Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (2024)


  • Caravan
  • Ancient Tomb
  • Genie
  • Oasis
  • Robinson
  • Beach Resort


  • Mysterious Tent
  • Trader’s tent
  • Eastern station
  • Jeweler’s Stall/Total recall
  • Desert Paradise
  • Trading Oasis
  • Search for Helpers
  • Glassblower shop
  • Craft workshops
  • Tailor’s Tent
  • Carpenter’s Tent
  • Museum of the East
  • Grand Finale/Emir’s Palace
  • Build the Lost City


  • 12 Water (drops from the Water Tower)
  • 40 crops of Strawberry (grows at Farms)
  • 6 Seals (drop from the Administration)
  • 6 Forms (ask friends)
  • 20 Planks (produced at the Cargo Port)
  • 25 Ropes (drop from the Textile Factory when producing any textile)
  • 30 Packs of Seeds (drop from the Flower Kiosk)
  • 30 Glasses (drop from the Summer Houses)
  • 15 Pens (drop from the Stationary Shop)
  • 20 Umbrellas (drop from the Subway Stations)
  • 35 Cakes (drop from the Bakery)
  • 9 Bottles of “Crystal” water (ask friends)

Ancient Tomb

  • 15 Diamonds (drop from the Mansions)
  • 24 Jasmines (drop from the Flower Kiosks)
  • 8 Peaco*ck feathers (drop from the Stationery Shop
  • 30 lots of Printed Cotton (produced at the Textile Factory)
  • 50 Rakes (drop from Summer Houses)
  • 40 Feather dusters (drop from the Shoe Shops)
  • 5 Builders (trained at College)
  • 15 Reinforcements (produced at the Cargo Port)
  • 24 Concrete Compounds (produced at Construction Factory)
  • 30 Romantic Candles (drop from the Coffee Houses)
  • 10 Incenses (drop from the Sushi bar)
  • 15 Oil Burners (ask friends)
  • 40 lots of Wool (produced at the Textile Factory)
  • 60 Bandages (drop from German Houses)
  • 28 Memory Drinks (drop from the Drugstores)
  • 35 Newspapers (drop from the Subway Stations)
  • 35 Inks (drop from the School)
  • 15 printing machine parts (ask friends)
  1. 1ststep–Click on the Ancient Ruins
  2. 2ndstep– 24h
  3. 3rdstep– 24h
  4. 4thstep– 36h
  5. 5thstep– 60h
  6. 6thstep– 36h
  7. 7thstep– 72h

You can restart the quest for free. For completing the quest you get theScarab Statueand theCat Statue.


  • 10 lots of Silk (produced at the Textile Factory)
  • 15 Cakes (drop from the Bakery)
  • 500000 coins (will be deducted)
  • 16 Water units (drop from the Water Tower)
  • 28 Tissues (drop from the Hostel and Family Houses)
  • 6 Camomile tea (ask friends)
  • 24 crops of Pumpkin (grows at the Farm)
  • 24 Croissants (drop from the Bakery)
  • 15 Coffee Beans (drop from the Coffee Houses)
  • 5 Builders (trained at College)
  • 12 Wooden Beams (produced at the Cargo Port)
  • 20 Concrete Compound (produced at the Construction Factory)
  • 20 Nails (drop from the buildings in your neighbors’ cities)
  • 36 Cans of Paint (drop from the Ranch, the Hotel, the Family House, the Comfortable house, Townhouse)
  • 30 Paint rollers (drop from the Petrol Station)
  • 8 Designers (trained at College)
  • 7Wicker Chairs (produce in Furniture Factory)
  • 22 Peaco*ck feathers (drop from the Stationary Shop)
  • 35 Roses (drop from the Flower Kiosk)
  • 28 Saplings (drop randomly from the Summer Houses)
  • 18 Shovels (drop from the buildings in your neighbors’ cities)
  • 12 Stars (collect throwing parties and concerts at the Club and Concert Hall)
  • 40 Lotus Flowers (drop from the Flower Kiosk)
  • 12 Ornamental stones (ask friends)
  • 20 Watering cans (drop from the Ranch)
  • 50 Fertilizers (drop from the Farm when you harvest Beetroot)
  • 15 Garden scissors (ask friends)
  1. 1ststep–Click on the ruins
  2. 2ndstep– 48h
  3. 3rdstep– 24h
  4. 4thstep– 36h
  5. 5thstep– 24h
  6. 6thstep– 36h
  7. 7thstep– 48h
  8. 8thstep– 24h
  9. 9thstep– 36h
  10. 10thstep– 36h

You can restart the quest for free. For completing the quest you get theGenieStatue.


