and none dared say that the oneexcelled the other in skill. The Hermes of Kalos stood in a marble shrine in Corinth, and the Pallas of Musidessurmounted a pillar in Athens near the Parthenon. All men paid homage to Kalos and Musides, and marvelled thatno shadow of artistic jealousy cooled the warmth of their brotherly friendship. But though Kalos and Musides dwelt in unbroken harmony, their natures were not alike. Whilst Musidesrevelled by night amidst the urban gaieties of Tegea, Saios would remain at home; stealing away from the sight ofhis slaves into the cool recesses of the olive grove. There he would meditate upon the visions that filled his mind,and there devise the forms of beauty which later became immortal in breathing marble. Idle folk, indeed, said thatKalos conversed with the spirits of the grove, and that his statues were but images of the fauns and dryads he metthere for he patterned his work after no living model. So famous were Kalos and Musides, that none wondered when the Tyrant of Syracuse sent to them deputies tospeak of the costly statue of Tyche which he had planned for his city. Of great size and cunning workmanshipmust the statue be, for it was to form a wonder of nations and a goal of travellers. Exalted beyond thought wouldbe he whose work should gain acceptance, and for this honor Kalos and Musides were invited to compete. Theirbrotherly love was well known, and the crafty Tyrant surmised that each, instead of concealing his work from theother, would offer aid and advice; this charity producing two images of unheard of beauty, the lovelier of whichwould eclipse even the dreams of poets. With joy the sculptors hailed the Tyrant's offer, so that in the days that followed their slaves heard theceaseless blows of chisels. Not from each other did Kalos and Musides conceal their work, but the sight was forthem alone. Saving theirs, no eyes beheld the two divine figures released by skillful blows from the rough blocksthat had imprisoned them since the world began. At night, as of yore, Musides sought the banquet halls of Tegea whilst Kalos wandered alone in the oliveGrove. But as time passed, men observed a want of gaiety in the once sparkling Musides. It was strange, they saidamongst themselves that depression should thus seize one with so great a chance to win art's loftiest reward. Manymonths passed yet in the sour face of Musides came nothing of the sharp expectancy which the situation shouldarouse. Then one day Musides spoke of the illness of Kalos, after which none marvelled again at his sadness, since thesculptors' attachment was known to be deep and sacred. Subsequently many went to visit Kalos, and indeednoticed the pallor of his face; but there was about him a happy serenity which made his glance more magical thanthe glance of Musides who was clearly distracted with anxiety and who pushed aside all the slaves in hiseagerness to feed and wait upon his friend with his own hands. Hidden behind heavy curtains stood the twounfinished figures of Tyche, little touched of late by the sick man and his faithful attendant. As Kalos grew inexplicably weaker and weaker despite the ministrations of puzzled physicians and of hisassiduous friend, he desired to be carried often to the grove which he so loved. There he would ask to be leftalone, as if wishing to speak with unseen things. Musides ever granted his requests, though his eyes filled with

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visible tears at the thought that Kalos should care more for the fauns and the dryads than for him. At last the enddrew near, and Kalos discoursed of things beyond this life. Musides, weeping, promised him a sepulchre morelovely than the tomb of Mausolus; but Kalos bade him speak no more of marble glories. Only one wish nowhaunted the mind of the dying man; that twigs from certain olive trees in the grove be buried by his restingplace−close to his head. And one night, sitting alone in the darkness of the olive grove, Kalos died. Beautifulbeyond words was the marble sepulchre which stricken Musides carved for his beloved friend. None but Kaloshimself could have fashioned such basreliefs, wherein were displayed all the splendours of Elysium. Nor didMusides fail to bury close to Kalos' head the olive twigs from the grove. As the first violence of Musides' grief gave place to resignation, he labored with diligence upon his figure ofTyche. All honour was now his, since the Tyrant of Syracuse would have the work of none save him or Kalos. Histask proved a vent for his emotion and he toiled more steadily each day, shunning the gaieties he once hadrelished. Meanwhile his evenings were spent beside the tomb of his friend, where a young olive tree had sprungup near the sleeper's head. So swift was the growth of this tree, and so strange was its form, that all who beheld itexclaimed in surprise; and Musides seemed at once fascinated and repelled. Three years after the death of Kalos, Musides despatched a messenger to the Tyrant, and it was whispered inthe agora at Tegea that the mighty statue was finished. By this time the tree by the tomb had attained amazingproportions, exceeding all other trees of its kind, and sending out a singularly heavy branch above the apartmentin which Musides labored. As many visitors came to view the prodigious tree, as to admire the art of the sculptor,so that Musides was seldom alone. But he did not mind his multitude of guests; indeed, he seemed to dread beingalone now that his absorbing work was done. The bleak mountain wind, sighing through the olive grove and thetomb−tree, had an uncanny way of forming vaguely articulate sounds. The sky was dark on the evening that the Tyrant's emissaries came to Tegea. It was definitely known that theyhad come to bear away the great image of Tyche and bring eternal honour to Musides, so their reception by theproxenoi was of great warmth. As the night wore on a violent storm of wind broke over the crest of Maenalus, andthe men from far Syracuse were glad that they rested snugly in the town. They talked of their illustrious Tyrant,and of the splendour of his capital and exulted in the glory of the statue which Musides had wrought for him. Andthen the men of Tegea spoke of the goodness of Musides, and of his heavy grief for his friend and how not eventhe coming laurels of art could console him in the absence of Kalos, who might have worn those laurels instead.Of the tree which grew by the tomb, near the head of Kalos, they also spoke. The wind shrieked more horribly,and both the Syracusans and the Arcadians prayed to Aiolos. In the sunshine of the morning the proxenoi led the Tyrant's messengers up the slope to the abode of thesculptor, but the night wind had done strange things. Slaves' cries ascended from a scene of desolation, and nomore amidst the olive grove rose the gleaming colonnades of that vast hall wherein Musides had dreamed andtoiled. Lone and shaken mourned the humble courts and the lower walls, for upon the sumptuous greaterperi−style had fallen squarely the heavy overhanging bough of the strange new tree, reducing the stately poem inmarble with odd completeness to a mound of unsightly ruins. Strangers and Tegeans stood aghast, looking fromthe wreckage to the great, sinister tree whose aspect was so weirdly human and whose roots reached so queerlyinto the sculptured sepulchre of Kalos. And their fear and dismay increased when they searched the fallenapartment, for of the gentle Musides, and of the marvellously fashioned image of Tyche, no trace could bediscovered. Amidst such stupendous ruin only chaos dwelt, and the representatives of two cities left disappointed;Syracusans that they had no statue to bear home, Tegeans that they had no artist to crown. However, theSyracusans obtained after a while a very splendid statue in Athens, and the Tegeans consoled themselves byerecting in the agora a marble temple commemorating the gifts, virtues, and brotherly piety of Musides. But the olive grove still stands, as does the tree growing out of the tomb of Kalos, and the old bee−keeper toldme that sometimes the boughs whisper to one another in the night wind, saying over and over again. “Oida!Oida!—I know! I know!”

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The Nameless City

Written January 1921

Published November 1921 in The Wolverine, No. 11: 3−15. When I drew nigh the nameless city I knew it was accursed. I was traveling in a parched and terrible valleyunder the moon, and afar I saw it protruding uncannily above the sands as parts of a corpse may protrude from anill−made grave. Fear spoke from the age−worn stones of this hoary survivor of the deluge, this great−grandfatherof the eldest pyramid; and a viewless aura repelled me and bade me retreat from antique and sinister secrets thatno man should see, and no man else had dared to see. Remote in the desert of Araby lies the nameless city, crumbling and inarticulate, its low walls nearly hiddenby the sands of uncounted ages. It must have been thus before the first stones of Memphis were laid, and while thebricks of Babylon were yet unbaked. There is no legend so old as to give it a name, or to recall that it was everalive; but it is told of in whispers around campfires and muttered about by grandams in the tents of sheiks so thatall the tribes shun it without wholly knowing why. It was of this place that Abdul Alhazred the mad poet dreamedof the night before he sang his unexplained couplet: That is not dead which can eternal lie,And with strange aeons death may die. I should have known that the Arabs had good reason for shunning the nameless city, the city told of in strangetales but seen by no living man, yet I defied them and went into the untrodden waste with my camel. I alone haveseen it, and that is why no other face bears such hideous lines of fear as mine; why no other man shivers sohorribly when the night wind rattles the windows. When I came upon it in the ghastly stillness of unending sleepit looked at me, chilly from the rays of a cold moon amidst the desert's heat. And as I returned its look I forgot mytriumph at finding it, and stopped still with my camel to wait for the dawn. For hours I waited, till the east grew grey and the stars faded, and the grey turned to roseate light edged withgold. I heard a moaning and saw a storm of sand stirring among the antique stones though the sky was clear andthe vast reaches of desert still. Then suddenly above the desert's far rim came the blazing edge of the sun, seenthrough the tiny sandstorm which was passing away, and in my fevered state I fancied that from some remotedepth there came a crash of musical metal to hail the fiery disc as Memnon hails it from the banks of the Nile. Myears rang and my imagination seethed as I led my camel slowly across the sand to that unvocal place; that placewhich I alone of living men had seen. In and out amongst the shapeless foundations of houses and places I wandered, finding never a carving orinscription to tell of these men, if men they were, who built this city and dwelt therein so long ago. The antiquityof the spot was unwholesome, and I longed to encounter some sign or device to prove that the city was indeedfashioned by mankind. There were certain proportions and dimensions in the ruins which I did not like. I had withme many tools, and dug much within the walls of the obliterated edifices; but progress was slow, and nothingsignificant was revealed. When night and the moon returned I felt a chill wind which brought new fear, so that Idid not dare to remain in the city. And as I went outside the antique walls to sleep, a small sighing sandstormgathered behind me, blowing over the grey stones though the moon was bright and most of the desert still. I awakened just at dawn from a pageant of horrible dreams, my ears ringing as from some metallic peal. I sawthe sun peering redly through the last gusts of a little sandstorm that hovered over the nameless city, and markedthe quietness of the rest of the landscape. Once more I ventured within those brooding ruins that swelled beneaththe sand like an ogre under a coverlet, and again dug vainly for relics of the forgotten race. At noon I rested, andin the afternoon I spent much time tracing the walls and bygone streets, and the outlines of the nearly vanishedbuildings. I saw that the city had been mighty indeed, and wondered at the sources of its greatness. To myself Ipictured all the spendours of an age so distant that Chaldaea could not recall it, and thought of Sarnath theDoomed, that stood in the land of Mnar when mankind was young, and of Ib, that was carven of grey stone beforemankind existed.

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All at once I came upon a place where the bedrock rose stark through the sand and formed a low cliff; andhere I saw with joy what seemed to promise further traces of the antediluvian people. Hewn rudely on the face ofthe cliff were the unmistakable facades of several small, squat rock houses or temples; whose interiors mightpreserve many secrets of ages too remote for calculation, though sandstorms had long effaced any carvings whichmay have been outside. Very low and sand−choked were all the dark apertures near me, but I cleared one with my spade and crawledthrough it, carrying a torch to reveal whatever mysteries it might hold. When I was inside I saw that the cavernwas indeed a temple, and beheld plain signs of the race that had lived and worshipped before the desert was adesert. Primitive altars, pillars, and niches, all curiously low, were not absent; and though I saw no sculptures orfrescoes, there were many singular stones clearly shaped into symbols by artificial means. The lowness of thechiselled chamber was very strange, for I could hardly kneel upright; but the area was so great that my torchshowed only part of it at a time. I shuddered oddly in some of the far corners; for certain altars and stonessuggested forgotten rites of terrible, revolting and inexplicable nature and made me wonder what manner of mencould have made and frequented such a temple. When I had seen all that the place contained, I crawled out again,avid to find what the temples might yield. Night had now approached, yet the tangible things I had seen made curiosity stronger than fear, so that I didnot flee from the long mooncast shadows that had daunted me when first I saw the nameless city. In the twilight Icleared another aperture and with a new torch crawled into it, finding more vague stones and symbols, thoughnothing more definite than the other temple had contained. The room was just as low, but much less broad, endingin a very narrow passage crowded with obscure and cryptical shrines. About these shrines I was prying when thenoise of a wind and my camel outside broke through the stillness and drew me forth to see what could havefrightened the beast. The moon was gleaming vividly over the primitive ruins, lighting a dense cloud of sand that seemed blown bya strong but decreasing wind from some point along the cliff ahead of me. I knew it was this chilly, sandy windwhich had disturbed the camel and was about to lead him to a place of better shelter when I chanced to glance upand saw that there was no wind atop the cliff. This astonished me and made me fearful again, but I immediatelyrecalled the sudden local winds that I had seen and heard before at sunrise and sunset, and judged it was a normalthing. I decided it came from some rock fissure leading to a cave, and watched the troubled sand to trace it to itssource; soon perceiving that it came from the black orifice of a temple a long distance south of me, almost out ofsight. Against the choking sand−cloud I plodded toward this temple, which as I neared it loomed larger than therest, and shewed a doorway far less clogged with caked sand. I would have entered had not the terrific force of theicy wind almost quenched my torch. It poured madly out of the dark door, sighing uncannily as it ruffled the sandand spread among the weird ruins. Soon it grew fainter and the sand grew more and more still, till finally all wasat rest again; but a presence seemed stalking among the spectral stones of the city, and when I glanced at themoon it seemed to quiver as though mirrored in unquiet waters. I was more afraid than I could explain, but notenough to dull my thirst for wonder; so as soon as the wind was quite gone I crossed into the dark chamber fromwhich it had come. This temple, as I had fancied from the outside, was larger than either of those I had visited before; and waspresumably a natural cavern since it bore winds from some region beyond. Here I could stand quite upright, butsaw that the stones and altars were as low as those in the other temples. On the walls and roof I beheld for the firsttime some traces of the pictorial art of the ancient race, curious curling streaks of paint that had almost faded orcrumbled away; and on two of the altars I saw with rising excitement a maze of well−fashioned curvilinearcarvings. As I held my torch aloft it seemed to me that the shape of the roof was too regular to be natural, and Iwondered what the prehistoric cutters of stone had first worked upon. Their engineering skill must have been vast. Then a brighter flare of the fantastic flame showed that form which I had been seeking, the opening to thoseremoter abysses whence the sudden wind had blown; and I grew faint when I saw that it was a small and plainlyartificial door chiselled in the solid rock. I thrust my torch within, beholding a black tunnel with the roof archinglow over a rough flight of very small, numerous and steeply descending steps. I shall always see those steps in mydreams, for I came to learn what they meant. At the time I hardly knew whether to call them steps or merefootholds in a precipitous descent. My mind was whirling with mad thoughts, and the words and warning of Arabprophets seemed to float across the desert from the land that men know to the nameless city that men dare not

