The Post-Star from Glens Falls, New York (2024)

Telephone Want Ada 1 Mc; jE POST-STAR. MONDAY. AUGUST 27. 1928 PAGE TEN CROSS-WORD PUZZLE AX COLLECTIONS Country Produce Bond Market NEW YORK, Aug. 25 () State NEW TORK, Aug.

Trad drop 75 mm Department of Agriculture and MarketsWeekly trend of Mew York ing In the bond market ahowea slightly increased activity during the West Fort Ann Founded About 1792, History Penned For Old Home Day Shows Settlement Was at One Time Known as Van Worniertown and Johnny Cake Corners- Church Built in 1 83.4 by Fair Groups' wholesale markets: Supplies of apples from the Hudson Valley and western NW YOtti. Bdwally, in past week and prices were nrmer, the improvement reflecting the bullish upturn in the stock market Maintenance of high money rates, however, tended to prevent any widespread increase in activity or price changes, even after an unex Michigan Leads Country iniAE creased. The market ruled steady on fancy large well colored fruit but dull Auto Levies by Paying gf5 $37,372,668 and irregular orf ordinary and small stock. Latest prices: Hudson Valley, per bushel, U. S.

No. 1, 2 1-4 to 3 1-2 inches, duch*ess 1.00-1.50; unclassified 2 1-4 to "2 1-2 inch var Written for Old Horns Day) By Mrs. Lilly Tupper Lynes and TOBACCO REVENUES UP 5E Mrs. Carrie Campbell Palmer. tions carved on them, were retained.

These were taken out about "twenty-five years ago and netf ones installed. Now In the year 1928 these three districts -have consolidated and in September will start school ot the hill. NEW YORK, Aug. 26 at the very height of the vacation and traditionally dull "between seasons" period, continued to show substantial improvement last week, and while indications of boom times were lacking, the outlook remained bright and generally satisfactory. The automotive Industry, unusual I hi 5 1 i 3 TF T127 it L-sru is- 3T-rF-n JB Pi? ii5r mm 5T55 5T I-TI58 59 55 Surrounded by Sugar Loaf, Buck, WASHINGTON, Aug.

-26. (flV-Tax Pilot Knob, Nebo, Hope and Peaked collections by the government were lees by $75,147,592 in the fiscal year! ending June 30, 1928, than in the year1 y-p Years airo there was a larce hotel Mountains, and Ore Bed, Sly, Had-lock, Copeland, Trout, Forge, Lake, Bacon, Bound, Crosset, Thurber, Little and three ponds scattered about standing on the corner across from ly active all summer, continued to preceding, on the basis of the anm SY0C preliminary statement of the internal revenue bureau. Van pected decrease In brokers' loans Indicated an easing of the credit situation, -j. The convertible Issues, which moved to higher Jevels In sympathy with rising prices of the stocks, led the advance. Gains were noticeable especially in copper, steel, public utility and railroad obligations.

St. Paul Gs of 2,000, Public Service of New Jersey 4 1-2 and Dodge Brothers 6s led the market in volume of trading, all seeking price levelssubstan-tlally higher. Elsewhere, however, price changes were small, although occasional trade or earnings reports of a favorable character were the inspiration for abrupt gains. The foreign list reflected general market tendencies. United States government bonds showed no great improvement, price movements in this group during the the Fawn Brown house.

It was a pick up, with a stimulating effect 01; these mountains, with wonderful large commodious building and was The report, made public to day bLt known for years as the; Pea Green Hotel. shows that in 1928 total tax coIlec-9. and streams, running peacefully. along tnelr many ways. West Fort Ann became a place of Interest about tht year 1S00.

upon all related Industries. While July automobile output was 45 per cent above the month for last year, It was somewhat. under Julyof the record year, The prospect of a tlons amounted to tran ious otheo varieties 3 1-4 inch and upward ranged, from 1.00-1-75, ac- cording to grade and size. Barreled duch*ess, U. S.

No. 1, 2 1-4 to 2 8-4 inch, 2.60-4.50; unclassified 1.50-3.00. Clapp's favorite pears were in heavies receipt and values tended lower. Latest prices: Hudson Valley, Clapp's favorite, per bushel, fancy pack, large well colored stock, 2.00-2.25; fair quality, medium 1.50-1.76; ordinary and small 1.00-1.25; per barrel, fancy pack 5.00-6.00; No. 2's 3.00-4.0U.

Belle, bushel, 1.00-1.25;, Bart-lett 1.50-2.25. Increased receipts of string beans from upstate caused a slight price decline. Latest prices: State, all sections, bushel, green, various varieties, flats 1.00-3.00; round 1.60-3.00; champion 1.50-2.50; red cranberry 1.50-2.50; wax 2.50-3.00; fava 2.00-2.50. 0. the--year 1800 'Benjamin Cope- whllp th voar Kefnro tlio tntnl Com land came here from a' town near end in the year 1792 Ephralm Gris- ed $2,865,683,129.