  • 15 units of Water (collect from the Water Station)
  • 18 Sandwiches (drop from the Pubs)
  • 20 Pairs of shoes (drop from the Shoe Shops)
  • 30 Umbrellas (drop from the Subway Stations)
  • 25 Sun creams (drop from the Cosmetics Boutiques)
  • 12 Sunglasses (ask friends)
  • 25 Shovels (drop randomly from the buildings with a coin or clock icon in your friends’ cities)
  • 15 Dowsing rods (drop from the Genie Palace)
  • 15 Drills (ask friends)
  • 5 Concrete Slabs (produced at the Cargo Port)
  • 10 Reinforcements (produced at the Cargo Port)
  • 10 Plastic pipes (ask friends)
  • 30 Straw hats (drop from the Family houses)
  • 15 Watering cans (drop from the Ranches)
  • 35 Fertilizers (drop from the Farms when you collect Beetroot)
  • 40 Saplings (drop randomly from the Summer Houses)
  • 10 crops of Coconuts (grow at the Fruit Farms)
  • 15 Cherry seedlings (ask friends)
  • 35 Packs of seeds (drop from the Flower Kiosks)
  • 30 Barrows of soil (drop from the Farms when you collect Squashes)
  • 12 Garden scissors (ask friends)
  • 4 Builders (trained at College)
  • 18 Bricks (produced at the Cargo Port)
  • 60 lots of Concrete Compound (produced at the Construction Factories)
  • 30 lots of Linen (produced at the Textile Factories)
  • 25 Strong ropes (drop from the Kindergarten)
  • 20 Jugs (drop from the Bakeries)
  • 30 Excursion tickets (drop from the buildings with a coin or clock icon in your friends’ cities)
  • 10 Hearts (collect from the Wedding Palace, the Film Set and the “Love” Reality Show)
  • 15 Trophies (collect from the Stadium, the Volleyball Court and the Tennis Court)


Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (1)


  • Level 15
  • Have successfully completed the Ancient Tomband Genie Quests

Yellow timers:

  • You can re-start the quests if you don't finish on time.
  • There's a special offer. If players finish the quest in 18 days or less, they'll get extra rewards.


  • If finished in 18 days or less:20Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (2), 1 Pottery Shop, a Tropical Fountain and Robinson's Island.

  • If finished after 18 days:Tropical Fountain and Robinson's Island

    (750 coinsQuests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (3), 2-4 Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (4) energy, 1 exp. Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (5) every 14 hours.)

  • Note:The Pottery Shop needs Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (6) 20goods to get started and gives 950 coinsQuests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (7)& 4

    Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (8) every 4 hours.

    Robinson I:

    • Click on the Island

    Robinson II:Quest Timer: 36h

  • 12 Coffee beans (drop from the Coffee House).
  • 36 Cupcakes (drop from the Bakery).
  • 30 Newspapers (drop from the Subway Station).

Robinson III:Quest Timer: 24h

  • 40 Bandages (drop from the German house).
  • 8 First aid Kits (drop from the Drugstore).
  • 50 Bottles of Vitamins (Drop from the Farm when you harvest Strawberry).

Robinson IV:Quest Timer: 24h

  • 20 Pairs of Shoes (drop from the Shoe Shop).
  • 25 Shaving Razors (drop from the Ranch, Family House).
  • 10 Ties (drop from the Textile Factory when you collectSilk).

Robinson V:Quest Timer: 48 h

  • 8 Pizza Slices (drop from the Pizza House).
  • 12 Slides (drop from the Cinema).
  • 18 Trophies 🏆 (you can get them at the Stadium, Volleyball Court, or Tennis Court).

Robinson VI:Quest Timer: 36 h

  • 5 Books (drop from the School).
  • 35 Packs of Seeds (drop from the Flower Kiosk).
  • 8 Shooting Marks (ask friends).

Robinson VII:Quest Timer: 24h

  • 35 Carrots (drop from the Summer House).
  • 18 Milk (produced at the Dairy Farm).
  • 60 Corn (produced at the Farm).

Robinson VIII:Quest Timer: 36h

  • 30 Love letters (drop from the Stationary Shop).
  • 40 Diamonds (drop from the Mansion).
  • 20 Hearts ❤️(you can get them from the “Love” Reality Show, Wedding Palace, and Filming Location).

Robinson IX:Quest Timer: 48 h

  • 15 Planks (produced at the Cargo Port).
  • 40 Nails (drop randomly from the buildings in your friends' cities).
  • 12 Glass (ask friends).

Robinson X:Quest Timer: 36h

  • 25 Baths (produced at the Construction Factory).
  • 10 Hand Mirrors (drop from the Cosmetics Boutique).
  • 9 Beach chairs (ask friends).

Robinson XI:Quest Timer: 48 h

  • 7 Mechanics (trained at College).
  • 35 Engines (drop from the Petrol Station).
  • 15 Plans (ask friends).

Robinson XII:Quest Timer: 48 h

  • 40 lots of Linen (produced at the Textile Factory).
  • 5 Strong ropes (drop from the Kindergarten).
  • 15 Life buoys (ask friends).

