Whipped Bone Marrow Recipe, 6+ Months (2024)

Whipped Bone Marrow Recipe, 6+ Months (1)Fun fact: Bone marrow has iron in it.Which means this whipped bone marrow recipe isone more way to bring meaty minerals into your baby’s diet.

Bone marrow is also fatty. And as an iron-rich fat, you can use it in sweet and savory dishes alike, making it a wonderful source of heme iron for babies who’d rather eat a sweet potato mash over liver pate or a lamb chop.

Why bone marrow rules my world

There are some foods for baby that I literally obsess over. These foods are largely underused and yet packed with many of the nutrients that babies need.

Liver is one. And bone marrow is another.

Bone marrow is found inside of bones. And it’s a production powerhouse, full of life-giving stem cells – pumping out red blood cells, white blood cells, bone cells, and fat cells.

Bone marrow also has vasculature moving blood to and fro. And where you find blood, you find iron.

Iron is a big deal for babies. It’s a meaty mineral that I love to love. You can find hints of my obsession all over the place – on Instagram, in blog posts, and in this online class for beginning solids.Chances are, your pediatrician is also interested in your baby’s iron levels.

But why?

  • Iron is brain food. For example, research reveals that babies who are anemic before the age of two have lower scores in school achievement and cognition from 4 – 19 years of age.
  • Iron supports myelination. It turns out you can find quite a bit of iron in the brain cells that produce myelin. Myelin-making brain cells = white matter in the brain…and white matter = intelligence.
  • Iron deficiency cannot be undone. Even when corrected, low levels of iron during babyhood – or iron deficiency anemia – has been found to impact language development, motor development, and emotional development.

As with most things, there’s a balance to how much iron you give your baby.

Food naturally rich in heme iron (such as liver, cuts of beef and lamb, the dark meat of chicken, shellfish, and bone marrow)positively supports your baby’s iron levels. Even when eaten in small amounts, as babies do.

Bone marrow has roughly 2.7 mg of iron for every four tablespoons – which is equivalent to what you find in one tablespoon of liver. This is more iron than you’d find in pork, poultry, lamb, and some cuts of beef.

Beyond iron, Chinese medicine claims that bone marrow has some serious restorative mojo.

Bone marrow is known for its ability to deeply fortify the body. If your baby shows signs of “failure to thrive,” such as slow weight gain or not reaching developmental milestones,offer your baby bone marrowmore frequently and in the place of fats like butter and ghee.

How to pick + handle marrow bones

When roasted, bone marrow is a jiggly white and pinkish blob with brown ends (this is why we whip it).

While you can find plenty of marrow within the center of the bone, there are all sorts of nooks and crannies around the endsof the bone where marrow can get stuck.

You can get around those nooks and crannies (and the most bang for your buck) by asking for a long cut.

For example, show for canoe cut or the mid-portion of the bone that visibly has marrow packed in the center.

Also important: Avoidends or knuckles when buying marrow bones, which are mostly made of hard red marrow. Choose cuts from the center of the bone.

Should you soak your bones before roasting?

In Odd Bits, chef and author Jennifer McLagan suggests soaking bones in salted ice water to remove blood.

But blood contains iron. And since we’re celebrating this unctuous meat butter because it’s a fairly good source of iron, skip the soak.

Whipped bone marrow recipe

Whipped Bone Marrow Recipe, 6+ Months (2)Cara Nicoletti – sausage maker extraordinaire – makes bone marrow look beautiful and presentable by WHIPPING it. With a whisk attachment. In a bowl. How easy is that? And the results are worth it.

If you follow the principles of baby-led weaning, use like you would butter or any other fat – for example, mashed into a starchy veggie, like sweet potato or squash.

If you are working with purees, add whipped marrow to your puree.



  1. Heat oven to 425 F. Place marrow bones, marrow side-up, on a baking sheet. Roast for 25 minutes or until much of the fat has rendered out and marrow is pulling away from the sides.
  2. Remove from oven. Afterthe bones have cooled enough to touch, scoop the marrow out and into a bowl. Also, pour all fat from your baking sheet and into the bowl. Place it in the refrigerator.
  3. Once the marrow is cold (the fat should firm up), use a mixer with a whisk attachment to whipuntil the bone marrow is white and fluffy.
  4. Whipped marrow lasts 3 weeks in the fridge and 6 months in the freezer.

Have you made this bone marrow recipe before? What’s your favorite way to use it?

