Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)

41 17-11 It. Petersburg; Timet. Friday, April 21, If 72 Armed Jobbery Is Charged! In issrting Of 2 NP Mcn Chief gineer for the C. O. and B.

O. Railroads, Wednesday (April 19, 1972). Moss Lakeside Chapel, Clearwater. LEONARD, FRED 77, of 801 Chestnut Clearwater, retired traffic manager for ESAXES, MASLON 55, of 941 Eldorado Clearwater Beach, special agent for the New York Life Inswy ance Co. in Clearwater, Thursday (April 20, 1972).

Moss Lakeside Chapel, Clearwater. BSOOKS, HARRY 80, of 4805 DeSoto Drive, Buena Vista, Holiday, retired cabinet toff pc) Times Bureau NEW PORT RICHEY -Acting Police Chief John Short wai named police chief Thursday by City Manager George Knoblock. Short, appointed on his 27th birthday, was Immediately sworn into office by City Clerk Jack Theurer. Short succeeds former chief John Klrkpatrick, who re signed in mid-February. Short was named acting chief a few days later.

Knoblock, in a -memo appointing Short, said the acting chief had "adequately demon-strated" his ability to handle being questioned about eight other house burglaries in western Pasco in which only firearms were stolen. He said one of the other burglaries, at a house on Trouble Creek Road in southwest Pasco, curred about 30 minutes before the Bailey's Bluff break-in. Anderson said Coates had been sought by investigators for several days. He said the arrest was made after detectives spotted his car on a street. 24, and John O.

Gay, 30, were victimized April 14 by two men who broke into Harnesk's home at 10 Bayou Drive in the Bailey's Bluff subdivision in southwest Pasco. HARNESK AND GAY, both postal employes, were slugged and robbed after they and Mrs. Harnesk surprised the two men in the act of burglarizing the Harnesk home. The two escaped in a car with about $1,000 in jewelry, cash and firearms. Anderson said Coates is Wreck Injuries Kill St.

Petersburg Man maker, Thursday (April Duval Funeral Home, New Port Richey. BROWN, LAWRENCE 66. of Doral Villa Mobile Park, retired electrician, Thursday (April 20, 1972). Moss Duendin Chapel, Dunedin. CHANCE, MRS.

ETHEL 85, of 908 Leona Drive SW, Largo, formerly of 4133 12th Ave. St. Petersburg, Thurs7 day (April 20, 1972). Feaster Colonial Chapel. HANSEN, MRS.

MYRTLE PAULA, 69,, of 19467 Gulf Indian Rocks Beach, formerly of Seminole, Thursday (April 20, 1972). Raymond M. Hook Funeral Home, Semi-, nole. JOHANSON, JOEL 73, of 139 Independence Lake Tarpon Mobile Home Village, Palm Harbor, retired tool and die maker, Thursday (April 20, 1972). North Funeral Home, Tarpon Springs.

JORDAN, HARRY, D. 61, of 205 Ridge Haven Road, Clear- water, retired equipment en Union Walks Out" Pinellas Employe 8 JI JOHN SHORT has been actiaj chief. ators would, have been willing to proceed with the Thursday meeting and inform the union later of their position regard-. lng the size of negotiating, teams at subsequent meetings. "We did not at any time refuse to negotiate- with their six," Nail Edward R.

Prata, director of Tampa Bay Area District 25 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal i Employes, viewed the squabble over negotiating-team size as a delaying tactic by Granville Alley hired by the county to handle negotiations. "GRANVILLE PLAYS a lot of games. He's noted for that," Prata said. The meeting took place in Alley's offices here. Saying he thought Alley was delaying on purpose, Prata said, "I think he's just going to bleed that county for everything he can get.

And he'll do it as long as the County Com have rolled over him as he was thrown out. No one else was injured in the accident Hapke was borh in Wausau, and moved to St. Petersburg six years ago from Chambersburg, Pa. He was a retired pressman supervisor for American Can Chambersburg. SURVIVORS INCLUDE his wife Mathilda: a daughter, Timet Bureau NEW PORT' RICHEY -John R.

Hapke, 67, of 1940 23rd Ave. St. Petersburg, died at 4:20 a.m. Thursday of injuries suffered in a traffic accident on State Road 52 Tuesday. Hapke died at Community Hospital in New Port Richey where he had been in the intensive care unit since Tuesday.