Beach Resort

  • Collect profitfrom the Administration 5 times.
  • 30 Muffins (drop from the Bakery).
  • 15 Petrol cans (drop from the Petrol station).
  • 8 Chainsaws (drop from the Ranch).
  • 25Rakes (drop from the Cottage).
  • 30 Shovels (drop from the buildings in your friends' cities).
  • 6 Concrete slabs(produced at the Cargo Port).
  • 35 Concrete compounds (produced at the Construction Factory).
  • 5 Builders (trained at College).
  • 12Bricks (produced at the Cargo Port).
  • 30Nails (drop from the buildings in your friends' cities).
  • 12 Glass (ask friends).
  • 30 lots of Parquet (produced at the Construction Factory).
  • 30 cans of Paint (drop from the Hotel, Ranch, Family House, Comfortable House, Townhouse).
  • 20 Paint rollers (drop from the Petrol Station).
  • 21 Silk (produced at the Textile Factory).
  • 5 Designers (trained at College).
  • 8Set of shells (drop from the Sushi Bar).
  • 15Trophies (you can get them at the Stadium, Volleyball Court, or Tennis Court).
  • 12Oars (drop from the Shopping Center).
  • 15 Life jackets (ask friends).
  • 6Swimming goggles 6 (drop from the Luxury apartment).
  • 14Sun creams (drop from the Cosmetics boutique).
  • 12 Beach chairs (ask friends).
  • 18Stars (you can get them by throwing parties in a Club or holding concerts at the Concert Hall).
  • 16Microphones (drop from the Pub).
  • 8Slides (drop from the Cinema).
  • 40Brochure (drop from the Textile Factory when you collect Denim).
  • 35Hawaiian leis (drop from the Flower Kiosks).
  • 35Balloons (drop from the buildings in your friends' cities).



In order to unlock the new quests and objects, you have to fulfill the Oasis super event and be level 20 at least.

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (9)

Click on the Trader’s Tent and a chain quest will pop up, that you will have to add to your to-do list if you want (and are prepared!) to proceed with the Sands adventures.

Note: as soon as you receive the Mysterious Tent chain quest, you will also receive the promotion for the Egyptian lighthouse (a cover for the lighthouse in the City center) and 25 superbucks.

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (10)

Mysterious Tent I (24h)

Collect 40 Feather dusters (Shoe Shop, Upgraded Shoe Shop)

Collect 10 Fire extinguishers (Water Tower, Upgraded Water Tower)

Collect 15 Shovels (from friends’ cities - buildings with a clock or coin)

Mysterious Tent II (24h)

Collect 40 Towels (Recreational Cottage, Upgraded Recreational Cottage)

Collect 20 Petrol cans (Petrol Station, Upgraded Petrol station)

Collect 10 Thermoses (Shopping Center)

Mysterious Tent III (24h)

Collect 10 Orchids (Upgraded Flower Kiosk)

Collect 5 Memory drinks (Drugstore)

Collect 25 Daisies (from friends’ cities - buildings with a clock or coin)

Mysterious Tent IV (24h)

Collect 38 Barrows of soil (Farm, Upgraded Farm - when collecting Squash)

Collect 5 Builders (College)

Ask friends for 12 Sunglasses

Mysterious Tent V (24h)

Produce 14 lots of Silk (Textile factory, Upgraded Textile factory)

Collect 10 Decorative Fans (Ice cream parlor)

Collect 12 Antique Vases (Jewelry shop)

Mysterious Tent VI (24h)

Collect 20 Wooden beams (Cargo Port)

Collect 3 Strong Ropes (Kindergarten)

Collect 10 Tire jacks (Auto repair shop)

Mysterious Tent VII (24h)

Collect 30 Binoculars (Hostel, Upgraded Hostel)

Collect 15 Ink. You can get 3 items each time (School, Valley School)

Ask friends for 14 Paintbrushes

Mysterious Tent VIII (36h)

Collect 26 Paint rollers (Petrol station, Upgraded Petrol station)

Collect 2 Respirators (Hospital)

Collect 10 Face paints (Cosmetics boutique)

Mysterious Tent IX (24h)

Collect 4 Office chairs (Sky Tree)

Collect 4 Dressing tables (Furniture factory)

Collect 9 Oars (Shopping Center)

Mysterious Tent X (24h)

Collect 16 Cushions (Wooden House)

Collect 10 Dragon Fruits (Fruit market)

Collect 12 Toy koalas (Summer mansion)

At the end of the chain quest you will receive the first Work tool:

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (11)

These can be used to clear objects on the new land expansions.

Also more of them can be produced in the cargo port.

Also, the Trader’s tent will become available and you will be able to fulfill orders there. For every 4 regular orders you fulfill, you will be able to get a bonus order for a Traveler’s map!