Of the amount record August, however, Is good ac Boston and settled near the- pond wold came from duch*ess County to $2,174,573,103 in 1928 were incop cording to present estimates. Detroit Fort Ann and looking for a. place to which still bears his nutne. He built a saw mill and engaged largely In In 1927 the income tas iproi amounted to $2,219,952,447. Glei employment figures, regarded as put up a mill followed the brook from fines Falls a place south of here barometer of automotive activity, for the third consecutive week surpassed The principal increase in revenL 1 from the miscellaneous taxes I Bull on the Half Way Brook.

all records. week continuing somewhat irregular. He bought a 'large tract of- land that collected from tobacco manuc Aise lumbering and farming. Some of his descendants still live in this village. Martin Fisher, born at Griswold's Mills, came here when four, 'years old.

He lived here until about, thirty years ago, when he moved Fort Ann. He drew ore to Fort Edward TMl INTEBNAT10NAI SYNDICATE. and built a satf mill and called the Interest was shown in reports of new treasury financing, expected shortly after Labor Day. Some GriswSd's Wills. In a few The steel industry continued to gain strength, both in output and prices.

General activity was greater than, for the past two months. Mill more money received from the cigar-j ette tax. The ttal collected froni yas he built a forge for the manu VERTICAL (Cont.) HORIZONTAL (Cont.) f00, it is estimated, Is needed to meet facture nf chains, and anchors. 12-Challenged tobacco manufacturers was 041 of which cigarettes accounted foi 45-Vegetable There were ten children in thH retirement of the third liberty issue, Celery sold' better and In conse with a team from the ore beds at Podunk. Fisher now lives in operations in the Pittsburgh area, were at 85 per cent, which is substantially above last year.

The film family, six daughters and four sons. quence the market was slightly im $301,828,344, an increase of $32,81 which matures September 15, and as more than $400,000,000 In income tax HORIZONTAL 1-ln ucluded manner 9-Hnooverlng 0-Cnrtllitlon IS-OMl olty ljk hard crayon Hudson Falls and is in good health. At the close of the Revolutionary proved, but only on fancy well returns Is looked for about that date, War, Jacob Van Wormer, a soldier, 46-Clcaer 48- To twist to and fro 49- The gannet (Prov. Eng.) 50- Old Spanish ship 53-Scottlah name for 788 over that collected In 1927. i tax received from cigars decreet approximately $654,000.

Within the last five years George blacnhed stock. Latest prices: Orange county, bunch of one dozen stalks enme here from Kingsbury and built and Julius Pattison have died after the first saw mill on Podunk Brook. rough, half crate 1.50-2.21 There was a decrease of $14,809, 14- Holes In a roof 15- Spreadlng In Irregular manner 17-Thln 19-Kept aacred 21-Ono who entices 23-Palntlng or drawing 25- Klng whoae touch produced gold 26- To charge with debt 29-0 account of spending their entire life here, Julius it is believed that the balance will be obtained through treasury offering of approximately in 3 3-8 per cent bonds maturing within nine meaning salt He had four daughters and four two thirds crate Western being 88 when he died -two the pike New York, rough, two thirds crate, ago. months or so. 64-Endeavor 56-Supreme mental sons.

Jacob, married Olive uns wold and they settled here to enjoy the building up of Van Wormer- fancy, well blanched 3.00-3.50; fair William Campbell, son of Horace quality 2.50-2.76;, ordinary, green, Campbell, has always lived near the conceptions Oswego county, rough, two spot where he was born. In collections from tax on autoroi -roa biles and motorcycles which amount sedi ed to $51,628,265 In 1928, with Michil dow gan leading the states with $37,372 JJ 668. Indiana paid $3,673,00, Oh VCtHE $3,723,000, Wisconsin $3,009,476, ki wIJ; New York $1,185,000. y. Jjjjj Collections from tax on admissiorrf totr to theatres and other places 1 jpTT 53-Acted as a super In town.

Two of his sons, Fletcher and William, always resided here. Fletch thirds crate 2.00-3.00. Augustus Batchelder, son of John, a theater ers daughter Addle, now Mrs. James 30-Seepter 35-Conceptlona 3S-lncllnea still lives at the old homestead. 69-Colncldo Lettuce continued to vary greatly to-Stupid There were the four DeGolyer brothers, Sidney, John, Henry and In quality.

Fancy well headed stock free from defects was eagerly sought 38-Home of the Leaning Tower Edwin, and their sister Delia who Latest prices: Big Boston, crate of 24 heads from western New York 40-To trifle lived to be very old. Another old resident is Duane Shel toWngenuous IS-Born 20-Beautlful 22-Pertalnlng to tho winds 24- French feminine nama 25- lnsane 27- Sap of certain plants (pi.) 28- Common ancester 29- More elegant 81-To net 32- A goad 33- Prlvllego 34- Careen 87-Speedy 39-Latln abbreviation for "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jewa" 42-Lazy person amusem*nt decreased $215,684 jfl $17,724,952 while the tax on distilU ne spirits and cereal beverages decreat pin ed $5,947,098 to $1547,064. The ta collected from documentary starm Vjlrr! 1.00-2.60; Oswego county, don who still lives at his birth place. Orange county, crate western VERTICAL 1- Work with steadiness 2- Revolve 3- Elephant'a tusk 4- 0utlet 5- Narrow band (-Cancel 7- Supple 8 Still Iceberg 4.25-6.00 per crate. Ferris, Is now living in Hudson Falls Two brothers, Frank and Rodney, died some years ago, William's two children are still living, George on the same place where he was born, and Mrs.