He was thrown from his car as it overturned eight times after sideswiping a car west of Gowers Corner. FLORIDA HIGHWAY Patrol Trooper L. L. Douberley Jr. said Hapke was apparently passing cars as he headed east and hit a westbound car before leaving the road.

Hapke's car is believed to Mrs. Vivian Detert, Wausau; a son, John R. St. Petert burg; a brother, Carl, Scho- field, four sisters, Mrs. i Marie Stiehlow, Mrs.

Kate i Rescued Boy's Condition Fair St. Petersburg Man Held In Holiday House Break-In Times Bureau NEW PORT RICHEY Michael Freeman, the 3-year-old boy pulled from the Pithla-chascotee River Tuesday, was listed in fair condition Thursday at Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater. The child remained in intensive care, but hospital spokes- men said his condition had stabilized. Police said they still have not located the child's mother, Patricia Freeman. The child's address was given at 146 Osceola Drive, New Port Rich- He was with two babysitters By RICHARD MORGAN TlBIM NEW PORT RICHEY -John Lee Coates, 41, 3300 15th Ave.

St. Petersburg, was charged with armed robbery Wednesday night in connection with the April 14 beating and robbery of two New Port Richey men. A second man is being sought. Coates was arrested in St. Petersburg Wednesday night by Pasco and Pinellas sheriff's detectives.

Also assisting in the investigation was the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. PASCO SHERIFF'S Detective Donald Anderson said Coates has been out on bond for burglary in Manatee County. Coates was charged with the robbery April 14 of Ralph Harnesk, 40, a clerk at the New Port Richey post office. Coates was being held under $15,000 bail. Harnesk; his wife, Barbara, Christian Seeks Unified School Front School Bell Awards, 12-B Tlmtt Wlr Services MIAMI BEACH Educa-i tion Commissioner Floyd Christian asked the Florida Education Association (FEA) Thursday to form a council of various education groups that would act as an intermediary between the teacher's classroom and the administrator'! bureaucracy.

Addressing the FEA state convention, Christian told the teachers that although he has been in school administration all his adult life he considers himself first an educator and then an education administrator, CHRISTIAN said he wants all segments of the education profession the FEA, school boards, superintendents, principals and all other education-'! al groups "to come together in a meeting to see if we can develop a statewide, unified, coordinated program of education action around which we can rally and all work." 1 He the FEA to get representatives of the various segments together and added, "This is no idle suggestion. "How ridiculous and helpless we must seem sometime to the Florida Legislature when they try to determine who speaks for schools and' what's right for education. And how much like sitting ducks we must look to those who oppose our programs as we set ourselves up to get picked off like clay pigeons, one by one." CHRISTIAN said that because of this lack of coordination between various groups of educators the principle of the free public school is in jeopardy. "Parents are discontented," he said. "They feel that, somehow, something has gone wrong.

And they are blaming us. We have become the scapegoat for all the fears and frustrations and social ills of our time." Thursday morning in Tampa "Christian reviewed major new education laws at conference of school superintendents and finance directors from Florida's 67 counties. HE CALLED the 1972 Legislature "a good session" that demonstrated "a strong interest in developing a constructive effort on behalf of our schools and a desire to finance and maintain them at a high level of operations and on an equally as high level of achievement." private industry in Chicago, and Wisconsin, Wednesday (April 19, 1972). Wilhelm-Thurston Funeral Home, St. 1 Petersburg.

MAXSON, FRANK, of 1468 Drew Clearwater, retired farmer, Monday (April 17, 1972). John S. Rhodes, Jr. Fu-, neral Director, Clearwater, McFARLANE, MRS. PEARL 50, of 2065 High- land, Clearwater, Thursday, (April 20, 1972).

Moss Dunedin Chapel. REFFIT, MRS. CHLOE 61, of 105 Zephyr Pine-crest Trailer Park, Zephyr-hills, co-owner of Pinecrest Trailer Park, and Reffit Mobile Home Sales, Wednesday (April 19, 1972). Lair's Funer-' al Home, Zephyrhills. WILEY, MRS.

LILLIAN 69, of 618 Pineland Belleair, Thursday (April 20, 1972). Hubbell Funeral Home, Belleair Bluffs. WRIGHT, ARTHUR 58, visitor at 103 21st Zephyr-hills, cashier for the San Diego Gas Electric San Diego, Thursday (April 20, 1972). Richardson Funeral Home, Zephyrhills. In Sims Park when he apparently wandered down to the river and jumped or fell in.