Note: Please be careful the Traveler's maps can also be used to remove obstacles on the


Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (12)

After you fulfill the first chain quest, you will also be able to start on a second one for the Eastern station:

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (13)

A modern take on adventure I (24h)

Collect 7 Horticulturalist books. You can get from 1 to 3 items each time (Bookshop)

Collect 20 Watering cans (Ranch, Upgraded Ranch)

Collect 10 Flip-flops (Beach shop)

A modern take on adventure II (24h)

Collect 44 Freeze gel tubes (Convenience store, Upgraded convenience store)

Collect 23 Potions (Pub, Upgraded Pub)

Collect 6 Eucalyptus leaves (Sushi bar)

A modern take on adventure III (24h)

Collect 42 Pencils (Stationery Shop, Upgraded Stationery Shop)

Collect 9 Protractors (Auto repair shop)

Collect 11 Scribe compasses (Country cottage, Wooden House)

A modern take on adventure IV (24h)

Collect 4 Concrete slabs (Cargo Port)

Collect 10 Red paintbrushes (Luxury Apartment)

Ask friends for 11 Winches

A modern take on adventure V (24h)

Collect 40 Night visions (Subway station, Upgraded Subway station, Central Station)

Collect 8 Sensors (Water Tower, Upgraded Water Tower)

Collect 11 Magnifying glasses (Dental surgery)

A modern take on adventure VI (24h)

Collect 19 Bottles of “Chrystal” water (Gym)

Train 5 Builders (College)

Collect 17 Thermometers (Shopping Center)

A modern take on adventure VII (24h)

Collect 11 Magic lanterns (Cinema)

Collect 5 Books (School, Valley School)

Ask friends for 17 Microscopes

A modern take on adventure VIII (24h)

Collect 9 Dragon Fruits (Fruit market)

Collect 8 Baguettes (Upgraded Bakery)

Collect 14 Cups of Hot Chocolate (Samantha’s Cafe)

A modern take on adventure IX (24h)

Collect 12 Scissors (Upgraded Flower Kiosk)

Collect 6 Fire extinguishers (Water Tower, Upgraded Water Tower)

Collect 18 Hand mirrors (Cosmetics boutique)

A modern take on adventure X (24h)

Collect 11 Rolls of foil (Christmas kiosk)

Produce 9 lots of Felt (Upgraded Textile Factory)

Ask friends for 14 Disco balls

A modern take on adventure XI (24h)

Collect 9 Masks (Curiosity shack)

Collect 9 Magic 8 Balls (Pool parlour, Upgraded Pool parlour)

Collect 12 Incense (Sushi bar)

A modern take on adventure XII (24h)

Collect 12 Guitar amplifiers. You can get from 1 to 2 items each time (Tom and Bob’s house, American house)

Collect 10 Jackets (Tailor’s workshop)

Collect 15 Figs (Bay)

You can also watch a video tutorial about the new Sands update here:

August 2019 Update: The Sands adventures continue!

Once this update is published, you will find the Jeweler’s Stall is placed close to the Trader’s Tent.

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (14)

However, in order to start on the Jeweler’s Stall you will have to upgrade the Trader’s Tent to level 2.

After you upgrade the Trader’s tent to level 2, click on the Jeweler’s Stall and the Total Recall chain quest will pop up.

If you had on your account already the promotion for the Egyptian lighthouse cover, regardless if you successfully completed it or failed, the “Remember everything” promotion will pop up.

You have 21 days to complete this challenge and the rewards are a cover for the Bridge, 25 superbucks and 3 packs of 45 energy.

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (15)

In order to renovate the Jeweler’s stall, it is necessary to complete the Total recall chain quest:

Total Recall I (24h)

Collect 22 Shovels (from friends’ cities - buildings with a clock or coin)

Collect 7 Flasks (Beach house, Summer Mansion)

Collect 32 Backpacks (Summer House, Upgraded Summer House)

Total Recall II (24h)

Collect 8 Scotch Tapes (Auto Repair Shop)

Collect 40 Stepladders (Convenience Store, Upgraded Convenience store)

Collect 36 Night visions (Subway Station, Upgraded Subway station, Central Station, Eastern Station)

Total Recall III (24h)

Collect 9 Tool kits (Shopping Center)

Ask friends for 15 Repair Kits

Collect 19 Saws (Colonial House, Upgraded Colonial House)

Total Recall IV (24h)

Collect 42 Pencils (Stationery shop, Upgraded Stationery shop)

Collect 2 Files with documents (City Hall)

Train 6 Architects (University)

Total Recall V (24h)

Collect 16 Sweets (Candy Factory - all except donuts)

Ask friends for 14 Sunglasses

Collect 12 Strawberry co*cktails (Pub, Upgraded Pub)

Total Recall VI (24h)

Collect 9 Light bulbs (Electronics Plant, Upgraded Electronics Plant - Mouse)

Ask friends for 14 Neon lamps

Produce 14 lots of Cables (Construction factory, Upgraded Construction Factory)

Total Recall VII (24h)

Collect 17 Nails (from friends’ cities, buildings with a clock or coin)

Collect 15 Planks (Cargo Port)

Train 6 Builders (College)

Total Recall VIII (24h)

Collect 8 Leather Sofas (Furniture Factory)

Collect 32 Hanging Baskets (Recreational Cottage)

Collect 16 Chairs (Family Restaurant)

Total Recall IX (24h)

Collect 2 Office chairs (Sky Tree)

Collect 45 Tubes of glue (Shoe Shop, Upgraded Shoe Shop)