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know. Yet I hesitated only for a moment before advancing through the portal and commencing to climbcautiously down the steep passage, feet first, as though on a ladder. It is only in the terrible phantasms of drugs or delirium that any other man can have such a descent as mine.The narrow passage led infinitely down like some hideous haunted well, and the torch I held above my head couldnot light the unknown depths toward which I was crawling. I lost track of the hours and forgot to consult mywatch, though I was frightened when I thought of the distance I must have be traversing. There were changes ofdirection and of steepness; and once I came to a long, low, level passage where I had to wriggle my feet firstalong the rocky floor, holding torch at arm's length beyond my head. The place was not high enough for kneeling.After that were more of the steep steps, and I was still scrambling down interminably when my failing torch diedout. I do not think I noticed it at the time, for when I did notice it I was still holding it above me as if it wereablaze. I was quite unbalanced with that instinct for the strange and the unknown which had made me a wandererupon earth and a haunter of far, ancient, and forbidden places. In the darkness there flashed before my mind fragments of my cherished treasury of daemonic lore; sentencesfrom Alhazred the mad Arab, paragraphs from the apocryphal nightmares of Damascius, and infamous lines fromthe delirious Image du Monde of Gauthier de Metz. I repeated queer extracts, and muttered of Afrasiab and thedaemons that floated with him down the Oxus; later chanting over and over again a phrase from one of LordDunsany's tales—“The unreveberate blackness of the abyss.” Once when the descent grew amazingly steep Irecited something in sing−song from Thomas Moore until I feared to recite more: A reservoir of darkness, blackAs witches' cauldrons are, when fill'dWith moon−drugs in th' eclipse distill'dLeaning to look if foot might passDown thro' that chasm, I saw, beneath,As far as vision could explore,The jetty sides as smooth as glass,Looking as if just varnish'd o'erWith that dark pitch the Seat of DeathThrows out upon its slimy shore. Time had quite ceased to exist when my feet again felt a level floor, and I found myself in a place slightlyhigher than the rooms in the two smaller temples now so incalculably far above my head. I could not quite stand,but could kneel upright, and in the dark I shuffled and crept hither and thither at random. I soon knew that I was ina narrow passage whose walls were lined with cases of wood having glass fronts. As in that Palaeozoic andabysmal place I felt of such things as polished wood and glass I shuddered at the possible implications. The caseswere apparently ranged along each side of the passage at regular intervals, and were oblong and horizontal,hideously like coffins in shape and size. When I tried to move two or three for further examination, I found thatthey were firmly fastened. I saw that the passage was a long one, so floundered ahead rapidly in a creeping run that would have seemedhorrible had any eye watched me in the blackness; crossing from side to side occasionally to feel of mysurroundings and be sure the walls and rows of cases still stretched on. Man is so used to thinking visually that Ialmost forgot the darkness and pictured the endless corridor of wood and glass in its low−studded monotony asthough I saw it. And then in a moment of indescribable emotion I did see it. Just when my fancy merged into real sight I cannot tell; but there came a gradual glow ahead, and all at once Iknew that I saw the dim outlines of a corridor and the cases, revealed by some unknown subterraneanphosphorescence. For a little while all was exactly as I had imagined it, since the glow was very faint; but as Imechanically kept stumbling ahead into the stronger light I realised that my fancy had been but feeble. This hallwas no relic of crudity like the temples in the city above, but a monument of the most magnificent and exotic art.Rich, vivid, and daringly fantastic designs and pictures formed a continuous scheme of mural paintings whoselines and colours were beyond description. The cases were of a strange golden wood, with fronts of exquisiteglass, and containing the mummified forms of creatures outreaching in grotesqueness the most chaotic dreams ofman. To convey any idea of these monstrosities is impossible. They were of the reptile kind, with body lines

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suggesting sometimes the crocodile, sometimes the seal, but more often nothing of which either the naturalist orthe palaeontologist ever heard. In size they approximated a small man, and their fore−legs bore delicate andevident feet curiously like human hands and fingers. But strangest of all were their heads, which presented acontour violating all know biological principles. To nothing can such things be well compared — in one flash Ithought of comparisons as varied as the cat, the bullfrog, the mythic Satyr, and the human being. Not Jove himselfhad had so colossal and protuberant a forehead, yet the horns and the noselessness and the alligator−like jawplaced things outside all established categories. I debated for a time on the reality of the mummies, halfsuspecting they were artificial idols; but soon decided they were indeed some palaeogean species which had livedwhen the nameless city was alive. To crown their grotesqueness, most of them were gorgeously enrobed in thecostliest of fabrics, and lavishly laden with ornaments of gold, jewels, and unknown shining metals. The importance of these crawling creatures must have been vast, for they held first place among the wilddesigns on the frescoed walls and ceiling. With matchless skill had the artist drawn them in a world of their own,wherein they had cities and gardens fashioned to suit their dimensions; and I could not help but think that theirpictured history was allegorical, perhaps shewing the progress of the race that worshipped them. These creatures,I said to myself, were to men of the nameless city what the she−wolf was to Rome, or some totem−beast is to atribe of Indians. Holding this view, I could trace roughly a wonderful epic of the nameless city; the tale of a mighty seacoastmetropolis that ruled the world before Africa rose out of the waves, and of its struggles as the sea shrank away,and the desert crept into the fertile valley that held it. I saw its wars and triumphs, its troubles and defeats, andafterwards its terrible fight against the desert when thousands of its people — here represented in allegory by thegrotesque reptiles — were driven to chisel their way down though the rocks in some marvellous manner toanother world whereof their prophets had told them. It was all vividly weird and realistic, and its connection withthe awesome descent I had made was unmistakable. I even recognized the passages. As I crept along the corridor toward the brighter light I saw later stages of the painted epic — the leave−takingof the race that had dwelt in the nameless city and the valley around for ten million years; the race whose soulsshrank from quitting scenes their bodies had known so long where they had settled as nomads in the earth's youth,hewing in the virgin rock those primal shrines at which they had never ceased to worship. Now that the light wasbetter I studied the pictures more closely and, remembering that the strange reptiles must represent the unknownmen, pondered upon the customs of the nameless city. Many things were peculiar and inexplicable. Thecivilization, which included a written alphabet, had seemingly risen to a higher order than those immeasurablylater civilizations of Egypt and Chaldaea, yet there were curious omissions. I could, for example, find no picturesto represent deaths or funeral customs, save such as were related to wars, violence, and plagues; and I wonderedat the reticence shown concerning natural death. It was as though an ideal of immortality had been fostered as acheering illusion. Still nearer the end of the passage was painted scenes of the utmost picturesqueness and extravagance:contrasted views of the nameless city in its desertion and growing ruin, and of the strange new realm of paradiseto which the race had hewed its way through the stone. In these views the city and the desert valley were shewnalways by moonlight, golden nimbus hovering over the fallen walls, and half−revealing the splendid perfection offormer times, shown spectrally and elusively by the artist. The paradisal scenes were almost too extravagant to bebelieved, portraying a hidden world of eternal day filled with glorious cities and ethereal hills and valleys. At thevery last I thought I saw signs of an artistic anticlimax. The paintings were less skillful, and much more bizarrethan even the wildest of the earlier scenes. They seemed to record a slow decadence of the ancient stock, coupledwith a growing ferocity toward the outside world from which it was driven by the desert. The forms of the people— always represented by the sacred reptiles — appeared to be gradually wasting away, through their spirit asshewn hovering above the ruins by moonlight gained in proportion. Emaciated priests, displayed as reptiles inornate robes, cursed the upper air and all who breathed it; and one terrible final scene shewed a primitive−lookingman, perhaps a pioneer of ancient Irem, the City of Pillars, torn to pieces by members of the elder race. Iremember how the Arabs fear the nameless city, and was glad that beyond this place the grey walls and ceilingwere bare. As I viewed the pageant of mural history I had approached very closely to the end of the low−ceiled hall, andwas aware of a gate through which came all of the illuminating phosphorescence. Creeping up to it, I cried aloud

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in transcendent amazement at what lay beyond; for instead of other and brighter chambers there was only anillimitable void of uniform radiance, such one might fancy when gazing down from the peak of Mount Everestupon a sea of sunlit mist. Behind me was a passage so cramped that I could not stand upright in it; before me wasan infinity of subterranean effulgence. Reaching down from the passage into the abyss was the head of a steep flight of steps — small numeroussteps like those of black passages I had traversed — but after a few feet the glowing vapours concealedeverything. Swung back open against the left−hand wall of the passage was a massive door of brass, incrediblythick and decorated with fantastic bas−reliefs, which could if closed shut the whole inner world of light awayfrom the vaults and passages of rock. I looked at the step, and for the nonce dared not try them. I touched the openbrass door, and could not move it. Then I sank prone to the stone floor, my mind aflame with prodigiousreflections which not even a death−like exhaustion could banish. As I lay still with closed eyes, free to ponder, many things I had lightly noted in the frescoes came back to mewith new and terrible significance — scenes representing the nameless city in its heyday — the vegetations of thevalley around it, and the distant lands with which its merchants traded. The allegory of the crawling creaturespuzzled me by its universal prominence, and I wondered that it would be so closely followed in a pictured historyof such importance. In the frescoes the nameless city had been shewn in proportions fitted to the reptiles. Iwondered what its real proportions and magnificence had been, and reflected a moment on certain oddities I hadnoticed in the ruins. I thought curiously of the lowness of the primal temples and of the underground corridor,which were doubtless hewn thus out of deference to the reptile deities there honoured; though it perforce reducedthe worshippers to crawling. Perhaps the very rites here involved crawling in imitation of the creatures. Noreligious theory, however, could easily explain why the level passages in that awesome descent should be as lowas the temples — or lower, since one cold not even kneel in it. As I thought of the crawling creatures, whosehideous mummified forms were so close to me, I felt a new throb of fear. Mental associations are curious, and Ishrank from the idea that except for the poor primitive man torn to pieces in the last painting, mine was the onlyhuman form amidst the many relics and symbols of the primordial life. But as always in my strange and roving existence, wonder soon drove out fear; for the luminous abyss andwhat it might contain presented a problem worthy of the greatest explorer. That a weird world of mystery lay fardown that flight of peculiarly small steps I could not doubt, and I hoped to find there those human memorialswhich the painted corridor had failed to give. The frescoes had pictured unbelievable cities, and valleys in thislower realm, and my fancy dwelt on the rich and colossal ruins that awaited me. My fears, indeed, concerned the past rather than the future. Not even the physical horror of my position in thatcramped corridor of dead reptiles and antediluvian frescoes, miles below the world I knew and faced by anotherworld of eery light and mist, could match the lethal dread I felt at the abysmal antiquity of the scene and its soul.An ancientness so vast that measurement is feeble seemed to leer down from the primal stones and rock−hewntemples of the nameless city, while the very latest of the astounding maps in the frescoes shewed oceans andcontinents that man has forgotten, with only here and there some vaguely familiar outlines. Of what could havehappened in the geological ages since the paintings ceased and the death−hating race resentfully succumbed todecay, no man might say. Life had once teemed in these caverns and in the luminous realm beyond; now I wasalone with vivid relics, and I trembled to think of the countless ages through which these relics had kept a silentdeserted vigil. Suddenly there came another burst of that acute fear which had intermittently seized me ever since I first sawthe terrible valley and the nameless city under a cold moon, and despite my exhaustion I found myself startingfrantically to a sitting posture and gazing back along the black corridor toward the tunnels that rose to the outerworld. My sensations were like those which had made me shun the nameless city at night, and were asinexplicable as they were poignant. In another moment, however, I received a still greater shock in the form of adefinite sound — the first which had broken the utter silence of these tomb−like depths. It was a deep, lowmoaning, as of a distant throng of condemned spirits, and came from the direction in which I was staring. Itsvolume rapidly grew, till it soon reverberated frightfully through the low passage, and at the same time I becameconscious of an increasing draught of old air, likewise flowing from the tunnels and the city above. The touch ofthis air seemed to restore my balance, for I instantly recalled the sudden gusts which had risen around the mouthof the abyss each sunset and sunrise, one of which had indeed revealed the hidden tunnels to me. I looked at my

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watch and saw that sunrise was near, so bracing myself to resist the gale that was sweeping down to its cavernhome as it had swept forth at evening. My fear again waned low, since a natural phenomenon tends to dispelbroodings over the unknown. More and more madly poured the shrieking, moaning night wind into the gulf of the inner earth. I droppedprone again and clutched vainly at the floor for fear of being swept bodily through the open gate into thephosphorescent abyss. Such fury I had not expected, and as I grew aware of an actual slipping of my form towardthe abyss I was beset by a thousand new terrors of apprehension and imagination. The malignancy of the blastawakened incredible fancies; once more I compared myself shudderingly to the only human image in thatfrightful corridor, the man who was torn to pieces by the nameless race, for in the fiendish clawing of the swirlingcurrents there seemed to abide a vindictive rage all the stronger because it was largely impotent. I think Iscreamed frantically near the last — I was almost mad — of the howling wind−wraiths. I tried to crawl against themurderous invisible torrent, but I could not even hold my own as I was pushed slowly and inexorably toward theunknown world. Finally reason must have wholly snapped; for I fell babbling over and over that unexplainablecouplet of the mad Arab Alhazred, who dreamed of the nameless city: That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die. Only the grim brooding desert gods know what really took place—what indescribable struggles and scramblesin the dark I endured or what Abaddon guided me back to life, where I must always remember and shiver in thenight wind till oblivion — or worse — claims me. Monstrous, unnatural, colossal, was the thing — too far beyondall the ideas of man to be believed except in the silent damnable small hours of the morning when one cannotsleep. I have said that the fury of the rushing blast was infernal — cacodaemoniacal — and that its voices werehideous with the pent−up viciousness of desolate eternities. Presently these voices, while still chaotic before me,seemed to my beating brain to take articulate form behind me; and down there in the grave of unnumberedaeon−dead antiquities, leagues below the dawn−lit world of men, I heard the ghastly cursing and snarling ofstrange−tongued fiends. Turning, I saw outlined against the luminous aether of the abyss what could not be seenagainst the dusk of the corridor — a nightmare horde of rushing devils; hate distorted, grotesquely panoplied, halftransparent devils of a race no man might mistake — the crawling reptiles of the nameless city. And as the wind died away I was plunged into the ghoul−pooled darkness of earth's bowels; for behind thelast of the creatures the great brazen door clanged shut with a deafening peal of metallic music whosereverberations swelled out to the distant world to hail the rising sun as Memnon hails it from the banks of theNile.

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Herbert West: Reanimator

Written Sep 1921−mid 1922

Published in five parts, February−July 1922 in Home Brew,Vol. 1, Nos. 1−6.

Published Februrary 1922 in Home BrewVol. 1, No. 1, p. 19−25. Of Herbert West, who was my friend in college and in after life, I can speak only with extreme terror. Thisterror is not due altogether to the sinister manner of his recent disappearance, but was engendered by the wholenature of his life−work, and first gained its acute form more than seventeen years ago, when we were in the thirdyear of our course at the Miskatonic University Medical School in Arkham. While he was with me, the wonderand diabolism of his experiments fascinated me utterly, and I was his closest companion. Now that he is gone andthe spell is broken, the actual fear is greater. Memories and possibilities are ever more hideous than realities. The first horrible incident of our acquaintance was the greatest shock I ever experienced, and it is only withreluctance that I repeat it. As I have said, it happened when we were in the medical school1 where West hadalready made himself notorious through his wild theories on the nature of death and the possibility of overcomingit artificially. His views, which were widely ridiculed by the faculty and by his fellow−students, hinged on theessentially mechanistic nature of life; and concerned means for operating the organic machinery of mankind bycalculated chemical action after the failure of natural processes. In his experiments with various animatingsolutions, he had killed and treated immense numbers of rabbits, guinea−pigs, cats, dogs, and monkeys, till he hadbecome the prime nuisance of the college. Several times he had actually obtained signs of life in. animalssupposedly dead; in many cases violent sign5; but he soon saw that the perfection of his process, if indeedpossible, would necessarily involve a lifetime of research. It likewise became clear that, since the same solutionnever worked alike on different organic species, he would require human subjects for further and more specialisedprogress. It was here that he first came into conflict with the college authorities, and was debarred from futureexperiments by no less a dignitary than the dean of the medical school himself — the learned and benevolent Dr.Allan Halsey, whose work in behalf of the stricken is recalled by every old resident of Arkham. I had always been exceptionally tolerant of West's pursuits, and we frequently discussed his theories, whoseramifications and corollaries were almost infinite. Holding with Haeckel that all life is a chemical and physicalprocess, and that the so−called “soul” is a myth, my friend believed that artificial reanimation of the dead candepend only on the condition of the tissues; and that unless actual decomposition has set in, a corpse fullyequipped with organs may with suitable measures be set going again in the peculiar fashion known as life. Thatthe psychic or intellectual life might be impaired by the slight deterioration of sensitive brain−cells which even ashort period of death would be apt to cause, West fully realised. It had at first been his hope to find a reagentwhich would restore vitality before the actual advent of death, and only repeated failures on animals had shewnhim that the natural and artificial life−motions were incompatible. He then sought extreme freshness in hisspecimens, injecting his solutions into the blood immediately after the extinction of life. It was this circ*mstancewhich made the professors so carelessly sceptical, for they felt that true death had not occurred in any case. Theydid not stop to view the matter closely and reasoningly. It was not long after the faculty had interdicted his work that West confided to me his resolution to get freshhuman bodies in some manner, and continue in secret the experiments he could no longer perform openly. Tohear him discussing ways and means was rather ghastly, for at the college we had never procured anatomicalspecimens ourselves. Whenever the morgue proved inadequate, two local negroes attended to this matter, andthey were seldom questioned. West was then a small, slender, spectacled youth with delicate features, yellow hair,pale blue eyes, and a soft voice, and it was uncanny to hear him dwelling on the relative merits of ChristchurchCemetery and the potter's field. We finally decided on the potter's field, because practically every body in