The child was pulled out by two tennis players at the park and given mouth-to-mouth E5dr Republicans To Htor Rep. Grizzle Timet Staff Writer LARGO Rep. Mary Grizzle, R-Belleair Shore, will speak at 10 a.m. today to the Belleair Women's Republican Club. Mrs.

Grizzle will discuss the action of the 1972 Legislature. Members will elect officers. tor Myrtle and Walter Rot- Evelyn and Chris Severlnl. Jessica and James A. Sharpc.

Camllo and Nancy Juncal. Mary and Earl H. Killlnger. Penny and Forbes J. Reynolds.

Harold W. and Mary Lamb. Francis E. and Mildred" Brothers, (filed in Charlotte County), FINAL DISSOLUTIONS David A. and Judy Hill.

Ralph E. and Mary Ram-. Lonnle and Doris Strickland. George and Sultana Ma-noloudis. Kenneth Jr.

and Evelyn Flynn. Voyle C. and 'Gall Chevalier. Darwin and Betty Carlson. MEASE HOSPITAL Mr.

and Mrs. Richard De-Lalla, 344S Newbury Drive, New Port Richey, a girl, 7 pounds 0 ounces, 4:28 p.m. April 19. Mr. and Mrs.

John Kesslng-er, 2051 Brendla Road, Clear water, a boy, 7 pounds 11 ounces, 3:08 p.m. April 19. MORTON PLANT HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.

Robinson, 14597 117th Largo, a girl, 6 pounds 7 ounces, 4:24 a.m. April 19. SIN COAST HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Keck, 1613 Ridge Road, Largo, a girl, 6 pounds ounces, 9:25 p.m.

April 19. BAVFRONT MEDICAL Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Faulk, 12020 Murray Largo, a boy, pounds, Vk, ounces, 9:65 p.m., April 19.

i a the chief's job in "an exemplary manner" during his two months at the head of the department. A native of Freeman, Short moved to New Port Richey 15 years ago. He was graduated from Gulf High School. The son of Mr. and Mrs.

Avery Short of New Port Richey, he lives at 501 Wyoming Ave. He is single. Short began his law enforcement career with the city as a police dispatcher eight years ago. He became a patrolman after 18 months and was a sergeant for five years before becoming acting chief. On First Session mission allows him to do it." The county has paid Alley more than $20,000 for his services since they retained him to advise them on dealings with the employes.

Prata said that after union attorney Thomas Cappelle got no satisfactory answer about whether Alley had authority to approve the size of the negotiating team, he concluded that Alley had no authority to negotiate anything, THE UNION representative said he would not participate in negotiations that did not in- elude union members. He said the four county employes present represented four large county departments. Prata said he had never had management try to dictate the size of a union negotiating; committee, and "we don't 7 to tell them how large their committee should be, We don't care." Neither side could say when further negotiations would take place. WALKER George A 44, paued away Winter vliltor retidlng at 4234 Jrd Ave, waonaiaav Aorii i v2. Ha wai i N.

having come here from Leckport, III. on month ago. Mr. Warner it lur vlved by hit wife, charlotte, Lockport, ion, aunt, grianao, tnrae in fori, Mrt. T.

J. Baggi St. Piter burg, Mrt. Elile Hicki, Tampa, Mrt. Henry Richard, Panama Canal Zone and two grandchildren.

The THOMAS J. BRETT FUNERAL HOME 4110 Centre Ave. It In charge at ar rangement with funerel tervlcei being conducted at si. vincent't Epitcopai Church Friday afternoon April 21, et o'clock with the Rev. Jonn w.

Tnomat, Rector, celebrating, Interment will take place later at the convenience of the femlly. THOMAS J. BRETT FUNERAL HOME J4I-SIVI WILEY Lillian of 41S Pineland Ave. Beneair, April 20, 172. Member of St.

Michael't catholic Church, Sliver Spring, member of Pelican Country Club, Belleair. Survlvort, hutband, Erneit Belieeir, ion, Erneit J. Tempa, Fla, Funeral iirvlce 10 30 am Saturday at the Hubbell Funeral Home, Fr. John McCall paitor St. Pat rick's Catholic Church, Large official.

lng. Entombment will be at Serenity bersent memorial park, Largo, Memorial! may be made to the Suncoatt Heart Aun, Frlendt may call 1 ta pm imey. HUBBELL FUNERAL HOME BELLEAIR BLUFFS PHONE SS4-7471 WILSON Mrt. Georgia 14, of SS0 35th Av. S.

died Wednesday April 1, 171. Born In Bordon, Ind. here on and a half yeeri from New York City, N.Y. She It turvlved by four nephewt including, Mr. George Bellowt, af St.