Helen VanWormer Gris-wold, now living at Fort Ann. Change Name In 1845 In the year 1845 the name of Van-Wormertown was changed to Fcrt Ann. In the early days It was sometimes called Johnny Cake Corners because' the first mills ground nothing but corn and the people then The name Podunk came from tribe of Indians by that name who increased $11,215,412, while that 1 JT Jci playing cards Increased $268,24 The bringing the total of "stamp taxes iW Wa Peas were uniformly poor and the season undoubtedly Is fast drawing to a close. Latest prices: Madison MAN INVESTIGATES SMITH'S "ABILITIES" SPRINGLAKE, N. Aug.

26. UP) A man giving the name of Thomas Connahan, of Wayne Junction, Pa and who attempted to interview Gov. Smith see if he was a fit candidate for the presidency," was being held by police here today awaiting a Jury trial at Freehold, county seat Connahan, carrying a portable typewriter, fishing rod and suit case, was arrested shortly after midnight at the New Monmouth hotel, where the Democratic presidential nominee Is spending the week-end. When arraigned before the local recorder, who held him in $1,000 bail for investigation after he demanded a jury trial, Connahan said it was a "personal matter" he wanted to see the governor about. came here in search of peace and 41-Parts In a play 43-Formula for compounding 45-Thoae who lubricate 47- Blrd 48- Spllt 51- Extreme radicals 52- 8mall bottle 55-European country (abbr.) 57-Roman coin quiet and settled along the stream $48,829,298.

county, per bushel, Colorado, crate of 40 and 45 lbs. 4.50-5.25; Ida and near the pond which abounded in fish. Later this place afforded Of the Income- tax collectioniv 1928, $1,291,845,989 were from t-Crystalllne structure of lead sulphide poratlons, and $882,727,123 from ii ho, bushel, 3.25-3.50. Butter market conditions were un 11-Characterlatlc of old dividuals. The individual lnconi were fond of corn bread.

In the year 1850 a post office was estab changed, until Wednesday when age 44-Perch employment for many when th iron ore. mines were In operation, about the years 1825 to 1879. At Mount Hope Mine there was a large boarding house'where at one time at least one hundred men were boarded. At SUGGESTIONS FOR SOLVING CROSS-WORD PUZZLES tax for the year 1927 amounted $911,839,910. During the fiscal year refunds prices dropped half cent per pound, but on Thursday some snappy trad lished with Hiram Everest as post' The little village then boast ed of about twenty-five dwelling taxes Illegally collected in 1926, 19i ing developed and the market again recovered by half cent per pound.

ing tendency In prices is extending to semi-finished products and pig iron, wMich had been declining for some, time. -I H. S. Wilkinson, president of Crucible Steel Company of America, who sounded an ominous note in June when he declared that the steel industry as a whole was not earning per cent on its investment, declared last week that the outlook" had changed completely. James Campbell, president of Youngstown Sheet and Tube company, Baid that incoming business was fully 10 per cent better than had been expected, as representatives of concerns serving the automotive trade, Midland Steel Products company was extending its plant expansion program and arranging for night shifts.

The uneasiness over the tight credit conditions began to let up in some quarters," and several bankers expressed confidence that the fall demands for funds would be met without serious strain. An unexpected drop in brokers' loans caused a bull demonstration on the New York Stock Kxchange reminiscent of lust Slay. While scarce money Is believed to have, held up some new enterprises, building activity continued to advance. Credit rates, however, held firm all the week. The department of commerce sounded a reassuring note in giving out a report stating that business conditions during the last six months and the few years Just proceeding "exhibited" a general stability unparalleled -4n the history of the United States or any other important industrial country." Crop prospects remained pleasing-Dry, hot weather is reported to have done some damage to the corn crop, but the yield is still substantially above last year's.

Spring wheat harvest made good, progress in the northwest The vegetable crop is good and canneries are making an unusually heavy pack. The storm damage in the southeast was found not a serious as at' first reported. The petroleum Industry continued to- show firm prices and production fKJVE. con Start out by filling In the words of which you feel reasonably sure. These will give you a clue to other words crossing them, and they in turn to still others.

A letter belongs in each white space, words starting at the numbered squares and running either horizontally or vertically or both. the Podunk mine Mrs. Palmer, moth houses, a church, school house, wagon shop, blacksmith shop, and and 1928 and prior years amountti to $142,389,567 were made, while. terest allowed on refunds amours to $28,258,170. Prices were well sustained, particularly on top grades at the Intermediate grades also have had a er of Orville Palmer and1 Ella Palmer Tupper.

boarders and was known to use a barrel of flour every four days. A saw mill on this same On this same brook where Jacob VanWormer had built the first saw steady outlet at unchanged prices. st Market On Saturday, cream mill there grew up several industries. Podunk brook was. operated by 'Or nTp EREO ery sauted higher Bcore wholesaled ville Johnson, Mrs.