Whipped Bone Marrow Recipe, 6+ Months (2024)


Can I give my 6 month old bone marrow? ›

When can babies eat bone marrow? Bone marrow may be introduced as soon as your baby is ready to start solids, which is generally around 6 months old.

How long does whipped bone marrow last in the fridge? ›

You can refrigerate for up to a week, or freeze for up to 6 months. Just like butter, it'll become hard when chilled. Let it sit at room temperature for 1-2 hours to soften before serving.

How long does bone marrow need to be cooked? ›

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Put bones, cut side up, on foil-lined baking sheet or in ovenproof skillet. Cook until marrow is soft and has begun to separate from the bone, about 15 minutes.

How long is bone marrow good for in the fridge? ›

Frozen Marrow Bones will keep perfectly for at least 12 months if kept in a freezer friendly bag and stored in your freezer at a temperature below freezing ie 32 degrees F ( 0 Celcius). Raw Marrow Bones or Thawed from Frozen Marrow Bones should be kept in the refridgerator and used within 3 to 4 days.

Can babies eat baby marrow? ›

Avocado: Slice it up or mash it with a small amount of lemon juice. Baby marrow: Steam lightly and blend to a pulp, or hand your baby a piece to suck on – but watch them closely in case they bite off small pieces which could be a choking hazard.

How healthy is baby marrow? ›

Moreover, it offers a healthy dose of potassium and contains small amounts of vitamin C, B vitamins, folic acid, calcium and beta-carotene. While technically a mature fruit, baby marrows are predominantly treated as vegetables in the culinary world, typically prepared in savoury dishes or served as a side.

How to tell if bone marrow has gone bad? ›

Since bone marrow failure affects the healthy blood cell production, patients with bone marrow failure often experience:
  1. Fatigue.
  2. Shortness of breath.
  3. Pale appearance.
  4. Frequent infections.
  5. Easy bruising or bleeding.
  6. Bone pain.

Does bone marrow go bad? ›

Healthy plasma cells that live in the bone marrow make antibodies that protect us from antigens like bacteria and viruses. But if those plasma cells become unhealthy—that is, if they grow unchecked—the unchecked growth leads to multiple myeloma. This type of cancer results in lytic bone disease, or holes in the bones.

How to know if bone marrow has gone bad food? ›

Bone marrow shouldn't have much of any scent. Different cuts of beef do have somewhat different scents, but sour is not one of the desirable ones. I think your ox tails have gone bad.

Does bone marrow need to be fully cooked? ›

Season generously with pepper and put in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes. It will start to colour - you want it to see the marrow pull from the bones but still be a little wobbly. If you overcook it, the marrow will render into the tray and be lost.

What to pair with bone marrow? ›

Eating bone marrow

Scrape out the beautiful marrow with a spoon and spread it onto the toast. Think of it like a trough of garlic butter. Delicious! Serve with a hearty steak on the side and a nice refreshing salad to cleanse the palette.

Is it OK to eat cooked bone marrow? ›

As long as the meat reaches a safe temperature, it's perfectly safe to eat the marrow inside the bones. Cook all raw beef, pork, lamb, and veal steaks, chops, and roasts to a minimum internal temperature of 145°F as measured with a food thermometer before removing meat from the heat source.

Can bone marrow be frozen for later use? ›

An autologous stem cell transplant might be an option if your body is producing enough healthy bone marrow cells. Those cells can be collected, frozen and stored for later use.

What is the best way to reheat bone marrow? ›

The roasted marrow bones can be reheated in a warm oven. Just keep a close eye because if you overheat it, the marrow will start to dissolve.

How often can you eat bone marrow? ›

How often should I eat bone marrow? You should eat bone marrow twice per week for best results. It has important nutrients that we lack in our Western Diet that are beneficial for skin health, brain health, blood sugar, immunity ands stem cell formation.

Can bone marrow be taken from a baby? ›

Who can be a donor? Stem cells–the healthy immature blood cells used in blood and marrow transplants–are harvested from a variety of donors: self, sibling, parent, relatives or non-related individuals, or are collected from the umbilical cord blood from a related or non-related newborn infant.

Is there an age limit for bone marrow? ›

Age: Potential donors are listed on the registry until their 61st birthday. However, doctors request donors in the 18 to 35 age group nearly 75 percent of the time. Research shows that younger donors provide the greatest chance for transplant success.

At what age can someone donate bone marrow? ›

Joining the national bone marrow registry

They accept donors between the ages of 18 and 60. But because bone marrow transplant is most successful with younger donors, people ages 18 to 44 are preferred. Donors must be in excellent health.

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