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Christchurch was embalmed; a thing of course ruinous to West's researches. I was by this time his active and enthralled assistant, and helped him make all his decisions, not onlyconcerning the source of bodies but concerning a suitable place for our loathsome work. It was I who thought ofthe deserted Chapman farmhouse beyond Meadow Hill, where we fitted up on the ground floor an operating roomand a laboratory, each with dark curtains to conceal our midnight doings. The place was far from any road, and insight of no other house, yet precautions were none the less necessary; since rumours of strange lights, started bychance nocturnal roamers, would soon bring disaster on our enterprise. It was agreed to call the whole thing achemical laboratory if discovery should occur. Gradually we equipped our sinister haunt of science with materialseither purchased in Boston or quietly borrowed from the college — materials carefully made unrecognisable saveto expert eyes — and provided spades and picks for the many burials we should have to make in the cellar. At thecollege we used an incinerator, but the apparatus was too costly for our unauthorised laboratory. Bodies werealways a nuisance — even the small guinea−pig bodies from the slight clandestine experiments in West's room atthe boarding−house. We followed the local death−notices like ghouls, for our specimens demanded particular qualities. What wewanted were corpses interred soon after death and without artificial preservation; preferably free from malformingdisease, and certainly with all organs present. Accident victims were our best hope. Not for many weeks did wehear of anything suitable; though we talked with morgue and hospital authorities, ostensibly in the college'sinterest, as often as we could without exciting suspicion. We found that the college had first choice in every case,so that it might be necessary to remain in Arkham during the summer, when only the limited summer−schoolclasses were held. In the end, though, luck favoured us; for one day we heard of an almost ideal case in thepotter's field; a brawny young workman drowned only the morning before in Summer's Pond, and buried at thetown's expense without delay or embalming. That afternoon we found the new grave, and determined to beginwork soon after midnight. It was a repulsive task that we undertook in the black small hours, even though we lacked at that time thespecial horror of graveyards which later experiences brought to us. We carried spades and oil dark lanterns, foralthough electric torches were then manufactured, they were not as satisfactory as the tungsten contrivances oftoday. The process of unearthing was slow and sordid — it might have been gruesomely poetical if we had beenartists instead of scientists — and we were glad when our spades struck wood. When the pine box was fullyuncovered, West scrambled down and removed the lid, dragging out and propping up the contents. I reacheddown and hauled the contents out of the grave, and then both toiled hard to restore the spot to its formerappearance. The affair made us rather nervous, especially the stiff form and vacant face of our first trophy, but wemanaged to remove all traces of our visit. When we had patted down the last shovelful of earth, we− put thespecimen in a canvas sack and set out for the old Chapman place beyoiid Meadow Hill. On an improvised dissecting−table in the old farmhouse, by the light of a powerful acetylene lamp, thespecimen was not very spectral looking. It had been a sturdy and apparently unimaginative youth of wholesomeplebeian type — large−framed, grey−eyed, and brown−haired — a sound animal without psychological subtleties,and probably having vital processes of the simplest and healthiest sort. Now, with the eyes closed, it looked moreasleep than dead; though the expert test of my friend soon left no doubt on that score. We had at last what Westhad always longed for — a real dead man of the ideal kind, ready for the solution as prepared according to themost careful calculations and theories for human use. The tension on our part became very great. We knew thatthere was scarcely a chance for anything like complete success, and could not avoid hideous fears at possiblegrotesque results of partial animation. Especially were we apprehensive concerning the mind and impulses of thecreature, since in the space following death some of the more delicate cerebral cells might well have suffereddeterioration. I, myself, still held some curious notions about the traditional “soul” of man, and felt an awe at thesecrets that might be told by one returning from the dead. I wondered what sights this placid youth might haveseen in inaccessible spheres, and what he could relate if fully restored to life. But my wonder was notoverwhelming, since for the most part I shared the materialism of my friend. He was calmer than I as he forced alarge quantity of his fluid into a vein of the body's arm, immediately binding the incision securely. The waiting was gruesome, but West never faltered. Every now and then he applied his stethoscope to thespecimen, and bore the negative results philosophically. After about three−quarters of an hour without the leastsign of life he disappointedly pronounced the solution inadequate, but determined to make the most of his

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opportunity and try one change in the formula before disposing of his ghastly prize. We had that afternoon dug agrave in the cellar, and would have to fill it by dawn — for although we had fixed a lock on the house, we wishedto shun even the remotest risk of a ghoulish discovery. Besides, the body would not be even approximately freshthe next night. So taking the solitary acetylene lamp into the adjacent laboratory, we left our silent guest on theslab in the dark, and bent every energy to the mixing of a new solution; the weighing and measuring supervisedby West with an almost fanatical care. The awful event was very sudden, and wholly unexpected. I was pouring something from one test−tube toanother, and West was busy over the alcohol blast−lamp which had to answer for a Bunsen burner in this gaslessedifice, when from the pitch−black room we had left there burst the most appalling and daemoniac succession ofcries that either of us had ever heard. Not more unutterable could have been the chaos of hellish sound if the pitit*elf had opened to release the agony of the damned, for in one inconceivable cacophony was centered all thesupernal terror and unnatural despair of animate nature. Human it could not have been — it is not in man to makesuch sounds — and without a thought of our late employment or its possible discovery, both West and I leaped tothe nearest window like stricken animals; overturning tubes, lamp, and retorts, and vaulting madly into the starredabyss of the rural night. I think we screamed ourselves as we stumbled frantically toward the town, though as wereached the outskirts we put on a semblance of restraint — just enough to seem like belated revellers staggeringhome from a debauch. We did not separate, but managed to get to West's room, where we whispered with the gas up until dawn. Bythen we had calmed ourselves a little with rational theories and plans for investigation, so that we could sleepthrough the day — classes being disregarded. But that evening two items in the paper, wholly unrelated, made itagain impossible for us to sleep. The old deserted Chapman house had inexplicably burned to an amorphous heapof ashes; that we could understand because of the upset lamp. Also, an attempt had been made to disturb a newgrave in the potter's field, as if by futile and spadeless clawing at the earth. That we could not understand, for wehad patted down the mould very carefully. And for seventeen years after that West would look frequently over his shoulder, and complain of fanciedfootsteps behind him. Now he has disappeared.

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II. The Plague−Daemon

Published March 1922 in Home BrewVol. 1, No. 2, p. 45−50.

I shall never forget that hideous summer sixteen years ago, when like a noxious afrite from the halls of Eblistyphoid stalked leeringly through Arkham. It is by that satanic scourge that most recall the year, for truly terrorbrooded with bat−wings over the piles of coffins in the tombs of Christchurch Cemetery; yet for me there is agreater horror in that time — a horror known to me alone now that Herbert West has disappeared. West and I were doing post−graduate work in summer classes at the medical school of Miskatonic University,and my friend had attained a wide notoriety because of his experiments leading toward the revivification of thedead. After the scientific slaughter of uncounted small animals the freakish work had ostensibly stopped by orderof our sceptical dean, Dr. Allan Halsey; though West had continued to perform certain secret tests in his dingyboarding−house room, and had on one terrible and unforgettable occasion taken a human body from its grave inthe potter's field to a deserted farmhouse beyond Meadow Hill. I was with him on that odious occasion, and saw him inject into the still veins the elixir which he thoughtwould to some extent restore life's chemical and physical processes. It had ended horribly — in a delirium of fearwhich we gradually came to attribute to our own overwrought nerves — and West had never afterward been ableto shake off a maddening sensation of being haunted and hunted. The body had not been quite fresh enough; it isobvious that to restore normal mental attributes a body must be very fresh indeed; and the burning of the oldhouse had prevented us from burying the thing. It would have been better if we could have known it wasunderground. After that experience West had dropped his researches for some time; but as the zeal of the born scientistslowly returned, he again became importunate with the college faculty, pleading for the use of thedissecting−room and of fresh human specimens for the work he regarded as so overwhelmingly important. Hispleas, however, were wholly in vain; for the decision of Dr. Halsey was inflexible, and the other professors allendorsed the verdict of their leader. In the radical theory of reanimation they saw nothing but the immaturevagaries of a youthful enthusiast whose slight form, yellow hair, spectacled blue eyes, and soft voice gave no hintof the supernormal — almost diabolical — power of the cold brain within. I can see him now as he was then —and I shiver. He grew sterner of face, but never elderly. And now Sefton Asylum has had the mishap and Westhas vanished. West clashed disagreeably with Dr. Halsey near the end of our last undergraduate term in a wordy dispute thatdid less credit to him than to the kindiy dean in point of courtesy. He felt that he was needlessly and irrationallyretarded in a supremely great work; a work which he could of course conduct to suit himself in later years, butwhich he wished to begin while still possessed of the exceptional facilities of the university. That thetradition−bound elders should ignore his singular results on animals, and persist in their denial of the possibilityof reanimation, was inexpressibly disgusting and almost incomprehensible to a youth of West's logicaltemperament. Only greater maturity could help him understand the chronic mental limitations of the“professor−doctor” type — the product of generations of pathetic Puritanism; kindly, conscientious, andsometimes gentle and amiable, yet always narrow, intolerant, custom−ridden, and lacking in perspective. Age hasmore charity for these incomplete yet high−souled characters, whose worst real vice is timidity, and who areultimately punished by general ridicule for their intellectual sins — sins like Ptolemaism, Calvinism,anti−Darwinism, anti−Nietzscheism, and every sort of Sabbatarianism and sumptuary legislation. West, youngdespite his marvellous scientific acquirements, had scant patience with good Dr. Halsey and his eruditecolleagues; and nursed an increasing resentment, coupled with a desire to prove his theories to these obtuseworthies in some striking and dramatic fashion. Like most youths, he indulged in elaborate daydreams of revenge,triumph, and final magnanimous forgiveness. And then had come the scourge, grinning and lethal, from the nightmare caverns of Tartarus. West and I had

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graduated about the time of its beginning, but had remained for additional work at the summer school, so that wewere in Arkham when it broke with full daemoniac fury upon the town. Though not as yet licenced physicians, wenow had our degrees, and were pressed frantically into public service as the numbers of the stricken grew. Thesituation was almost past management, and deaths ensued too frequently for the local undertakers fully to handle.Burials without embalming were made in rapid succession, and even the Christchurch Cemetery receiving tombwas crammed with coffins of the unembalmed dead. This circ*mstance was not without effect on West, whothought often of the irony of the situation — so many fresh specimens, yet none for his persecuted researches! Wewere frightfully overworked, and the terrific mental and nervous strain made my friend brood morbidly. But West's gentle enemies were no less harassed with prostrating duties. College had all but closed, and everydoctor of the medical faculty was helping to fight the typhoid plague. Dr. Halsey in particular had distinguishedhimself in sacrificing service, applying his extreme skill with whole−hearted energy to cases which many othersshunned because of danger or apparent hopelessness. Before a month was over the fearless dean had become apopular hero, though he seemed unconscious of his fame as he struggled to keep from collapsing with physicalfatigue and nervous exhaustion. West could not withhold admiration for the fortitude of his foe, but because ofthis was even more determined to prove to him the truth of his amazing doctrines. Taking advantage of thedisorganisation of both college work and municipal health regulations, he managed to get a recently deceasedbody smuggled into the university dissecting−room one night, and in my presence injected a new modification ofhis solution. The thing actually opened its eyes, but only stared at the ceiling with a look of soul−petrifying horrorbefore collapsing into an inertness from which nothing could rouse it. West said it was not fresh enough — thehot summer air does not favour corpses. That time we were almost caught before we incinerated the thing, andWest doubted the advisability of repeating his daring misuse of the college laboratory. The peak of the epidemic was reached in August. West and I were almost dead, and Dr. Halsey did die on the14th. The students all attended the hasty funeral on the 15th, and bought an impressive wreath, though the latterwas quite overshadowed by the tributes sent by wealthy Arkham citizens and by the municipality itself. It wasalmost a public affair, for the dean had surely been a public benefactor. After the entombment we were allsomewhat depressed, and spent the afternoon at the bar of the Commercial House; where West, though shaken bythe death of his chief opponent, chilled the rest of us with references to his notorious theories. Most of thestudents went home, or to various duties, as the evening advanced; but West persuaded me to aid him in “makinga night of it” West's landlady saw us arrive at his room about two in the morning, with a third man between us;and told her husband that we had all evidently dined and wined rather well. Apparently this acidulous matron was right; for about 3 a.m. the whole house was aroused by cries comingfrom West's room, where when they broke down the door, they found the two of us unconscious on theblood−stained carpet, beaten, scratched, and mauled, and with the broken remnants of West's bottles andinstruments around us. Only an open window told what had become of our assailant, and many wondered how hehimself had fared after the terrific leap from the second story to the lawn which he must have made. There weresome strange garments in the room, but West upon regaining consciousness said they did not belong to thestranger, but were specimens collected for bacteriological analysis in the course of investigations on thetransmission of germ diseases. He ordered them burnt as soon as possible in the capacious fireplace. To the policewe both declared ignorance of our late companion's identity. He was, West nervously said, a congenial strangerwhom we had met at some downtown bar of uncertain location. We had all been rather jovial, and West and I didnot wish to have our pugnacious companion hunted down. That same night saw the beginning of the second Arkham horror — the horror that to me eclipsed the plagueitself. Christ−church Cemetery was the scene of a terrible killing; a watchman having been clawed to death in amanner not only too hideous for description, but raising a doubt as to the human agency of the deed. The victimhad been seen alive considerably after midnight — the dawn revealed the unutterable thing. The manager of acircus at the neighbouring town of Bolton was questioned, but he swore that no beast had at any time escapedfrom its cage. Those who found the body noted a trail of blood leading to the receiving tomb, where a small poolof red lay on the concrete just outside the gate. A fainter trail led away toward the woods, but it soon gave out. The next night devils danced on the roofs of Arkham, and unnatural madness howled in the wind. Through thefevered town had crept a curse which some said was greater than the plague, and which some whispered was theembodied daemon−soul of the plague itself. Eight houses were entered by a nameless thing which strewed red

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death in its wake — in all, seventeen maimed and shapeless remnants of bodies were left behind by the voiceless,sad*stic monster that crept abroad. A few persons had half seen it in the dark, and said it was white and like amalformed ape or anthropomorphic fiend. It had not left behind quite all that it had attacked, for sometimes it hadbeen hungry. The number it had killed was fourteen; three of the bodies had been in stricken homes and had notbeen alive. On the third night frantic bands of searchers, led by the police, captured it in a house on Crane Street near theMiskatonic campus. They had organised the quest with care, keeping in touch by means of volunteer telephonestations, and when someone in the college district had reported hearing a scratching at a shuttered window, the netwas quickly spread. On account of the general alarm and precautions, there were only two more victims, and thecapture was effected without major casualties. The thing was finally stopped by a bullet, though not a fatal one,and was rushed to the local hospital amidst universal excitement and loathing. For it had been a man. This much was clear despite the nauseous eyes, the voiceless simianism, and thedaemoniac savagery. They dressed its wound and carted it to the asylum at Sefton, where it beat its head againstthe walls of a padded cell for sixteen years — until the recent mishap, when it escaped under circ*mstances thatfew like to mention. What had most disgusted the searchers of Arkham was the thing they noticed when the monster's face was cleaned — the mocking, unbelievableresemblance to a learned and self−sacrificing martyr who had been entombed but three days before — the late Dr.Allan Halsey, public benefactor and dean of the medical school of Miskatonic University. To the vanished Herbert West and to me the disgust and horror were supreme. I shudder tonight as I think ofit; shudder even more than I did that morning when West muttered through his bandages, “Damn it, it wasn't quitefresh enough!”

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III. Six Shots by Moonlight

Published April 1922 in Home BrewVol. 1, No. 3, p. 21−26.