Palmer's father. at 48-48 1-2 per pound; Between the ffrst two bridges there was a forge where they made sleigh a grist mill by the second Two. Of her brothers, William and score 47 1-2; firsts, 88-91 score, 45- Jchn, operated the mill a long time, 47. bridge; a tannery a little farthei the latter- Installing a circular saw. BqPBSMlftRTElOHJoB kpEIsp PBMM6 ERlasjc gWlrrr ir1eeiv1eWo11d1orIIes READY-MADE HUMOR als Why bother to write Jokes wh cne can get dialogue like the follow ing, overheard att he Bureau of Ns AY urailzation? coa Where is Washington?" 1 i thr.

"He's dead." Ijli mean the Capital of the Unit, OA State. I down operated by Kellogg Kingsley The mill burned down and was re There was a fairly active demand (this building was still standing un for all styles of New York state built by William Ostrander who sold It to Orson Sheldon. Later he sold MISS HELEN WILLS TO VOTE FOR HOOVER NEW TORK, Aug. 26. Helen Wills, women's tennis champion, made her debut today in politics.

She announced that she would vote for Herbert Hoover, and she accepted from Mrs. Louis Slade, head of the women's commltte for Hoover, the chairmanship of the sports division. Miss Wills' vote goes to Hoover, she Bald, because "he has proved, at home and abroad, that he is a great man." til a few years ago); George Bailey, cheese, especially for the June make. SOLUTION of Saturday's Puzzle ONS I TIS a wheelwright, had a shop by the IcTolf Very few sales recorded higher than to Lemuel Winegar. Brown MalcAa Fni4iina quotations.

Old held cheese not much "Oh, they' loaned It all to Europf That all the people born here old IR1' aIlIgbpIoMtIaIlIsibyIcIaI Do you promise to support in evidence. Market steady to Arm. On Saturday, New York flats, fresh, fancy bought 25-26 per pound; short Constitution?" 838 not remain Is illustrated the fact that Augustus Brown left here with Me? How can IT I've a wife lfcwj $ii0 and-fetai belongings in a hand held, fancy 26-27, bridge east of the store; Fletcher VanWormer had a shop near here; another forge by the last bridge for the manufacture of iron and ore that later was built Into saw mill. About the year 1850 the 'as sold by Col. Everest Wheeler "to a man named Farrlngton whet? graded It to John Hall for a farm.

The lat- ttr sold to Alfred Newmon whtKsb4d six cnnaren to support. -VI a fL 1 -El 1 2 i AHEE2DY scMle51 pqslERfn kerchief. A fter staying in Fort Ann Tb Nearby hennery and Pacific coast white eggs of the better grades found a while he went to Chicago and with Ma and loved here. We have played ftlMI I NTS! NATIONAL IVNSIGATI. 9 partner becqftie interested in tim a ready outlet at an advance of and worked here and some have ber.

At this lime there was need cents per dozen during the week, of a bridge to be built across a river whereas mixed and ordinary qualities away many "a year. But today we' come back on the same old trai older but still full of cheer. that was a boundary. between two favored the buyer. Western and DAILY RADIO PROGRAM out to.

Homer Owen, father of Monroe and Mattie Owen, now living In Glens Falls. He sold to Morris Rob states. On the other side of the river was an iron ore bed. By selling the lumber and iron they obtained money Leading DX Stations. 399.8-WTAM, CLEVELAND 750.

x-au 7:30 WEAK Gypsies; party. to build tire bridge. Mr. Brown later 10:30 9:30 Studio recital. sold his half interest for $128,000.

to Creditors Pursuant to an order of George Raley. Surrogate of the County Warren, notice is hereby given, a southern stock also participated In the advance In values. Market firm. On Saturday nearby hennery whites, closely, selected extras sold at 46-49 per dozen; average extras 43-46; extra firsts 37-42; firsts 34-36, Nearby gathered whites, firsts to extra firsts brought. 34-39; seconds and lower grades 32-33; nearby hennery browns, (DST) (ST) 475.9 WSB, ATLANTA 30.

10:00 9:00 WEAF Harmony team. 10:30 9:30 Two harmony disciples. During this work he sent for his of crude for the week decreased. The bringing in of many new wells, however, caused Borne uneasiness. The Monday, August 27.

The dramatic 'story of Captain Jtunes Cook, English explorer, and the tragic fats he met when he discov-tred the Hawaiian lalands, will be told in radio drama with a back nephew, El wood Brown, who had no 1 eoi ding to law, to all persons hat 1:00 10:00 Agricultural lounoaiion. education but what he had received inson who later moved to Glens Falls and sold to George Pattison and Lemuel Wlnegar. In a short time Mr. Pattison sold his share to Mr. Wlnegar and moved to Glens Falls where he Is still In the grocery business.

Mr. Wlnegar continued in the store until he died. His son, Carmi, conducted the store until It burned over a year ago. He has built a new and dwelling house on the same spot where the old store stood. 12:46 11:45 Brown's orchestra.

shoe industry was working at capacity. Textiles were still depressed, ciainis agamHi tne esLHie Thomas J. Bennett, late of the 11:30 Dance program. 440,9 WCVWJR, OETROIT-80, Roxy with WJZ. 8:30 7:30 Lingemen minstrels, 9:00 8:00 WJZ Riverside hour, 9:30 8:30 Monday night musical.

10:00 9:00 Songs; Hawatlans; dance. 535.4 WTlC, HARTFORD 660. 6:30 Bond instrumental 6:55 liascball scores; soprano. In the Yellow -Schdol. House.