Collect 9 Scribe compasses (Country cottage, Wooden house)

Total Recall X (24h)

Collect 7 Magic lanterns (Cinema)

Ask friends for 13 Amulets

Collect 12 Lucky coins. You can get from 1 to 2 items each time (Guardian of the Valley)

After you renovate the Jeweler’s Stall you can produce there cut gems:

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (16)

Desert Paradise

Desert Paradise I (24h)

Collect 49 Green Paints (Flower Kiosk, Upgraded Flower Kiosk)

Ask friends for 14 Paintbrushes

Collect 16 Paint rollers (Petrol Station, Upgraded Petrol Station)

Desert Paradise II (24h)

Collect 1 Air conditioner (Beach resort)

Collect 32 Mini fridges (Convenience store, Upgraded Convenience store)

Collect 14 Cushions (Wooden House)

Desert Paradise III (24h)

Grow 48 crops of Strawberry (Farm, Upgraded Farm)

Collect 9 Pineapples (Villa, Villa with a pool)

Grow 12 crops of Apples (Fruit Farm)

Desert Paradise IV (24h)

Collect 16 Units of water (Water Tower)

Collect 8 Sacks of Grain (House with a watermill)

Collect 3 Strong ropes (Kindergarten)

Desert Paradise V (24h)

Collect 28 Love letters (Colonial House, Upgraded Colonial House)

Ask friends for 12 Pony’s combs

Hand out 34 Brochures (German House, Family House, Colonial House, Upgraded Colonial House, Upgraded German House)

Desert Paradise VI (24h)

Collect 12 Red paintbrushes (Luxury Apartment)

Collect 6 Bricks (Cargo Port)

Produce 12 lots of Roofing (Construction factory, Upgraded Construction Factory)

Desert Paradise VII (24h)

Collect 43 Leaflets (Textile Factory, Upgraded Textile Factory - Denim)

Collect 6 Speakers (Cinema)

Collect 28 Microphones (Pub, Upgraded Pub)

Desert Paradise VIII (24h)

Collect 8 Slices of bacon (Family restaurant)

Collect 34 Spring rolls (Bistro, Upgraded Bistro)

Collect 25 Take-out boxes (Wok cafe, Upgraded Wok cafe)

After completing this quest you will unlock the Trading Oasis:

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (17)

The Caravan is made up from 3 camels and also has a timer.

Please take a moment to read the rules in the hint:

One of the tasks in the “Remember everything” promotion is to remove 7 Palm trees. You can remove Palm trees using Work Tools and Pathfinder tools:

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (18)

Here is also the second video tutorial about this:

Update 28 August 2019: The 3rd stage of our Sands adventures!

The 3rd stage of our Sands adventures is comprised, in a similar manner to the previous 2 stages, from a promotion and 2 chain quests.

The promotion is called the “Glassblower shop”, you have 28 days to complete this challenge Rewards:

Egyptian Port, which is a Cover Skin for the Cargo port in the City center, 4 packs of 45 energy and 30 superbucks.

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (19)

The first requirement for it is upgrading the Trader’s Tent to level 3.

After you upgrade the tent, the “Search for Helpers” chain quest ( 7 stages, all yellow-timed) will pop up, this is a chain quest for the Apprentice Workbench, a new small map object that you can find next to the Glassblower’s stall:

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (20)

Search for Helpers I (24h)

Collect 5 Cushions (Wooden House)

Collect 2 Sleep Masks (Bus Station)

Collect 14 Strawberry co*cktails (Pub, Upgraded Pub)

Search for Helpers II (24h)

Collect 37 Towels (Recreational Cottage, Upgraded Recreational cottage)

Collect 42 Throw Blankets (Colonial House, Upgraded Colonial House)

Collect 16 Cups of tea (Coffee House, Upgraded Coffee House)

Search for Helpers III (24h)

Collect 3 Strong ropes (Kindergarten)

Collect 18 Shovels (from friends’ cities - buildings with a clock or coin)

Collect 29 Aqualungs (Shoe Shop, Upgraded Shoe Shop)

Search for Helpers IV (24h)

Collect 8 Coffee Tables (Furniture Factory)

Collect 9 Tool kits (Shopping Center)

Collect 7 Chairs (Family restaurant)

Search for Helpers V (24h)

Collect 15 Chainsaws (Ranch, Upgraded Ranch)

Collect 7 Scooters (Pizza House)

Ask friends for 12 Propellers

Search for Helpers VI (24h)

Collect 47 Welcome mats (Shoe Shop, Upgraded Shoe Shop)

Produce 16 lots of Silk (Textile Factory, Upgraded Textile Factory)

Collect 9 Reinforcements (Cargo Port)

Search for Helpers VII (24h)

Collect 43 Pens (Stationery Shop, Upgraded Stationery Shop)

Collect 2 Folding notepads (Press center)

Ask friends for 15 Ancient books

After completing the chain quest for The Apprentice’s workshop you will be able to produce there jewelry casings and gold ingots.

