Niles National Register from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

1 1 INDEX. vii Steele, speech, repeal assoc. 356; Sterling, lord. and exports of manuf. 282; differential duties 292; lord 337; Steuban, baron, 337 Ashburton on crisis 311; senator Lewis on free trade Stevenson, Mr.

401 314; California 331; failures in Europe 340; com. and Stewart, A. Chicago conven. on revenue under new tariff industrial policy of France, cause of reduction of duties at 315 in England 360; canal, from Durance to Marseilles "Stockton, 310; offi. report 133-4, 205; Strawberry, opened 391; in England 405-6; Austria 407; protrade N.

obit. Sturgeon, obit. 395 posed connection of the two oceans 152, 340; ship chanStuyvesant, 400 nel at Sault St. Marie 153 Sub-treasury, procee. trip on to supple.

Santa 1, 3, operations of BREADSTUFFS 64; exports of, value U. crops 180; 402; Sublette, Sol. in Mexico Fe 174 home and foreign markets 181, 300; duties on, suspenSugar--cultivation S8; in Texas 195; im ded in Canada 195; required by and exported from Eng. 'Sullivan, 337; Susquehanna 299 land 223, 230: items ib; avalanche of 246; decline in Indians 321; Summers, river 248 ces 263, 282; flour for market 263; British import 232; her Sumai letter to Lamartine maj, at C. Gordo 183 consumption of 283; N.

Y. receipts and exports of ib; Summers, new regts. 66; orders assigning 312 British markets 299; from Russia 300; prices European Surgeons, duty 274 demand 339; exports 340 192; SWITZERLAND-general emigra. to Ill. council 260; 64; cantons famine 173; offers Money Matters, editorial 196, 229 last page volun.

and popular respective nos. -see Bunks- squabbles military 292, 325; 'popular women organ- Cotton, Ice, Tariff, Tobacco, Rice, Lead. ized as 407 -Lake trade 152; direct with the Atlantic 265; wool Tahiti, conqured 227; 330, 331, 310; coal 331; domestic goods 180; leather Talbot, 81; Tuos, Tulascoya, Indians taken by capt Mayo 212; Indian corn 329; fruit ib; statistics of western 243; 221; at 226 Albany 195; Boston 301; Buffalo 300, 329 340; Balti. Tampico, reports 21; pic nic 151; port opened 274; in- 301; N. Orleans 160, 263; N.

York 264 283, 311. 331, surrection 277; preparations for defence 307, 336; alarm, 340; N. York canals 112, 212, 320, 340; Phila requisition 352; TARIFF--proceedings duties collected at, 369; items 410, Pittsburg 301; St. Louis 350; the Mississippi. 263, 316 102; discriminating duties on 106; supple.

ad to, of 1846 tobacco Michigan city 331; Portland 375; canals 263; ship buil. 289; valoremn 152; impor- ding 261; building statistics 282; tonnage statistics ib ted 386; Mr. Smith on Clay's letter 290; revenue rec. 337. Traits of Amer.

character 290; Transportation, cost of. under H. 369, Tariff exacted on Mexico 386; toast 269 by river 347; Treason, trials for, in N. Mexico 172-3 152; proceeds estimated by order comments of president U. S.

Treasury notes, outstanding 17, 224, 289; decline 336, 185-6; on 209-10-10; 400 284; Cuba 321; 242; ordered certain by ports opened 274; items Tribute to the brave--reception, returning volunteers at modification of Taylor, resol. of thanks com. trom Shubrick 219 N. Orleans 313-14; In senate adopted by sword voted H. Rep.

amended Trist, 113 reaches N. Orleans 192; Vera corres. with dept. of war 50, 75, to, by Virginia 198; treaty scene at Jalapa, instructions 256; ru20; battle B. Vista 60; despatches 90; letter prior to mors respecting peace 283: difficulties with gen.

Scott reply to Santa Anna's announcing the battle, 289, 389; corres. with Mexicans 326; report Mexican general orders summons after to surrender 68; 'fixing committee foreign relations on his overtures 398; ill- shots 84; Union's battle 82; Union on ness 399 to statement of forces under 90; Trogillo, tried for treason 172 elter battle B. H. Vista Clay 115; 98; pursuit or Urrea 112; offi. report Tunnel, under St.

