French Toast Casserole Makes It *So* Easy to Feed a Crowd (2024)

On myFood Network show, I make (among other things) this beautiful, simple, glorious, easy, delectable, scrumptious, heavenly baked French toast, which I served with syrup, butter, and blueberries to my daughter and her four friends. The girls absolutely loved this breakfast casserole—between the six of us, we nearly polished off the whole pan.You can leave this one plain, or you can mix blueberries or other fruit in with all the bread. Simple just doesn't get any more delicious than this. The crustier thebread, the better!

It's fabulosity in a baking dish. So simple, so wonderful.

Have I used enough adjectives today?

Make it for Easter brunch or next time you have weekend company. It straddles the line between breakfast and dessert, and that just so happens to be my favorite kind of breakfast.

Can you make baked French toast ahead of time?

The great thing about bakedFrench toastis that you can make it on the spot and bake it right away… or assemble itthe night before, and let it sit and get even more luscious in the fridge overnight. When you're cooking breakfast for a house full of people,make-ahead breakfast casserolesare a truelifesaver.

Why is my French toast casserole soggy?

It could be because of the bread you used. If the bread you start with is too soft (such as white sandwich bread), it won't absorb all of the wonderful custard that it should, and it might end up soggy. If you find yourself with a soggy casserole, for whatever reason, try baking it a bit longer until it firms up some.

What's the best bread to use for baked French toast?

Aloaf of crusty sourdough or French bread makes thebest bread for French bread.Whichever you pick,be sure that it'snice and crusty so it soaks up plenty of the creamy custard. Day-old bread that has grown a little stale is even better!

Should you bake French toast casserole covered or uncovered?

Baking the casseroleuncovered seems to work best so that the streusel topping gets crunchy and caramelized. It's everyone's favorite part of the casserole!

What other fruit would be good mixed in?

Strawberries, blackberries, or a mix of the two, plus blueberries would be heavenly! During the summer, fresh peaches would be scrumptious. You could even use sliced apples for a fall twist. There are endless possibilities!

What pairs well with baked French toast?

A big, fresh fruit salad would be tasty. For something savory, crispy, salty, delicious... try bacon! Who doesn't love bacon? Candied bacon would be even more divine.

How long does baked French toast last in the fridge?

Covered and refrigerated, it'll stay good for about three days. If you're lucky enough to have leftovers, warm up a piece and top it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for dessert! After all, it's like bread pudding that's acceptable to eat for breakfast. Yum!

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8 serving(s)
Prep Time:
15 mins
Cook Time:
1 hr
Total Time:
1 hr 15 mins


For the French Toast:

  • Butter, for greasing and serving

  • 1

    loaf crusty sourdough or French bread

  • 8


  • 2 c.

    whole milk

  • 1/2 c.

    heavy cream

  • 1/2 c.

    granulated sugar

  • 1/2 c.

    brown sugar

  • 2 Tbsp.

    vanilla extract

  • Warm syrup, for serving

  • 1 c.

    fresh blueberries, for serving

For the Topping:

  • 1/2 c.


  • 1/2 c.

    firmly packed brown sugar

  • 1 tsp.


  • 1/4 tsp.


  • Freshly grated nutmeg (optional)

  • 1/2 c.

    cold butter, cut into pieces


    1. Step1For the French toast: Grease a 13-by-9-inchbaking pan with butter. Tear the bread into chunks, or cut it into cubes, and evenly distribute itin the pan. Crack the eggs in a big bowl. Whisk together the eggs, milk, cream, granulated sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla. Pour evenly over the bread. Cover the pan tightly and store in the fridge until needed (overnight preferably). Or you can make it and bake it right away—it'sdelicious no matter what!
    2. Step2For the topping: In a separate bowl, use a fork to stir together theflour, brown sugar, cinnamon, salt, and some nutmeg. Add the butter and use a pastry cutter to mix it all together until the mixture resembles fine pebbles. Store in a plastic bag in the fridge.
    3. Step3When you're ready to bake the casserole, preheat the oven to 350°F. Remove the casserole from the fridge and sprinkle the topping over the top. Bake for 45 minutes for a softer, bread pudding-like texture or for 1 houror more for a firmer, crisper texture.
    4. Step4Scoop out individual portions. Top with butter, drizzle with warm syrup, and sprinkle with blueberries.

French Toast Casserole Makes It *So* Easy to Feed a Crowd (2)

I originally posted this baked French toast back in 2010, and the recipe above has just a couple of tiny, inconsequential changes.

French Toast Casserole Makes It *So* Easy to Feed a Crowd (4)

If you’d like to see the four thousand photos of the the original step-by-step recipe, here ’tis!

Enjoy, guys!

French Toast Casserole Makes It *So* Easy to Feed a Crowd (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.