It is uncommon to fire all six shots of a revolver with great suddenness when one would probably besufficient, but many things in the life of Herbert West were uncommon. It is, for instance, not often that a youngphysician leaving college is obliged to conceal the principles which guide his selection of a home and office, yetthat was the case with Herbert West. When he and I obtained our degrees at the medical school of MiskatonicUniversity, and sought to relieve our poverty by setting up as general practitioners, we took great care not to saythat we chose our house because it was fairly well isolated, and as near as possible to the potter's field. Reticence such as this is seldom without a cause, nor indeed was ours; for our requirements were thoseresulting from a life−work distinctly unpopular. Outwardly we were doctors only, but beneath the surface wereaims of far greater and more terrible moment — for the essence of Herbert West's existence was a quest amidblack and forbidden realms of the unknown, in which he hoped to uncover the secret of life and restore toperpetual animation the graveyard's cold clay. Such a quest demands strange materials, among them fresh humanbodies; and in order to keep supplied with these indispensable things one must live quietly and not far from aplace of informal interment. West and I had met in college, and I had been the only one to sympathise with his hideous experiments.Gradually I had come to be his inseparable assistant, and now that we were out of college we had to keeptogether. It was not easy to find a good opening for two doctors in company, but finally the influence of theuniversity secured us a practice in Bolton — a factory town near Arkham, the seat of the college. The BoltonWorsted Mills are the largest in the Miskatonic Valley, and their polyglot employees are never popular as patientswith the local physicians. We chose our house with the greatest care, seizing at last on a rather run−down cottagenear the end of Pond Street; five numbers from the closest neighbour, and separated from the local potter's fieldby only a stretch of meadow land, bisected by a narrow neck of the rather dense forest which lies to the north. Thedistance was greater than we wished, but we could get no nearer house without going on the other side of thefield, wholly out of the factory district. We were not much displeased, however, since there were no peoplebetween us and our sinister source of supplies. The walk was a trifle long, but we could haul our silent specimensundisturbed. Our practice was surprisingly large from the very first — large enough to please most young doctors, andlarge enough to prove a bore and a burden to students whose real interest lay elsewhere. The mill−hands were ofsomewhat turbulent inclinations; and besides their many natural needs, their frequent clashes and stabbing affraysgave us plenty to do. But what actually absorbed our minds was the secret laboratory we had fitted up in the cellar— the laboratory with the long table under the electric lights, where in the small hours of the morning we ofteninjected West's various solutions into the veins of the things we dragged from the potter's field. West wasexperimenting madly to find something which would start man's vital motions anew after they had been stoppedby the thing we call death, but had encountered the most ghastly obstacles. The solution had to be differentlycompounded for different types — what would serve for guinea−pigs would not serve for human beings, anddifferent human specimens required large modifications. The bodies had to be exceedingly fresh, or the slight decomposition of brain tissue would render perfectreanimation impossible. Indeed, the greatest problem was to get them fresh enough — West had had horribleexperiences during his secret college researches with corpses of doubtful vintage. The results of partial orimperfect animation were much more hideous than were the total failures, and we both held fearsomerecollections of such things. Ever since our first daemoniac session in the deserted farmhouse on Meadow Hill inArkham, we had felt a brooding menace; and West, though a calm, blond, blue−eyed scientific automaton in mostrespects, often confessed to a shuddering sensation of stealthy pursuit. He half felt that he was followed — apsychological delusion of shaken nerves, enhanced by the undeniably disturbing fact that at least one of our

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reanimated specimens was still alive — a frightful carnivorous thing in a padded cell at Sefton. Then there wasanother — our first — whose exact fate we had never learned. We had fair luck with specimens in Bolton — much better than in Arkham. We had not been settled a weekbefore we got an accident victim on the very night of burial, and made it open its eyes with an amazingly rationalexpression before the solution failed. It had lost an arm — if it had been a perfect body we might have succeededbetter. Between then and the next January we secured three more; one total failure, one case of marked muscularmotion, and one rather shivery thing — it rose of itself and uttered a sound. Then came a period when luck waspoor; interments fell off, and those that did occur were of specimens either too diseased or too maimed for use.We kept track of all the deaths and their circ*mstances with systematic care. One March night, however, we unexpectedly obtained a specimen which did not come from the potter's field.In Bolton the prevailing spirit of Puritanism had outlawed the sport of boxing — with the usual result.Surreptitious and ill−conducted bouts among the mill−workers were common, and occasionally professionaltalent of low grade was imported. This late winter night there had been such a match; evidently with disastrousresults, since two timorous Poles had come to us with incoherently whispered entreaties to attend to a very secretand desperate case. We followed them to an abandoned barn, where the remnants of a crowd of frightenedforeigners were watching a silent black form on the floor. The match had been between Kid O'Brien — a lubberly and now quaking youth with a most un−Hibernianhooked nose — and Buck Robinson, “The Harlem Smoke.” The negro had been knocked out, and a moment'sexamination shewed us that he would permanently remain so. He was a loathsome, gorilla−like thing, withabnormally long arms which I could not help calling fore legs, and a face that conjured up thoughts ofunspeakable Congo secrets and tom−tom poundings under an eerie moon. The body must have looked even worsein life — but the world holds many ugly things. Fear was upon the whole pitiful crowd, for they did not knowwhat the law would exact of them if the affair were not hushed up; and they were grateful when West, in spite ofmy involuntary shudders, offered to get rid of the thing quietly — for a purpose I knew too well. There was bright moonlight over the snowless landscape, but we dressed the thing and carried it homebetween us through the deserted streets and meadows, as we had carried a similar thing one horrible night inArkham. We approached the house from the field in the rear, took the specimen in the back door and down thecellar stairs, and prepared it for the usual experiment. Our fear of the police was absurdly great, though we hadtimed our trip to avoid the solitary patrolman of that section. The result was wearily anticlimactic. Ghastly as our prize appeared, it was wholly unresponsive to everysolution we injected in its black arm; solutions prepared from experience with white specimens only. So as thehour grew dangerously near to dawn, we did as we had done with the others — dragged the thing across themeadows to the neck of the woods near the potter's field, and buried it there in the best sort of grave the frozenground would furnish. The grave was not very deep, but fully as good as that of the previous specimen — thething which had risen of itself and uttered a sound. In the light of our dark lanterns we carefully covered it withleaves and dead vines, fairly certain that the police would never find it in a forest so dim and dense. The next day I was increasingly apprehensive about the police, for a patient brought rumours of a suspectedfight and death. West had still another source of worry, for he had been called in the afternoon to a case whichended very threateningly. An Italian woman had become hysterical over her missing child — a lad of five whohad strayed off early in the morning and failed to appear for dinner — and had developed symptoms highlyalarming in view of an always weak heart. It was a very foolish hysteria, for the boy had often run away before;but Italian peasants are exceedingly superstitious, and this woman seemed as much harassed by omens as by facts.About seven o'clock in the evening she had died, and her frantic husband had made a frightful scene in his effortsto kill West, whom he wildly blamed for not saving her life. Friends had held him when he drew a stiletto, butWest departed amidst his inhuman shrieks, curses and oaths of vengeance. In his latest affliction the fellowseemed to have forgotten his child, who was still missing as the night advanced. There was some talk of searchingthe woods, but most of the family's friends were busy with the dead woman and the screaming man. Altogether,the nervous strain upon West must have been tremendous. Thoughts of the police and of the mad Italian bothweighed heavily. We retired about eleven, but I did not sleep well. Bolton had a surprisingly good police force for so small atown, and I could not help fearing the mess which would ensue if the affair of the night before were ever tracked

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down. It might mean the end of all our local work — and perhaps prison for both West and me. I did not likethose rumours of a fight which were floating about. After the clock had struck three the moon shone in my eyes,but I turned over without rising to pull down the shade. Then came the steady rattling at the back door. I lay still and somewhat dazed, but before long heard West's rap on my door. He was clad in dressing−gownand slippers, and had in his hands a revolver and an electric flashlight. From the revolver I knew that he wasthinking more of the crazed Italian than of the police. “We'd better both go,” he whispered. “It wouldn't do not to answer it anyway, and it may be a patient — itwould be like one of those fools to try the back door.” So we both went down the stairs on tiptoe, with a fear partly justified and partly that which comes only fromthe soul of the weird small hours. The rattling continued, growing somewhat louder. When we reached the door Icautiously unbolted it and threw it open, and as the moon streamed revealingly down on the form silhouettedthere, West did a peculiar thing. Despite the obvious danger of attracting notice and bringing down on our headsthe dreaded police investigation — a thing which after all was mercifully averted by the relative isolation of ourcottage — my friend suddenly, excitedly, and unnecessarily emptied all six chambers of his revolver into thenocturnal visitor. For that visitor was neither Italian nor policeman. Looming hideously against the spectral moon was a giganticmisshapen thing not to be imagined save in nightmares — a glassy−eyed, ink−black apparition nearly on all fours,covered with bits of mould, leaves, and vines, foul with caked blood, and having between its glistening teeth asnow−white, terrible, cylindrical object terminating in a tiny hand.

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Chapter IV The Scream of the Dead

Published May 1922 in Home Brew Vol. 1, No. 4, p. 53−58. The scream of a dead man gave to me that acute and added horror of Dr. Herbert West which harassed thelatter years of our companionship. It is natural that such a thing as a dead man's scream should give horror, for itis obviously, not a pleasing or ordinary occurrence; but I was used to similar experiences, hence suffered on thisoccasion only because of a particular circ*mstance. And, as I have implied, it was not of the dead man himselfthat I became afraid. Herbert West, whose associate and assistant I was, possessed scientific interests far beyond the usual routineof a village physician. That was why, when establishing his practice in Bolton, he had chosen an isolated housenear the potter's field. Briefly and brutally stated, West's sole absorbing interest was a secret study of thephenomena of life and its cessation, leading toward the reanimation of the dead through injections of an excitantsolution. For this ghastly experimenting it was necessary to have a constant supply of very fresh human bodies;very fresh because even the least decay hopelessly damaged the brain structure, and human because we found thatthe solution had to be compounded differently for different types of organisms. Scores of rabbits and guinea−pigshad been killed and treated, but their trail was a blind one. West had never fully succeeded because he had neverbeen able to secure a corpse sufficiently fresh. What he wanted were bodies from which vitality had only justdeparted; bodies with every cell intact and capable of receiving again the impulse toward that mode of motioncalled life. There was hope that this second and artificial life might be made perpetual by repetitions of theinjection, but we had learned that an ordinary natural life would not respond to the action. To establish theartificial motion, natural life must be extinct — the specimens must be very fresh, but genuinely dead. The awesome quest had begun when West and I were students at the Miskatonic University Medical School inArkham, vividly conscious for the first time of the thoroughly mechanical nature of life. That was seven yearsbefore, but West looked scarcely a day older now — he was small, blond, clean−shaven, soft−voiced, andspectacled, with only an occasional flash of a cold blue eye to tell of the hardening and growing fanaticism of hischaracter under the pressure of his terrible investigations. Our experiences had often been hideous in the extreme;the results of defective reanimation, when lumps of graveyard clay had been galvanised into morbid, unnatural,and brainless motion by various modifications of the vital solution. One thing had uttered a nerve−shattering scream; another had risen violently, beaten us both tounconsciousness, and run amuck in a shocking way before it could be placed behind asylum bars; still another, aloathsome African monstrosity, had clawed out of its shallow grave and done a deed — West had had to shootthat object. We could not get bodies fresh enough to shew any trace of reason when reanimated, so had perforcecreated nameless horrors. It was disturbing to think that one, perhaps two, of our monsters still lived — thatthought haunted us shadowingly, till finally West disappeared under frightful circ*mstances. But at the time of thescream in the cellar laboratory of the isolated Bolton cottage, our fears were subordinate to our anxiety forextremely fresh specimens. West was more avid than I, so that it almost seemed to me that he lookedhalf−covetously at any very healthy living physique. It was in July, 1910, that the bad luck regarding specimens began to turn. I had been on a long visit to myparents in Illinois, and upon my return found West in a state of singular elation. He had, he told me excitedly, inall likelihood solved the problem of freshness through an approach from an entirely new angle — that of artificialpreservation. I had known that he was working on a new and highly unusual embalming compound, and was notsurprised that it had turned Out well; but until he explained the details I was rather puzzled as to how such acompound could help in our work, since the objectionable staleness of the specimens was largely due to delayoccurring before we secured them. This, I now saw, West had clearly recognised; creatuig his embalmingcompound for future rather than immediate use, and trusting to fate to supply again some very recent andunburied corpse, as it had years before when we obtained the negro killed in the Bolton prize−fight. At last fatehad been kind, so that on this occasion there lay in the secret cellar laboratory a corpse whose decay could not byany possibility have begun. What would happen on reanimation, and whether we could hope for a revival of mindand reason, West did not venture to predict. The experiment would be a landmark in our studies, and he had saved

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the new body for my return, so that both might share the spectacle in accustomed fashion. West told me how he had obtained the specimen. It had been a vigorous man; a well−dressed stranger just offthe train on his way to transact some business with the Bolton Worsted Mills. The walk through the town hadbeen long, and by the time the traveller paused at our cottage to ask the way to the factories, his heart had becomegreatly overtaxed. He had refused a stimulant, and had suddenly dropped dead only a moment later. The body, asmight be expected, seemed to West a heaven−sent gift. In his brief conversation the stranger had made it clear thathe was unknown in Bolton, and a search of his pockets subsequently revealed him to be one Robert Leavitt of St.Louis, apparently without a family to make instant inquiries about his disappearance. If this man could not berestored to life, no one would know of our experiment. We buried our materials in a dense strip of woods betweenthe house and the potter's field. If, on the other hand, he could be restored, our fame would be brilliantly andperpetually established. So without delay West had injected into the body's wrist the compound which would holdit fresh for use after my arrival. The matter of the presumably weak heart, which to my mind imperilled thesuccess of our experiment, did not appear to trouble West extensively. He hoped at last to obtain what he hadnever obtained before — a rekindled spark of reason and perhaps a normal, living creature. So on the night of July 18, 1910, Herbert West and I stood in the cellar laboratory and gazed at a white, silentfigure beneath the dazzling arc−light. The embalming compound had worked uncannily well, for as I staredfascinatedly at the sturdy frame which had lain two weeks without stiffening, I was moved to seek West'sassurance that the thing was really dead. This assurance he gave readily enough; reminding me that thereanimating solution was never used without careful tests as to life, since it could have, no effect if any of theoriginal vitality were present. As West proceeded to take preliminary steps, I was impressed by the vast intricacyof the new experiment; an intricacy so vast that he could trust no hand less delicate than his own. Forbidding meto touch the body, he first injected a drug in the wrist just beside the place his needle had punctured wheninjecting the embalming compound. This, he said, was to neutralise the compound and release the system to anormal relaxation so that the reanimating solution might freely work when injected. Slightly later, when a changeand a gentle tremor seemed to affect the dead limbs; West stuffed a pillow−like object violently over thetwitching face, not withdrawing it until the corpse appeared quiet and ready for our attempt at reanimation. Thepale enthusiast now applied some last perfunctory tests for absolute lifelessness, withdrew satisfied, and finallyinjected into the left arm an accurately measured amount of the vital elixir, prepared during the afternoon with agreater care than we had used since college days, when our feats were new and groping. I cannot express the wild,breathless suspense with which we waited for results on this first really fresh specimen — the first we couldreasonably expect to open its lips in rational speech, perhaps to tell of what it had seen beyond the unfathomableabyss. West was a materialist, believing in no soul and attributing all the working of consciousness to bodilyphenomena; consequently he looked for no revelation of hideous secrets from gulfs and caverns beyond death'sbarrier. I did not wholly disagree with him theoretically, yet held vague instinctive remnants of the primitive faithof my forefathers; so that I could not help eyeing the corpse with a certain amount of awe and terrible expectation.Besides — I could not extract from my memory that hideous, inhuman shriek we heard on the night we tried ourfirst experiment in the deserted farmhouse at Arkham. Very little time had elapsed before I saw the attempt was not to be a total failure. A touch of colour came tocheeks hitherto chalk−white, and spread out under the curiously ample stubble of sandy beard. West, who had hishand on the pulse of the left wrist, suddenly nodded significantly; and almost simultaneously a mist appeared onthe mirror inclined above the body's mouth. There followed a few spasmodic muscular motions, and then anaudible breathing and visible motion of the chest. I looked at the closed eyelids, and thought I detected aquivering. Then the lids opened, shewing eyes which were grey, calm, and alive, but still unintelligent and noteven curious. In a moment of fantastic whim I whispered questions to the reddening ears; questions of other worlds ofwhich the memory might still be present. Subsequent terror drove them from my mind, but I think the last one,which I repeated, was: “Where have you been?” I do not yet know whether I was answered or not, for no soundcame from the well−shaped mouth; but I do know that at that moment I firmly thought the thin lips movedsilently, forming syllables which I would have vocalised as “only now” if that phrase had possessed any sense orrelevancy. At that moment, as I say, I was elated with the conviction that the one great goal had been attained; and