The nephew started working for his un 826 KYW, CHICAGO 570. although cotton cloths were a little ot Glens Falls. In said county, ground of Hawaiian music during the fifnPiAi Motor's family narty throuch 30 6:30 WJZ programs (2 hrs.) extra quality 41-45; extras 37-40. cle as a timekeeper and kept climb 8:30 Wtudlo oman recitaL 9:: ceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof, to the undersigm fh nrlmlnlstrart-tr nf th AntntA 9:00 Farraget at uowie. 10:00 10:00 Male ouartet.

play. WhAfc" and asaociattd stations at 9:30 Monday night, Joseph Green's nov eliy orchestra will render part of the mimical nroeram but Holoua'B Troub ing until he became mayor of the city. He married there and years later with his wife and seven daugh firmer and the demaajdfor tire fabrics was active. Some mills planned to Bhut down during Labor day week. Car loadings showed some improvement over last week.

Bank 365.8 WEBH-WJJD. CMItAOO-BU. the deceased, at her residence, 4 I 8:30 7:30 Edgewater ino. Sherman uiens tails, in Previous to- the erection of any 9:00 8:00 Mooseiieart hour; songs. 7:16 6:15 WEAF string Quartet.

7:30 6:3) riantsl; sport talk. 8:00 7:00 WEAK programs (3 hrs.) 422.3-WOR, NEWARK 710. 7:00 6:00 Uvitow's otch; lieders. 9:00 8:00 Opera, "Cavallerla county, on or before the 1st day Orchcstrs; mystery three. Hay receipts continued light Prices advanced SI to $2 per ton over the preceding woeks close.

Supplies were closely sold up and market closed firm. Rye straw weak and dull. On Saturday large bales of No. 2 timothy sold at 325-20 per ton; No. 3.

322-23; sample 316-17; timothy light grass mixed No. 2, 122-24; California alfalfa No. 1, 334-35 per December, 1928 church in this little village, services were held every Sabbath In the Stone cleft rings and the dollar volume of business as measured by check pay 416.4 WGN-WLIB, CHICAGO 720. adours, one of the foremost native musical organizations will provide much of tha aetting of Hawaiian music during the dramalogue. At 8:30 WGKS will broadcast the full performance of Kathleen Kirk wood's production of "Triangle Blues," an all Negro revue.

At the same time Kal-tonhnrn iivmohonlc orchestra will 8:30 7:30 WEAF 0pstesr party. 10:30 9:30 Chk-Hgoland; quintet. Dated thia 26th day of May, KM 1928. CATHERINE M. BENNETT Admlnistratr 10:00 9:00 Captivators concert.

11:05 10:05 Henderson's dance orch. school house. It Is believed these meetings were held as early as 1820 As interest developed, the people decided to build a church. The four de 11:30 Earltone; dream ship. 12:10 11:10 Hawailans, dance music.

ments In the previous week, increased substantially. Business failures were slightly more numerous than a year ago, but have declined markedly in the past two weeks. 11:30 10:30 The Itching nour. J. EDWARD SINGLETON, 344.6 WLS.

CHICAGO 870. Attorney for Administratrix. 8:10 7:10 Artist; pianist, Angetus. nominations, Universalist, Method- play lor listeners of WNYC. George Frame Brown, actor-playwright, will a en In ha the star of the "Real Folks" 8:30 7:30 Tenor; harmony gtris.

8:00 Witches; music; revue. ht. Baptist, and Presbyterian, agreed to build together. ters came back to visit, the place of his boyhood in a private car. This was sidetracked at Fort Ann.

In he sold his farm to Charles' Talmadge who, now being a man well along In the seventies, spent much of his life on this place. His son, who went to school in this same building, is now a construction engineer for the General Electric company, residing In Philadelphia. Civil War Vets Some of the men who enlisted In the Civil War from this little village were. Orin Belden, George Sheldon, George Pattison, Jerome Green, Steve Keech, William Keech and Andrew Fisher. We must bring our history to a 447.5 WMAQ.WQJ, CHICAGO 670 hour through the WJZ chain at 9:30 and half an hour later WOR and the Columbia stations have- arranged for another Captivator'a hour featuring vocal and instrumental soloists and 9:00 8:00 WOR programs (8 hrs.) Church Cost $1,890 The church was started in May, 333.1 WBZ, NEW ENGLAND UU.

6:40 6:40 Radio torum; baseball. 7:00 6:00 Lowe's dance orchestra. WJZ programs (2 hrs.) 491.5 WEAF, NEW VORK-610. 6:00 6:00 Waldorf-Astoria music 6:55 6:65 Baseball scores; story. 7:15 6:15 National string quarteL 6.30 Talk, Tom Masson.

7:45 6:45 National siring quartet. 8:011 7:00 Around the piano. R-lo r.vnjiei orcheitra. 11:00 10:00 Amos 'n' Andy. 12:25 11:25 Studio dance music.

mayor of New York in 1921, former president of the Borough of Manhattan, and once United States commissioner of immigration, announced today would vote for Governor Smith. Mr. Curran is now president of the association against the prohibition amendment. 1834 and dedicated In the fall. It was HENRY H.