Peteriburg. Funerel tervlcei will be held Friday at 7 p.m, at the Anderson-McQueen Funeral Home with the Rev. Frenk W. Grlppen officiating. Frlendi may call Friday from I p.m.

until service time at the Anderson-McQueen Funeral Horn, 1201 th SI. N. WRIGHT Funtril tervlcei for Mri. Al-lona Wrlgnt, 182S 21th St. who petted away last Saturday, will be held Saturday, April 22, If 72; 10:00 A.M.

at United Missionary Baptist Church with Hev, n. Holmes, officiating, interment win tonow in Lincoln cemetery. Mrt. Wright wet born In Georgia and came here 12 yeert ego from there. Surviving are oaugnteri, Mrt, Aivete Campbell; Mri.

Keturah King; Misses Novel end Janice Wrlihtt 1 torn, Theodli and hi wit, Mr. EHtabath Wright, til of St, Petersburg; Tryone and Ml wife, Mri. lady Wright, Washington D.C.I I aunti arendchlldren end other rela tives. Frlendi may call after 1:00 P.M. today, creal funeral home ph.

194-2402 CARD OF THANKS The family af the leta Nathaniel Row withet to extend their deep epprecialion to their many frlendi and neighbori for tne Kinonesses, fiowert, ana warm erOMlone of lympathy during their recent bereavement. Special thank! to Mr, Robert Creel Si iteff. The Rowe, King a Spivey famine ADVERTIsem*nT FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS P0SN0 FLOWERS Pasadena Ave. N. Just off Central VIOLA LINOBLOOM ACACIA SHOP Puneralt-Banouett-Weddlnoi 2-th St.

So. 04-7774 Beautiful Funerel Floweri SHIRLEY'S FLORIST 7144th St Funeral Notices Pulse Of Pinellas Times SUfMV TAMPA The first negotiating session between representatives of Pinellas and a union' representing county employes ended Thursday when the union representatives walked out of the meeting. Stephen Nail, assistant' county said the walkout came after about 45 minutes of discussion about the size of the union negotla-' ting team. 'Nail -said the county had tentative objections to the union's having six members on its negotiating and suggested that it be reduced to three. HE SAID the union team voted during a recess to stick to a six-man negotiating team and, on being informed when the session resumed that the county negotiators would inform the union of the county's decision, the union negotiators ended the meeting.

Nail said the county negoti 1, 'r ClACKIt. Herman, it, MltM twtv Thundty Aerll 20, 1(72. He reilded It 174 ant Ave. N. Bern In Bellmont, HI came here 11 yeeri age from South Caroline.

He It turvlved by Ml wlft Me 14 Ida. three duMtn, Mri. Dlllnda Noel, Mrs. Piulln Minor and Mn. Venita Linstrmtn.

ill of Kaiamaioo. Mkh. teverel aendchlldren and groat tranocnnaien. rnenat may can Immont Funerel Horn, 4th St. N.

Uth Ava. Friday Aorll 11. 172 1 to nd to a.m. where fontral tervlc win bt Mid Saturday April in at 1 a.m. with Rv.

J. w. cat jr. otti' titling. Entombmont will be In Memo- rial Park MauMiaum.

SIMMONS PLNEPAL HOME IN CHARGE OP ARRANGEMENTS, DAVIS Mn. MliMurl, 100 Auburn St, patted away April It, Wl. Born In Soarta. a raildant hr tor ytari. Survlvort, on daughter.

Mrt. Mary Dall Graham, three arandchll dran, aavafl grtat grand, 11 graatraat grand, two nitcat, Mrt, Miidr.a jtc. on, and Mri. Mamlp Nawklrk, threa naphawi, Ntlwn, johnny, Carlog Har mon, all of St. Pttariburg, Funeral tar vlcat will be held Saturday April 21, from the Galilee Mluionary Beptlir Church with the Rev.

Frank Cubbv officiating, Frlendt may tall Fri day after 4pm. Interment In Holly Hill cemetery. A McRAE SERVICE HANSEN Mn. Myrtle Paula, it, 1447 Oulf Blvd. Indian Rocka Beech, atied away Thundav April 10, .171, Bern In Lafayette, Ind.

moved here 10 veeri aoa from Indianapolli, Ind. Prot. eilanf. She wai an aitoclat member of the Teliter of Telephone Pioneert. Survived by buiband Milton Indian Reeki Beach, daughter, Mrt.