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (21)

The set of parts for them can be obtained by completing regular tasks in the Trader’s Tent. ( all items from the traders tent are random)

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (22)

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (23)

You can also upgrade the Apprentice’s workbench and add more places:

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (24)

The other new map object that you have available now is the Glassblower’s stall.

To unlock the chain quest for the Glassblower’s stall it is necessary to upgrade the Jeweler's stall to level 2:

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (25)

After you upgrade the Jeweler's stall to level 2 a chain quest called “Glassblower’s Shop” pops up (10 stages, all yellow-timed):

Glassblower’s Shop I (24h)

Collect 9 Sensors (Water Tower, Upgraded Water Tower)

Train 4 Mechanics (College)

Collect 21 Screw wrenches (from friends’ cities, buildings with a clock or coin)

Glassblower’s Shop II (24h)

Collect 32 Drums (Mansion, Ranch, Family House, Colonial House, Lilac House, Upgraded Colonial House, Upgraded Ranch)

Collect 17 Cups of tea (Coffee House, Upgraded Coffee House)

Produce 7 lots of Cherry pies (Candy Factory)

Glassblower’s Shop III (24h)

Collect 9 Tool Kits (Shopping Center)

Collect 30 Trowels (Subway Station, Upgraded Subway Station)

Collect 11 Bricks (Cargo Port)

Glassblower’s Shop IV (24h)

Collect 8 Scribe compasses (Country Cottage, Wooden house)

Collect 33 Peaco*ck feathers (Stationery shop, Upgraded Stationery shop)

Collect 11 Inks. You can get 3 items each time (School, Valley School)

Glassblower’s Shop V (24h)

Collect 4 Olive Oil (Greek House)

Collect 65 Bandages (German House, Upgraded German House)

Ask friends for 14 Beach chairs

Glassblower’s Shop VI (24h)

Collect 13 “Fragile!” stickers (Stationery Shop, Upgraded Stationery shop)

Collect 50 Diamonds (Mansion)

Collect 14 Stars (Club, Concert Hall)

Glassblower’s Shop VII (24h)

Collect 5 Crystal Ball (House with a pond)

Collect 8 Platters (Family restaurant)

Collect 4 Pendants (Jewelry shop)

Glassblower’s Shop VIII (24h)

Collect 18 Petrol cans (Petrol Station, Upgraded Petrol Station)

Collect 6 Nail Polishes (Cosmetics Boutique)

Collect 35 Newspapers (Subway station, Upgraded Subway Station)

Glassblower’s Shop IX (24h)

Collect 5 Books (School, Valley School)

Collect 54 Glasses (Summer House, Upgraded Summer House)

Ask friends for 14 Microscopes

Glassblower’s Shop X (24h)

Collect 7 Light bulbs (Electronics Plant, Upgraded Electronics Plant - Mouse)

Collect 13 Glass slippers (Cinema)

Collect 19 Aprons (Coffee House, Upgraded Coffee House)

After you complete the chain quest you will be able to produce Crystal dishes in the Glassblower’s shop:

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (26)

The Gold ingot can be produce in the Apprentice’s Workbench. The Mountain Crystal can be obtained by completing regular tasks in the Trader’s Tent:

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (27)

One last mention: in the promotion you will see that you have remove 7 Stones to complete the Egyptian Port cover. These can be found by buying land and they require 1 work tool, 1 traveler map and 2 pathfinder tools for removal:

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (28)

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (29)

Sands: The Grand Finale!

Help the Genie explore his new talents: now he’s trying his hand at being a tailor and cabinetmaker! He is also actively engaged in his students’ progress! The Mummy proposes to build a storehouse for the many hand-made products Genie made, and as a result the Oriental Museum appears in the Sands area.

Similar to the previous updates, the new updates comes with new map objects that you can gain access to by completing some chain quests + a promotion for a unique building.The new promotion for the unique building is called Craft workshops.
You have 14 days to complete this challenge
Rewards: The Tearoom (2,000 coins every 16 hours, size 7*7, can’t be sold) + 4 packs of 45 energy and 30 superbucks.

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (30)

Requirements: completed or failed Glassblower shop promotion;

Once this update is published, you will notice 2 new buildings placed on the map, the Tailor’s Tent and the Carpenter’s Tent.

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (31)

In order to unlock the chain quest for the Tailor’s Tent you will need to have the following upgrades in the Sands area: Trader Tent level 4 - Apprentice’s Workbench No 1 level 2 - Jeweler’s Stall level 3 - Glassblower’s stall level 2.

After these requirements are met, you will get the chain quest for the Tailor’s Tent.