CURRAN" WILL VOTE FOR, GOV. SMITH NEW YORK, Aug. 26. Henry 499,7 WFAA, DALLAS 600. 9:00 8:00 Cllne's dance orchestra.

ensembles. A late far away feature Is the drama, "The Snow Storm," thioigh KOA at 12:05. "Cavallerla Eusticana," the popular short opera bv Pietro Mascacnl. will be sune in thirty by sixty feet with vestibule, galleries and square bell -tower, costing $1890.00. 11:00 10:00 Be lean to quartet.

Sealed bids will be received at 1 office of the City Clerk, Glens Fa" N. up to 8 o'clock P. M. of Augi 1928. for the collection municipal garbage for the terms! one year.

As liquidated damages for failure of the bidder to enter into contract if awarded the same, bi must be accompanied by a certtf, check payable to the order of city for $100 which will be returi; uiwn entering Into the contract. Dated August 15th, 1928. ''I WALTER M. SMITH. City Clerll 374.8 WOC.

DAVENPORT 800, H. Curran, Republican candidate for 9:30 8:30 General Motors' hour with 11:00 10:00 Soprano; pianist." 12:00 11:00 Heuefs orchestra. Etifflifth hv the United Opera Company in Its next broadcast through WOR The fifty-two Sundays were divided according to the money paid and associated stations at clock, 325.9 KOA, DENVER 920. Hoioua's Trouoaaours. 10:00 9:00 The cabin door.

10:30 9:30 El Tano Roman tlco. 11:00 10:00 Park Ontral orchestra, 454.3 WJZ. NEW YORK 660. by each denomination. The Uni-versa lists had 22 Sundays.

Methodists 11:05 10:05 Denver concert orchestra. close and It seems as If it Is only 12:05 11:05 Play, "The Snow Storm" Wave lengths In meters on left ot stations title, kilocycles on the right 18, Baptists 10 and Presbyterians 2. begun. But time and tide wait foi uicnesTra; ienor. 6:00 Angelo-American band.

Hoc talk. How Is Business? no man. And so we may only do Times are Eastern Daylight Saving and Eastern Standard, Black face 499.7 WBAP, FORT WORTH 600. 8:30 7:30 Musical proga. (34 hrs.) In 1843, the other societies having drifted into churches of their own Twin pairs of harmony, the best we can.

We have lived here 6:45 7:00 7:30 9:00 9:30 typo indicates best features, 12:15 11:15 Theater 6:30 Roxy ana his uang, 8:00 The Riverside hour. denomination in neighboring towns, 'Real Folks' with George 400 PWX, HAVANA 750. 9:00 8:00 Stetson military parade. the Methodists had almost sole use Leading East Stations. Showing Current Business Activity compared with ch Suns Wtck a Ytu Age of the church.

In 1870 under the tit Frame Brown, actor. 10:00 9:00 Russian gayeties. 10:00 8:00 Studio musical program. le of Union Church, the Methodist So 422.3 WOS, JEFFERSON CITY 710. 11:00 10:00 sum tier music.

NtnCB TO CONTKAC'l UKS STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WOR Kb, D1V1SMN OK HIGHWAYS, ALBAV ff. Y. Pursuant to Chapter JO, Urn of 1909. Clupter S67, Uwi ol 92i, ind Chiptei A Laws of 1926, and iraendmeats thereto, tented proprjuis sill br received by the undcniKucl S'tt Public works Building, 353 Broadway, Albaay, N. until 1 o'clock p.

advanl Standard Time, which ia 12 o'clock noon Eartern Standard Time od Snirmhet 7. 1928. for A recoostructioD of Uu following bridge: Map, plana, ipdtkatiotw and estimates may be and propuatl fornn obtained at the offic of the Divbioo of Highway la Albany. N. and i 10:00 8:00 Musical entertainment.

405.2 WLIT. PHILADELPHIA 740 ciety Incorporated a church, using 9:30 8:30 WEAF artists party, 370.2 WD A KANSAS CITY 810. 8:00 WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 10:00 9:00 WEAF Cabin Door. this same building. For years the pulpit was supplied by the minister from Fort Ann.

Later it was placed 11:00 10:00 Smith's Symphony orcn. 10:00 9:00 Studio concerL 12:45 11:45 Nlghthawk frolic. me office ot me tallowing uiiinq Engineer: 315.6 KDKA. PITTSBURGH aw. 6:30 6.30 Studio ensemble, 6:55 6:55 Uascbnll scores.

Contract 465.8 Ft, LOS ANGELES 40. Name of Highway Type County No. 12:00 11 N. W. C.

program. 7:30 WJZ proprams (3Vt hrs.) under the charge with San fords Hidge but at the present 1 time it, it back with Fort Ann." Some of the officers of those days District Eagiai Perry Jf*ckln. Lyoi Building Albany, N. Y. TST) (ST) 272.6 WPG, ATLANTIC CITY 1100.

Dinner music; talk. 7:00 Castllllans orchestra. 8:30 7:30 Poprano. guitars, tenor. 9 8:00 Two orchestras.