Lawrence river. toy. Lincoln 243; reports report, of his officers 202; letter to -items 130, 160; relief to Ireland 192; evidence proposed 160 maj Chevalle's explora- of reform 288; differences with Greece 325 on 202; distribution of forces 250; list, volunteers terms Turnbull, batile C. Gordo 183 Gordo Expiring 266; 251; taking forces leave under of Miss 261; vole. Scott's victory of C.

Tuspan. 144; captured 187. 194; depot 277; descrip. 266; orders, vol Twiggs, gen offi. report, Vera Cruz 143; Jalapa 304 Inder be 342; conducted reply to Mexican inquiries how the war was Cerro Gordo 186,199 341 Tyler, ex-president, at Richmond 190; letter on an-movements in favor of, for presidency, nominated by nexation of Texas 267 thigs to Mr.

of Iowa 97; claimed as a speculations Calhoun's course, nominated at Harrisburg a at Philadelphia 112; his letter to gen. G. W. But28: 128, 135; Taylor meeting, 'spontaneous combustion' Mass. resolutions 191-5; life of 220; nominated titor whig of gubernatorial conv.

of Maryland 256, reply to Cincin. Sig. 288; that editor's letter to 294; noinaled Raleigh by 'democrats' at Harrisburg, by public meeting N. by whig state conv. of Georgia 291; omments of public journals on the Sig.

corres. ib; reso. admin. conv. 1st dis.

Alabama 306; reply to a entleman of Lansingburg, spirit of public journals 333 letter from 335; Maryland sentiments 336; reply to leeting at Trenton N. J. Na. Am. conven.

340; diner at Monterey 352, 362; nominated by whig conv. 2d png. dis. La. 375; letter to Dr.

Delony 339 Taylor, capt. report battle C. Gordo 201 om Tea and Canton coffec, proceedings on bill to tax exports 300 Telegraphs, forbid in Russia 64; abuse of 272 Temperance reform, Sandwich Islands 97; Amer. T. nion 238, 254; British revenue from spirits 255; Vi.

te on licenses 260; reasons for drinking 302 Temple Sun, of Diana, discovery of vessels 261; Temple of at Baalbeck, destroved 355 TENNESSEE- -election 352, 399, 416; agricultural lets 306; iron, congressional 307; improvement conven. volunteers, address 231; return of 210, 244 TEXAS-bill to pay claims against maj. Chevalier Isoning German colony 179; their Camanche treaty 274; 228; affair 179, 211, 246; crops 195, 246; Austin Green Mr. Tyler's letter on annexa. 267; Mr.

Upshur, and Rich. Whig on do. 237; col. Benton do. debt 293; volunteers 246; Rangers 372 Three million bill--in H.

proposed as amend. propriation bill 5, Wilmot proviso attached, proviso 1,2, 3, rejected, signed 16: bill col passed Benton's senate speech 24; proceedings senaamend. Davis 28; Mr. Webster's 40; gen. Cass' 41 Taos, Mr.

on tariff bill Tipton, obit. Tobacco battle at 120, 121 -4; of Baltimore 248; N. York 331; speech French 102; statistics trade--gen. Chapman's Tabasco of 308, 322; affair near 374, 152, 342; 229 Tod, 396 cuated Tolcott, David, appo. minis.

to Brazil 1, 16, 160, 257; sails report, battle C. Gordo 218 Tonnage, of the several nations tract Society, contributions V. Cruz 212; 143; anni. Townly estate 238 offi. report, ore, AND COMMERCE- -European murkets 62-3; BalTRADE Pierre fruit, 153; sausages to England 152; Miquelon, ton, linen foreign woollen, measures for grain, Zollverein, St Lawrence 180; J.

Danish Orinoco, Mon181; Birkenhead dock charges Buchanan 195; on Russian protective empe- poin of stock London market, British exports 228, 230; navigation sular returns of and vessels Liverpool, balance of trade 246; 931; British consumption of foreign raw ports materials 273; in Jalapa manf. Senator J. M. Clayton's account of commencement. of 24; gen Houston on conducting the 132; new regimenis of regulars 146 army assurances of.

the that sufficient forces will be in time for Scott and Taylor, requisition for 6000 additional volunteers 146; Corwin's letter on the. 177; col Benton's remarks on the 223; posture of the several armies 283; letter of an officer 231; Connecticut resolutions 306; on reinforcements 307; forces in the field 327-328: "The, its generals" 341 Gen. Butler returns to Orleans -his reinarks on the 20; Gov. Williamson the 215 Brownson's Quarterly Review on the 410; Washing. Union on the whig party ib; N.