Thimble, Scissors, Needle (each step for 24 hours)

1 step

Collect 12 Valves (Premium Cottage)

Collect 4 Fishing line reels (Shopping Center)

Collect 7 Screw wrenches (friends cities)

2 step

Collect 4 Toy koalas (Summer mansion)

Collect 43 Charms (German house and upgraded one)

Collect 7 Combs (Fashion boutique and upgraded one)

3 step

Collect 7 Cuff-links (Jewelry shop)

Collect 36 Bows (Flower kiosk and upgraded one)

Collect 26 Diamonds (Mansion)

Step 4

Ask friends for 9 Ancient books

Collect 7 Scribe compasses (Country cottage, Wooden house)

Collect 38 Spools of thread (Textile factory)

Step 5

Collect 4 Chaise lounges (Furniture factory)

Collect 6 Chairs (Family restaurant)

Collect 2 Air conditioners (Beach resort)

Step 6

Collect 6 Scotch tapes (Auto repair shop)

Collect 49 Tubes of glue (Shoe shop and upgraded one)

Collect 6 Scissors (Upgraded Flower Kiosk)

Step 7

Ask friends for 5 Amulets

Collect 5 Books (School, Valley school)

Collect 4 Magic balls (Pool parlor and upgraded one)

Step 8

Collect 3 Warm scarves (Luxury apartment)

Produce 9 lots of Printed cotton (Textile factory)

Collect 2 Luxurious fabric (Apprentice’s workbench level 2)

Step 9

Collect 6 Dresses (Tailor’s workshop)

Collect 7 Black hats (Hat boutique)

Collect 48 Buttons (Colonial House, Upgraded Colonial House)

Step 10

Produce 6 lots of Velvet (Textile factory)

Collect 4 Jackets (Tailor’s workshop)

Collect 6 Glass slippers (Cinema)

After that, you’ll receive the next chain for Carpenter’s Tent, called “Piles of Sawdust”.

Step 1
Collect 5 Chisels (Auto repair shop)
Collect 22 Planks (Cargo Port)
Collect 6 Tool kits (Shopping Center)

Step 2
Collect 7 Coffee beans (Coffee house and upgraded one)
Collect 56 Mint leaves (Convenience store and upgraded one)
Collect 3 Bottles of syrup (Candy factory - all )

Step 3
Collect 6 Light Bulbs (Electronic plant and upgraded one - Mouse)
Ask friends for 6 Neon lamps
Collect 12 Colored lamps (Summer mansion)

Step 4
Collect 33 Spices (1-3 each time, Wok cafe and upgraded one)
Collect 5 Winter berries (Drugstore)
Collect 4 Amanitas (2 each time, Forest spirit)

Step 5
Produce 61 lots of Concrete compounds (Construction Factory)
Collect 47 Green paints (Flower kiosk and upgraded one)
Collect 5 Chair (Family restaurant)

Step 6
Collect 29 Pencils (Stationery shop and upgraded one)
Collect 11 Scribe compasses (Country cottage, Wooden house)
Collect 64 Saws (Colonial house and Upgraded one)

Step 7
Ask friends for 8 Packs of chamomile tea
Collect 28 Cinnamon sticks (Bakery and upgraded one)
Produce 5 lots of Toffee apples (Candy factory)

Step 8
Collect 23 Planks (Cargo Port)
Collect 3 Strong ropes (Kindergarten)
Collect 7 Tire jacks (Auto repair shop)

Step 9
Collect 8 Olive oil (Greek house)
Ask friends for 5 Almonds butter
Collect 9 Bars of soap (Cosmetics boutique)

Step 10
Collect 3 Cut gems (Trader’s Tent)
Collect 4 Rolls of foil (Christmas kiosk)
Collect 5 Mother of pearls shells (Jewelry shop)

Note! Once you upgrade the Trader tent to level 4, you will also be able to access a side quest for the Museum of the East (230 coins every 6 hours, drops all the items that the museum in the City center drops, size 5*5, can’t be sold).

You will find the Eastern Museum east of the new buildings.

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (32)

Museum of the East:

A modern treasury I (24h)

Collect 22 Cups of tea (Coffee House, Upgraded Coffee House)
Collect 3 Strong ropes (Kindergarten)
Collect 59 Mint leaves (Convenience Store, Upgraded Convenience Store)

A modern treasury II (24h)

Collect 4 Protractors (Auto Repair Shop)
Collect 2 Files with documents (City Hall)
Collect 35 Pencils (Stationery Shop, Upgraded Stationery Shop)

A modern treasury III (24h)

Collect 3 Sets of shells (Sushi bar)
Collect 37 Diamonds (Mansion)
Produce 12 lots of Velvet (Textile Factory, Upgraded Textile Factory)

A modern treasury IV (24h)

Collect 4 Tool kits (Shopping Center)
Produce 28 lots of Concrete Compounds (Construction factory, Upgraded Construction Factory)
Collect 7 Shovels (drop randomly from friends’ cities - buildings with a clock or coin)

A modern treasury V (24h)

Produce 19 lots of Windows (Construction factory, Upgraded Construction Factory)
Collect 23 Trowels (Subway Station, Upgraded Subway Station)
Collect 19 Paint rollers (Petrol Station, Upgraded Petrol Station)

A modern treasury VI (24h)

Collect 3 Jewelry sets (Jeweler’s stall)
Collect 4 Crystal Balls (House with a pond)
Collect 3 Combs (Fashion Boutique. Upgraded Fashion Boutique)

A modern treasury VII (24h)

Train 3 Mechanics (College)
Ask friends for 9 Repair kits
Collect 16 Sensors (Water Tower, Upgraded Water Tower)

A modern treasury VIII (24h)

Collect 4 Paper lanterns. You can get 3 items each time (School, Valley School)
Collect 7 Colored bulbs (Summer mansion)
Collect 49 Green paints (Flower Kiosk, Upgraded Flower Kiosk)

The new promotion is the grand finale of our Sands adventures!