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that for the first time a reanimated corpse had uttered distinct words impelled by actual reason. In the nextmoment there was no doubt about the triumph; no doubt that the solution had truly accomplished, at leasttemporarily, its full mission of restoring rational and articulate life to the dead. But in that triumph there came tome the greatest of all horrors — not horror of the thing that spoke, but of the deed that I had witnessed and of theman with whom my professional fortunes were joined. For that very fresh body, at last writhing into full and terrifying consciousness with eyes dilated at the memoryof its last scene on earth, threw out its frantic hands in a life and death struggle with the air, and suddenlycollapsing into a second and final dissolution from which there could be no return, screamed out the cry that willring eternally in my aching brain: “Help! Keep off, you cursed little tow−head fiend — keep that damned needle away from me!” V. The Horror From the Shadows Published June 1922 in Home Brew Vol. 1, No. 5, p. 45−50. Many men have related hideous things, not mentioned in print, which happened on the battlefields of theGreat War. Some of these things have made me faint, others have convulsed me with devastating nausea, whilestill others have made me tremble and look behind me in the dark; yet despite the worst of them I believe I canmyself relate the most hideous thing of all — the shocking, the unnatural, the unbelievable horror from theshadows. In 1915 I was a physician with the rank of First Lieutenant in a Canadian regiment in Flanders, one of manyAmericans to precede the government itself into the gigantic struggle. I had not entered the army on my owninitiative, but rather as a natural result of the enlistment of the man whose indispensable assistant I was — thecelebrated Boston surgical specialist, Dr. Herbert West. Dr. West had been avid for a chance to serve as surgeonin a great war, and when the chance had come, he carried me with him almost against my will. There werereasons why I could have been glad to let the war separate us; reasons why I found the practice of medicine andthe companionship of West more and more irritating; but when he had gone to Ottawa and through a colleague'sinfluence secured a medical commission as Major, I could not resist the imperious persuasion of one determinedthat I should accompany him in my usual capacity. When I say that Dr. West was avid to serve in battle, I do not mean to imply that he was either naturallywarlike or anxious for the safety of civilisation. Always an ice−cold intellectual machine; slight, blond,blue−eyed, and spectacled; I think he secretly sneered at my occasional martial enthusiasms and censures ofsupine neutrality. There was, however, something he wanted in embattled Flanders; and in order to secure it hadhad to assume a military exterior. What he wanted was not a thing which many persons want, but somethingconnected with the peculiar branch of medical science which he had chosen quite clandestinely to follow, and inwhich he had achieved amazing and occasionally hideous results. It was, in fact, nothing more or less than anabundant supply of freshly killed men in every stage of dismemberment. Herbert West needed fresh bodies because his life−work was the reanimation of the dead. This work was notknown to the fashionable clientele who had so swiftly built up his fame after his arrival in Boston; but was onlytoo well known to me, who had been his closest friend and sole assistant since the old days in MiskatonicUniversity Medical School at Arkham. It was in those college days that he had begun his terrible experiments,first on small animals and then on human bodies shockingly obtained. There was a solution which he injected intothe veins of dead things, and if they were fresh enough they responded in strange ways. He had had much troublein discovering the proper formula, for each type of organism was found to need a stimulus especially adapted to it.Terror stalked him when he reflected on his partial failures; nameless things resulting from imperfect solutions orfrom bodies insufficiently fresh. A certain number of these failures had remained alive — one was in an asylumwhile others had vanished — and as he thought of conceivable yet virtually impossible eventualities he oftenshivered beneath his usual stolidity. West had soon learned that absolute freshness was the prime requisite for useful specimens, and hadaccordingly resorted to frightful and unnatural expedients in body−snatching. In college, and during our earlypractice together in the factory town of Bolton, my attitude toward him had been largely one of fascinatedadmiration; but as his boldness in methods grew, I began to develop a gnawing fear. I did not like the way helooked at healthy living bodies; and then there came a nightmarish session in the cellar laboratory when I learnedthat a certain specimen had been a living body when he secured it. That was the first time he had ever been able torevive the quality of rational thought in a corpse; and his success, obtained at such a loathsome cost, had

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completely hardened him. Of his methods in the intervening five years I dare not speak. I was held to him by sheer force of fear, andwitnessed sights that no human tongue could repeat. Gradually I came to find Herbert West himself more horriblethan anything he did — that was when it dawned on me that his once normal scientific zeal for prolonging life hadsubtly degenerated into a mere morbid and ghoulish curiosity and secret sense of charnel picturesqueness. Hisinterest became a hellish and perverse addiction to the repellently and fiendishly abnormal; he gloated calmlyover artificial monstrosities which would make most healthy men drop dead from fright and disgust; he became,behind his pallid intellectuality, a fastidious Baudelaire of physical experiment — a languid Elagabalus of thetombs. Dangers he met unflinchingly; crimes he committed unmoved. I think the climax came when he had provedhis point that rational life can be restored, and had sought new worlds to conquer by experimenting on thereanimation of detached parts of bodies. He had wild and original ideas on the independent vital properties oforganic cells and nerve−tissue separated from natural physiological systems; and achieved some hideouspreliminary results in the form of neverdying, artificially nourished tissue obtained from the nearly hatched eggsof an indescribably tropical reptile. Two biological points he was exceedingly anxious to settle — first, whetherany amount of consciousness and rational action be possible without the brain, proceeding from the spinal cordand various nerve−centres; and second, whether any kind of ethereal, intangible relation distinct from the materialcells may exist to link the surgically separated parts of what has previously been a single living organism. All thisresearch work required a prodigious supply of freshly slaughtered human flesh — and that was why Herbert Westhad entered the Great War. The phantasmal, unmentionable thing occurred one midnight late in March, 1915, in a field hospital behindthe lines of St. Eloi. I wonder even now if it could have been other than a daemoniac dream of delirium. West hada private laboratory in an east room of the barn−like temporary edifice, assigned him on his plea that he wasdevising new and radical methods for the treatment of hitherto hopeless cases of maiming. There he worked like abutcher in the midst of his gory wares — I could never get used to the levity with which he handled and classifiedcertain things. At times he actually did perform marvels of surgery for the soldiers; but his chief delights were of aless public and philanthropic kind, requiring many explanations of sounds which seemed peculiar even amidstthat babel of the damned. Among these sounds were frequent revolver−shots — surely not uncommon on abattlefield, but distinctly uncommon in an hospital. Dr. West's reanimated specimens were not meant for longexistence or a large audience. Besides human tissue, West employed much of the reptile embryo tissue which hehad cultivated with such singular results. It was better than human material for maintaining life in organlessfragments, and that was now my friend's chief activity. In a dark corner of the laboratory, over a queer incubatingburner, he kept a large covered vat full of this reptilian cell−matter; which multiplied and grew puffily andhideously. On the night of which I speak we had a splendid new specimen — a man at once physically powerful and ofsuch high mentality that a sensitive nervous system was assured. It was rather ironic, for he was the officer whohad helped West to his commission, and who was now to have been our associate. Moreover, he had in the pastsecretly studied the theory of reanimation to some extent under West. Major Sir Eric Moreland Clapham−Lee,D.S.O., was the greatest surgeon in our division, and had been hastily assigned to the St. Eloi sector when news ofthe heavy fighting reached headquarters. He had come in an aeroplane piloted by the intrepid Lieut. Ronald Hill,only to be shot down when directly over his destination. The fall had been spectacular and awful; Hill wasunrecognisable afterward, but the wreck yielded up the great surgeon in a nearly decapitated but otherwise intactcondition. West had greedily seized the lifeless thing which had once been his friend and fellow−scholar; and Ishuddered when he finished severing the head, placed it in his hellish vat of pulpy reptile−tissue to preserve it forfuture experiments, and proceeded to treat the decapitated body .on the operating table. He injected new blood,joined certain veins, arteries, and nerves at the headless neck, and closed the ghastly aperture with engrafted skinfrom an unidentified specimen which had borne an officer's uniform. I knew what he wanted — to see if thishighly organised body could exhibit, without its head, any of the signs of mental life which had distinguished SirEric Moreland Clapham−Lee. Once a student of reanimation, this silent trunk was now gruesomely called upon toexemplify it. I can still see Herbert West under the sinister electric light as he injected his reanimating solution into the arm

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of the headless body. The scene I cannot describe — I should faint if I tried it, for there is madness in a room fullof classified charnel things, with blood and lesser human debris almost ankle−deep on the slimy floor, and withhideous reptilian abnormalities sprouting, bubbling, and baking over a winking bluish−green spectre of dim flamein a far corner of black shadows. The specimen, as West repeatedly observed, had a splendid nervous system. Much was expected of it; and as afew twitching motions began to appear, I could see the feverish interest on West's face. He was ready, I think, tosee proof of his increasingly strong opinion that consciousness, reason, and personality can exist independently ofthe brain — that man has no central connective spirit, but is merely a machine of nervous matter, each sectionmore or less complete in itself. In one triumphant demonstration West was about to relegate the mystery of life tothe category of myth. The body now twitched more vigorously, and beneath our avid eyes commenced to heave ina frightful way. The arms stirred disquietingly, the legs drew up, and various muscles contracted in a repulsivekind of writhing. Then the headless thing threw out its arms in a gesture which was unmistakably one ofdesperation — an intelligent desperation apparently sufficient to prove every theory of Herbert West. Certainly,the nerves were recalling the man's last act in life; the struggle to get free of the falling aeroplane. What followed, I shall never positively know. It may have been wholly an hallucination from the shockcaused at that instant by the sudden and complete destruction of the building in a cataclysm of German shell−fire— who can gainsay it, since West and I were the only proved survivors? West liked to think that before his recentdisappearance, but there were times when he could not; for it was queer that we both had the same hallucination.The hideous occurrence itself was very simple, notable only for what it implied. The body on the table had risen with a blind and terrible groping, and we had heard a sound. I should not callthat sound a voice, for it was too awful. And yet its timbre was not the most awful thing about it. Neither was itsmessage — it had merely screamed, “Jump, Ronald, for God's sake, jump!” The awful thing was its source. For it had come from the large covered vat in that ghoulish corner of crawling black shadows.

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VI. The Tomb−Legions

Published July 1922 in Home BrewVol. 1, No. 6, p. 57−62.

When Dr. Herbert West disappeared a year ago, the Boston police questioned me closely. They suspected thatI was holding something back, and perhaps suspected graver things; but I could not tell them the truth becausethey would not have believed it. They knew, indeed, that West had been connected with activities beyond thecredence of ordinary men; for his hideous experiments in the reanimation of dead bodies had long been tooextensive to admit of perfect secrecy; but the final soul−shattering catastrophe held elements of daemoniacphantasy which make even me doubt the reality of what I saw. I was West's closest friend and only confidential assistant. We had met years before, in medical school, andfrom the first I had shared his terrible researches. He had slowly tried to perfect a solution which, injected into theveins of the newly deceased, would restore life; a labour demanding an abundance of fresh corpses and thereforeinvolving the most unnatural actions. Still more shocking were the products of some of the experiments — grislymasses of flesh that had been dead, but that West waked to a blind, brainless, nauseous ammation. These were theusual results, for in order to reawaken the mind it was necessary to have specimens so absolutely fresh that nodecay could possibly affect the delicate brain−cells. This need for very fresh corpses had been West's moral undoing. They were hard to get, and one awful day hehad secured his specimen while it was still alive and vigorous. A struggle, a needle, and a powerful alkaloid hadtransformed it to a very fresh corpse, and the experiment had succeeded for a brief and memorable moment; butWest had emerged with a soul calloused and seared, and a hardened eye which sometimes glanced with a kind ofhideous and calculating appraisal at men of especially sensitive brain and especially vigorous physique. Towardthe last I became acutely afraid of West, for he began to look at me that way. People did not seem to notice hisglances, but they noticed my fear; and after his disappearance used that as a basis for some absurd suspicions. West, in reality, was more afraid than I; for his abominable pursuits entailed a life of furtiveness and dread ofevery shadow. Partly it was the police he feared; but sometimes his nervousness was deeper and more nebulous,touching on certain indescribable things into which he had injected a morbid life, and from which he had not seenthat life depart. He usually finished his experiments with a revolver, but a few times he had not been quickenough. There was that first specimen on whose rifled grave marks of clawing were later seen. There was alsothat Arkham professor's body which had done cannibal things before it had been captured and thrust unidentifiedinto a madhouse cell at Sefton, where it beat the walls for sixteen years. Most of the other possibly survivingresults were things less easy to speak of — for in later years West's scientific zeal had degenerated to anunhealthy and fantastic mania, and he had spent his chief skill in vitalising not entire human bodies but isolatedparts of bodies, or parts joined to organic matter other—than human. It had become fiendishly disgusting by thetime he disappeared; many of the experiments could not even be hinted at in print. The Great War, through whichboth of us served as surgeons, had intensified this side of West. In saying that West's fear of his specimens was nebulous, I have in mind particularly its complex nature. Partof it came merely from knowing of the existence of such nameless monsters, while another part arose fromapprehension of the bodily harm they might under certain circ*mstances do him. Their disappearance addedhorror to the situation — of them all, West knew the whereabouts of only one, the pitiful asylum thing. Then therewas a− more subtle fear — a very fantastic sensation resulting from a curious experiment in the Canadian army in1915. West, in the midst of a severe battle, had reanimated Major Sir Eric Moreland Clapham−Lee, D.S.O., afellow−physician who knew about his experiments and could have duplicated them. The head had been removed,so that the possibilities of quasi−intelligent life in the trunk might be investigated. Just as the building was wipedout by a German shell, there had been a success. The trunk had moved intelligently; and, unbelievable to relate,we were both sickeningly sure that articulate sounds had come from the detached head as it lay in a shadowycorner of the laboratory. The shell had been merciful, in a way — but West could never feel as certain as he

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wished, that we two were the only survivors. He used to make shuddering conjectures about the possible actionsof a headless physician with the power of reanimating the dead. West's last quarters were in a venerable house of much elegance, overlooking one of the oldestburying−grounds in Boston. He had chosen the place for purely symbolic and fantastically aesthetic reasons, sincemost of the interments were of the colonial period and therefore of little use to a scientist seeking very freshbodies. The laboratory was in a sub−cellar secretly constructed by imported workmen, and contained a hugeincinerator for the quiet and complete disposal of such bodies, or fragments and synthetic mockeries of bodies, asmight remain from the morbid experiments and unhallowed amusem*nts of the owner. During the excavation ofthis cellar the workmen had struck some exceedingly ancient masonry; undoubtedly connected with the oldburying−ground, yet far too deep to correspond with any known sepulchre therein. After a number of calculationsWest decided that it represented some secret chamber beneath the tomb of the Averills, where the last intermenthad been made in 1768. I was with him when he studied the nitrous, dripping walls laid bare by the spades andmattocks of the men, and was prepared for the gruesome thrill which would attend the uncovering of centuriedgrave−secrets; but for the first time West's new timidity conquered his natural curiosity, and he betrayed hisdegenerating fibre by ordering the masonry left intact and plastered over. Thus it remained till that final hellishnight; part of the walls of the secret laboratory. I speak of West's decadence, but must add that it was a purelymental and intangible thing. Outwardly he was the same to the last — calm, cold, slight, and yellow−haired, withspectacled blue eyes and a general aspect of youth which years and fears seemed never to change. He seemedcalm even when he thought of that clawed grave and looked over his shoulder; even when he thought of thecarnivorous thing that gnawed and pawed at Sefton bars. The end of Herbert West began one evening in our joint study when he was dividing his curious glancebetween the newspaper and me. A strange headline item had struck at him from the crumpled pages, and anameless titan claw had seemed to reach down through sixteen years. Something fearsome and incredible hadhappened at Sefton Asylum fifty miles away, stunning the neighbourhood and baffling the police. In the smallhours of the morning a body of silent men had entered the grounds, and their leader had aroused the attendants.He was a menacing military figure who talked without moving his lips and whose voice seemed almostventriloquially connected with an immense black case he carried. His expressionless face was handsome to thepoint of radiant beauty, but had shocked the superintendent when the hall light fell on it — for it was a wax facewith eyes of painted glass. Some nameless accident had befallen this man. A larger man guided his steps; arepellent hulk whose bluish face seemed half eaten away by some unknown malady. The speaker had asked forthe custody of the cannibal monster committed from Arkham sixteen years before; and upon being refused, gave asignal which precipitated a shocking riot. The fiends had beaten, trampled, and bitten every attendant who did notflee; killing four and finally succeeding in the liberation of the monster. Those victims who could recall the eventwithout hysteria swore that the creatures had acted less like men than like unthinkable automata guided by thewax−faced leader. By the time help could be summoned, every trace of the men and of their mad charge hadvanished. From the hour of reading this item until midmght, West sat almost paralysed. At midnight the doorbell rang,startling him fearfully. All the servants were asleep in the attic, so I answered the bell. As I have told the police,there was no wagon in the street, but only a group of strange−looking figures bearing a large square box whichthey deposited in the hallway after one of them had grunted in a highly unnatural voice, “Express — prepaid.”They filed out of the house with a jerky tread, and as I watched them go I had an odd idea that they were turningtoward the ancient cemetery on which the back of the house abutted. When I slammed the door after them Westcame downstairs and looked at the box. It was about two feet square, and bore West's correct name and presentaddress. It also bore the inscription, “From Eric Moreland Clapham−Lee, St. Eloi, Flanders.” Six years before, inFlanders, a shelled hospital had fallen upon the headless reanimated trunk of Dr. Clapham−Lee, and upon thedetached head which — perhaps — had uttered articulate sounds. West was not even excited now. His condition was more ghastly. Quickly he said, “It's the finish — but let'sincinerate — this.” We carried the thing down to the laboratory — listening. I do not remember many particulars— you can imagine my state of mind — but it is a vicious lie to say it was Herbert West's body which I put intothe incinerator. We both inserted the whole unopened wooden box, closed the door, and started the electricity.Nor did any sound come from the box, after all.