Phvllit Themai, St, Peteriburg, titter, Mrt. Hezef E. Rudmen, Cicero, ill, arendchlldren, Harry, Peggy and Phil, lip. Frlendt may call at the Raymond M. Hook Funeral Home, ill IB 70th Ave, N.

Seminole thit afternoon and evening 1-itm and 7-vpm wner funeral aervicei will bt conducted ttturaay April 171 Ham, Rev. Raymond Boadway officiating. Interment will follow in Woodlewn Memory Gardtnt, St. Petert- HILOU Mr. Pouad 71, contractor and developer of Dixie Hornet died Wadnetdey morning April 1, 171, from a heart attack.

Born In Beirut, Lebanon, Mr. Helou had lived In the St. Peteriburg area aver 15 yean. He li eurvlved by hit wife Jumelia of 4201 Gultpert Guifport, nil daughter, Mlit Claudatte Helou of Guifport, two torn, Victor, Hollywood, Daniel, Toledo, Ohio, a Utter. Itebelle Tamney, Orlando, Fla.

Mr. Helou wet the for. mer pretident of The Southern Federa tlon af Svrien-Lebenete American Cluba and ha acquired many ttata honorary cltltenihlp certlflcatei. Mr. Helou wai a farmer member of the Committee of '00, a member of the Elkt Club, the Moon Club, and llnce 144 a 4th de gree Knight at Columbut, Mr.

Helou wat the tint men fa tuccettfuliy culti vate a grape vineyard Mi Florida and pertenilTy preiented a betket of grapei from the rirtr narvait to tne ftten governor LeRoy Colllni. Recently before till deeth Mr. Helou became einclated with John Cyrut and Airaciatei Reel Eltlt. THOMAS J. BRETT FUNERAL HOME 4110 Central Ave.

It In charge of arrengemerttt with the Matt of thj Rewrrection celebrated at Holy Name Catholic Church Friday morning April 31, at II o'clock with Rev. Frank Goodman, celebrant. Interment will follow In Memorial Park Cemetery, The family requottt that all memorial contribution! be mode to the American Kidney and Heart TranwMent Society, c-o Sprlng- tieie Atlantic sen, jactonviii( Fla, for the Woodrew Devld fund. THOMAS i. BRETT FUNERAL.

HOME ws-gioi MAN8IN Martin Matthew, of 1200 TTttt Av. H. died Wedneiday April 1, 172. Born HI Washington, Ind. tier 22 yeert from Indiana pel it, Ind.

tie wai retired Master Sgt. U.S. Air Fore. He attended Holy Family Catholic Church. Survlvort include hit wife Verne L.

Mangin, St. Peteriburg, Ml two Mr. Carolyn L. Walker, Aberdeen, Vesh Mri. Beverly Zaleski, Hoqvlom, three Brother, Carl and Paul, both of Indianapolis, Gene at U.S.

Air Force, Macon, Ga tout lisrart, mra, narrier muter, vine, Mr. Mary Donahue, Mrt. 'Mildred Lark, Mrt, Ellen Brlner, all of Indianapolis, Ind. and three grand-. children.

Funeral Mai will offer Saturday at 11 a.m. af Noly Family Catholic Church (301 71th Av. N.E.) Interment will follow in Memorial Park Dalbec, Mrs. Paula Baker, and Mrs. Esther Bliese, all of Wausau; and five grandchildren.

Gee Pitts Funeral Home, St. Petersburg, in charge of arrangements. added. Anderson i said 31.35 in change apparently was the only thing stolen from the Moore home. Pint Perk Man Found Shot To Dteth Timet Suras TAMPA Police found Wil.

liam Thrun, 46, ot 4362 96th Ave. Pinellas Park, dead Thursday afternoon after he apparently shot himself in the right temple while sitting in his car, officer Douglas R. Burns said. Burns said Thrun, a service technician employed by Hon, eywell was parked in a lot near the company's building at 5444 Bay Center Drive when he was found by a coworker at about 2:35 p.m. No suicide note was found.