10:00 9:00 Violinist, 'cellist, pianist. lO 3:30 Three dance orchestras, 285.5 WBAL, BALTIMORE 1050. 7:3" WJZ programs (24 hrs.) 10:00 0:00 Maryland? orchestra, 461.3 WNAC, BOSTON 650. 7:11 (1:11 Amos Andy; talk. Pianist; question box.

8:00 WOR programs 2 hrs.) 302.8 WGR, BUFFALO 990. 9:30 8:30 WEAF progs. (1 hrs.) Van Surdam'a orchestra, 12:00 11:00 Buffalo's br(tnn recftnl, 545.1 WMAK, BUFFALO 550. 6:30 6:30 Maoglo's orchestra. 461.6WCAE.

PITTSBURUH OOU. a' Span Slab. SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MWt APt MAY JUNB JIAY AUO SPTBMBei .11 Year Ago- 6:55 5:55 riiKchall scores; concert. 'I Ann SVfin A' Pit. Ma Bit.

Mat. PI 1:00 12:00 Lesser entertainment. 1:30 12:30 Stitdlo hour. 322 5 A Srf-L I I 9 30. 9:30 8:30 WEAF artists Studio urograms.

I'new liimltoc; address. 8:00 WEAF proirrnrnx (2 hrs. Special attention ot bidden called to "General Information (or Bidders" In the propow. ipccificatJons and eonUact agreement. Proposal for each highway or cm tract must be tubmiiil 230.2 WHAM.

ROCHESTER 1070. 405.2 MINN. 6T. PAUL 740. at a separate seakO envelope wiia toe nam ana oumoer of me Highway plainly endorsed on uturie of tha enveiooe.

Each onmosal must be accomoanied caih draft rrriifiA 7:30 WMZ programs (2i hrs. 10:00 Musical procrmm. payable to the order of the New York StaU Department of Public Works. Division of Highway 1 "im smith's -O valient orch. inr a ujrn 01 ai kim ova per croiun ano pm more man su per centum ol tne estimate accot 375.9 WOY.

SCHENECTADY 790. 12:55 11:55 Time; wpnther; marketa. puymi maa (i.hkuui, ipd av in ur anvenurmefli tot proposals and I proposal itelf. The retentif and disposal of such cash, draft or check by the State Divisiop Highways shall conform with Subdivision 2, Section 130 of the Highway Law, as amended I ucceaofui bidder will be PMulred to esecnla the contract and eomnlv In all ikwk irfio iiusloal propram; stocks. 7:30 :30 WGY General Electric hr.

6:35. 6:.25 Basel will scores; orch. may be familiar tomany here Horace Ca 1 1 Jerome Ltghthall. George Bailey, Darius Grout, Nathan Spicer. Sidney DeGolyer and Rodney VanWormer.

About this time a difference of, opinion arose In the church and out of It grew a society of Protestant Methodists who built a church a little southwest of the Benjamin Brown place. It was wooden structure costing about $850. The Union Church burned in December, 1895, Before the new church was built services were held In the 7:30 6:30 General Electric hou with Del staigers, cornet boa 130 of the Highway taw, a amended, The right is reserved to reject any or bids. A. W.

BRANDT. Commissioner wf Highway. I 9:30 5:30 WEAK artists' party. 10 :00 9 Orchestra; concerL 11 :00 10:00 Crinoline trio; tenor. 336.9 WStyi, NAShVILLE 890.

10:00 9:00 Jackson dinner music. 11:00 lOlOOWEAlf concerts (1 hr.) 11:30 10:30 Vlto's quintet: baritone. 13:16 11:15 Studio program. 254.1 WRVA, RICHMOND 1180. 8:00 7:00 Trio; studio artists.

10:15 9:16 Orchestra; studio prog, 12-nO orchestra. 422.3 KPO, BAN FRANCISCO 710 1:30 program. 2i00 1:00 Variety program, artists. let, and Harold Butler, baritone. 9:00 8:00 WOR programs it hrs.) 11:00 10:00 Smith's cavaliers.

428.3 WLW, CINCINNATI 700. 9:00 8:00 WJZ programs (1 hr.) lft: fit) 9:00 Funfnll hour; baseball. 10:30 Instrumental trio, songs, 11:00 10:00 Amos nnd Andy, 11:10 10:70 Buggs Emeriok; Icyball. 8-3(1 7:30 WEAF Droes. (214 hrs.

fiFKERAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY for the country IndleiietYV Bank Dcblia Mtl4 N. T. Otr. Shaded areu nhsw ueeks of sctiriiy abo th corresponding wmIu lb prartau 7 Mr. Black areas Indicate declines from aama weeks months earlier.

ACTIVITY BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS 11:00 10:00 Smith's Cavaliers orch. 305.9 WHAZ, TROY-980. 9:00" SrOOSnniHrnntr artists. m(M H-fin Musicul renrod net ions. Chwlf Tnnaartlons compared with the aanWi week a year fq Secondary DX Stations.

Secondary Eastern Stations. TtAimn 1 Isew York Cleveland tUchmond Atlanta u.t 1 1 1 I zn Chicago 1 St. LouU I Minneapolis Kanaas Clly I Dallas 8. Frandae S.7 I I l.l't, 11.0 1 1.1 I 319 KOILCOUNCIL BLUFFS 940. school house at the Cornerts.

a the efforts of Mr. and Mrs. DeGolyer and the cooperation of a faith 11:00 J'KUO Gilleiie M. J. ME EH AN CO.