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It was West who first noticed the falling plaster on that part of the wall where the ancient tomb masonry hadbeen covered up. I was going to run, but he stopped me. Then I saw a small black aperture, felt a ghoulish wind ofice, and smelled the charnel bowels of a putrescent earth. There was no sound, but just then the electric lightswent out and I saw outlined against some phosphorescence of the nether world a horde of silent toiling thingswhich only insanity — or worse — could create. Their outlines were human, semi−human, fractionally human,and not human at all — the horde was grotesquely heterogeneous. They were removing the stones quietly, one byone, from the centuried wall. And then, as the breach became large enough, they came out into the laboratory insingle file; led by a talking thing with a beautiful head made of wax. A sort of mad−eyed monstrosity behind theleader seized on Herbert West. West did not resist or utter a sound. Then they all sprang at him and tore him topieces before my eyes, bearing the fragments away into that subterranean vault of fabulous abominations. West'shead was carried off by the wax−headed leader, who wore a Canadian officer's uniform. As it disappeared I sawthat the blue eyes behind the spectacles were hideously blazing with their first touch of frantic, visible emotion. Servants found me unconscious in the morning. West was gone. The incinerator contained only unidentifiableashes. Detectives have questioned me, but what can I say? The Sef ton tragedy they will not connect with West;not that, nor the men with the box, whose existence they deny. I told them of the vault, and they pointed to theunbroken plaster wall and laughed. So I told them no more. They imply that I am either a madman or a murderer— probably I am mad. But I might not be mad if those accursed tomb−legions had not been so silent.

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The Tomb


In relating the circ*mstances which have led to my confinement within this refuge for the demented, I amaware that my present position will create a natural doubt of the authenticity of my narrative. It is an unfortunatefact that the bulk of humanity is too limited in its mental vision to weigh with patience and intelligence thoseisolated phenomena, seen and felt only by a psychologically sensitive few, which lie outside its commonexperience. Men of broader intellect know that there is no sharp distinction betwixt the real and the unreal; that allthings appear as they do only by virtue of the delicate individual physical and mental media through which we aremade conscious of them; but the prosaic materialism of the majority condemns as madness the flashes ofsupersight which penetrate the common veil of obvious empricism. My name is Jervas Dudley, and from earliest childhood I have been a dreamer and a visionary. Wealthybeyond the necessity of a commercial life, and temperamentally unfitted for the formal studies and socialrecreation of my acquaintances, I have dwelt ever in realms apart from the visible world; spending my youth andadolescence in ancient and little known books, and in roaming the fields and groves of the region near myancestral home. I do not think that what I read in these books or saw in these fields and groves was exactly whatother boys read and saw there; but of this I must say little, since detailed speech would but confirm those cruelslanders upon my intellect which I sometimes overhear from the whispers of the stealthy attendants around me. Itis sufficient for me to relate events without analyzing causes. I have said that I dwelt apart from the visible world, but I have not said that I dwelt alone. This no humancreature may do; for lacking the fellowship of the living, he inevitably draws upon the companionship of thingsthat are not, or are no longer, living. Close by my home there lies a singular wooded hollow, in whose twilightdeeps I spent most of my time; reading, thinking, and dreaming. Down its moss−covered slopes my first steps ofinfancy were taken, and around its grotesquely gnarled oak trees my first fancies of boyhood were woven. Welldid I come to know the presiding dryads of those trees, and often have I watched their wild dances in thestruggling beams of a waning moon but of these things I must not now speak. I will tell only of the lone tomb inthe darkest of the hillside thickets; the deserted tomb of the Hydes, an old and exalted family whose last directdescendant had been laid within its black recesses many decades before my birth. The vault to which I refer is of ancient granite, weathered and discolored by the mists and dampness ofgenerations. Excavated back into the hillside, the structure is visible only at the entrance. The door, a ponderousand forbidding slab of stone, hangs upon rusted iron hinges, and is fastened ajar in a queerly sinister way bymeans of heavy iron chains and padlocks, according to a gruesome fashion of half a century ago. The abode of therace whose scions are here inurned had once crowned the declivity which holds the tomb, but had long sincefallen victim to the flames which sprang up from a stroke of lightning. Of the midnight storm which destroyedthis gloomy mansion, the older inhabitants of the region sometimes speak in hushed and uneasy voices; alludingto what they call 'divine wrath' in a manner that in later years vaguely increased the always strong fascinationwhich I had felt for the forest−darkened sepulcher. One man only had perished in the fire. When the last of theHydes was buried in this place of shade and stillness, the sad urnful of ashes had come from a distant land, towhich the family had repaired when the mansion burned down. No one remains to lay flowers before the graniteportal, and few care to brave the depressing shadows which seem to linger strangely about the water−worn stones. I shall never forget the afternoon when first I stumbled upon the half−hidden house of death. It was inmidsummer, when the alchemy of nature transmutes the sylvan landscape to one vivid and almost hom*ogeneousmass of green; when the senses are well−nigh intoxicated with the surging seas of moist verdure and the subtlyindefinable odors of the soil and the vegetation. In such surroundings the mind loses its perspective; time andspace become trivial and unreal, and echoes of a forgotten prehistoric past beat insistently upon the enthralledconsciousness. All day I had been wandering through the mystic groves of the hollow; thinking thoughts I need not discuss,

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and conversing with things I need not name. In years a child of ten, I had seen and heard many wonders unknownto the throng; and was oddly aged in certain respects. When, upon forcing my way between two savage clumps ofbriars, I suddenly encountered the entrance of the vault, I had no knowledge of what I had discovered. The darkblocks of granite, the door so curiously ajar, and the funeral carvings above the arch, aroused in me noassociations of mournful or terrible character. Of graves and tombs I knew and imagined much, but had onaccount of my peculiar temperament been kept from all personal contact with churchyards and cemeteries. Thestrange stone house on the woodland slope was to me only a source of interest and speculation; and its cold, dampinterior, into which I vainly peered through the aperture so tantalizingly left, contained for me no hint of death ordecay. But in that instant of curiosity was born the madly unreasoning desire which has brought me to this hell ofconfinement. Spurred on by a voice which must have come from the hideous soul of the forest, I resolved to enterthe beckoning gloom in spite of the ponderous chains which barred my passage. In the waning light of day Ialternately rattled the rusty impediments with a view to throwing wide the stone door, and essayed to squeeze myslight form through the space already provided; but neither plan met with success. At first curious, I was nowfrantic; and when in the thickening twilight I returned to my home, I had sworn to the hundred gods of the grovethat at any cost I would some day force an entrance to the black, chilly depths that seemed calling out to me. Thephysician with the iron−grey beard who comes each day to my room, once told a visitor that this decision markedthe beginning of a pitiful monomania; but I will leave final judgment to my readers when they shall have learntall. The months following my discovery were spent in futile attempts to force the complicated padlock of theslightly open vault, and in carefully guarded inquiries regarding the nature and history of the structure. With thetraditionally receptive ears of the small boy, I learned much; though an habitual secretiveness caused me to tell noone of my information or my resolve. It is perhaps worth mentioning that I was not at all surprised or terrified onlearning of the nature of the vault. My rather original ideas regarding life and death had caused me to associate thecold clay with the breathing body in a vague fashion; and I felt that the great and sinister family of theburned−down mansion was in some way represented within the stone space I sought to explore. Mumbled tales ofthe weird rites and godless revels of bygone years in the ancient hall gave to me a new and potent interest in thetomb, before whose door I would sit for hours at a time each day. Once I thrust a candie within the nearly closedentrance, but could see nothing save a flight of damp stone steps leading downward. The odor of the placerepelled yet bewitched me. I felt I had known it before, in a past remote beyond all recollection; beyond even mytenancy of the body I now possess. The year after I first beheld the tomb, I stumbled upon a worm−eaten translation of Plutarch's Lives in thebook−filled attic of my home. Reading the life of Theseus, I was much impressed by that passage telling of thegreat stone beneath which the boyish hero was to find his tokens of destiny whenever he should become oldenough to lift its enormous weight. The legend had the effect of dispelling my keenest impatience to enter thevault, for it made me feel that the time was not yet ripe. Later, I told myself, I should grow to a strength andingenuity which might enable me to unfasten the heavily chained door with ease; but until then I would do betterby conforming to what seemed the will of Fate. Accordingly my watches by the dank portal became less persistent, and much of my time was spent in otherthough equally strange pursuits. I would sometimes rise very quietly in the night, stealing out to walk in thosechurch−yards and places of burial from which I had been kept by my parents. What I did there I may not say, for Iam not now sure of the reality of certain things; but I know that on the day after such a nocturnal ramble I wouldoften astonish those about me with my knowledge of topics almost forgotten for many generations. It was after anight like this that I shocked the community with a queer conceit about the burial of the rich and celebrated SquireBrewster, a maker of local history who was interred in 1711, and whose slate headstone, bearing a graven skulland crossbones, was slowly crumbling to powder. In a moment of childish imagination I vowed not only that theundertaker, Goodman Simpson, had stolen the silver−buckled shoes, silken hose, and satin small−clothes of thedeceased before burial; but that the Squire himself, not fully inanimate, had turned twice in his mound−coveredcoffin on the day after interment. But the idea of entering the tomb never left my thoughts; being indeed stimulated by the unexpectedgenealogical discovery that my own maternal ancestry possessed at least a slight link with the supposediy extinctfamily of the Hydes. Last of my paternal race, I was likewise the last of this older and more mysterious line. I

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began to feel that the tomb was mine, and to look forward with hot eagerness to the time when I might pass withinthat stone door and down those slimy stone steps in the dark. I now formed the habit of listening very intently atthe slightly open portal, choosing my favorite hours of midnight stillness for the odd vigil. By the time I came ofa*ge, I had made a small clearing in the thicket before the mold−stained facade of the hillside, allowing thesurrounding vegetation to encircle and overhang the space like the walls and roof of a sylvan bower. This bowerwas my temple, the fastened door my shrine, and here I would lie outstretched on the mossy ground, thinkingstrange thoughts and dreaming strange dreams. The night of the first revelation was a sultry one. I must have fallen asleep from fatigue, for it was with adistinct sense of awakening that I heard the voices. Of these tones and accents I hesitate to speak; of their quality Iwill not speak; but I may say that they presented certain uncanny differences in vocabulary, pronunciation, andmode of utterance. Every shade of New England dialect, from the uncouth syllables of the Puritan colonists to theprecise rhetoric of fifty years ago, seemed represented in that shadowy colloquy, though it was only later that Inoticed the fact. At the time, indeed, my attention was distracted from this matter by another phenomenon; aphenomenon so fleeting that I could not take oath upon its reality. I barely fancied that as I awoke, a light hadbeen hurriedly extinguished within the sunken sepulcher. I do not think I was either astounded or panic−stricken,but I know that I was greatly and permanently changed that night. Upon returning home I went with muchdirectness to a rotting chest in the attic, wherein I found the key which next day unlocked with ease the barrier Ihad so long stormed in vain. It was in the soft glow of late afternoon that I first entered the vault on the abandoned slope. A spell was uponme, and my heart leaped with an exultation I can but ill describe. As I closed the door behind me and descendedthe dripping steps by the light of my lone candle, I seemed to know the way; and though the candle sputtered withthe stifling reek of the place, I felt singularly at home in the musty, charnel−house air. Looking about me, I beheldmany marble slabs bearing coffins, or the remains of coffins. Some of these were sealed and intact, but others hadnearly vanished, leaving the silver handles and plates isolated amidst certain curious heaps of whitish dust. Uponone plate I read the name of Sir Geoffrey Hyde, who had come from Sussex in 1640 and died here a few yearslater. In a conspicuous alcove was one fairly well preserved and untenanted casket, adorned with a single namewhich brought me both a smile and a shudder. An odd impulse caused me to climb upon the broad slab,extinguish my candle, and lie down within the vacant box. In the gray light of dawn I staggered from the vault and locked the chain of the door behind me. I was nolonger a young man, though but twenty−one winters had chilled my bodily frame. Early−rising villagers whoobserved my homeward progress looked at me strangely, and marveled at the signs of ribald revelry which theysaw in one whose life was known to be sober and solitary. I did not appear before my parents till after a long andrefreshing sleep. Henceforward I haunted the tomb each night; seeing, hearing, and doing things I must never recall. Myspeech, always susceptible to environmental influences, was the first thing to succumb to the change; and mysuddenly acquired archaism of diction was soon remarked upon. Later a queer boldness and recklessness cameinto my demeanor, till I unconsciously grew to possess the bearing of a man of the world despite my lifelongseclusion. My formerly silent tongue waxed voluble with the easy grace of a Chesterfield or the godless cynicismof a Rochester. I displayed a peculiar erudition utterly unlike the fantastic, monkish lore over which I had pored inyouth; and covered the fly−leaves of my books with facile impromptu epigrams which brought up suggestions ofGay, Prior, and the sprightliest of the Augustan wits and rimesters. One morning at breakfast I came close todisaster by declaiming in palpably liquorish accents an effusion of Eighteenth Century bacchanalian mirth, a bit ofGeorgian playfulness never recorded in a book, which ran something like this: Come hither, my lads, with your tankards of ale,And drink to the present before it shall fail;Pile each on your platter a mountain of beef,For 'tis eating and drinking that bring us relief:So fill up your glass,For life will soon pass; When you're dead ye'll ne'er drink to your king or your lass!

Anacreon had a red nose, so they say;

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But what's a red nose if ye're happy and gay?Gad split me! I'd rather be red whilst I'm here,Than white as a lily and dead half a year!So Betty, my miss,Come give me kiss;In hell there's no innkeeper's daughter like this!

Young Harry, propp'd up just as straight as he's able,Will soon lose his wig and slip under the table,But fill up your goblets and pass 'em aroundBetter under the table than under the ground!So revel and chaffAs ye thirstily quaff:Under six feet of dirt 'tis less easy to laugh!