A revoler reportedly was found in his right hand. Burns said no one reported Thrun as being in a depressed mood before the shooting, although he had not made a usual call to the office that morning. An autopsy appears uncertain. Relatives "told police they intend to ship the body to Michigan for burial today, a police spokesman said. FOR Funerel Telethon 896-3141 Oeneral 'aaerol lafrotleej Veteroaa Serial loiarltjr Beaefit Information an reoeee) Arreaiomenr oae' Inaeraau Interment, Cremation.

ael Coliiaatlee) ShlMlaf Arrangement! to or from other Cities A bill Servlie Bf WILHEIM-THURSTON Funeral Hem MS IIbMi ttreef Nertk IB Control Ao. Other SJJ. Cemetery with Military oravetlda aer vicei. Frlendt may call Friday from p.m. at the Andertoh-McQueon Fu neral Home 2201 th St.

N. MARK John 14, of 4721 Yarmouth Ave. St. Peteriburg, Fla. peiied away Wedneiday April 1.

172. Born in New York Stat here 20 year from Stolen lelend, N.Y. a retired night iu- oervlior of the Bethlehem Steel C. hipbulldlng department. Member of the Pint Methodiit cnurcn of uuitport.

Husband of Row, father of Jonn, Mrt, Ethel Bleutl both of Staten Itland, N.Y., of aeven, great arandfather of five, brother to Mrt. Francet Jonet at Vermont. Friend will be received today from 2-4 and 7- p.m. at the Gulf Memorial Funeral Home, 1401 22nd Ave. S.

where funeral tar-vice will be conducted Saturday at. II a.n with Rev. Ben Rider of the Gulf-sort Methodiit Church officiating. Inter ment will follow in Royal Palm Ceme tery. GULP MEMORIAL FUNERAL HOME Guifport Chapel 501 12nd Av.

S. 34M211 MURRAY Frlendi of Mri. Myrtle C. Murray, 74 of 441 3rd Ct. south, who piied away Thuriday, may call Saturday afternoon and evening at The Palmt Memorial.

Funeral aervicei and will be in Baltimore, Md. A native of Cameron, W. Virginia, Mrt. Murray wai a winter reiidtnt here for 12 yeart and made her reiidence hare veeri ago coming from Belllmore. She we a member of John's Creek thrlttlan Church of Baltimore and the Rebeccat.

Survlvort include two daugh Mrt. Ben emin wetnereii BrWgevllle, Pa. It grandchildren and a couiin, Richard Dickey of tt, Pe teriburg. POULOS Mitt Lyneft jo, IS, of Boca Raton. Fla.

died wedneiday April it, 17 In Bovnton Beech, Fie. Born Forf worth, Ten. In Boca Reton one and half yeart from Cleerweter where the hid lived five yeeri coming from California. She wet a senior at Florida Atlantic Unlveriity, Boca Raton. She wet a member of the Light of Chrltt catholic cnurcn, Clearwater.

She wai a graduate of vacaviiie High School In Vacavllle, Calif, where the wet a cheerleader and member at Student Government. She wai a radu ate of St. Peteriburg Junior College 19e and wat preiiaent or me cpamtn Club and a member of the National Honor nocletv. She la eurvlved bv her perentt Mr. and Mrt.

Thomat Poulet Of Clear wter, one brother, znd Lt. Tnomei Poulot Jr. of WHMimt ArB, pnoenlx, one litter MlH Dona Marie Pou- lot of Clearwater, paternal grandmoth er Mrt, Mary poulot ot Buffalo, n.t. Rosary will be Hid Sunday at at the Moil Lakeside Chapel. Requiem Men will be celebrated Monday 10am at the Light ef Christ Catholic Church, the Rev.

Frank Chapman, assistant Baiter, celebrant. Burial will follow In Serenity Garden Memorial Park. RENZ Prederlck t. Rani, II, husband of Marl M. Rem, passed away Wedneiday, April 1, resided at 424 Coqulna Kay Drive So.

E. coming here eight yeert ago from indianapolli, ind. Alt survived by a ion Robert Rent of St. Peteriburg. Frlendt may call at Rnodet Eait Chapel 43J-4th St.

No. Private Service! will be field at the convenience of the family. In lieu of floweri contribution! may be mad to your favorite charity. Timil Burttu NEW PORT RICHEY A St. Petersburg house painter has been charged with break- ing into a home in Holiday Wednesday night.