1 Broadway, Ntw York Saratoga Spring. Office GRAND UNION HOTEL Talaphona Saratoga Spring, 2300 Mr. Timothy J. Mara, Manager 309.1 WABC, NEW YORK 970, 8:00 7:00 Studio entertainment. 348.6 WGBS.

NEW YORK 660. 8-16 7:15 Studio striniE quarter. 8:30 7:30 Negro revue, "Triangle LEADING BAROMETERS 1:00 12:00 Amos 'n' Andy. 1:15 12:16 Lassen music hour. 3:15 1:15 McMillan program.

ful few a new church was erected anil dedicated In the year 1898, the Bev. James VanArnum being pastor at this time. A little later a church was 3407 WJAX, JACKSONVILLE 860. 10:00 9:00 Entertainers, boors. instrumental irio.

930 8:30 WEAF artists 11:00 10:00 Concert program. Hal 499.7 KTHS. HOT SPRINGS 600. 1 508.2 WEEI, BOSTON 590. 7:30 6:30 Old-time minstrels.

8:00 7:00 WEAF programs (3 hrs.) 254.8 WKRC, CINCINNATI 1220, 8:00 7:00 Instrumental program. 9:00 8:00 WOR programs (3 hrs.) 12:00 11:00 Dance orchestra, 361.2 WSAI, CINCINNATI 830. 8:00 7:00 WEAF Gypsies; party. 10:30 9:30 Two piano recital. 11:00 10:00 Hauers orchestra, WHK, CLEVELAND 1130.

9 30 Morgan sisters, 9:00 Talk, dance orchestra. 10:00 Popular pup purveyors. 12:00 11:00 Roth's dance music, 352.7 WWJ. DETROIT 850. 7:30 6:30 Dinner 8:00 7:00 WEAK ptorr (1 hrs.) 11:00 10:00 Venetian rs.

410.7 CFCF, MONTI 11:00 10:00 Meyer Davis orchestra. 12:15 dance orchestra. 10:1." 9:45 Harmonv: dnnco music. 394.5 WHN, NEW YORK 760. 9:3 lianjos; vocal harmony.

9:45 8:45 Songs, orch. f3 hors.) 526 WNYC, NEW YORK 570. 6:50 Novelty: henlth talk. 8:15 7:16 Tonal picture, talk. 8:30 7:30 Kaltcnborn's symphony.

434.5 CNRO; OTTAWA 690. 8:00 7:00 rttatiiii Laurier orch. Ordors oxaoutad promptly fn STOCKS BONDS COTTON GRAIN Ovar dlraot privatt t.l.phona wira to Naw York Chan fa Prevent Treat- Frera Year Ag Steady 1.7 Steady 4.7 Steady 5.8 Steady 1.0 Steady 7.t Steady 11.5 Upward 2.4 Steady S.2 Steady. 1.1 Steady 19-6 Steady 2.8 Mixed 11.0 Heavy if 0 Business in Dollara (Checks Cashed) Employment (Dept. of Labor) WaRes (Dept.

of Labor) Cost of Livinfl (Ind. Conf. Board) Wholesale Prices (Fisher's Agricultural Prices (Dept. of Agri.) Movement of Goods (Car Loadings). Retail Trade (Fed.

Res. Board) Wholesale Trade (Fed. Res. Board) Failures (Dun's) Bond Prices (Annalist) Stock Prices (Annalist) Stock Mkt Vol. (Shares 416.4 KHJ, LOS ANGELES 720.

1:00 12:00 Studio musical program. 3:00 1:00 Dancs orchestra. 616.9 WMC. MEMPHIS 680. 8:30 Pomlnion market reports.

Hi built on the old grounds. It was called All Souls and the Bev. Lyman Ward preached there for a time. This has been sold and Is now being built Into the new school house. Early Day Schools The children In those early years attended school In the Stone School House, the Yellow School, and one at the Comers.

William Babco*ck, father of Alfred, taught here man years. Later this school was remodeled, the door bIng at tha west end but the old wooden benches with tht names of at least tour genera 11:30 10:30 Ha nova concert program. usnce prouram. 394.5 KOB. NEW MEXICO 760.

Ksrm talk; orchestra 11:30 10:30 Housrkeeper's talk; orch. 3J6.9-KNX, OAKLAND 890. MEMBERS New York Stock Exchahga Naw York Cotton Exohangi Naw York Curb Markat Chicago Board of Trad, Z93.9 WSYR, SYRACUSE 1020, 7:30 6:30 Syracuse dinner music 8:30 7:30 Dream girl; concert. 9:05 8:05 Old time dancs music 9:35 Swlmmiitft tnlk. 46 i WRC, WASHINGTON 640.

jfWifi W.IZ Slumlier music. 10-WEjUT cross. (2 hrs 7:30 Battle's corn t. orchestra AH riohf reserved, Cambridge fiozlon 11:30 10:30 liny couitesy proartum, 8:30 7:30 Pturlio ptnamm. 19 I4A item' 4uua ttUiestn.

a.wu u.wt gcaiurt program.

The Post-Star from Glens Falls, New York (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.