The fiend strike me blue! l'm scarce able to walk,And damn me if I can stand upright or talk!Here, landlord, bid Betty to summon a chair;l'll try home for a while, for my wife is not there!So lend me a hand;I'm not able to stand,But I'm gay whilst I linger on top of the land! About this time I conceived my present fear of fire and thunderstorms. Previously indifferent to such things, Ihad now an unspeakable horror of them; and would retire to the innermost recesses of the house whenever theheavens threatened an electrical display. A favorite haunt of mine during the day was the ruined cellar of themansion that had burned down, and in fancy I would picture the structure as it had been in its prime. On oneoccasion I startled a villager by leading him confidently to a shallow subcellar, of whose existence I seemed toknow in spite of the fact that it had been unseen and forgotten for many generations. At last came that which I had long feared. My parents, alarmed at the altered manner and appearance of theironly son, commenced to exert over my movements a kindly espionage which threatened to result in disaster. I hadtold no one of my visits to the tomb, having guarded my secret purpose with religious zeal since childhood; butnow I was forced to exercise care in threading the mazes of the wooded hollow, that I might throw off a possiblepursuer. My key to the vault I kept suspended from a cord about my neck, its presence known only to me. I nevercarried out of the sepulcher any of the things I came upon whilst within its walls. One morning as I emerged from the damp tomb and fastened the chain of the portal with none too steadyhand, I beheld in an adjacent thicket the dreaded face of a watcher. Surely the end was near; for my bower wasdiscovered, and the objective of my nocturnal journeys revealed. The man did not accost me, so I hastened homein an effort to overhear what he might report to my careworn father. Were my sojourns beyond the chained doorabout to be proclaimed to the world? Imagine my delighted astonishment on hearing the spy inform my parent ina cautious whisper that I had spent the night in the bower outside the tomb; my sleep−filmed eyes fixed upon thecrevice where the padlocked portal stood ajar! By what miracle had the watcher been thus deluded? I was nowconvinced that a supernatural agency protected me. Made bold by this heaven−sent circ*mstance, I began toresume perfect openness in going to the vault; confident that no one could witness my entrance. For a week Itasted to the full joys of that charnel conviviality which I must not describe, when the thing happened, and I wasborne away to this accursed abode of sorrow and monotony. I should not have ventured out that night; for the taint of thunder was in the clouds, and a hellishphosphoresence rose from the rank swamp at the bottom of the hollow. The call of the dead, too, was different.Instead of the hillside tomb, it was the charred cellar on the crest of the slope whose presiding demon beckoned tome with unseen fingers. As I emerged from an intervening grove upon the plain before the ruin. I beheld in themisty moonlight a thing I had always vaguely expected. The mansion, gone for a century, once more reared itsstately height to the raptured vision; every window ablaze with the splendor of many candles. Up the long drive

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rolled the coaches of the Boston gentry, whilst on foot came a numerous assemblage of powdered exquisites fromthe neighboring mansions. With this throng I mingled, though I knew I belonged with the hosts rather than withthe guests. Inside the hall were music, laughter, and wine on every hand. Several faces I recognized; though Ishould have known them better had they been shriveled or eaten away by death and decomposition. Amidst a wildand reckless throng I was the wildest and most abandoned. Gay blasphemy poured in torrents from my lips, and inshocking sallies I heeded no law of God, or nature. Suddenly a peal of thunder, resonant even above the din of the swinish revelry, clave the very roof and laid ahush of fear upon the boisterous company. Red tongues of flame and searing gusts of heat engulfed the house; andthe roysterers, struck with terror at the descent of a calamity which seemed to transcend the bounds of unguidednature, fled shrieking into the night. I alone remained, riveted to my seat by a groveling fear which I had neverfelt before. And then a second horror took possession of my soul. Burnt alive to ashes, my body dispersed by thefour winds, I might never lie in the tomb of the Hydesi Was not my coffin prepared for me? Had I not a right torest till eternity amongst the descendants of Sir Geoffrey Hyde? Aye! I would claim my heritage of death, eventhough my soul go seeking through the ages for another corporeal tenement to represent it on that vacant slab inthe alcove of the vault. Jervas Hyde should never share the sad fate of Palinurus! As the phantom of the burning house faded, I found myself screaming and struggling madly in the arms oftwo men, one of whom was the spy who had followed me to the tomb. Rain was pouring down in torrents, andupon the southern horizon were flashes of lightning that had so lately passed over our heads. My father, his facelined with sorrow, stood by as I shouted my demands to be laid within the tomb, frequently admonishing mycaptors to treat me as gently as they could. A blackened circle on the floor of the ruined cellar told of a violentstroke from the heavens; and from this spot a group of curious villagers with lanterns were prying a small box ofantique workmanship, which the thunderbolt had brought to light. Ceasing my futile and now objectless writhing, I watched the spectators as they viewed the treasure−trove,and was permitted to share in their discoveries. The box, whose fastenings were broken by the stroke which hadunearthed it, contained many papers and objects of value, but I had eyes for one thing alone. It was the porcelainminiature of a young man in a smartly curled bag−wig, and bore the initials 'J. H.' The face was such that as Igazed, I might well have been studying my mirror. On the following day I was brought to this room with the barred windows, but I have been kept informed ofcertain things through an aged and simple−minded servitor, for whom I bore a fondness in infancy, and who, likeme, loves the churchyard. What I have dared relate of my experiences within the vault has brought me onlypitying smiles. My father, who visits me frequently, declares that at no time did I pass the chained portal, andswears that the rusted padlock had not been touched for fifty years when he examined it. He even says that all thevillage knew of my journeys to the tomb, and that I was often watched as I slept in the bower outside the grimfacade, my half−open eyes fixed on the crevice that leads to the interior. Against these assertions I have notangible proof to offer, since my key to the padlock was lost in the struggle on that night of horrors. The strangethings of the past which I have learned during those nocturnal meetings with the dead he dismisses as the fruits ofmy lifelong and omnivorous browsing amongst the ancient volumes of the family library. Had it not been for myold servant Hiram, I should have by this time become quite convinced of my madness. But Hiram, loyal to the last, has held faith in me, and has done that which impels me to make public at leastpart of my story. A week ago he burst open the lock which chains the door of the tomb perpetually ajar, anddescended with a lantern into the murky depths. On a slab in an alcove he found an old but empty coffin whosetarnished plate bears the single word: Jervas. In that coffin and in that vault they have promised me I shall beburied.

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The Music OF Erich Zann

Written Dec 1921

Published March 1922 in The National Amateur, Vol. 44, No. 4, p. 38−40. I have examined maps of the city with the greatest care, yet have never again found the Rue d'Auseil. Thesemaps have not been modem maps alone, for I know that names change. I have, on the contrary, delved deeply intoall the antiquities of the place, and have personally explored every region, of whatever name, which couldpossibly answer to the street I knew as the Rue d'Auseil. But despite all I have done, it remains an humiliating factthat I cannot find the house, the street, or even the locality, where, during the last months of my impoverished lifeas a student of metaphysics at the university, I heard the music of Erich Zann. That my memory is broken, I do not wonder; for my health, physical and mental, was gravely disturbedthroughout the period of my residence in the Rue d'Auseil, and I recall that I took none of my few acquaintancesthere. But that I cannot find the place again is both singular and perplexing; for it was within a half−hour's walk ofthe university and was distinguished by peculiarities which could hardly be forgotten by any one who had beenthere. I have never met a person who has seen the Rue d'Auseil. The Rue d'Auseil lay across a dark river bordered by precipitous brick blear−windowed warehouses andspanned by a ponderous bridge of dark stone. It was always shadowy along that river, as if the smoke ofneighboring factories shut out the sun perpetually. The river was also odorous with evil stenches which I havenever smelled elsewhere, and which may some day help me to find it, since I should recognize them at once.Beyond the bridge were narrow cobbled streets with rails; and then came the ascent, at first gradual, butincredibly steep as the Rue d'Auseil was reached. I have never seen another street as narrow and steep as the Rue d'Auseil. It was almost a cliff, closed to allvehicles, consisting in several places of ffights of steps, and ending at the top in a lofty ivied wall. Its paving wasirregular, sometimes stone slabs, sometimes cobblestones, and sometimes bare earth with strugglinggreenish−grey vegetation. The houses were tall, peaked−roofed, incredibly old, and crazily leaning backward,forward, and sidewise. Occasionally an opposite pair, both leaning forward, almost met across the street like anarch; and certainly they kept most of the light from the ground below. There were a few overhead bridges fromhouse to house across the street. The inhabitants of that street impressed me peculiarly; At first I thought it was because they were all silent andreticent; but later decided it was because they were all very old. I do not know how I came to live on such a street,but I was not myself when I moved there. I had been living in many poor places, always evicted for want ofmoney; until at last I came upon that tottering house in the Rue d'Auseil kept by the paralytic Blandot. It was thethird house from the top of the street, and by far the tallest of them all. My rcom was on the fifth story; the only inhabited room there, since the house was almost empty. On thenight I arrived I heard strang music from the peaked garret overhead, and the next day asked old Blandot about it.He told me it was an old German viol−player, a strange dumb man who signed his name as Erich Zann, and whoplayed eve nings in a cheap theater orchestra; adding that Zann's desire to play in the night after his return fromthe theater was the reason he had chosen this lofty and isolated garret room, whose single gable window was theonly point on the street from which one could look over the terminating wall at the declivity and panoramabeyond. Thereafter I heard Zann every night, and although he kept me awake, I was haunted by the weirdness of hismusic. Knowing little of the art myself, I was yet certain that none of his harmonies had any relation to music Ihad heard before; and concluded that he was a composer of highly original genius. The longer I listened, the moreI was fascinated, until after a week I resolved to make the old man's acquaintance. One night as he was returning from his work, I intercepted Zann in the hallway and told him that I would liketo know him and be with him when he played. He was a small, lean, bent person, with shabby clothes, blue eyes,grotesque, satyrlike face, and nearly bald head; and at my first words seemed both angered and frightened. My

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obvious friendliness, however, finally melted him; and he grudgingly motioned to me to follow him up the dark,creaking and rickety attic stairs. His room, one of only two in the steeply pitched garret, was on the west side,toward the high wall that formed the upper end of the street. Its size was very great, and seemed the greaterbecause of its extraordinary barrenness and neglect. Of furniture there was only a narrow iron bedstead, a dingywash−stand, a small table, a large bookcase, an iron music−rack, and three old−fashioned chairs. Sheets of musicwere piled in disorder about the floor. The walls were of bare boards, and had probably never known plaster;whilst the abundance of dust and cobwebs made the place seem more deserted than inhabited. Evidently ErichZann's world of beauty lay in some far cosmos of the imagination. Motioning me to sit down, the dumb man closed the door, turned the large wooden bolt, and lighted a candleto augment the one he had brought with him. He now removed his viol from its motheaten covering, and taking it,seated himself in the least uncomfortable of the chairs. He did not employ the music−rack, but, offering no choiceand playing from memory, enchanted me for over an hour with strains I had never heard before; strains whichmust have been of his own devising. To describe their exact nature is impossible for one unversed in music. Theywere a kind of fugue, with recurrent passages of the most captivating quality, but to me were notable for theabsence of any of the weird notes I had overheard from my room below on other occasions. Those haunting notes I had remembered, and had often hummed and whistled inaccurately to myself, so whenthe player at length laid down his bow I asked him if he would render some of them. As I began my request thewrinkled satyrlike face lost the bored placidity it had possessed during the playing, and seemed to show the samecurious mixture of anger and fright which I had noticed when first I accosted the old man. For a moment I wasinclined to use persuasion, regarding rather lightly the whims of senility; and even tried to awaken my host'sweirder mood by whistling a few of the strains to which I had listened the night before. But I did not pursue thiscourse for more than a moment; for when the dumb musician recognized the whistled air his face grew suddenlydistorted with an expression wholly beyond analysis, and his long, cold, bony right hand reached out to stop mymouth and silence the crude imitation. As he did this he further demonstrated his eccentricity by casting a startledglance toward the lone curtained window, as if fearful of some intruder—a glance doubly absurd, since the garretstood high and inaccessible above all the adjacent roofs, this window being the only point on the steep street, asthe concierge had told me, from which one could see over the wall at the summit. The old man's glance brought Blandot's remark to my mind, and with a certain capriciousness I felt a wish tolook out over the wide and dizzying panorama of moonlit roofs and city lights beyond the hilltop, which of all thedwellers in the Rue d'Auseil only this crabbed musician could see. I moved toward the window and would havedrawn aside the nondescript curtains, when with a frightened rage even greater than before, the dumb lodger wasupon me again; this time motioning with his head toward the door as he nervously strove to drag me thither withboth hands. Now thoroughly disgusted with my host, I ordered him to release me, and told him I would go atonce. His clutch relaxed, and as he saw my disgust and offense, his own anger seemed to subside. He tightenedhis relaxing grip, but this time in a friendly manner, forcing me into a chair; then with an appearance ofwistfulness crossing to the littered table, where he wrote many words with a pencil, in the labored French of aforeigner. The note which he finally handed me was an appeal for tolerance and forgiveness. Zann said that he was old,lonely, and afflicted with strange fears and nervous disorders connected with his music and with other things. Hehad enjoyed my listening to his music, and wished I would come again and not mind his eccentricities. But hecould not play to another his weird harmonies, and could not bear hearing them from another; nor could he bearhaving anything in his room touched by an−other. He had not known until our hallway conversation that I couldoverhear his playing in my room, and now asked me if I would arrange with Blandot to take a lower room where Icould not hear him in the night. He would, he wrote, defray the difference in rent. As I sat deciphering the execrable French, I felt more lenient toward the old man. He was a victim of physicaland nervous suffering, as was I; and my metaphysical studies had taught me kindness. In the silence there came aslight sound from the window—the shutter must have rattled in the night wind, and for some reason I startedalmost as violently as did Erich Zann. So when I had finished reading, I shook my host by the hand, and departedas a friend. The next day Blandot gave me a more expensive room on the third floor, between the apartments of an agedmoney−lender and the room of a respectable upholsterer. There was no one on the fourth floor.

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It was not long before I found that Zann's eagerness for my company was not as great as it had seemed whilehe was persuading me to move down from the fifth story. He did not ask me to call on him, and when I did call heappeared uneasy and played listlessly. This was always at night—in the day he slept and would admit no one. Myliking for him did not grow, though the attic room and the weird music seemed to hold an odd fascination for me.I had a curious desire to look out of that window, over the wall and down the unseen slope at the glittering roofsand spires which must lie outspread there. Once I went up to the garret during theater hours, when Zann wasaway, but the door was locked. What I did succeed in doing was to overhear the nocturnal playing of the dumb old man. At first I wouldtip−toe up to my old fifth floor, then I grew bold enough to climb the last creaking staircase to the peaked garret.There in the narrow hall, outside the bolted door with the covered keyhole, I often heard sounds which filled mewith an indefinable dread—the dread of vague wonder and brooding mystery. It was not that the sounds werehideous, for they were not; but that they held vibrations suggesting nothing on this globe of earth, and that atcertain intervals they assumed a symphonic quality which I could hardly conceive as produced by one player.Certainly, Erich Zann was a genius of wild power. As the weeks passed, the playing grew wilder, whilst the oldmusician acquired an increasing haggardness and furtiveness pitiful to behold. He now refused to admit me at anytime, and shunned me whenever we met on the stairs. Then one night as I listened at the door, I heard the shrieking viol swell into a chaotic babel of sound; apandemonium which would have led me to doubt my own shaking sanity had there not come from behind thatbarred portal a piteous proof that the horror was real—the awful, inarticulate cry which only a mute can utter, andwhich rises only in moments of the most terrible fear or anguish. I knocked repeatedly at the door, but received noresponse. Afterward I waited in the black hallway, shivering with cold and fear, till I heard the poor musician'sfeeble effort to rise from the floor by the aid of a chair. Believing him just conscious after a fainting fit, I renewedmy rapping, at the same time calling out my name reassuringly. I heard Zann stumble to the window and closeboth shutter and sash, then stumble to the door, which he falteringly unfastened to admit me. This time his delightat having me present was real; for his distorted face gleamed with relief while he clutched at my coat as a childclutches at its mother's skirts. Shaking pathetically, the old man forced me into a chair whilst he sank into another, beside which his viol andbow lay carelessly on the floor. He sat for some time inactive, nodding oddly, but having a paradoxical suggestionof intense and frightened listening. Subsequently he seemed to be satisfied, and crossing to a chair by the tablewrote a brief note, handed it to me, and returned to the table, where he began to write rapidly and incessantly. Thenote implored me in the name of mercy, and for the sake of my own curiosity, to wait where I was while heprepared a full account in German of all the marvels and terrors which beset him. I waited, and the dumb man'spencil flew. It was perhaps an hour later, while I still waited and while the old musician's feverishly written sheets stillcontinued to pile up, that I saw Zann start as from the hint of a horrible shock. Unmistakably he was looking atthe curtained window and listening shudderingly. Then I half fancied I heard a sound myself; though it was not ahorrible sound, but rather an exquisitely low and infinitely distant musical note, suggesting a player in one of theneighboring houses, or in some abode beyond the lofty wall over which I had never been able to look. Upon Zannthe effect was terrible, for, dropping his pencil, suddenly he rose, seized his viol, and commenced to rend thenight with the wildest playing I had ever heard from his bow save when listening at the barred door. It would be useless to describe the playing of Erich Zann on that dreadful night. It was more horrible thananything I had ever overheard, because I could now see the expression of his face, and could realize that this timethe motive was stark fear. He was trying to make a noise; to ward something off or drown something out—what, Icould not imagine, awesome though I felt it must be. The playing grew fantastic, dehnous, and hysterical, yet keptto the last the qualities of supreme genius which I knew this strange old man possessed. I recognized the air—itwas a wild Hungarian dance popular in the theaters, and I reflected for a moment that this was the first time I hadever heard Zann play the work of another composer. Louder and louder, wilder and wilder, mounted the shrieking and whining of that desperate viol. The playerwas dripping with an uncanny perspiration and twisted like a monkey, always looking frantically at the curtainedwindow. In his frenzied strains I could almost see shadowy satyrs and bacchanals dancing and whirling insanelythrough seething abysses of clouds and smoke and lightning. And then I thought I heard a shriller, steadier note

