Leek & Potato soup gone brown? (2024)

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tanithThu 16-Feb-23 12:23:19

So I've made a pan of L&P soup today left it simmering for 25 mins only added a veg stock cube as i always do and when i took the lid off there it was brown!! This has never happened before its usually pale greenish white. It looks horrible as you can see. Any ideas as to why?

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MaizieDThu 16-Feb-23 12:31:06

It looks as though some of your potatoes might have got a bit scorched. Did you fry them off before adding the liquid? The colour from the browned potatoes could be what is turning it brown.

How does it taste?

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Whitewavemark2Thu 16-Feb-23 12:32:32

My thoughts that it was the potatoes

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tanithThu 16-Feb-23 12:46:37

No I didn't fry them off so they just went in the pan with water and stock cube as normal so I'm stumped 🤷‍♀️

tanithThu 16-Feb-23 12:48:08

It tastes a bit sweet, horrible it'll be going in the recycle bin when I've sieved it

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rubysongThu 16-Feb-23 12:49:25

Was it a stock cube of a kind you have used before?

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tanithThu 16-Feb-23 12:58:53

Yep just a knorr veggy cube. Im wondering if its the starch in the potatoes as it tastes sweetish?

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Sarah75Thu 16-Feb-23 14:42:28

Was it definitely a veggie stock cube, not a beef one?

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singmen1Thu 02-Mar-23 13:07:03

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MaizieDThu 02-Mar-23 13:09:25

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Leek & Potato soup gone brown? (2024)
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