How to Make Powdered Sugar - Love and Lemons (2024)

Learn how to make powdered sugar at home! Also known as confectioner's sugar, it's the secret to making gooey brownies, luscious frosting, and more.

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How to Make Powdered Sugar - Love and Lemons (1)

How to Make Powdered Sugar - Love and Lemons (2)

Who else has a bag of powdered sugar in their pantry that they’ve been working through foryears? Powdered sugar isn’t something I use often, but every once in a while, I need a cup to make perfect gooey brownies or luscious cream cheese frosting. When I add it to the grocery list, I dread watching another bag sit in the cupboard as I make my way through it at an agonizing pace.

But all that’s about to change! I don’t know what took me so long, but Ifinally learned how to make powdered sugar at home. Seriously, this recipe’s a game changer. Gone are the days of hauling an ancient sack of confectioner’s sugar (yes, they’re the same!) out of the pantry every time I make carrot cake. Now, I can make the exactly the amount of powdered sugar I need for a given recipe. And the best part? It only requires 2 ingredients and 1 minute.

How to Make Powdered Sugar - Love and Lemons (3)

How to Make Powdered Sugar

To make powdered sugar at home, you’ll need two ingredients: granulated sugar and cornstarch. Use 1 tablespoon cornstarch for every cup of sugar. My recipe below calls for 2 cups sugar, but feel free to scale it up or down depending on the size of your blender and the quantity of powdered sugar you need. Expect the amount of sugar you start with to double. For example, if you start with 2 cups granulated sugar, you’ll end up with 4 cups confectioner’s sugar.

Add the granulated sugar and cornstarch to a powerful blender or food processor, and blend for 30 seconds, until the sugar is white and fluffy.

Use it right away, or store it in an airtight container at room temperature for later use. If it’s lumpy, be sure to sift it before you use it. That’s it!

How to Make Powdered Sugar - Love and Lemons (4)

Favorite Powdered Sugar Recipes

So you learned how to make powdered sugar…now what do you do with it?

First and foremost, confectioner’s sugar is what makes icings and frostings thick and sweet. Find it in my vegan frosting recipe, or in the glazes and icings that accompany these baked goods:

It’s also a valuable ingredientincertain baked goods. For example, it enhances the chewy, fudgy texture of these homemade brownies and these vegan brownies.

Last but not least, a dusting of confectioner’s sugar adds a little extra something to any stack of pancakes or French toast. Sprinkle it over my classic French toast, this French toast bake, or any of these pancake recipes:


How to Make Powdered Sugar - Love and Lemons (5)

More Easy Baking Basics

If you loved learning how to make powdered sugar, try making these baking basics next:

How to Make Powdered Sugar - Love and Lemons (6)

How to Make Powdered Sugar

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Prep Time: 1 minute min

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This homemade powdered sugar recipe is SO easy - you'll never get the store bought kind again! Use it in any recipe that calls for powdered sugar, icing sugar, or confectioner's sugar. Find some of my favorites in the post above.



  • Place the sugar and cornstarch in a high speed blender and blend for 30 seconds or until fluffy.

  • Store in an airtight container. If the powdered sugar gets lumpy, sift before using.


Yield: about 4 cups powdered sugar

How to Make Powdered Sugar - Love and Lemons (2024)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.