Hump. Statesman 411; N. Y. Courier 412 ARMY OF THE NORTH, (OR WE3T.) Operations in New Mexico deaths revolution at Santa Fe 22; gov Beut killed, state of affairs, lieut Al. bert march of Mormon battalion 37; gen Kearnv's code of for New Mexico 48; battle of Bracito 21; incur rection 72; defeated, severely punished by col Price 81; nineteen days hard campaign and fighting between San-.

ta Fe and Taos 119; Taos taken, Mexican, executed 120; col Price's official report 121; maj Campbell. 192; requisition for additional volunteers from Missouri 206; dismal picture of affairs at Santa Fe 252; reperted loss of wagon train en route thence 275; battle at Red: river, canon 320; arrivals and letters from Santa Fe, attack on lieut Lowe, Indian depredation 343; maj Edmondson and capt Halloway at battle of G. Canon 374; affairs at Santa Fe 375; lieut Brown and party kil. led, maj Edmonson overtakes and chastises the rers, another conspiracy discovered, lieut Larkin and 4 privates killed 399; tribute to the deceased officers of, the 1st dragoons 408 DETACHMENT UNDER GEN. KEARNY- March of: Mor.

mon battalion 37; gen K. reacnes Calif. 65; lieut Talbot. 1,. -re 81; forces under Stockton and Kearny.

attack gen rez, two engagements, Florez retreats and surrenders to Fremont 114-5; operations in California 133; disputes about laurels com. 204-5; affairs in 219; col 'Cooke' with Mormon battalion reaches San Diago 252; gen K. returning home 370; his proclamation to the people of California 374 DETACHMENT. UNDER COL FREMONT-gen Florez renders to col F. 141-5; col F's winter march.

encounters with Andros Pico, reaches San Diego 128; his official report 170; difference with gen Kearny 204-5; arrives at gent Angels home 205; for col trial, Benton's card' 220; col F. arrested' and 1 gen Kearny and com Stockton taliates on guerrillas 277 War--Sidney Smith on 302 War department, regulations relative to bounty landa 145; general orders, recruiting service 389 War expenses in India 211 WAR WITH MEXICO. 1 Underwood, senator, R. elected 29; Upham, senator. 3 million bill Upshur, statement, Texas topic 287 Urrea, gen, 272, 288, 309 Utica, woollen factory 375 Van Buren, ex-president, letter to Chicago conv.

309 Valencia, gen, 22, 36, Vancouver's Island, colonization project 274, 291 Vattemare. revisits us 212; exchanges brought Leverrier'3 letter 290; letter from 305 Vaughn, biog. 364; La Vega, gen, 22; at Vera Cruz 185 VERA CRUZ-condinon of, blockade 22; prepara. for attacking 32; condition. 36, 37; invested 68; bombard.

and sur. 81; seige of 81, 96, 100-1; gen Scou's orders on occupying 100; official report of capitulation and surrender 107-10; diary of the seige 122; taking possession 123; killed and wounded 132; Mexicans evacua. S. Anna's address thereon, road to Mexico 136; Scott's orders, reports of his officers 142; Conner's orders tor landing 116; sickuess at, ariny march for the interior 144; gen Worth appoints col Wilson governor of gen Worth joins the army ib; hospitals, British notions as to taking 162; Yankeeizing of 185; yellow fever 197; Morales' statement 199; heat, fever, train under Mclntush leaves 264; port opened 274; force at. sickness, dead and wounded brought in from the train 276-7; exhaustion of the troops, Tuspan to be substituted for, as a depot 277; vomito 288, 297; guerrillas ib; items 298; less than 300 in garrison, rumors, vomito 307-8-68; general orders 374; items 409; vessels lost 111 VIRGINIA -honor to gen Taylor and others, internal improvements 20; resolutions respecting Wilmot proviso 39; elections 113, 144, 160, 116, 192, 280, 306 368; royal patent to Mr.