The accused man, John Alex Simoneau, 35, of 3933 Porpoise Drive SE, is being questioned about 23 other burglaries in the Moog Road area of Holiday recently, the Pasco County Sheriff's Department said Thursday. Each burglary occurred between 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. while the houses were unoccupied, Anderson and in each case the burglar entered by cutting a rear screen, ANDERSON estimated that as much as $10,000 in jewelry, cameras, coin collections and cash may have been stolen. Anderson said Simoneau was arrested by Deputy Sheriff John Klrkpatrick shortly after the sheriff's department received a telephone call at 9:42 p.m.

Wednesday reporting a burglary at the residence of Lucille Moore, 6809 Burlington Ave. Anderson said he saw a 1960 Chevrolet convertible parked in the parking lot of the Holiday Mall shopping center, which Is near the Moore house, and he instructed Klrkpatrick to keep it tinder surveillance while other deputies checked the neighborhood. SIMONEAU was arrested when he walked to the car a short time later, Anderson HUDSON VITAMINS AT THE SAME LOW DIRECT-BY-MAIL PRICES WARREN PHARMACY 1031 9th St. No. ST.

PETE PHONE 862-7747 rr fCHEV VANi I JH DASH CUSTOM UNIT! NOW AVAILABlft DATS UN OPU TOYOTA VEGA (Ami mo MAVERICK SUNT OTHEIS vr bbp trnWi- APPLICATIONS David M. Amlck and Marilyn S. Pitts, St. Petersburg. Jessie L.

Boyd and Lynette Rogers, St. Petersburg, Harry M. Berger St. Petersburg, and JoAnn Neff, Seminole. Joseph A.

Camp, Guifport, and Carmellta C. Anderson, St. Petersburg. Royal K. Eden Jr.

and Elsa D. Passmore, St. Petersburg. Alfred T. Foxx and Vernie M.

Godlng, Pinellas Park. Steven B. Grayson, St. Petersburg, and Linda G. Smith, Treasure Island.

John G. Heisler, Clearwater, and Barbara M. Butler, St. Petersburg. 1 Christopher W.

Johnson, St. Cloud, and Margaret A. Arun del, St. Petersburg. Harold A.

Leclalr and Nina D. Fleming, St. Petersburg. IlLVIjllM'tii 4i APPLICATIONS George A. and C.

Virginia Cross. Charles A. Frechette. Thomas and, Katherine and Deanna Robbins. Mi Hui and Glen Munney.

Helen and Edward J. Roth. Lyn and Joseph G. Nicolo. Ralph J.

and Sandra Brock. Kathleen and Bryant E. Bass. Harry L. and Marilyn Paul.

Sarah and Forrest E. Moses. John and Catherine Wasel-ko. Betty and Floyd E. Sarber.

Irene and William W. Vint son. Ralph and Hilda Reef. Gwendolyn and James Thompson, CARRY ST. PfTIRSBUIft TIMCfRTIAlAVi.

J4MJJ1 CINTIAl ruz Ifft-ltM ClIAIWATIt MS N. OIT HARRISON 444-ISU IfMCUtMO-IAT 4471 7Z ill W. SAT tR, itlttn STT RUIN ST. DUNIOIN 7334414 soot n. aawtwia, tmp 442724 ROUNDTREI Funeral Mrvket for WEEKEND SPECIAL fcr ycvrtc.ivc-icsfe Ami WJ I IJM Mr.

Johnny led Roundtreo, i 44, former St. Peteriburg resident wn passed away Saturday In Cotum- Bie, win do neid aeiuroey, April 22, 172) 1:00 P.M. at Trinity United Presbyterian Church with Rev. W. Hunt officiating.

Interment will follow in Holly Hill Memorial Perk. Mr. Roundtreo we born In Leuhv vlile, Ga. and wai ttudent at Benedict College, Columbia, C. Ha I turvlved by daughters, Lever ne and Velarie Brinsom ion, Johnny He-gaubrookr a litter, Mri.

Thetma Gorer grand mother, Mr. Elitabeth Cross; I euntl, Mrt. Bertha Green; Mri. Rachel Cross; Mrt. Lonett William, all of St.

Petersburg; onclei. Rev. Earnest Cross; Rev. Esau Croat, both af Ft. Lauderdale, Jacob Cross, Philadelphia, grand children and ether relative.

Friend may call after 2 00 P.M. today af the funeral noma and after 12:00 noon Saturday at the church. There will be na viewing following service. Cortege win form at 2027 -17th Street South. CREAL FUNERAL HOME PH.

14-102 1 as CASH in" sT-' a THE FLORIST i f.lADEIRA BEACH BANK 14805 Gulf Blvd. Madeira Beach it.

