What Can I Mix With My Dog’s Raw Food? (2024)


  • What to mix with raw dog food?
    • 1. Coconut oil
    • 2. Carrots
    • 3. Meal toppers
    • 4. Supplements
  • Adding human food to dog food
  • Can you mix raw and cooked meat for dogs?
  • Is it ok to mix raw food with kibbles?
  • Can I add rice to raw dog food?
  • Can I feed my dog raw eggs?
  • Can you add oats to raw dog food?
  • Conclusion

As pet parents, we are always looking for things that can make our pets healthier. Many of us try to achieve this by providing them with the best diet, and raw feeding is one of the options available.

However, what can you do to make this meal even better? Let’s dive into what you can mix with your dog’s raw food to make it more nutritious!

What Can I Mix With My Dog’s Raw Food? (1)
Image by ally j from Pixabay

What to mix with raw dog food?

There are many ingredients you can include in your dog’s raw meal. Here are some examples of food that you can mix into this diet:

1. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is widely considered to be both safe and healthy for dogs. Coconut oil's medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) are the unique feature that makes it suitable for their health. These acids work together to naturally combat ailments such as poor breath, weight gain, and infections.

Coconut oil is an excellent thing to keep on hand if your dog develops a skin ailment. This oil may be used on its own to treat a dry or itchy region on your dog's skin, and it's also a frequent ingredient in paw salves and hot spot treatments.

2. Carrots

Carrots are a cost-effective and nutrient-dense snack for dogs. Furthermore, this vegetable is ideal for rewarding excellent conduct without the calorie count associated with cookies and other snacks.

While carrots are typically safe to offer to your dog, it is crucial to chop entire carrots into bite-size portions before doing so to avoid choking.

3. Meal toppers

While there is no precise definition of dog food toppers, they are typically used as a diet supplement or reward. Toppers for dog food are meant to improve the taste and nutritional value of normal dog food.

You can try out Petcubes’ Meal Toppers. They are very beneficial to picky eaters. It can not only give a nutritious boost, but it can also enhance the quantity of the dog's usual feed that it consumes.

4. Supplements

Although challenging, it would be great if your dog received all of the nutrients or minerals it needs from the foods you add to his raw meal.

Nevertheless, you may need to mix your pup's raw food with supplements from time to time to ensure that your dog is getting all of the nutrients it needs to grow and develop properly.

Here are some examples of supplements you can give your canine:

  • Fish oil (unless if it already contains)
  • Calcium (unless already balanced)
  • Goats milk (preferable fermented such as kefir or yogurt)
  • Broccoli sprouts or dried berries

Adding human food to dog food

Did you know that including human food in your dog food is very good for its health? For example, a study found that dogs who ate green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli had a 90 percent lower risk of bladder cancer. On the other hand, dogs who ate any yellow-orange vegetables, such as carrots, had a 70 percent lower chance.

Can you mix raw and cooked meat for dogs?

Yes, it’s perfectly fine to mix raw and cooked meat for your pet. However, you have to be extra careful in which meats you are mixing.

Learn more on which ingredients you can mix with raw meat and their benefits here.

What Can I Mix With My Dog’s Raw Food? (3)
Photo byJulia ZolotovaonUnsplash

Is it ok to mix raw food with kibbles?

Raw food and kibble are absorbed differently, which is why people are wary about combining the two. In addition, Kibble frequently has a lot of starch; in fact, the regular kibble might have anywhere from 30% to 60% starch.

Giving your dog this much starch might create digestive problems and raise his pH levels, resulting in gastrointestinal irritation and an upset stomach. The main issue is from feeding the kibble and not the mixing part. It is completely fine to mix fresh foods and kibble together and in fact, is a great way to significantly boost the quality of a kibble diet.

Can I add rice to raw dog food?

It’s entirely up to you if you want to add rice to your dog’s raw meal. A balanced raw diet usually has all the nutrients your canine needs, so rice isn’t needed to be added. However, it can act as a meal topper if your dog loves it but rest assured it is completely unnecessary.

Can I feed my dog raw eggs?

Yes, you can! We've been taught to dread raw eggs for years, but eggs provide virtually complete nourishment for your dog. Selenium, iron, vitamin A, riboflavin, fatty acids, vitamin B12, and folate are abundant in eggs. The worry about avidin in raw eggs is only theoretical and will not cause any issues in dogs or cats.

Remember to feed them raw eggs if you can, as frying destroys many of the nutrients in the egg. Poached eggs are actually the most digestible and absorbable way - cooked egg white and raw egg yolk.

Can you add oats to raw dog food?

Yes, you may add oats to your pup’s raw meal. Oatmeal is rich in fibre and — is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. When it’s consumed in moderation, it can be beneficial to a dog in several ways.

However, make sure it’s cooked and served plain as serving it uncooked will be harder for your dog to digest.


There are many foods that can be mixed into your dog’s raw meal. The main reason to add these extra ingredients is to enhance your pet’s meal. So, be extra cautious about what and how much you add to its meal.

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What Can I Mix With My Dog’s Raw Food? (4)

Dr Francis Cabana

Dr Francis is one of the top wildlife nutritionists in Asia. Originating from Montreal, Canada, he left at 21 to pursue his Masters and subsequently a PhD in wildlife nutrition at Oxford Brookes University. Instead of taking the path of common animal science to learn about farm animals, or through the veterinarian space and taking a certificate in nutrition, he took the road less travelled to dive deep into the world of animal ecology, metabolism and nutrition.

What Can I Mix With My Dog’s Raw Food? (2024)
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