Brent 212, boundary 306; volunteers 342, 372 -wheat trade 246; temperance 254; vote on licenses 260; nominations 306, 375; university 306 Vessels lost 111, 195 Vice President pro tem, D. R. Atkinson Volcanic eruption--Cape de Verd 407 Voltigueurs, regiment, account of 161 Volunteers--requisitions. for 6000 additional, the returning, cause 146, 198; the Maryland 179; pay: 188; under gen Scott, whose time expires 192; return 230, 244; Illinois, prompt compliance, with requisition 2443. term expires 251; discharge Batimore battalion 257; cadet 286; speculators harvesting on bounties 298; return of the Georgia and Alabama 299; reception at N.

Orleans 302, 313; Mr. Prentiss' speech 302; Marshall's speech 303; reception at St. Louis 316; under gen Taylor, the Virginia 342, 372; requisition. on Missouri. for additional, Maryland battalion 372; return of the Arkansas, of Indiana 373; general orders, recruiting service 389; requisition for more 388; return of the N.

Carolina 396; requisition on Illinois, their regiments filled 416; "Old Europe and Young America" 416 We I Wabash valley 246, Waller, John, obit. notice 495 Walker, dragoons arrives at Vera Cruz 198; turning 370; COL. DONIPHAN'S DETACHMENT--battle of. El Passo 16. col Doniphan defeats the Mexicans at Bracito 37, occupies El Passo 81; takes Chihuahua 100.

102, official reports 160; battle of Sacramento 132; of San taken Pasqual 170; of San Gabriel and Mesa, Chihuahua 171; his proclamation, his letter to- gen Wool 172; item 192; report that while advancing to join Wool he was from him attacked 235; and his retreated to Chihuahua 224; accounts advance corps reaches Saltillo, affairs on the route 252; col D'a command reaches N' Orleans via Rio Grande 266; his achievements, casualties, El Parso, letter to maj Ryland 279; items 258; colD's reception at Orleans 313; "welcome al St. Louis 316 'ARMY THE CENTRE." Campaign of gen Wool's command 155; junction with gen Taylor, battle of Buena Vista 156 "ARMY OF OB-ERVATION." Items from Matamoros 19; movements of troops 20; dy reports and of 70 Ken. Santa Anna's volunteers, approach, capture of capt maj Borland and Gaines de-: Nueva tachments, gen Taylor's headquarters advance to Agua: 21; reports arrive that Santa Aana was moving on Monterey in large force, and that gen Taylor was falling back, Urrea's movements in same direction, Carrabajal's cordon of posts round Matamoros Mexican reports of a severe battle and that gen Taylor: was retiring, great anxiety, all communications. with Monterey cut off. Mississippi regiment relieves.

the. Indie. ana regiment, col Curtis' requisition for 50,000 volunteers, 21 reply of the gov of Louisiana, editorial remarks on the 60; campaign 59; latest official accounts from gen memoranda of dr. Jarvis, alarming rumors respect! ing gen Taylor's army, excitement on 'the Rio Grander 61-2; Santa Anna's force on, leaving. San Luis counter gen Taylor's army, he reaches Metehala, ace: count of his march and destitution, his: Grande dictatorship 36; reports of his advance reach the Riot 48; his proclamation before quitting San.

Luis' 57; great doubts as to the movements amongst our com. manders 59; he summone gen Taylor to surrender 68; his letter announcing victory of B. Vista (or Angostu-" ra) 69; his letter to gov of San Luis 70; article from El Republicano 71; his return to San Luis 101-2; his letter to Farias, announcing that he should march. to the tal to quiet contending factions, offi. rep.

battle 80, -Remarks of the London Times 62; posture of the fleets. and armies, anxiety to ascertain the result of the combats: between Santa Anna, and Taylor, various rumors, letter: from paymaster Butler 65; gen Taylor's despatch, battle of Bueua Vista 68; the victory 69, 70,.72, operations on the route from Camargo: col: Morgan: attacked Mexican account of the battle of. Vista 70; a 1 march from Camargo to Monterey 71; Ed. remarks on. the victory of B.

Vista 80; sundry accounts of the batt's 1 A 1) i 21 At 10..

Niles National Register from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.