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that was not from the viol; a calm, deliberate, purposeful, mocking note from far away in the West. At this juncture the shutter began to rattle in a howling night wind which had sprung up outside as if in answerto the mad playing within. Zann's screaming viol now outdid itself emitting sounds I had never thought a violcould emit. The shutter rattled more loudly, unfastened, and commenced slamming against the window. Then theglass broke shiveringly under the persistent impacts, and the chill wind rushed in, making the candles sputter andrustling the sheets of paper on the table where Zann had begun to write out his horrible secret. I looked at Zann,and saw that he was past conscious observation. His blue eyes were bulging, glassy and sightless, and the franticplaying had become a blind, mechanical, unrecognizable orgy that no pen could even suggest. A sudden gust, stronger than the others, caught up the manuscript and bore it toward the window. I followedthe flying sheets in desperation, but they were gone before I reached the demolished panes. Then I rememberedmy old wish to gaze from this window, the only window in the Rue d'Auseil from which one might see the slopebeyond the wall, and the city outspread beneath. It was very dark, but the city's lights always burned, and Iexpected to see them there amidst the rain and wind. Yet when I looked from that highest of all gable windows,looked while the candles sputtered and the insane viol howled with the night−wind, I saw no city spread below,and no friendly lights gleamed from remembered streets, but only the blackness of space illimitable; unimaginedspace alive with motion and music, and having no semblance of anything on earth. And as I stood there looking interror, the wind blew out both the candles in that ancient peaked garret, leaving me in savage and impenetrabledarkness with chaos and pandemonium before me, and the demon madness of that night−baying viol behind me. I staggered back in the dark, without the means of striking a light, crashing against the table, overturning achair, and finally groping my way to the place where the blackness screamed with shocking music. To savemyself and Erich Zann I could at least try, whatever the powers opposed to me. Once I thought some chill thingbrushed me, and I screamed, but my scream could not be heard above that hideous viol. Suddenly out of theblackness the madly sawing bow struck me, and I knew I was close to the player. I felt ahead, touched the back ofZann's chair, and then found and shook his shoulder in an effort to bring him to his senses. He did not respond, and still the viol shrieked on without slackening. I moved my hand to his head, whosemechanical nodding I was able to stop, and shouted in his ear that we must both flee from the unknown things ofthe night. But he neither answered me nor abated the frenzy of his unutterable music, while all through the garretstrange currents of wind seemed to dance in the darkness and babel. When my hand touched his ear I shuddered,though I knew not why—knew not why till I felt the still face; the ice−cold, stiffened, unbreathing face whoseglassy eyes bulged uselessly into the void. And then, by some miracle, finding the door and the large wooden bolt,I plunged wildly away from that glassy−eyed thing in the dark, and from the ghoulish howling of that accursedviol whose fury increased even as I plunged. Leaping, floating, flying down those endless stairs through the dark house; racing mindlessly out into thenarrow, steep, and ancient street of steps and tottering houses; clattering down steps and over cobbles to the lowerstreets and the putrid canyon−walled river; panting across the great dark bridge to the broader, healthier streetsand boulevards we know; all these are terrible impressions that linger with me. And I recall that there was nowind, and that the moon was out, and that all the lights of the city twinkled. Despite my most careful searches and investigations, I have never since been able to find the Rue d'Auseil.But I am not wholly sorry; either for this or for the loss in undreamable abysses of the closely−written sheetswhich alone could have explained the music of Erich Zann.

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Written early Nov 1920

Published May 1922 in The Rainbow, No. 2, p. 10−12. In a dream Kuranes saw the city in the valley, and the seacoast beyond, and the snowy peak overlooking thesea, and the gaily painted galleys that sail out of the harbour toward distant regions where the sea meets the sky.In a dream it was also that he came by his name of Kuranes, for when awake he was called by another name.Perhaps it was natural for him to dream a new name; for he was the last of his family, and alone among theindifferent millions of London, so there were not many to speak to him and to remind him who he had been. Hismoney and lands were gone, and he did not care for the ways of the people about him, but preferred to dream andwrite of his dreams. What he wrote was laughed at by those to whom he showed it, so that after a time he kept hiswritings to himself, and finally ceased to write. The more he withdrew from the world about him, the morewonderful became his dreams; and it would have been quite futile to try to describe them on paper. Kuranes wasnot modern, and did not think like others who wrote. Whilst they strove to strip from life its embroidered robes ofmyth and to show in naked ugliness the foul thing that is reality, Kuranes sought for beauty alone. When truth andexperience failed to reveal it, he sought it in fancy and illusion, and found it on his very doorstep, amid thenebulous memories of childhood tales and dreams. There are not many persons who know what wonders are opened to them in the stories and visions of theiryouth; for when as children we listen and dream, we think but half−formed thoughts, and when as men we try toremember, we are dulled and prosaic with the poison of life. But some of us awake in the night with strangephantasms of enchanted hills and gardens, of fountains that sing in the sun, of golden cliffs overhangingmurmuring seas, of plains that stretch down to sleeping cities of bronze and stone, and of shadowy companies ofheroes that ride caparisoned white horses along the edges of thick forests; and then we know that we have lookedback through the ivory gates into that world of wonder which was ours before we were wise and unhappy. Kuranes came very suddenly upon his old world of childhood. He had been dreaming of the house where hehad been born; the great stone house covered with ivy, where thirteen generations of his ancestors had lived, andwhere he had hoped to die. It was moonlight, and he had stolen out into the fragrant summer night, through thegardens, down the terraces, past the great oaks of the park, and along the long white road to the village. Thevillage seemed very old, eaten away at the edge like the moon which had commenced to wane, and Kuraneswondered whether the peaked roofs of the small houses hid sleep or death. In the streets were spears of long grass,and the window−panes on either side broken or ifimily staring. Kuranes had not lingered, but had plodded on asthough summoned toward some goal. He dared not disobey the summons for fear it might prove an illusion likethe urges and aspirations of waking life, which do not lead to any goal. Then he had been drawn down a lane thatled off from the village street toward the channel cliffs, and had come to the end of things—to the precipice andthe abyss where all the village and all the world fell abruptly into the unechoing emptiness of infinity, and whereeven the sky ahead was empty and unit by the crumbling moon and the peering stars. Faith had urged him on,over the precipice and into the gulf, where he had floated down, down, down; past dark, shapeless, undreameddreams, faintly glowing spheres that may have been partly dreamed dreams, and laughing winged things thatseemed to mock the dreamers of all the worlds. Then a rift seemed to open in the darkness before him, and he sawthe city of the valley, glistening radiantly far, far below, with a background of sea and sky, and a snowcappedmountain near the shore. Kuranes had awakened the very moment he beheld the city, yet he knew from his brief glance that it was noneother than Celephais, in the Valley of Ooth−Nargai beyond the Tanarian Hills where his spirit had dwelt all theeternity of an hour one summer afternoon very long ago, when he had slipt away from his nurse and let the warmsea−breeze lull him to sleep as he watched the clouds from the cliff near the village. He had protested then, whenthey had found him, waked him, and carried him home, for just as he was aroused he had been about to sail in agolden galley for those alluring regions where the sea meets the sky. And now he was equally resentful of

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awaking, for he had found his fabulous city after forty weary years. But three nights afterward Kuranes came again to Celephais. As before, he dreamed first of the village thatwas asleep or dead, and of the abyss down which one must float silently; then the rift appeared again, and hebeheld the glittering minarets of the city, and saw the graceful galleys riding at anchor in the blue harbour, andwatched the gingko trees of Mount Man swaying in the sea−breeze. But this time he was not snatched away, andlike a winged being settled gradually over a grassy hillside till finally his feet rested gently on the turf. He hadindeed come back to the Valley of Ooth−Nargai and the splendid city of Celephais. Down the hill amid scented grasses and brilliant flowers walked Kuranes, over the bubbling Naraxa on thesmall wooden bridge where he had carved his name so many years ago, and through the whispering grove to thegreat stone bridge by the city gate. All was as of old, nor were the marble walls discoloured, nor the polishedbronze statues upon them tarnished. And Kuranes saw that he need not tremble lest the things he knew bevanished; for even the sentries on the ramparts were the same, and still as young as he remembered them. Whenhe entered the city, past the bronze gates and over the onyx pavements, the merchants and camel−drivers greetedhim as if he had never been away; and it Was the same at the turquoise temple of Nath−Horthath, where theorchid−wreathed priests told him that there is no time in Ooth−Nargai, but only perpetual youth. Then Kuraneswalked through the Street of Pillars to the seaward wall, where gathered the traders and sailors, and strange menfrom the regions where the sea meets the sky. There he stayed long, gazing out over the bright harbour where theripples sparkled beneath an unknown sun, and where rode lightly the galleys from far places over the water. Andhe gazed also upon Mount Man rising regally from the shore, its lower slopes green with swaying trees and itswhite summit touching the sky. More than ever Kuranes wished to sail in a galley to the far places of which he had heard so many strangetales, and he sought again the captain who had agreed to carry him so long ago. He found the man, Athib, sittingon the same chest of spice he had sat upon before, and Athib seemed not to realize that any time had passed. Thenthe two rowed to a galley in the harbour, and giving orders to the oarmen, commenced to sail out into the billowyCerenarian Sea that leads to the sky. For several days they glided undulatingly over the water, till finally theycame to the horizon, where the sea meets the sky. Here the galley paused not at all, but floated easily in the blueof the sky among fleecy clouds tinted with rose. And far beneath the keel Kuranes could see strange lands andrivers and cities of surpassing beauty, spread indolently in the sunshine which seemed never to lessen ordisappear. At length Athib told him that their journey was near its end, and that they would soon enter the harbourof Serannian, the pink marble city of the clouds, which is built on that ethereal coast where the west wind flowsinto the sky; but as the highest of the city's carven towers came into sight there was a sound somewhere in space,and Kuranes awaked in his London garret. For many months after that Kuranes sought the marvellous city of Celephais and its sky−bound galleys invain; and though his dreams carried him to many gorgeous and unheard−of places, no one whom he met could tellhim how to find Ooth−Nargai beyond the Tanarian Hills. One night he went flying over dark mountains wherethere were faint, lone campfires at great distances apart, and strange, shaggy herds with tinkling bells on theleaders, and in the wildest part of this hilly country, so remote that few men could ever have seen it, he found ahideously ancient wall or causeway of stone zigzagging along the ridges and valleys; too gigantic ever to haverisen by human hands, and of such a length that neither end of it could be seen. Beyond that wall in the grey dawnhe came to a land of quaint gardens and cherry trees, and when the sun rose he beheld such beauty of red andwhite flowers, green foliage and lawns, white paths, diamond brooks, blue lakelets, carven bridges, andred−roofed pagodas, that he for a moment forgot Celephais in sheer delight. But he remembered it again when hewalked down a white path toward a red−roofed pagoda, and would have questioned the people of this land aboutit, had he not found that there were no people there, but only birds and bees and butterflies. On another nightKuranes walked up a damp stone spiral stairway endlessly, and came to a tower window overlooking a mightyplain and river lit by the full moon; and in the silent city that spread away from the river bank he thought hebeheld some feature or arrangement which he had known before. He would have descended and asked the way toOothNargai had not a fearsome aurora sputtered up from some remote place beyond the horizon, showing the ruinand antiquity of the city, and the stagnation of the reedy river, and the death lying upon that land, as it had lainsince King Kynaratholis came home from his conquests to find the vengeance of the gods. So Kuranes sought fruitlessly for the marvellous city of Celephais and its galleys that sail to Serannian in the

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sky, meanwhile seeing many wonders and once barely escaping from the high−priest not to be described, whichwears a yellow silken mask over its face and dwells all alone in a prehistoric stone monastery in the cold desertplateau of Leng. In time he grew so impatient of the bleak intervals of day that he began buying drugs in order toincrease his periods of sleep. Hasheesh helped a great deal, and once sent him to a part of space where form doesnot exist, but where glowing gases study the secrets of existence. And a violet−coloured gas told him that this partof space was outside what he had called infinity. The gas had not heard of planets and organisms before, butidentified Kuranes merely as one from the infinity where matter, energy, and gravitation exist. Kuranes was nowvery anxious to return to minaret−studded Celephais, and increased his doses of drugs; but eventually he had nomore money left, and could buy no drugs. Then one summer day he was turned out of his garret, and wanderedaimlessly through the streets, drifting over a bridge to a place where the houses grew thinner and thinner. And itwas there that fulfillment came, and he met the cortege of knights come from Celephais to bear him thitherforever. Handsome knights they were, astride roan horses and clad in shining armour with tabards of cloth−of−goldcuriously emblazoned. So numerous were they, that Kuranes almost mistook them for an army, but they were sentin his honour; since it was he who had created Ooth−Nargai in his dreams, on which account he was now to beappointed its chief god for evermore. Then they gave Kuranes a horse and placed him at the head of thecavalcade, and all rode majestically through the downs of Surrey and onward toward the region where Kuranesand his ancestors were born. It was very strange, but as the riders went on they seemed to gallop back throughTime; for whenever they passed through a village in the twilight they saw only such houses and villagers asChaucer or men before him might have seen, and sometimes they saw knights on horseback with small companiesof retainers. When it grew dark they travelled more swiftly, till soon they were flying uncannily as if in the air. Inthe dim dawn they came upon the village which Kuranes had seen alive in his childhood, and asleep or dead in hisdreams. It was alive now, and early villagers curtsied as the horsem*n clattered down the street and turned off intothe lane that ends in the abyss of dreams. Kuranes had previously entered that abyss only at night, and wonderedwhat it would look like by day; so he watched anxiously as the column approached its brink. Just as they gallopedup the rising ground to the precipice a golden glare came somewhere out of the west and hid all the landscape ineffulgent draperies. The abyss was a seething chaos of roseate and cerulean splendour, and invisible voices sangexultantly as the knightly entourage plunged over the edge and floated gracefully down past glittering clouds andsilvery coruscations. Endlessly down the horsem*n floated, their chargers pawing the aether as if galloping overgolden sands; and then the luminous vapours spread apart to reveal a greater brightness, the brightness of the cityCelephais, and the sea coast beyond, and the snowy peak overlooking the sea, and the gaily painted galleys thatsail out of the harbour toward distant regions where the sea meets the sky. And Kuranes reigned thereafter over Ooth−Nargai and all the neighboring regions of dream, and held hiscourt alternately in Celephais and in the cloud−fashioned Serannian. He reigns there still, and will reign happilyfor ever, though below the cliffs at Innsmouth the channel tides played mockingly with the body of a tramp whohad stumbled through the half−deserted village at dawn; played mockingly, and cast it upon the rocks byivy−covered Trevor Towers, where a notably fat and especially offensive millionaire brewer enjoys the purchasedatmosphere of extinct nobility.

— End —

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The H. P. Lovecraft Tarot - avalonlibrary.netavalonlibrary.net/ebooks/H. P. Lovecraft - The Lovecraft Tarot Deck...· The H. P. Lovecraft Tarot This interesting tarot deck was originally

Lovecraft. H P!History of the Necronomicon

H.P. Lovecraft

Lovecraft el color_que_cayó_del_cielo


Lovecraft - œuvres

Lovecraft Husserl

Lovecraft Autobiography

Howard P. Lovecraft Collection 1894-1971 Collection overview

Lovecraft, H P - Call of Cthulhu, The

H. P. Lovecraft - Psychaanalyse· H. P. Lovecraft 3 Lovecraft vers neuf ans. Après l'hospitalisation de son père, Lovecraft est élevé par sa mère, ses deux tantes, Lillian Delora

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DIE FARBE AUS DEM ALL von H. P. Lovecraft - - St0rage.orghuygenz/docs/Lovecraft/Lovecraft, H. P. - Die...· DIE FARBE AUS DEM ALL von H. P. Lovecraft Originaltitel: The Color out

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Lovecraft, Novela gráfica

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.