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Where to get Tampa Bay Times? ›

You can find the Tampa Bay Times' e-Newspaper at enewspaper.tampabay.com or search for "Tampa Bay Times" in the Google or Apple store to download the app.

Is it cheaper to stay in Tampa or St Petersburg? ›

The average daily cost (per person) in Saint Petersburg is $204, while the average daily cost in Tampa is $179. These costs include accommodation (assuming double occupancy, so the traveler is sharing the room), food, transportation, and entertainment.

How long is bridge between Tampa and St Petersburg? ›

Petersburg, Florida.

Is it expensive to live in St. Petersburg, Florida? ›

Petersburg's housing expenses are 11% lower than the national average and the utility prices are 0% lower than the national average. Transportation expenses like bus fares and gas prices are 2% higher than the national average. St. Petersburg has grocery prices that are 1% higher than the national average.

Is St. Petersburg cooler than Tampa? ›

Highs usually range between 65 and 95 °F (18–35 °C) year round. Tampa's official high has never reached 100 °F (38 °C) – the city's all-time record temperature is 99 °F (37 °C). St. Petersburg's all-time record high is exactly 100 °F (38 °C).

What days are the Tampa Bay Times delivered? ›

  • Home Delivery: Sunday and Wednesday print editions.
  • e-Newspaper: Digital replica of the printed paper seven days a week.
  • tampabay.com: Unlimited access 24/7.
  • Subscribers Only. ...
  • Newsletters: DayStarter and News Alerts.
  • Mobile app: Easy access to enjoy our content anytime, anywhere.

Is the Tampa Bay Times a daily paper? ›

Florida's Largest Daily Newspaper | Tampa Bay Times.

What happened to the St. Pete Times? ›

The current chairman and CEO of Times Publishing Company is Paul Tash, who also serves as editor of the Tampa Bay Times. On January 1, 2012, the St. Petersburg Times was renamed the Tampa Bay Times, with tbt* (which was an acronym for "Tampa Bay Times") only referred to by that name.

Why is rent so high in St. Petersburg, FL? ›

"The last couple years, St. Pete has blown up, especially during covid we saw an influx of people from up North moving down here which has really driven rent and everything else up," she said.

Why is Saint Petersburg so cheap? ›

The city's beautiful beaches, excellent weather, and cultural attractions draw millions of visitors each year, providing a steady stream of revenue for local businesses and helping to keep the cost of living low for residents. Seasonal residents, or “snowbirds,” also contribute to the affordability of St. Petersburg.

How much does an apartment cost in Saint Petersburg? ›

Type of apartmentPrice per month
One-room apartment17 000 – 45 000 RUB
Two-room apartment35 000 – 55 000 RUB
Three-room apartment50 000 – 100 000 RUB

What is the most beautiful bridge in Tampa? ›

The Skyway Bridge voted 2nd “best bridge for a scenic commute” The Skyway Bridge is one of the most recognizable structures in the Tampa Bay region.

How long is the ferry from Tampa to St Pete? ›

The regular crossing time is scheduled at approximately 50 minutes. Weather and traffic conditions can impact the transit time. All guests must be ticketed and ready for loading 20 minutes prior to departure.

Can you walk around St. Petersburg FL? ›

A continuous sidewalk and large pedestrian path allows for all the scenic strolling you'd ever want. You'll start with terrific views of the St. Petersburg Municipal Marina, its array of majestic boats and the city waterfront, loop south past Doc Ford's restaurant and then to the Pier.

Is Tampa the largest city in Florida? ›

The population of Tampa is approximately 392,800 making it the 3rd largest city in Florida and the 53rd largest city in the United States.

Is Tampa or St. Pete more fun? ›

December 6, 2023 - According to personal finance platform WalletHub, Tampa is a more enjoyable place to live than St. Petersburg. Tampa ranked 17th in its recently released “Most Fun Cities in America” list, while St. Pete placed 38th - just below Jacksonville and one spot higher than Birmingham.

Which airport is bigger Tampa or St. Petersburg? ›

St Petersburg-Clearwater International Airport is located 10km north of St Petersburg and serves the Tampa Bay Area in Florida. The airport is the smaller airport serving the Tampa Bay area, after Tampa International Airport.

Where does Tampa rank in size? ›

Tampa, Florida
Population (2020)
• City384,959
• Estimate (2023)403,364
• Rank49th in the US
39 more rows

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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