Sands: The Grand Finale!

The Genie finds his way to the Lost City, shakes off the sands of time from it and awakens his brothers to life!

Requirements: completed or failed the Craft Workshops promotion.

Rewards: The Emir’s Palace (4,200 coins, 3-5 energy, 1 needed item every 20 hours, size 8*11, 30 superbucks, 4 packs of 45 energy)

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (33)

In order to unlock the recipes for the items mentioned in the promotion it will be necessary to make the following upgrades: Trader Tent to level 5 - Upgrade Apprentice’s Workbench No 2 to level 2 - Build Apprentice’s Workbench No 3 & upgrade it to level 2 - Upgrade Jeweller’s stall to level 4 - Upgrade Glassblower’s stall to level 3 - Upgrade Tailor’s Tent to level 2 - Upgrade Carpenter’s Tent to level 2.

Build the Lost City - the chain quest for it is unlocked by upgrading the Carpenter’s tent to level 2.

City of Sands I (24h)

Collect 36 Take-out boxes (Wok Cafe, Upgraded Wok Cafe)
Collect 39 Spring Rolls (Bistro, Upgraded Bistro)
Collect 28 Bags of Chips (Farm, Upgraded Farm - Potato)

City of Sands II (24h)

Collect 4 Embroidered Dressing Gowns (Tailor’s Tent)
Collect 5 Crystal dishes (Glassblower’s stall)
Collect 3 Bejeweled trunks (Carpenter’s Tent)

City of Sands III (24h)

Collect 25 Engines (Petrol Station, Upgraded Petrol Station)
Collect 9 Wheels (Auto Repair Shop)
Collect 35 Cabins (Subway Station, Upgraded Subway Station)

City of Sands IV (24h)

Collect 7 Cut gems (Jeweller’s stall)
Collect 6 Jewelry casings (Apprentice’s workbench)
Collect 3 Scarabs (Ancient Tomb)

City of Sands V (24h)

Train 4 Engineers (University)
Ask friends for 15 Winches
Collect 26 Ropes (Textile Factory - all, Upgraded Textile Factory - Wool, Felt, Cashmere)
City of Sands VI (24h)

Collect 10 Work Tools (Cargo Port)
Collect 9 Tool Kits (Shopping Center)
Collect 7 Sets of parts (Trader’s Tent)

City of Sands VII (24h)

Collect 4 Strong ropes (Kindergarten)
Produce 19 lots of Silk (Textile Factory, Upgraded Textile Factory)
Collect 37 Wooden Beams (Cargo Port)

City of Sands VIII (24h)

Collect 23 Shovels (from friends’ cities - buildings with a clock or coin)
Collect 31 Feather dusters (Shoe Shop, Upgraded Shoe Shop)
Collect 13 Sun Creams (Cosmetics Boutique)

City of Sands IX (24h)

Collect 10 Pumps (Water Tower, Upgraded Water Tower)
Ask friends for 12 Plastic pipes
Collect 27 Valves (Premium Cottage)

City of Sands X (24h)

Produce 32 lots of Tiles (Construction Factory, Upgraded Construction Factory)
Collect 5 Gold ingots (Apprentice’s Workbench)
Collect 6 Ebony blocks (by completing orders in the Trader’s tent)

City of Sands XI (24h)

Collect 5 Lucky coins. You can get from 1 to 2 items each time (Guardian of the Valley)
Collect 4 Books (School, Valley School)
Collect 4 Magic 8 Balls (Pool Parlour, Upgraded Pool Parlour)

City of Sands XII (24h)

Collect 18 Colored Bulbs (Summer Mansion)
Collect 31 Jasmines (Flower Kiosk, Upgraded Flower Kiosk)
Collect 15 Air Balloons (from friends’ cities - buildings with a clock or coin)

City of Sands XIII (24h)

Collect 5 Cushions (Wooden house)
Collect 3 Chaise lounges (Furniture factory)
Produce 14 lots of Velvet (Textile Factory, Upgraded Textile Factory)

City of Sands XIV (24h)

Collect 27 Invitations (Stationery Shop, Upgraded Stationery Shop)
Train 2 Architects (University)
Collect 21 Microphones (Pub, Upgraded Pub)

City of Sands XV (24h)

Produce 10 lots of Toffee Apples (Candy Factory)
Collect 12 Ring cakes (Bakery, Upgraded Bakery)
Collect 18 Dragon Fruits (Fruit market)

You can see the video tutorial here:

Quests and unique buildings of the Sands — SuperCity Help Center (2024)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.